Chapter Eleven: Appetizing Taboo
Sean followed Dark back to the car, sneaking a glance over his shoulder to look at Thanatos one last time. Thanatos stared up at his roof with narrowed eyes, before his attention drifted to a bright blue butterfly. Lifting a hand, Thanatos let the butterfly land on his fingers. Curiosity had Sean slipping from Dark's arms to ask Thanatos softly. "I'm confused. When I pictured Death... I didn't... I mean, this place looks..." Sean's words failed him. His emotions and mind were divided among other things he'd seen and learned. Thanatos let the butterfly flutter away before teasing him in his soft beautiful voice. "You were expecting a realm of skulls and hellfire in my eyes?" Blushing, Sean nodded. Thanatos grabbed a large scythe that rested just inside the little workshop. The long handle looked to be made of pure onyx gemstone while the shiny curved blade glinted like pure silvery starlight. Twirling it slowly in his hand, Thanatos smirked as he moved by him adding coolly. "I was born from darkness, but I'm tasked to guide those to the light. A gift or a curse from my loving Aunt of light. I'm still unsure about that... but I do my best to save those that don't belong here. I'm the only sanctuary you'll find in this hell."
Dark stepped back from Thanatos, his eyes locked intently on his scythe like it was a snake in the grass. Thanatos didn't seem to notice Dark's mistrust of the weapon. Walking toward the large field of golden grain, Thanatos added over his shoulder. "You see me at the end, but I'm merely the guide to the next stage of your life cycle. Those who fear me... already know the fate that awaits them for their cruelty and pain they caused. For others, I am simply... a friend." Thanatos slowly swung his scythe toward the base of the golden wheat and Sean watched in awe as the entire field of golden wheat fell neatly to the ground in a single puff of air. From the field, bright colorful butterflies swarmed up toward the rainy sky. Each of them carrying a single cut piece of golden grain. As the butterflies flew into the light grey clouds, they vanished in soft twinkling lights. Thanatos seemed almost sad to see them go, but kneeled to slip his fingers into the soft dirt where fresh grain was already starting to grow. Dark shivered, taking a step back from the field. Which prompted Thanatos to quickly chuckle out absently. "Does my power scare you, Damien?" Dark scuffed as his only response. Rising to his full height, Thanatos faced Dark and boldly told him. "That is where you and I differ. You see the power I wield like it's a big stick to be taken. I see it as over a billion souls saved and safely reaped." Sean stared blankly between them, unable to read their sudden intense expressions.
After a minute, Thanatos rested his scythe on his shoulder and told Dark openly. "No. I will not help you with the Dominion. Don't mistake my power as a show of force. I judge and reap. You lords of the realm punish the souls I deem deserving of it. That doesn't put you on my level. Nor in a position to ask me for favors. I will look into the ring and nothing more. Whatever hornet nest you kicked with my mother is on you." Thanatos started to walk away, but Dark snatched his arm. The light rain in the realm stopped midfall all around them and a soft rumble rippled through the sky as Thanatos stilled and commanded in warning. "Release me, Damien." Black veins stretched up Thanatos' arm, while Dark snapped out. "Your mother threatens an innocent soul by keeping him trapped here. The Dominion is plotting to overthrow Anti and send his realm into a war zone... and you are just going to sit back and watch?" Thanatos locked his silvery eyes on Dark, his soft beautiful voice turning into one that boomed like thunder across the realm as he calmly shot back. "I handle more souls in a minute than you handle in a century. I am old. I am tired. And I just want a little peace and quiet. He chose his fate. Just as you have chosen yours. You handle the Dominion on your own. Now let me go. That is your last warning, Damien. Be grateful that I'm choosing to help you at all. I debated hard about killing you the second you entered."
