Chapter Eight: "Wedding Plans"
Sean let himself rest a few minutes more, before stiffly easing out of the bed. Glancing around the room, he bit his lip. He didn't know where the bathroom was. Deciding against a shower for now, he dressed himself and slipped out of the room to explore the place. He peeked into lavish bedrooms and offices. He found a massive library and two different dining halls. He saw the door to the kitchen, but the sight of imps running in and out with dishes made him want to stay out of their way. He noticed a glass door on the first floor that lead out into a greenhouse and started toward it, only to stop at the sound of Dark's commanding voice from a half open door nearby. "You think I fucking care what they think? There is nothing more they can do to me." Sean inched up to the door, peeking inside to see Natemare leaning back against a wall by a large fireplace that had all kinds of weapons throughout the centuries mounted around it. Shrugging his shoulders, Natemare retorted seriously. "Nothing more they can do to YOU. But to HIM... Dark, you flaunted Sean in their face. You've got them all believing that you've got Anti on a leash. You know what they are going to do now." Dark scoffed, muttering out from behind a desk. "I didn't flaunt him. I was making sure THEY didn't do something to him."
Natemare moved closer to the desk, resting his hands on it, when he stated sternly. "Doesn't matter. That is how they saw it. Right after you left, they started talking. Trying to buy my loyalty to turn against you. They want ME to steal him from you. They want Sean... and you know what they'll do to him to get Anti under control." Sean swallowed thinking about the tortured people in Dark's realm. He couldn't imagine what the others did to their people. Dark rose from his chair, his voice low and frightening when he told an unflinching Natemare. "I protect my family. That's why I put you in charge of Anti's realm. But I have to ask... Can I still trust you Natemare?" For a moment there was a silent that passed that gave Sean goosebumps. He fully expected them to star fighting any second. Only for Natemare to chuckle out as he rolled his eyes. "You trust me? Never thought I'd hear those words come from you... but I'm not against you for now. They can't afford me. Besides, after their jabs at me earlier... I'd rather have you covering my ass than those backstabbers." Dark relaxed, smirking out coolly. "So, what do you plan to tell them when you come up empty handed?" Natemare dropped into a chair by the fireplace, huffing out. "I don't work for free. Nor do I bite the hand that feeds me. But I'm not stupid. I'm keeping my head down and letting them try to sway me. The closer you let me get to him. The more they will swarm like sharks to blood. All trying to corrupt me against you."
Dark nodded, drumming his fingers on the table, when he asked softly. "Then maybe I should sway a few of them myself. Verine is weak willed. Think you could work him over?" Natemare laughed, leaning back in the chair upon blurting out. "You want me to whore myself to him? Fuck you." Dark flashed him a beautiful smug grin that Sean had never seen before, before he told Natemare. "What? His tongue not as tantalizing as Anti's forked one?" Run a hand through his loose dark bangs, Natemare sat up a little and shot back just as smugly. "I know where Anti's tongue has been. I can't say that about Verine... Guy's probably impregnated half of this hellish place." Dark shrugged, adding dismissively. "Most likely. But as the embodiment of lust... He might show you a few things." Natemare let out a little defensive growl, before shooting back lightly. "Not a chance. I have standards." Dark leaned against the mantle of the fireplace, softly teasing out. "I wasn't suggesting that you sleep with him... physically." Natemare's eyes flickered a deep purple when he said with intrigue. "Ya? You wanna give him a wet dream without him knowing it?" Dark just grinned at him, prompting Natemare to lean forward and say seriously. "If I do... It will cost you." Without a trace of fear, Dark bluntly replied. "Name your price."
Natemare smirked wickedly, answering openly. "You plan to marry Sean. Bind him and through him, Anti, to you... But you know what the ritual requires. My price... His stag night." Dark's body tensed and any trace of a good mood vanished from his face. Natemare rose slowly from his chair, calmly adding. "I know you plan to deprive him of it. Since he can't leave here... but you know. Verine has the hottest club that would be just perfect for it." Dark stomped up to him, snarling out angrily through his clenched teeth. "NO." Natemare locked eyes of rippling purple with Dark's, standing his ground as he stated coolly. "You want me to bring Verine to our side? You'll do this. Because you know it will win him over. You just can't see it because you... FEEL for Sean." Stepping out of Dark's gaze, Natemare walked the length of the room as he announced over his shoulder. "I can give Verine a wet dream in exchange for him hosting Sean's stag. I can flaunt how close I am to Sean around Verine. Show him how much you... trust me with him. Lowering Verine's guard to open him up to negotiations about joining OUR side." Dark stormed after Natemare, snapping out. "And when he wants Sean?! What then? Verine has strong pheromones that he could use to-!"
