chapter 3 (unedited)
Taeyong P.O.V :P
Im at home. Im 30 minutes late i rushed to the door slamming it basically and i saw a girl she looked good but seulgi is better. I sat down not caring about the nags im going to get.
"Son this is your future wife"Dad pointed to the girl in front of me.
"Dad just go straight to the point" i said coldly.
"Your gonna get married in a month and your gonna live with her starting today"Dad said. I spit out my drink in disbelief.
"Taeyong MANNERS!" Mom said.
"Dad NO!! Im not gonna live with this....this BEGGAR realise that her family is just some gold-"
I realised that my cheeck started to hurt it was stinging in pain. The first time i was slapped by dad it hurts.
"YOUNGMAN you are going to live with her an marry her!!" Dad shouted.
I was glaring at him i got out of the house to clear up my mind i was boiling mad right now. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder.
"Hey... im sorry..." somone said it was a girls voice.
"Go away you pig"i said in anger.
"Calm down and dont think too much ok?" She said calmly and sweetly then left. I was running in anger right now.
-a little time skip- after dinner
Sooyeon P.O.V
"So sooyeon your gonna move to your house today we have already moved out all your stuff. You just need to move the clothes and your personal stuff, its already in the car so dont worry"ms lee said.
"! What about m-"i was cut off
"aniya we've already planned it dont worry deary, now TAEYONG!!"ms lee shouted in the end. Taeyong came rushing down the stairs.
"Have a nice night together and get there safely"ms lee said. It was night actually its 8pm but i went outside and waited for Taeyong. Taeyong went in the drivers seat but when i wanted to go to the front seat.
"Nuh uh pig BACK!" He shouted. I went to the back and sat and wore my seat belt.
"We sure have to get some ground rules dont we?" He said .
They've already started going btw im sorry if your confused im still new.
"First of all you can not. CAN NOT. Sit in the front"he said. I nod. "Thats the first rule but first and most important never fall in love with me cause its pointless and i would never fall in love with a pig like you and never go in to my personal bussines" he said.
I nod. How am i suppost to do that he is my husband or is he gonna divorce me after a month of marriage?. I was so tired that i fell asleep after thinking for a while.
I was sleeping while leaning the door and i wasn't using a seatbelt but i used it when i went in who-
i woke up shockingly and fell out of the car because someone oppened the damn door.
"WAKE UP BEGGAR!"he shouted.
"Bring my stuff in and your stuff" he said and walked away like i was his maid or something. I tried bringing all our stuff but i was so slow because heck the luggages was so heavy. "You slut get in here your so SLOW!!" he shouted
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