Dark didn't look like he was going to back down. Spurring Sean to rush in and plead with Dark hopefully. "Dark, please? He's done enough for us. I'm sure he is busy. Please? Can we go home?" Thanatos positioned his scythe for a fight, only to jerk his head toward Sean when Dark let him go. Wrapping an arm around Dark's waist, Sean guided him toward the car. Dark's arm embraced him protectively, making Sean feel blissfully safe. Separating from Dark to walk to the passenger side, Sean skidded to a stop as Thanatos just blinked in front of him in a small flash of light. Extending out a hand, Thanatos touched Sean's chest to steady him and whispered into his ear. "You're playing with fire and if you're not careful... You won't be the only one that burns. You can't change what he is. You'll only lose who he was." Thanatos stepped back from him to lock eyes with Dark's narrowed ones. Lifting his chin, Thanatos coolly told Dark. "You're wrong, Damien. I do care about what happens to him. But I can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved." Sean's jaw dropped. He wanted to tell him that he was lying but couldn't bring himself to do it. If he left... He wasn't sure that Dark would be able to follow. With things happening here, he was needed in his realm. He didn't want to be separated from Dark for however long it would take for things to calm down. Lowering his eyes to the dirt, Sean swallowed.
Thanatos patted his shoulder, walking toward another field as he uttered aloud. "Besides, until he gets that ring off. He's stuck here anyway. I'll be in touch, Daimen." Slipping into the car, Sean took a few deep breaths to calm down. Dark hopped over the door of the car, quickly turning the car around to drive away the way they'd come. The drive was quiet on the trip home to Dark's realm. Sean was just so lost in his own thoughts, and he figured Dark was the same. Upon entering the house though, Sean finally told Dark seriously. "Dark... I'm sure I saw Anti. You believe me, don't you?" Dark leaned against the banister of the stairs, shrugging out solemnly. "I don't know. Thanatos didn't sense him. I didn't see what you saw." Stepping closer, Sean mumbled out to him. "What if I'm the only one that he wanted to see him. What if... he needs help. Dark, he looked..." Dark lifted Sean's jaw with a finger, staring into his eyes with his soft brown ones when he told him sweetly. "I'm sure Anti is fine. You've just had a long day." Sean rolled his eyes, stomping up the steps and he growled back. "And what if you are wrong?" Chuckling, Dark's hands found Sean's waist to playfully guide him into the bedroom while answering cheerfully. "Then I don't envy the jackass that has him. He's a hard one to contain."
Turning to face Dark, Sean blurted back bluntly. "Hard to contain, but not impossible to contain. Why aren't you worried about him? He's been missing for so long..." Easing Sean down onto the bed, Dark carefully undressed him like a child and told him gently. "Anti is a free spirit. This isn't the first time he has done this. It won't be the last. If you saw him, then he is fine. He probably felt the ring's power and came to check on you." Sean rolled his eyes, slipping out firmly. "If the ring concerns you. Then Anti should be going crazy. Yet, he's still missing. Dark, I just think that we should find him. It would help with the Dominion, and he could help us with the ring..." Dark coaxed Sean to lay back on the bed, whispering to him lovingly. "Alright. You win. I will ask. Now get some sleep." Dark pulled the blanket over Sean, then started to walk away. Springing upright, Sean's voice cracked a little when he asked. "You're not gonna stay?" Leaning his shoulder against the door, Dark smirked before reluctantly informing him. "I've got some work to do in my office. I'll be up late. I'll join you when I finish." Sean opened his open to plead with him but found himself nodding. Without another word, Dark left. The sounds of his footsteps helping Sean drift off for a bit. However, sleep evaded Sean.
