Chapter Five: "It's Just Who We Are"
Sean couldn't believe Dark's own words. Clinging to him, he waited until Dark had carried him out into the hall, before asking quietly. "Dark, maybe you shouldn't upset her..." Dark didn't stop walking. Allowing Mammon's voice to fill the hall as he snapped out to someone. "You're just letting him go?! Did you not hear what he just said to you of all people?!" Sean lifted his head from Dark's neck to look at the doorway to the war room. It did feel odd, until Dark finally answered under his breath. "She knows I'm right. You won't be any safer in her care. I don't know what she's going to do... but I don't care. I didn't go out of my way to find you just to lose you again." Hugging Dark, Sean smiled at his words. He thought about telling Dark that he could walk on his own, but kind of enjoyed how protective Dark was over him. Heading back to the car, Dark finally put him down and let him climb back in. Slipping into the car, Sean reluctantly removed an inhaler and took an intake of it. His lungs had been feeling a little tight and he hoped to deter an attack. Dark shifted the car, driving out of the castle's underbelly and out onto the road. Adjusting in the seat to look at him, Sean nervously said. "So... They are... an interesting bunch of demons."
Dark huffed, then nearly ran another car off the highway as he merged on. Gripping the seat and dash in a sudden death grip, Sean winced out timidly. "Dark...? I know you're upset... but please try not to kill us." Dark exhaled calmly, until the other driver rode up beside him and flicked him off while uttering something in a language Sean didn't understand. Dark's hand gripped the wheel tight, while his other lazily draped outside the car door. The demon floored his car and Dark watched with narrowed eyes. Sean softly called his name, seconds before loud 'BANGS' filled the air. The speeding car's tires exploded into white flames before the car smashed into the highway divide and split down the center with a sickening metallic crunch that squealed as metal scraped metal. Passing the car without a second thought, Dark pulled his hand back into the car and asked Sean so calmly. "I'm not upset. Believe it or not things went my way. Why are you looking at me like that?" Sean forced himself to relax, then shrugged out. "I just... I thought you were pissed." Dark pointed back to the crushed car, chuckling out. "With him sure. The jackass almost scratched my car. Then had the nerve to tell me how to get out of his way. He was the one that didn't know how to change lanes during a merge. So, I got him off the road... permanently."
Shaking his head, Sean chuckled out. "I'd hate to of seen what you'd do to him if he had scratched it." Dark smirked, placing a hand on Sean's thigh. Closing his eyes, Sean stroked the back of Dark's hand, enjoying how it squeezed him. When Dark lifted his fingers to let Sean's fingers slide between his, he told Sean sweetly. "I hope the Dominion didn't scare you." Sighing, Sean opened his eyes to honestly admit. "They unsettle me and that is the point, I guess. But... I'm more afraid of what they said about me... about you." Dark's fingers curled protectively around his, upon telling him. "They won't hurt you. Not as long as I breathe." Lifting Dark's hand, Sean kissed his palm, before informing him. "That's not it. Dark... They want Anti to merge with me. They don't want you uniting with him... but you said that back in day that you and Anti were-" Dark tapped his fingers on the wheel, interjecting nicely. "That was centuries ago. Long before the Dominion existed. Khaos hadn't created the nine realms then. She only made them after her sister made light and tore pieces of us to make your kind. We retreated to the realms to survive. The strongest of the demons forming the Dominion in order to stop the constant infighting. By that point, Anti and I were not lovers and certainly not friends..."
