Chapter Fifty-Six: Nightmares
Verine held a sleepy Anela close to his neck, limping after Sean until Sean slowed down his pace for him. Verine gave him a little weak smile for it, mumbling out. "Do I look that bad?" Biting his lower lip, Sean honestly told him. "Considering who you were fighting... I think you look you great. Getting a little banged up was... to be expected." Smirking a bit brighter, Verine told him coolly. "I've never stood up to her before. It... It kind of scared me." Touching his arm, Sean sweetly told him. "From what I've heard... no hero is without fear. You just... You choose to fight your hardest and die for the ones you care about. Takes a lot." Verine's face turned grim when he looked at Anela, mumbling out. "I don't feel like a hero... I would have given her up for Wacko... A hero wouldn't do that." Shrugging, Sean informed him truthfully. "Villains always test the hero with impossible choices. They can't save everyone. They won't make everyone happy... but they are just one person. You choose Wacko because you love him. You've known him for a long time and care about him. Anela... you haven't gotten to really know yet. The choice was easy in your mind, that's all. Doesn't make you a-" Verine eyed him, cutting him off to say sorrowfully. "A demon?"
Chuckling lightly, Sean told him honestly. "A villain. I was going to say a villain." Verine shared a chuckle with him as they made their way to Wacko's bedroom. Inside the boys were still yelling at Anti, who screamed back at them. "If you don't back out of my face! I'm gonna electrocute the lot of you to ash!" From the doorway, Verine let out a low beautiful whistle and his boys immediately calmed to look in his direction. Russ and Lucas started to talk over each other about the missing baby, until they saw what Verine was holding. In the corner, Anti hissed at the lot of them before vanishing in a ripple of green sparks. Wacko launched off the bed, staggering toward Verine as he panted out. "Oh gods, Verine! You should have told me you had her!" Hugging Wacko to his side, Verine chuckled out. "Actually... I was out in the garden. When she fluttered out the window and down to me." The boys all gawked at him, causing him to shrug and tell them. "What? I could hover and glide at a young age. She must have heard me singing and... came to see me. Happens with women. They really like when I sing." Sean cautiously put a hand to his belly. Was the strange feeling he felt that drew him to Verine from his daughter trying to find Verine?
The thought made him nervous. He trusted Verine not to hurt his daughter, but it still made him uneasy that Verine had that kind of sway on women. Wacko wrapped his arms protectively around Anela, whispering to her. "Don't do that. Haven't I been through enough today?" Anela cooed in her sleepy state, sucking on her thumb as her wings folded around her like a bat. Verine kissed Anela's head, then Wacko's temple, whispering to him seriously. "You need to lay down and rest." Wacko nodded, staggering back to the bed, but his focus was on Anela cradled in her arms. To the rest of his boys, Verine sternly told them. "You owe Anti an apology. He was guarding against Khaos. He didn't know she flew off on her own. It's not fair to blame him." The boys all looked ashamed, but Verine moved in to hug them and comfort them. Backing slowly from the room, Sean jumped in fright as he backed up into someone. Turning, he relaxed at the sight of Dark. Wrapping his arms around him, Dark pulled him into the hallway and purred into his ear. "Everything alright? You're so jumpy? Did you sleep alright?" Sean shrugged, admitting grimly. "Not so much. I'm sorry I didn't go to bed with you last night. I just... I was so tired and I still feel so tired."
Dark kissed his neck, whispering so beautifully to him. "I know. The imps told me where you were. I checked on you to keep you warm. I'm sorry you didn't sleep well." Sean shrugged dismissively. He didn't want to blame Wacko for it. He would have freaked if his own child had been missing. Dark's hands slipped under his shirt, rubbing his belly with such warm hands that Sean moaned a little as he leaned back against him. Nibbling his ear, Dark told him. "You should get some rest too. You need your strength." Sean groaned but found himself practically nodding off against Dark's warm body. He barely noticed that Dark had hefted him up into his arms and carried him away to their bedroom. He heard a few imps trying to get Dark's attention but Dark told them all to cancel something or push the time. It meant nothing to Sean. All that mattered was that Dark slipped into bed with him. Allowing him to cuddle close into his warm embrace. He felt so safe and tucked away in his arms that a deep sleep took him fast. In his dream though, he was tormented. He was laying in the bed and going into labor as Wacko had. Dark was missing from the room, but Khaos stood at the end of the bed.