Natemare cut him off to say flatly. "If he wants Sean... I'll give him Sean. Should be a... pleasant dream." Dark grabbed Natemare's throat, snarling out. "You'd have Sean endure that?" Natemare lifted his chin defiantly, stating back. "So, it is true... You've truly fallen for him." Dark jerked his hand back off Natemare like he'd been shocked. Natemare's eyes widened before he blurted out. "Holy shit... I thought you were just playing with him and rebelling against Khaos! But you... YOU! The demon that specializes in breaking the wills of vessels... You truly fell for him." Dark turned away from him to head to the desk. Natemare ran to the desk first, leaping over it gracefully to block Dark's way to the chair. Straightening up, Natemare giggled out. "When you broke my vessel and yours, I thought you'd have no trouble with Anti's... but he got to you. You fell for..." Natemare's humor suddenly died and he dropped into Dark's chair before wispily exhaling under his breath with slight pain in his voice. "Oh... That's why Anti's missing... You broke his heart again..." Dark shifted on his feet, asking confused. "Again? What are you talking about?" Natemare looked up at him, answering distantly. "Dark... I didn't find Sean. Anti told me where he was. He said Nicon was looking for Sean and didn't want him to have him. So, he told me not to say anything. Told me to give him to you. Anti knew what you were going to do to him... but he wanted you to break Sean. Anti wanted you to force himself on him because... Well, you know Anti. He's too wild to admit anything he feels. He wanted you to... tame him again. But if you fell for Sean... then..."
Natemare looked away from Dark to the fireplace, adding so softly. "Anti must be going crazy somewhere. Feeling you like a ghost on his skin..." Dark grabbed Natemare by the collar of his shirt, yanking him up from the chair and flipping him onto the desk. Pinning Natemare to the desk, Dark told him sternly. "Anti is fine. You hear me?! You tell anyone about this and I'll-" Natemare grabbed Dark's wrists, cutting him off to yell up at him. "Tell who?! The Dominion already know you spend more time with HIM than you do your own subjects! I chose not to believe them! I'm more worried about Anti! The last time you broke his heart, his started a god damn war that caused you to summon the Sunsa! What do you think he's going to do now, Dark?! Kill me if you want, but your pool of allies is shrinking fast! And if you marry that human, then..." Natemare drifted off, his eyes darting to the door that Sean opened all the way to step inside. Dark's fingers curled tighter into Natemare's shirt, but he didn't turn around. Hugging himself, Sean cleared his throat quietly in the silence. Bowing his head, Dark asked without looking in his direction. "How much did you hear?" Sean slowly walked up to the desk, reaching out to touch one of Dark's wrists that held Natemare's shirt.
Lightly curling his fingers on Dark's hand, he told him nicely. "Damien? Let him go. You need him. You and Anti need him." Dark reluctantly released Natemare, stepping back from the desk, while his hand gripped Sean's and pulled him around to him. Sean obeyed, moving around the desk to step up against Dark. Hugging him in the hopes of calming him down. Natemare rolled off the desk, telling them both at a distance now. "I've got to head back. I've got a lot of things to fix in Anti's realm. But think about what I said Dark. It is only a matter of time. And if they get him... they will control you both." Natemare gave Dark one last look, before rippling away. Leaving Dark and Sean alone in the room. Releasing him, Dark moved away and asked again with a hurt tone. "What did you hear? Tell me." Sighing, Sean took a seat in Dark's chair before answering honestly. "From around the time that you mentioned flaunting me in from of the Dominion. Damien... I'm not going to pretend that I understand your world... but if you're in trouble. I'll do whatever I can to help. So... if you think this deal Natemare offered would help. I can play my part." Dark exhaled loudly, stomping to a window, before grumbling out. "I know you will. I believe you. I just don't... want you that far away from me. It's too dangerous."
Leaning back in the chair, Sean propped his heels up on the desk, shrugging out. "Then I won't go. I don't need a stag party. I'm quite happy just being here with you. Alone. I don't need demon strippers to remind me of what I never had in the first place." Turning slightly, Dark eyed him as he gently told him. "You've never had a look at demon strippers." Sean shrugged, staring up at the ceiling as he playfully answered. "Then I won't miss them." Approaching him, Dark sat on his desk, stroking Sean's raised legs as he asked him softly. "Do you have a dream wedding in mind?" Sean snorted, closing his eyes as he said gruffly. "Ma always said that the woman I married would do all that... So... no." Dark's fingers eased up under Sean's pant leg a bit to stroke skin, when he told him. "You should start thinking about it. Because... I'd like to make you mine soon." Meeting Dark's eyes, Sean blushed a little when he asked him. "Natemare made it seem like marriage down here is... different. So, before I go planning a human wedding. You wanna tell me what I should expect?" Dark removed Sean's sock, pulling it onto his lap to rub it as he carefully regaled to him. "It's similar to a human wedding from the old medieval age. Just a few differences."