Sean couldn't help squeezing his hand as he reluctantly let slip. "But you wanted to be. You missed him..." Dark glanced at him, before telling him so beautifully. "I missed part of him. Your part of him." Sean bit his lip, trying not to say it but it escaped his lips when he said. "If we merged... you could learn to love his other side too. You and Mark seem... whole." Dark suddenly pulled off the road and along what looked like a farm field with grapevines that sparked with electricity. Facing him, Dark told him in a voice so caring. "Sean. The demon side is always the more dominate side. Anything Mark was has adapted back to me to make ME whole. The same would happen to you if you merged with him. Maybe I would learn to love him again... but only because I would be searching for YOU." Reaching out, Dark cupped his cheek and pulled him closer. His warm breath puffing over Sean's lips when he whispered to him in a deep buttery voice. "I have never been happier than when I am with you." Pressing his lips to Dark's, Sean savored the warmth and tenderness of them. When he pulled away, Dark purred to him. "I better get you to my realm... before you make me do something... indecent for a prince." Sean giggled, a light blush warming his cheeks.
Running a hand through his windswept hair as Dark pulled back onto the road, Sean asked him. "The Dominion tortures and punishes humans like me? How? Don't they have demons of their own?" Dark smirked to himself, then informed him over the roar of the engine. "Yes. But a lot of demons don't want to merge with their other half. They believe they are stronger without it. A silly notion. Since other demons love to take possession of the human in order to advance their own demon armies. Control the vessel. Control them." Sean blinked, shakily asking. "So... torturing the vessel... hurts the demon?" Dark gave a half-shrug, straining out as clearly as he could. "In a way. Like I said. You are the life force. Anti can feel when I'm hurting you. It's like a warning system that calls him to you. Since he doesn't want to die, he will protect you. They use that to keep their people in line." Sean nodded, then leaned closer to ask with a devilish smirk. "Did Anti really give you his blessing to... play with me as you do?" Dark didn't look at him, but his wicked grin was telling. Dark's hand moved to slide up Sean's thigh to his crotch, his voice deepening into a light growl when he replied. "If he didn't. You'd know it."
Sean rested his head on Dark's shoulder, letting a soft moan tease Dark. Dark's hand squeezed more possessively, coaxing a louder moan from him. Dark eventually stopped to focus more on the road, but Sean didn't. Putting a hand onto Dark's stomach, he tugged his shirt up from the front of his pants as he asked breathlessly into his ear. "You really want to marry me? A human...?" Dark's hand moved from Sean's crotch to pat Sean's ass cheek as he answered coolly. "Yes." Unbuckling Dark's belt, Sean teased into his ear. "Why would you lower yourself like that. Prince of pride." Dark risked locking lust glazed eyes on him when he answered blissfully. "Because I enjoy the thrill of you. As you enjoy the thrill of a powerful demon like me laying claim to you." Smirking, Sean avoided Dark's kiss, teasing out instead. "What makes you think I enjoy that?" Dark grinned, his hand firmly pinning Sean's ass to the seat before his foot pressed down the gas pedal to the floor. The car surged forward with a deafening roar. Sean flinched as the rush of air pinned him to the seat and adrenaline filled his veins. Dark brought his lips to Sean's ear, casually purring back to him. "Because it's what you've always enjoyed about me. It's just who we are."
Dark kept his hand against Sean, his other hand lazily navigating the traffic that whizzed past them in a blur of colors. Reaching a tunnel, Sean yelped as he saw the traffic jam. Dark's arm quickly adjusted, telling him seriously. "Sit." Sean obeyed quick enough that Dark pulled him close, forcing Sean to straddle the stick shift. Dark yanked the wheel down and the car shuddered as it went over a few bumps before riding up the walls of the dark tunnel and over the infuriated demons below. Sean looked back to see the trail of rippling red and blue flames left behind by Dark's car. A laugh left Sean and he looked to Dark who was grinning. Coming up on the end of the tunnel, Sean hugged Dark as Dark shifted down and timed it perfectly to skid off the wall and back onto the road. Cheering loudly, looked back to see the accident that caused the backup. The demons killing each other and forcing others to wait on them. Yet, nothing seemed to stop Dark, and he had to admit that it was fun to feel so free to do whatever he wanted. A few demons tried to race Dark on the highway but Dark didn't even notice as his car left them in the dust. Taking a spiraling exit, Sean screamed in excitement as the wide turn shoved him into Dark and his stomach fluttered with butterflies at going down a step hill. Dark's hand kept hold of the stick shift, shifting gears and braking very little to drift the worst parts of it. Resulting in demons swerving to miss him.