As he pushed out his baby girl, Khaos took her in her arms. Sean screamed for Dark and protested. Watching in horror as Khaos flashed him an evil grin and sank her fangs into his little girl. As his daughter was drained away to ash, Khaos grew more beautiful and alluring. Sean was trying to scream profanities at her but arched back as he pushed out his son. Too weak to move or say anything, Sean watched Khaos scoop up his son. Cradling him in her arms, she told Sean sinisterly. "I'll take good care of him." In a wisp of smoke, she vanished, and Sean sat up in a sweat. His lungs were burning, and his hands went to his belly protectively. Beside him, Dark sleepily asked him with concern. "Sean? Something wrong?" Sniffling, Sean mumbled out through tears. "You weren't there... You weren't there and she got them..." Easing upright, Dark groggily asked. "What are you talking about? I'm right here." Shaking his head, Sean sniffled out. "I was in labor... and you weren't there. But Khaos was..." Dark snorted, and Sean whirled on him, snapping out. "It's not funny!" Dark stilled, his smile fading. Glaring at him, Sean panted out. "What happened to Wacko... She could do that to US! She could come for my daughter. For my son."
Glancing down to rub the ring on his finger with distress, he mumbled out. "With this stupid thing... she could force me to give them to her. Or worse!" Dark quickly grabbed his hands to keep him from messing with the ring, while calmly telling him. "I won't let that happen. Sean, look at me. I promise. I will be there, and I will NOT let her touch them." Shaking his head, Sean mumbled out. "What if you weren't there... because she killed you? She almost killed Verine..." Placing his hands on his shoulders, Dark purred to him gently. "I think seeing that has scared you. Maybe even scared the babies... because Sean... I will be there. Khaos is strong. True. But she's not invincible. If she can't feed on Verine's kids to keep your youth... She will grow weaker. And Verine wasn't alone. Natemare and Anti were there. They NEVER would have let her kill Verine. Or you, or anyone. They just... let her think that to buy time for me. So, WE could ambush her. Sadly, it didn't go as planned... because she sensed me... but she RAN! She never runs." Staring him down, Sean told him sternly. "She can use ME against you, Dark. She didn't have that control over Verine." Dark looked over the ring, telling him coolly. "She was trying to use the ring to make you bring the baby to her... your own babies fought that. Maybe the ring doesn't have as much power as you think."
Sean blinked, causing Dark to smile as he informed him. "The reason you're so tired. Is because they were trying to resist the rings pull on you. Clearly you didn't feel it... but you did after the pull was gone. I felt the power of it from across the room. I can only imagine what Khaos felt. Must have been frustrating to her and was enough to make her run from us." Sean rubbed his belly, while Dark kissed his cheek and told him sweetly. "The three of you had a nightmare. You're exhausted. You saw what Khaos was trying to do... You felt vulnerable. But I'm here. I'm not leaving until the three of you feel better." Hugging Dark, Sean shuddered out. "They did that? They are getting so..." Dark chuckled, finishing for him. "Strong? Ya. We're gonna have our hands full with them... but for now. Their training is helping. You three just need to relax. You'll put me out of a job if you keep this up." Sean snickered against Dark's shoulder, letting him coax him back down across the bed. He did feel better knowing that. Rubbing his back, Dark told him lovingly. "Besides, if Khaos tried to kill me. She'd have her work cut out for her. Everything she does with shadows; I can do better. So, sneaking up on me will not work. I have Chicanery on patrol and the imps are on guard. I'm even working on... a surprise for you."
Sean hummed, barely listening to him. He just like hearing his deep voice and feeling his hands on him. It was pleasant. He began to nap in his arms, when he began to sweat more than usual. Shifting uncomfortably, he draped a leg over Dark's and snuggled closer. He felt like he was burning up, but the cool air over his leg felt nice. Dark appeared to be sleeping himself, when Sean absently moved against his body. He liked rubbing against him. It felt good and made him giddy. Dark stirred a little, his arms wrapping around him to pull him as close as he could. Sean giggled against Dark's neck, sleepily whispering into his ear. "Dark? I'm feeling a little... pent up. Can you... help?" Dark's hand moved between them, his hand rubbing his cock in his sleepy state. Sean moaned into Dark's ear, his hips grinding in Dark's hand. He wanted more. Practically clawing Dark's clothing off to feel his skin, Dark finally opened his eyes and chuckled out. "I told you to rest." Giggling, Sean kissed him and began to straddle him as he said excitedly. "So help me burn some energy and I will." Cupping his face, Dark pulled him down over him in a passionate kiss. A kiss that quickly turned sloppy with need and lust, causing Dark to purr like thunder beneath him.
