Chapter Fifty-Three: Every Part Of Me
Laying back across a pile of pillows, Sean ran his hands over his silky black P.J.s as he watched the film. All around Verine's boys were whistling and swooning to the shirtless lead character. Yet, every line the man said had them dying of laughter. His dialogue was so bad that it was almost painful. Tossing popcorn at the screen, Lucas snorted out. "Oh, fuck off with that! He went from badass king to a beggar on his knees for her? Pussy!" From behind them, Kenny and a few younger boys stated one of the lines from the film in overly dramatic unison. "I'd burn the world down just to taste the sweet nectar of her skin!" Sean giggled as Lucas blurted out. "What the fuck does that even mean anyway? Is craving her sweat? Yuck. This guys is making me shrivel faster than an ice bath!" Beside him, Russ blurted out teasingly. "Just put tape over his mouth and fuck him, Lu!" Lucas huffed, stating back dryly. "I'd have too. The second he opens his mouth... he turns into a gushy ass kisser. Is there even a plot in this film?" Russ rolled his eyes, causing Sean to laugh harder. He'd been watching it for an hour and still couldn't answer that. Leaning over Lucas, Kenny snatched the popcorn with M&Ms, before telling both Russ and Lucas. "He's trying to get a magic stone. Aren't you watching?"
Lucas gestured to the tv, yelling out playfully. "I AM! And I STILL don't get it. Why did she hide the stone in the first place? Only to get kidnapped and tell the guy she was with to go get it before the villain?! WHO DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE IT IS IN THE FIRST PLACE?! I'm losing my mind... and all the sexy outfits and bodies are not distracting enough!" Russ laughed harder, while a red haired man tossed a lollipop to Lucas, telling him comfortingly. "Here. Suck on this and lay down before you hurt yourself, Lu." Popping the lollipop in his mouth, Lucas laid back, snuggling under his blanket as he grumbled around the sucker. "Stupid movie... I rate it 1 out of ten." Kenny fell over laughing and Sean quickly snatched a handful of popcorn and M&Ms. As bad as the movie was... he was enjoying it because of Verine's boys. They somehow made stupid movies funny, and he needed a good laugh. Even a few imps that fluttered around refilling drinks and snacks were chuckling at their jokes and jabs at the film. Sean had completely lost track of time between the movies. Only noticing how quiet it was getting after a while. Glancing around, he saw a lot of the younger men snuggled up together on the pillows and smiled.
They looked so peaceful. While the other men were still watching the movie and trying not to drift off. Meeting Russ's eyes, he asked him quietly. "Am I keeping you guys up too late?" Russ scanned the room, then smirked as he answered. "Nah. This always happens. We just keep watching movies until we pass out. Helps block out the noises from outside to help the younger guys sleep. Although... the castle here seems quiet. Better insolation, I'd guess." Looking back at the younger men, Sean could see why Verine liked them. They huddled up like children or puppies. Some were even snuggled up against the older pregnant males. Allowing them to even coddle them like kids. Yawning, Lucas quietly told him. "Are you alright?" Sean jerked, blushing out to him. "Fine. Just... they look so different when they're calm." Smirking, Lucas pulled a stuffed plushy of a red dragon with heart eyes out from behind his back and tossed it to him. Catching it Sean gasped at how warm it was. Showing him one of his own, Russ informed him. "Toby convinced Verine to swipe these from his hometown. They have been a fucking blessing. Adorable enough to squeeze to death and warm enough to snuggle with on cold nights."
Snuggling up with it, Sean moaned with bliss and began to nibble some chocolate. How did Lucas know what he wanted without asking? Lifting his feet up into the air, Lucas sighed in relief, causing Sean to tell them genuinely. "I'm glad you're here. I... I'm having fun." Lucas turned his head toward him, grinning out. "It's hard on your own. New feelings. New cravings. Fears of the unknown. It can be overwhelming. It's why Verine waits until we're of a certain age. Allows us to see the other guys go through it a few times. Makes it less scary. I told Verine it would be hard on ya. Being here on your own. I don't think he thought about that... He's had us for so long." Sean hugged his plush tighter, mumbling out honestly. "Ya... and the powers are a bit... frightening. My babies literally sought out an assassin that wanted to kill me!" Behind him, Russ chuckled out. "Ya, the powers bit is unpredictable and tricky. My first kid had me coughing this pink smoke all the time. I couldn't understand it... next thing I knew... I was sleeping on the ceiling of a pink EVERYTHING room. Like I just exploded pink on everything!" Lucas chuckled, chiming in. "I remember that! Verine never did figure out what that was." Sean blinked, asking nervously. "You woke up... literally on the ceiling?" Russ nodded, casually admitting. "Ya. Like a bat. I've seen Verine sleep that way sometimes. So, I wasn't too surprised, but I'd never done that before."