When Dark shifted down a bit more, Sean flinched as Dark's hand lightly hit his cock and stayed there. Dark began slowing the car as they shot through a straightaway that led into another tunnel. Only this one was clear and as they excited Sean caught the sign that read. 'Realm three. Blackout City.' Sean gasped as he saw demons in this realm bowing as they drive by. It took him a minute to realize they had left Anti's realm and he was no in Dark's kingdom. Slipping from Dark's side, he pressed against the car door to take in the realm with fascination. Dark's realm was locked in perpetual darkness. Yet, there were red, blue, and black lights coming from the distant homes and buildings. A shudder ran through Sean as he noticed men tied up in the parks they passed, all of them being lashed with gnarly looking whips. Some were chained to poles to hold up flaming torches with eyes that were bleeding. Easing back from the door, Sean looked to Dark anxiously. He'd never given much thought to what Dark did to vessels that he took to control his demons. The sound of screaming made him jump and look to an open warehouse. Inside, he saw a forge in the center and demons with burning branding irons that they took to the soft flesh of those chained like meat along the walls.
Dark's hand touched his thigh, causing Sean to jump and turn fragile eyes on him. Dark looked him over with concern, before recoiling his hand away. Straightening up in his seat, Dark told him without looking at him now. "I guess, I should explain something to you. My realm is one of the strongest because the demons and vessels of my realm are prideful. Their will is hard to break, and they can be very hard to kill." In that moment, Sean asked him with sudden realization. "Pride...? Dark... Are one of the seven deadly sins?" Dark looked at him, answering openly. "It's just a title that we hold as leader of the realms. But yes... I guess, you could say that." Sean swallowed, mumbling out to himself. "And here I thought you were the devil..." Dark chuckled, telling him bluntly. "The devil doesn't exist. Just Khaos and us. Although... I have grown to like the image over the years." Rolling his eyes, Sean mumbled out. "That's your pride talking." Dark laughed, before shooting back at him. "Am I going to suffer your wrath for it?" Sean gawked as it hit him, and he turned to blurt out. "Anti is Wrath? That's what Verine meant... They were... Holy shite!" Dark's smirk turned into bared teeth, when he told him. "Don't say that bitch's name."
Smirking just a little, Sean smugly teased out. "Why? Are you jealous of him? Of... lust?" Dark slowly turned his head, his eyes flaring into red and blue hues. His voice going so deep that his words were barely heard over the growl of his voice. "I'm not jealous of HIM. But I don't want his name on your lips." Sean grinned, leaning closer to defy him. He opened his mouth to say the name, until Dark grabbed his throat and slammed on the brakes. Sean's hips fell from the seat, his back hitting the dash, but Dark kept him from hitting his head or getting whiplash. Pulling Sean almost over his lap, Dark stared into his eyes and whispered over his lips a bit heatedly. "Don't... fucking... say it." Sean licked his dry lips, Sean whispered to him breathlessly. "Damien." Dark's grip loosened, allowing Sean to easily slip from his grip, when he placed his hands on Dark's thighs and whispered to him teasingly. "It makes so much sense now. Damien. Prince of Pride." Dark stroked a fingertip along the underside of Sean's jaw, whispering back to him. "Do you enjoy getting under my skin?" Sean flicked his tongue out to lick Dark's lips, before answering playfully. "Just a little. I like seeing your restraint when it comes to me... since you show very little to others who piss you off. Kind of turns me on."