Sean raised an eyebrow, asking suspiciously. "Such as?" Dark stared only at Sean's foot when he answered calmly. "Well... my realm would get a three day rest period. They'd celebrate my wedding with us. They'd be invited to my land. Food and drinks would be served to them. A select few would get to seat themselves close to the wedding to witness it. We swat rings. Bind our blood together. And... then my 'best man' would present you to me on the throne. We'd enjoy ourselves, while everyone else watches. Then we all go eat and I'll take you away to our honeymoon spot. Where-" Sean sat up as much as he could, cutting him off to ask anxiously. "Hold on. Rewind a bit. Say that part again. The bit about enjoying ourselves while they watch. Watch us do what?" Dark eased Sean's legs apart, then used his foot to pull the chair closer. Dropping Sean's legs to the desk on either side of him, Dark leaned forward onto the armrests. Pinning Sean to the spot when he purred out to him with a wicked grin. "I'm the king of my realm. When I marry you, you will become my mate. Instead of my sexy boy-toy. Which means that if anyone tries to do anything to you... it will be an act of treason." Sean nodded but mumbling out as he shrank across the seat of the chair. "Ok... but what will we be doing exactly?"
Dark slipped off the edge of the desk, leaning over Sean better when he told him. "It is tradition that I take you upon my throne." Sean's jaw dropped as he stammered out. "Take as in... You're gonna fuck me in front of... your whole... realm?" Sean got lightheaded just thinking about everyone seeing him struggling to take Dark's size and the noises he made. Dark's lips found his throat, nipping his neck playfully when he growled out. "I know in your world it is... perverted. But in mine, it is a show of power. We are a... primal species. I'm one of the few top dogs that can chose my mate from anyone. Those under me have to chose from those I deem within there league. It's a show of dominance... and I promise. I will make you look good. I will their mouths water from wanting you, but you will be mine." Sean shivered at Dark's words. He wasn't excited about it... but Dark made it sound so sexy. Adjusting properly in the seat to escape Dark, Sean breathlessly asked him. "I... I'll think about it." Dark kissed Sean's lips, telling him sweetly. "Ok. You can think about it. While I take you around to get an idea for how you want to start planning for it." Rolling his eyes, Sean chuckled out. "You plan to take me to a mall to tag wedding gifts? Or to a dress shop? Come on, Damien... I'm not interested in-" Dark interrupted by slipping out smugly. "I was thinking about cake tasting. No one makes sinful chocolate like we do."
Sean curled his lips over his teeth, before blushing out. "Well... I guess I could do that." Straightening up, Dark pulled Sean to his feet and told him sweetly. "Go shower. Then we'll head out." Sean started to move, then stopped and asked a little embarrassed. "About that... Where is the shower?" Dark flashed him a wicked smile, then hefted him up to carry him away. Sean cursed and smacked Dark, but eventually just relaxed. He didn't want to think about Anti or how sad he might be to have lost Dark to him. After a long hot shower, Dark gave him some casual clothes to wear that were clearly from Dark's dressed down wardrobe. Pulling on the grey long sleeve shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans that were a little baggy on him, he smirked at himself in the mirror. Removing his phone, he took a picture of himself. He wanted to capture how happy he was in this moment. As he looked over the picture, Dark moved up behind him to hug him. His wet hair dripping along Sean's neck when he asked him innocently. "What are you doing alone in this closet?" Smirking, Sean showed him the picture and answered truthfully. "Do I look... happy to you?" Dark's deep brown eyes drifted to meet his before saying so beautifully. "I hope so... I can't tell what you're thinking. But I can tell you how beautiful you are."
Sean tried not to say it, but it slipped out. "As beautiful as Anti?" Dark's fingers stroked Sean's jawbone, upon whispering to him lovingly. "You're the same person. Just different sides of yourself. I can't love either of you without loving the other. Anti may be upset that I love your half... but he's still with me all the same. I don't believe Anti is upset. If he was, he'd be trying to kill me again. The fact that he's away means that in a way... he's living through you. He can feel me through you. And knowing Anti... That's enough to keep him calm." Sean leaned into Dark's warm palm, closing his eyes as he soaked in the feeling of him. Dark's lips found his ear after, whispering to him in a deep voice. "Should I invite him to the wedding?" Sean shoved him playfully, mumbling out. "Very funny. Come on before I get too hungry to leave the house." Taking his hand, Dark led him through the house to the massive garage. Sean bit his lip as he took in the line of cherry red sport Teslas. All of them were different types from hard tops to convertibles. Some looked faster and others looked more casual. Slowing to a stop, Sean smiled at the familiar convertible. He recognized it from the scuff his shoe made on the hood when Dark had taken him to the beach. Touching it, Sean whispered to the car. "I remember you." Dark made his way back to him from a little ways down, asking with concern. "Something wrong?"
Pointing to the car, Sean asked with a small smile. "Why don't you take her?" Dark glanced at the car, before telling him openly. "Because she is special." Sean patted the car hood, chuckling out. "Ya? In what way?" Sean flinched barely catching the keys as Dark tossed them to him and said with a breathtaking smile. "Because she's yours." To Be Continued...
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