Too much had happened, and he felt... vulnerable. Tossing and turning, he winced as the bed creaked in the silence. Until the sound of something sneezing made Sean sit up in a fright. Laying in front of the crackling fireplace was Chicanery. Yawning, she stretched her legs out and began to snore. Sighing, Sean slipped from the bed and crept out into the dark hallway. He saw no servants and no lights, until he came upon Dark's office. Peeking inside, he saw Dark writing his signature to papers and sliding them over a broad desk to an awaiting imp. The office was big and with filing cabinets built into the walls. In the center of the room was a couch that sat before another crackling fireplace with blue flames. Even though it looked like a stuffy office environment, Sean yawned quietly from how cozy it looked. He wanted to slip inside but hesitated in case Dark didn't want him inside. Without looking up from a paper, Dark sweetly asked. "Couldn't sleep?" Blushing, Sean bit his lip and lingered in the door. His arms hugging his ribcage in slight shame. Dark slid the paper to the imp, then beckoned Sean in before taking another paper off his stack still left to do. Inching into the room, Sean admitted sleepily. "I just... don't want to be alone right now." Dark turned his chair slightly, extending an arm out to him, while he continued his work. Moving closer, Sean slid onto Dark's lap and buried his face against his neck. The feeling of his warmth caused Sean to moan a little.
Sean absently watched the way Dark signed his name, until his eyes closed. Leaving him to just listen to Dark's steady breathing, feeling his warm body, and inhaling his powerful deep musk. He felt like a little kid but loved the sereneness of it. Dark's arm kept him close, his hand rubbing his back between the soft sounds of sliding papers. At some point, Sean shifted to get comfy, causing Dark to grunt as he straddled him to lay his head on his shoulder better. Faintly Sean heard the imp ask Dark. "Sire? Would you like to finish this up after a break?" Dark nodded, scooping Sean into his arms to lift him up from the seat. Carrying him over to the couch, Dark laid back, shushing Sean as he sleepily mumbled out. "Just until I fall asleep... please?" Warm lips pressed to his temples, before Dark's voice purred out. "I'm not going anywhere." Feeling Dark's warm palm rest over his chilled ear, Sean let himself fall asleep in his arms. Sean later awoke to the sounds of Dark telling someone quietly. "This is the last of them. File these away and then bring me the manifest for the guest list. I want to get the invitations done and have them sent to the realm as soon as possible." A little imp voice quickly replied. "Yes, Sire. Right away. Oh, and Natemare is on his way up. As you requested. Should I move the young master to the bedroom?"
Dark swiftly told the imp no; seconds before Natemare's voice stated from the doorway. "What do you want now? How do you expect me to get Anti's realm in order and deal with your wedding plans? I'm stretched thin as it is, Asshole." Dark let out a low growl and replied softly. "Quiet! Sean is asleep." Natemare huffed, chuckling back matter-of-factly. "No, he's not. I'd know if he was. He's faking it. Aren't ya?" Sean felt a sharp jab at his shoulder and lifted his head to glare at Natemare. Natemare just grinned in return, before telling Dark. "He's cute when he is faking it." Snatching a pillow, Sean wacked Natemare upside the head with a pillow. Fixing his frizzed hair, Natemare shrugged out. "So? You heard about Verine already?" Dark shook his head, telling him as he moved to his desk. "No. I wanna know if you can track Anti down." Natemare stiffened, before seriously stating out. "Why would you want to do that?" Dark inhaled, before calmly answering. "I need to know that he is ok. That's all." Natemare's eyes fell down to meet Sean's timid ones. Blinking, Natemare's eyes looked back to Dark and answered gruffly. "You know he won't like that. So... what's going on?" Dark tried to dodge the question by simply replying. "I don't care. Just do it for me. Now what is going on with Verine?"
Natemare drummed his fingers on the back on the couch, lifelessly rushing out. "He's excited about the bachelor party and hopes to get a good seat at the wedding. What's going on? I get the feeling you didn't just call me to help Sean with his wedding plans?" Rolling his eyes, Dark blurted out. "Drop it, Natemare. Just do what I asked." Straightening up, Natemare grinned out. "I'll help him with his attire today... and if I get the time. I'll try to sense Anti." Dark glared at Natemare, then moved closer to the couch. Kneeling, Dark whispered to Sean. "I've got a few... messy errands to run. Natemare is going to help you with some wedding plans that... I can't be apart of. But if you need me..." Dark took Sean's wrist, his fingers brushing over the bracelet that he'd given him to contact him. Nodding, Sean kissed Dark, trying to prolong the kiss to keep him close for as long as possible. Then getting up, Dark growled out to Natemare. "Don't let anything happen to him." Natemare rolled his eyes but nodded seriously. Dark gave Sean one last longing look before leaving the room. Natemare kicked the door closed, then told Sean with a grin. "Get up. We've got to pick your... outfit for the wedding."
