Chapter Fifty-One: Fairness
The leather seat that Sean sat on stretched out to more of a small leather bed than a seat. Leading to Sean's fascination. He'd never been in a sportscar limo and blushed into Dark's kiss. Even after these last few years, Dark was still surprising him. Gasping into Dark's deep kiss, he whined out. "Am I going into labor? Is this... stage three?" Shaking his head, Dark answered between kisses to his neck. "I don't believe so. Verine wouldn't have been so calm if it was. I think this is more of a... stress induced thing." Sean raised an eyebrow, leaning back from him as he asked. "A what? I'm not stressed..." Grinning, Dark rubbed his slightly swollen belly as he purred out. "Not you. Him. He tried to protect you and failed... His stress can cause contractions and unrest. Feelings of early labor because... he wants out or feels..." Dark didn't finish, but his eyes told Sean what he was going to say. His child was scared and hurt. Placing a hand to his own stomach, he tried to take deep breaths through the pleasure that shook through him. Dark pushed his shirt up, pressing his warm cheek to his belly and purring so deep and loud that Sean felt it to his core. The vibrations caused by it were just so powerful.
The vibrations of his purr seemed to calm the babies in him because the pleasure faded slowly. As his breathing leveled out, Dark smiled at him, but kept purring against his belly. After a minute or two, Sean whispered aloud. "Did you read that in your book?" Dark's bright eyes met his when he whispered in a dep growly voice. "Yes. Apparently, it's the number one cause of miscarriages." Sean inhaled sharply, but Dark raised a hand to calm him down, while adding coolly. "It's fine. He's fine now. Verine handles it by embracing the pleasure and getting both the baby and the vessel's heartrate up to work the stress out. But the book says this works too. For a child as powerful as mine... suffering a scare as he did... I think this is better for him. Healthier. He needs to know we're safe. That he didn't fail to protect you." Relaxing, Sean smirked out. "I'm sure he felt my heart skip when you went through the wall... and when she grabbed me..." Dark hummed, easing between Sean's legs to rub the sides of his belly and purr over it better. Laying back completely across the seats, he exhaled out to Dark. "You can still hear him?" Dark hummed before whispering. "I can but... its strange now. Like he's talking over himself. It's hard to distinguish what he says now. But he's safe."
Smiling up at the ceiling with tiny sparkling neon lights of rainbow colors, he debated about telling Dark about his daughter. However, thoughts distracted him. Had they both got overwhelmed by the loss against Khaos? Had they become scared that Dark had gotten hurt? That one would get taken away? He had to admit that while he had tried to appear strong in front of her... internally he had been terrified. Had they sensed that? Dark's warmth against his exposed belly and his deep purring almost lulled him to sleep, until Dark asked curiously. "Does Anti have an ability to use multiple voices? Do you know?" Shrugging, Sean answered honestly. "I don't know. His voice always sounds a bit staticy. Like it is running through a radio filter or sound waves." Kissing his belly, Dark stated casually. "I didn't think about that... Maybe my son will have a voice like that. That's why it sounds strange at the moment. It's... developing into that. Or maybe a mix... maybe its undecided." Glancing at him, Sean asked curiously. "Does that upset you?" Dark jerked from his deep thoughts to answer. "No. I just... I never thought about his voice being like Anti's. Or if he'll... look like me or Anti... Or you." Smirking, Sean touched Dark's cheek, calmly telling him. "You'll just have to wait and see. As long as he's... strong and healthy."
Dark nodded, leaning his cheek against his palm with closed eyes of contentment. Dark didn't move from his position. His cheek and hands rubbing over his belly with more kisses and purrs that continued to relax them. When Cole finally pulled up outside the manor, he opened the door for them and bowed upon saying. "My lords. I drove for as long as the gas in the tank permitted... but alas... it's empty." Dark chuckled, easing off Sean to inform Cole. "Thank you. See that you fill it up before storing her." Cole nodded, keeping his eyes down as Dark helped Sean out and into the house. Dark lead him into their little cozy library. Seating Sean into a recliner and draping a heating blanket over him. With the snap of his fingers the fireplace roared to life with warm red flames, before he searched a shelf of audiobooks in the corner. Sean was just starting to drift off, when Anti strolled into the room with a black wicker basket. Pulling out MP3 player and what looked like a large round disc with a cord, he told Dark simply. "Here. Verine unloaded the tracks. Should help the kid learn. Play the list on repeat for... four weeks. Once in the morning for five hours and once at night for five hours."
Sean groaned at the thought, until Anti removed a small glowing pink vial with a cork. Tossing it to Dark, he told him seriously. "Mix once whole vial with warm blood. After he drinks it... monitor Sean. Make sure the kid... doesn't do anything... risky." Looking over the vial, Dark narrowed his eyes on Anti as he growled out. "A full vial? That's too much for him. No. The risk is too high." Rolling his eyes, Anti snapped back. "He can handle it. Trust me. You do too small of a dosage and it will do very little to help strengthen his magic." Dark set the vial back in the basket with the other vials, growling out. "No. It's too much. You'll kill him!" Anti sighed heavily, his eyes going to Sean now with a look that said it all. Sean gulped. The whole vial was meant for BOTH kids. Not just the one, but Dark didn't know and that was making things hard for Anti to explain. Taking a deep breath, Sean reluctantly told Dark. "The whole vial is fine, Dark. It's safe." Dark shifted his focus on him, stating seriously. "No, it is not! Sean, this tonic is like taking a powerful drug. It will expand his power and make it stronger for brief bursts. Too much will kill him! It will stop his heart and-" Realizing Dark wasn't going to let this go, he blurted out in the middle of Dark's rant. "And too little will not help them both improve, Dark." Dark froze in place, his eyes wide as that sank in.