Lucas giggled, nudging Sean's arm before telling him. "My first kid, I hiccupped so hard I flew off the ground and hit the ceiling. Hurt like hell." Russ started to laugh, cutting in. "Yes! It was like having a jet boost across the room or anti-gravity movements as you walked. It was fucking amazing!" Sean giggled, thankful that he didn't have those issues. He didn't think his fear of heights could handle any of that. As he glanced around the room randomly, he blushed a deep red. Dark was standing in the open doorway watching him. Dark looked tired as he leaned on the doorframe, but his smile was everything. Behind Dark the halls were pitch black. How late was it? Slipping into the room on all fours, Verine curled up like a cat among a pile of his younger boys. They whined in protest at having to move, but just as quickly snuggled against him. Resulting in happy purrs from Verine. His sleepy golden eyes observing his other boys that were just now taking notice of him. Easing to his feet, Sean hugged his plushy to his belly and walked over to Dark. He was gonna apologize for staying up late, but Dark asked him so sweetly. "Still having fun?" Sean nodded, then mumbled out. "How late is it?" Checking his watch, Dark answered coolly. "Three O'clock."
Shifting on his feet, Sean bit his lip. It didn't feel that late. Reaching out to run a hand through his hair, Dark whispered to him. "I finished work and was going to bed. I heard you laughing though... and wanted to check up on you." Sean rolled his eyes, stepped closer to hug him. He normally would have told him to give him some space.... but Dark after being taken so much and teleported around, he rather liked that Dark was checking up on him more often. It gave him butterflies in his stomach to know he was worried. Kissing his temple, Dark asked him softly. "You can sleep down here if you want. I feel better with Verine here with all of you... Since I sent Anti home." Hugging him tighter, Sean coaxed Dark out of the room, sleepily telling him. "I wanna sleep with you. Can we go to bed now?" Giving his temple another kiss, Dark hefted him up and carried him up to bed. Sean barely felt Dark lay him down on the bed. He only recalled wrapping himself around Dark's warm body and passing out. Waking up to the soft patter of rain on the windows, Sean smiled. Dark was asleep beside him. His deep snores filling the room. Running a hand over Dark's chest, he just watched him sleep for a bit.
Daylight was streaming in through the curtains, but Dark was out cold. He had to of been working hard last night. He was exhausted. Biting his lip, Sean let his hand venture down Dark's abs to his public hair that could just be seen over his low hanging P.J. bottoms. Beneath him, Dark shifted with a groan as Sean carefully slid his fingers into the thick fuzz beneath his waistband. He avoided touching his crotch and just stroked the hair there. Until Dark's snoring stopped, and his deep voice groaned out. "What are you doing?" Kissing Dark's neck, Sean finally let his fingers touch the warm shaft of his limp cock upon whispering. "I don't know. Just felt like... touching you. Do you want me to stop?" Turning his head, Dark moaned out softly. "No. You just... caught me off guard." Smiling, Sean felt Dark harden as he whispered into his ear. "Damien? Do you think you could... help me? I'm feeling... needy and can't sleep." Almost instantly, Dark sat up, telling him with a smile. "Ya, alright." He'd come to regret those words. A few hours later, Sean was gripping the headboard and moaning loudly as Dark was picking up his pace to come inside for the fourth time! They both were dripping with sweat, but Sean once again let out a frustrated groan. Once again, he hadn't reached his peak... and Dark was reaching his limit.