Sean groaned, laying back down as he mumbled out. "I'm wearing a tux. Nothing fancy." Natemare snorted, leaning over the back of the couch as he purred out. "Oh, you're cute. You think this is like a human wedding. Get your ass up. That's not what you'll be wearing." Groaning, Sean got up and dressed before following Natemare out to his ride. Sean slowed to a stop, his eyes widening. Just out by the steps was a beast of motorcycle with a jet black body, with chrome detailing, and bright neon purple rims that rippled with wispy blue flames. Natemare swung his leg over the bike, then extended out an arm as he told him teasingly. "Well? You coming? Or are you... scared?" Approaching the bike, Sean blushed out. "I've never ridden one... Is it safe?" Natemare laughed loudly, then shot back playfully. "Safe is a matter of opinion. Do you wanna get there fast or not?" Swinging his leg over, Sean wrapped his arms around Natemare's waist. Natemare kicked up the kickstand and revved the warm engine to expel more blue flames before the bike surged forward. Sean held on tight as the wind hit him from all angles. Getting out onto the road, Natemare raced through traffic as easily as Dark could. Other cars honked and screamed out at them, but Natemare ignored them.
When other bikes tried to race him, Natemare left them in the dust. Drifting around a wide turn, Natemare chuckled back to Sean. "Think you could convince Darkiplier to buy a bike? Without Anti around, I barely get to stretch my legs." Natemare glanced back at him, doing a double take as Sean released Natemare's waist to throw his hands up with a loud cheer. Chuckling, Natemare blurted out. "I guess there is a little of Anti in you after all." Speeding up, Natemare drove him into the parking lot of a clothing shop that read; 'Sinful Sacrifices Attire Shop.' In the barred windows were outfits that made Sean turn right back around to leave, but Natemare grabbed his shirt and dragged him inside. Sean covered his face, trying not to look at anyone inside. While Natemare casually teased him. "What are you so shy for? Think of it like... picking out your dress. Only you want to make Dark and his realm drool." Sean shivered, groaning out. "I think I'm going to be sick..." Natemare snatched a few things off a set of racks, then pushed Sean into a curtained off room as he told him. "Well, suck it up. This is mandatory." When Sean rebelled by tossing the outfits out, Natemare slipped into the curtain and ordered him sternly. "Don't make me force you. Just try them. I'm not here to make you look stupid, you know."
Natemare dropped into a chair inside the changing room, making Sean feel even more uncomfortable as he whined out. "Why did Dark allow you to do this to me?" Natemare looked over an outfit and held it up to Sean's side absently upon answering. "Because no one knows wet dreams like I do. And you have to look... appetizing. Do you have any clue what he is doing for you." It wasn't a question, but Sean replied uneasily. "What do you mean?" Natemare lowered the outfit, bluntly replying. "Sean. You're a vessel. A human. Dark marrying you isn't just taboo. He's risking his very life to be with you. Other demons will want to kill him to... 'play' with your soul and control Anti. Marrying you means he's rebelling against everything the nine realms stand for. Demons don't love. We fuck lustfully and bond only to succor powerful bloodlines and power. He's doing all this... because he genuinely loves you." Sean leaned back against the wall, feeling how heavy those words were. Picking up an outfit, Sean ran his hand over it, until Natemare snatched his wrist. Bringing it closer to his face, Natemare looked at the ring and very quickly asked him in disbelief. "Speaking about controlling someone... Where the fuck did you get this?"
Sean opened his mouth, but no words came out. Releasing his hand, Natemare uttered outstill in a low voice. "Please tell meDark has the master ring?" Sean movedhis hand behind his back, avoiding Natemare's eyes, but in the mirror, Sean sawhim exhaling out with deep concern. "Fuck...This is bad." To Be Continued...
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