Behind him, Anti slowly began to back up from the room. Until without looking at him, Dark raised a hand to point at Anti, his voice deep and bellowing when he suddenly said. "Don't you fucking move, Anti." Anti winced but obeyed. Shutting the doors behind him with some reluctance. Staring down, Sean, Dark asked a little shaken. "What do you mean... both?" Flipping the blanket off of himself, Sean got to his feet and started slowly. "I was going to tell you... but I... I wanted to be sure that you were ok with this first." Dark's eyes ignited into soft blue and red flames when he turned his head to glare at Anti, growling out to him. "And YOU knew? And didn't tell me?" Fearlessly, Anti crossed his arms, his tail snapping behind him as he flatly replied. "Yes. I may have a new vessel, but I can still sense things from my family. Waves of sound and being. And those with my energy. But it was not for ME to tell you." Dark let out a low growl, but Anti boldly snapped out. "Don't growl at me! He's YOUR lover. This is between you two!" Stepping closer, Sean drew Dark's attention back as he told him calmly. "Damien? Are you mad at me?" Dark's eyes cooled to black, when he looked at him and blurted out. "No. I'm concerned. Why would you hide this from me?"
Anti opened his mouth, but Sean raised his hand to stop him. Stepping closer to him, Sean admitted openly. "I was worried that you'd be overwhelmed. That you didn't know how to handle one. Let alone two children. I wanted to be sure that you... that you were ok with this. And I was scared that if Khaos knew... She might... hurt one. I just... I've had a lot on my mind. I'm sorry. Anti and Verine were only trying to help me. It's not their fault. I told them to let ME tell you." Dark stared at him for a long time revealing nothing on his face. Taking a step back, Sean shrugged out nervously. "Dark, I'm sorry." Dark suddenly moved toward him and Sean flinched. Kneeling at his feet, Dark took his hands and told him a bit hurt. "You made it seem like I favor one kid this whole time... That hurts. I've seen what favoritism does to siblings, Sean. My sister... she resented me for being Khaos' favorite child. I don't want to be that kind of demon and yet... you did. That hurts." Placing his hands on Dark's shoulders, Sean told him lovingly. "I think they understand why I did it... or... she would have told you." Dark blinked like he didn't catch what he had said, but then he slowly got to his feet with soft glossy irises of flame.
Sean waited. Simply letting his hands slide off his shoulders and down his arms to his wrists. Dark took a hold of his hands, his voice distant and emotional when he asked in surprise. "You mean... We're having a..." Blushing a little, he told him. "A little boy... and a little girl." Dark exhaled loudly, releasing his hands to pace a bit. After a few laps by the fire, Dark chuckled out. "The request for male bloodlines... it wasn't for our son, was it?" Sean shook his head and Dark chuckled louder before leaning against the mantle of the fireplace. Hugging himself, Sean walked back to his chair, shrugging aloud. "Verine showed me what they'll look like. What powers they will have. Would you like me to tell you?" Quickly shaking his head, Dark told him casually. "No. I don't want to know. I... I just... I don't know what to say." Anti huffed, leaning back against the doors as he shrugged out. "You could tell Sean that your happy? You could tell your daughter that you're sorry for putting your boy on a pedestal? You could-" Sean cut Anti's sassy complaining off to tell Dark more genuinely. "You could tell your daughter that you love her... That you want her." The whole room fell silent. Carefully moving away from the fireplace, Dark approached Sean before telling him so genuinely. "Of course, I love her and want her. Why wouldn't I?"
Sean shrugged, unsure what to say. Kneeling, Dark pushed his shirt up and rubbed his cheek over his belly. His purr so deep that Sean almost lost feeling in his legs. Against his belly, Dark whispered something in a language that Sean didn't understand but it sounded beautiful. Goosebumps rippled up Sean's arms as a light static hung in the air and Sean knew without a doubt that she'd heard him. Kissing his belly, Dark said more clearly. "Now I hear you, Princess. Don't go silent on me again." Hearing him say that brought tears to Sean's eyes. When Sean met Anti's eyes, Anti merely nodded to him and silently slipped away. Leaving them to their family moment. When Dark finally looked up, he blurted out. "Oh, sweet hells... I have a daughter..." Sean raised an eyebrow, watching Dark rise to his feet to ramble out. "I can't... That would..." Watching him pace more frantically, Sean asked a little confused. "Dark? What is it?" Finally stopping, Dark took a breath and told him with brutal honesty. "It just occurred to me that... if I have a daughter and you allow these lords to send their heirs to choose her..." Dark abruptly turned to look at him, finishing off. "Have you seen these young demon men? They are vile. Horny bastards! I gave you permission with our son... but Sean... I can't do that with her. I WON'T allow them to breathe near her. Let alone touch her!"
Carefully taking a seat down in his chair, Sean took a breath and then burst into uncontrollable laughter. Dark gave him a look that was both concerned and hurt. Until Sean sat back and told him. "If that is how you feel, Damien. I will not fight you on it." Crossing his arms, Dark narrowed his eyes on him. Prompting Sean to add calmly. "I'm serious, Damien. I don't want her to be some demons' broodmare either. By all means. Protect her as fiercely as you want. Just promise me... You won't exclude her. If you teach your son something... If she desires it, teach her too." Dark seemed to consider it for a moment. Then walking over, Dark rested his hands on the arms of the chair, leaning over him to answer with a grin. "I can promise that. I'll teach her so much...she won't have time for boys. In this life or the next." Sean could only laugh before pulling Dark into a kiss. After the kiss, Dark told him sweetly. "I'll get your tonic. Relaxand stay warm. I'll be right back." Sean nodded, pulling his heated blanket back in place as Dark pulled away. To Be Continued...
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