Pulling out, Dark sat back on his legs, panting out. "Nothing?" Slapping the headboard, Sean growled out. "Damn it! I was so close! Can you go again?" Dark's voice cracked when he blurted out. "Again? Sean, it took all I had to do it the last nine times! I'm gonna get a rash... I just spend my last load... I've got nothing left and dry orgasming again will fucking hurt at this rate..." Swaying his hips a little, Sean pleaded desperately. "Please, Dark? One more time! I'll come this time!" Wiping the sweat off his brow, Dark chuckled out. "That is what you said the last three times... Sean, I'm lightheaded..." Dropping his head on the headboard, Sean tried not to cry as his frustration got to him. Why couldn't he orgasm properly?! The feeling was there... but he just couldn't reach it! Behind him, Dark rubbed his sides, purring to him comfortingly. "No... Sean, don't cry... That's cheating... It's alright. This happens. Let's just take a break..." Sean shook his head, sniffling out. "I can't. I'm horny and I can't off. What the fuck is wrong with me...?" Prying Sean away from the headboard, Dark kissed his cheek and whispered to him. "How about I get us a drink? Then I'll try again. Ok?" Sniffling, Sean nodded and curled up over the sheets.
While Dark was gone, Sean tried to jerk himself off, but it was doing nothing for him. He was still hard and unsatisfied. Letting out a loud wail of frustration into his pillow, he threw a tiny tantrum. Banging his legs and fists on the bed until he ran out of breath. It did help calm him down, but it did nothing for the ache he felt. By the time Dark slipped back in, Sean was sitting up and pouting at the footboard. Accepting his orange juice, Sean sipped it while Dark told him sweetly. "So, I talked to Verine. He thinks you are... not relaxing. That you are trying to force your orgasm at the end... but in your condition... that just tenses everything up and... well, this happens." Sean blew bubbles in his orange juice. Too sexually frustrated to show any maturity to such an answer. Chuckling, Dark kissed his cheek and asked him. "Why are you rushing? Don't you like when I take my time?" Handing him the drink, Sean slipped off the bed, grumbling out. "Yes. But... I just... Dark..." Taking a seat, Dark set the drink on the floor, shrugging out. "Talk to me. You've been whipping me like a horse on a racetrack the last hour and half... and while I enjoy the challenge... you normally hate that. What's going on?"
Sean opened his mouth, then closed it. Turning away from him, only to wince as he caught his reflection in the long mirror. Walking up to it, Sean yanked the black curtain down over it and refused to look at it. Slowly Dark got up. Walking over to him as he asked in a deep calming voice. "Sean...? What's this about?" Reaching out Dark pushed the curtain away from the mirror and Sean sniffled as he risked a look. He had noticed it earlier while riding on top of Dark. His belly had gotten bigger. The six pack that he'd worked so hard to get was gone. He felt... disgusted with himself. It had slipped into his mind during sex that Dark had said nothing about it. Yet, there was no way that he couldn't have known. Worst yet... what if he couldn't get rid of this weight? It had taken him months to get where he had wanted to be from just being out of shape... but this. This wouldn't be so easily lost. Pressing up against his back, Dark's hands moved over his belly, but Sean pushed them off with another sniffle. He didn't want him to touch him THERE. Adjusting his hands to hold his hips, Dark whispered over his shoulder. "So, you put on a little weight. I don't care." Sean shook his head, refusing to say anything.
He was sure that he'd cry if he did. He'd gone from abs to stretch marks! What was sexy about that! Dark's hands slipped under his belly, lifted it enough that Sean gasped in bliss. Supporting the weight of his belly, Dark whispered into his ear lovingly. "I love you. All of you. A little weight is not going to change that, Sean." Dark purred loudly and Sean tried to disagree. Until Dark carefully picked him up and carried him back to bed. Dropping him down, Dark purred to him excitedly. "In fact. I'll prove it. Lay back." Rolling his eyes, he obeyed, then flinched as Dark grabbed his arms and pinned them over his head. Tying them up to the rings on the headboard, Sean blushed as he uttered out. "Dark...? What are you doing?" Spreading Sean's thighs, Dark kissed a trail down each thigh to his ankle, before tying them to the posts of the footboard. A light shudder left Sean, when Dark crawled over him and purred out wickedly. "My turn to catch you off guard, Darling." To Be Continued...
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