Dark caressed Sean's arms, leaning in to claim his lips in a heated kiss that stole Sean's breath away. Easing up over Dark's lap, Sean breathlessly whispered over Dark's lusty kisses. "Are we there yet?" Dark bit Sean's lip playfully, but before he could answer, another person asked meekly. "Highness? Would you like anything?" Sean jerked back, his ass hitting the horn in a long blare that scared what looked like bats from the bushes. The demon beside the car jumped away with a yelp and others by the two doors of a massive mansion flinched. Grabbing his ass, Dark pulled Sean off the horn and against himself as he chuckled out. "No. I'm good." The demon cautiously opened the car door, averting his eyes from them. Sean blushed so bad that he feared it would stain his pale skin red. He started to climb off Dark to get out, but Dark hefted him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Squirming, Sean snapped out. "Hey! Put me down! Dark! I mean it! I'm not a doll that you can carry wherever you want!" Dark ignored him, walking leisurely toward the door. Groaning, Sean smacking Dark's back and got a smack on the ass for it. The demons at the double doors quickly opened them for him as he jogged up the steps, telling them firmly. "Have dinner prepared and snacks brought to my Master bedroom."
Sean rolled his eyes, taking in the large lawn with gorgeous glowing deep purple flowers and a long gated driveway that he hadn't noticed in their drive here. As Dark carried him inside, Sean looked over the soft tan walls with brass flower designs and dark woods everywhere. Demons of all sizes scuttled about cleaning and straightening things up before Dark took notice of them. Heading up a large staircase, Sean thrashed a little, muttering out. "Dark, put me down. I feel silly." Stopping halfway up another set of steps to the second floor, Dark's fingers pried down the back of Sean's jeans, asking devilishly. "And why do you feel foolish? I'm the king of my realm. Others would gladly be where you are." Sean reached back to grab his pants, trying to keep them up as he whined out. "I don't care! This is not how I want your people to see me!" Dark lightly nipped the exposed flesh of Sean's ass, growling out. "If they look at you... I'll kill them." Sean wiggled restlessly, whining out nervously. "Dark... please." Releasing his pants, Dark chuckled and continued toward a bedroom. Crossing it in long strides, Dark hefted Sean off his shoulder and tossed him onto the bed. Sean bounced uncontrollably for a few seconds, then bolted upright.
He recognized this room. He'd been in it before. The large fireplace and large gothic king bed with silk sheets. Exhaling heavily, he looked to Dark who waved a hand and the door closed on its own. Then removing his shirt off his muscular grey torso, Dark asked him with a gleaming smile. "Surprised? I thought you'd be excited to be back." Sean swallowed, gesturing around as he said a little stunned. "This is... I didn't realize this place was literally apart of your house in the other realm. I thought..." Dark moved to the gargoyle that sat by the fireplace, slipping his fingers into its mouth to click a button. The wall slid aside to reveal the familiar toys and chains, causing Dark to ask playfully. "What do you say to a little... fuck down memory lane, my bride?" With a giggle, Sean launched off the bed, bolting toward the door as he squealed out. "Fuck you!" Sean managed to yank the door open and was startled by seeing the hallway and not just a void of nothing. Staggering out the door, he tried to run toward a different room, but Dark caught him in the doorway. Hefting him up, Dark dragged him back into the room, while Sean burst out into fits of high pitched squeals of laughter. Taking him back to the bed, Dark pinned Sean down on his stomach.
Sean squirmed uselessly against him, before giving up to pant out. "Not this again. Damn it!" Licking his ear, Dark purred to him. "How would you like it then?" Sean swallowed, surprised by his own words as he turned his head to tell Dark innocently. "Will you let me tie you up to ride your cock?" Dark raised an eyebrow but eased off him as he said calmly. "You think that will hold me?" Blushing, Sean shook his head, honestly admitting. "No... but I loved to see you pretend that it will. Or will your pride not allow you?" Dark gestured to his hidden room, his voice deep and rich with a daring tone as he told him. "I dare you to try." To Be Continued...
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