Fumbling with the clothing between them, they stripped rather roughly, but both got a laugh out of it. Resting his hands on Dark's chest, Sean carefully lined himself up on Dark's cock. Dark gasped, trying to stop him. He hadn't lubed up or prep him. Yet, in his blind lust, Sean sat down on him. Taking his full length in one smooth motion. Dark jerked upright with both a surprised and pleasured face. Cupping his face, Sean kissed Dark's cute expression, chuckling out. "I told you that I was needy, baby." Dark raised and eyebrow, gripping Sean's waist as he said nervously. "Needy, yes. But... why do you feel so open and wet?" Sean shrugged, immediately beginning to ride Dark's cock with loud moans. Even as Dark grabbed his arms and told him a bit strained. "Sean, you're bleeding!" Sean stopped mid-thrust and looked down. His nipples were swollen and a deep red color. From them blood was leaking down his torso in thin streaks. Shrugging, Sean told him carelessly. "So? They do that a lot. Just lick them!" Dark firmly gripped Sean's waist, telling him sharply. "Not there. Look!" Sean reluctantly looked down to see the steady stream of blood leaking down his thighs and over Dark's hips.
Easing off Dark, Sean asked him a bit terrified. "Oh no... am I losing them?" Smirking, Dark told him with a chuckle. "No. You're having them." Sean exhaled hard, mumbling out. "You mean that I am...?" Dark nodded and rolled Sean onto his back. Kissing his neck, Dark told him sweetly. "See? Told you that I'd be here." Sean rolled his eyes, his body bucking as he felt the wave of pleasure trying to spread his legs apart. Dark's hand began playing with him, which helped ease the waves. While he called out to someone beyond the door. "Fetch Verine!" Outside their was a flutter of wings, but Sean didn't care. His hands shot up over his head to grip the headboard as he panted out. "Fuck! I feel hot and tingly all over!" Dark pressed his lips to his nipples and Sean belted out a scream of pleasure that was so sharp his vision blurred. Panting heavily, Sean gritted out. "Wacko didn't do this!" From the doorway, Verine answered as he slipped in and shut the door. "Wacko has had a few of my kids AND he's only ever had one at a time. You're having two." As goosebumps rippled over Sean's body, he snapped out. "Asshole!" Verine just chuckled, telling Dark casually. "That's normal for first timers. Is he bleeding blood or clear fluid?"
Dark pulled his hand from the covers to show him, allowing Verine to see and tell him. "Ok. That means the eggs have detached from him. When you start seeing clear fluid, that means that an egg has broken open and the baby will soon follow." Sean whined as he arched his back, gritting out. "I don't want to hear this!" Verine smirked, shrugging out. "You're fine. Just relax and enjoy it. Just remember to breathe and try not to shift too much." Sean cried out as another wave of pleasure made his every muscle lock up on him. He felt like he was on the edge of an orgasm, but he was being forcefully edged into madness! Dark's hand returned to his groin, while Verine told Dark calmly. "Try to get him off if you can. It will relax his muscles for a brief time and allow easier birthing. If you can't get him off, then try to time your gestures with his peaking pleasure to get him off. Has he ever been multi-orgasmic?" Dark gave Verine a look and Verine blushed out. "I hope he can handle this..." Wailing as a shudder of tingles went through him, he growled out. "When this is over... I'm kicking both of you in the balls!" With a laugh, Verine commented lightly. "You'll be lucky to lift your legs when this is over, but I admire your confidence."
Sean let out a deep pleasurable moan that madehis heels dig into the bed. Which madeboth Verine and Dark jump with surprise. Green static was rippling across the bed and up the bed posts now. Which made Sean giggle from how it tickledbut Dark and Verine jumped back as they got zapped. Verine looked to Dark then, asking nervously. "Should we call Anti? Just in case?" Dark lifted his hand that was now drippingwith clear fluid as he panted out. "Thatmight be wise." To Be Continued...
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