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Maha P.O.V
When we reached at home after 45 minutes of travelling. Thanks to the traffic. I was the first to get out from the car. The whole ride was exhausting. I closed my eyes and sighed the fresh air was all I needed.
"Maha." I was engulfed in the hug by the only person who loved me to death.
"Uncle Mavia" I said. It had been 3 years since I had last seen him. He was still the same.
"You can still make a girl go crazy after you." I chuckled. He slapped my arm lightly playfully glaring at me.
"I am happy with my wife and two kids I dont need girls I have my own woman." See thats why I love him. He is the most loyal person on this earth. He work as a secuirity gaurd at our house.
He was the one who used to play with me when my dad had no time for me. He had taught me how to do cycling. He is really handsome. You cant even tell that he is already 50 years old.
"Uncle Mavia please help me take this luggage inside..!" He excused himself as he went to help Moin with the luggage.
"Lets go in..!!" Pari literally dragged me towards the house. The door was open I saw my mother coming toward us smiling.
Actually she was smiling at Pari.
"Oh my God Pari you are looking so preety." She hugged her. I rolled my eyes at her as I went inside saying my salaam out loud. Its my habbit to say salaam whenever I enter the house and its also the sunnah so why not..?
I went into the kitchen as I searched the fridge for juice when I got my hand on one I poured a glass for myself.
"Pari do you want some juice..??" I yelled. I heard a faint yes so I poured juice in one more glass.
When I went out I saw my father had also joined them. They were laughing talking. I stood their for sometime just staring at my 'family' which is complete without me.
I took a deep breath.
I will not break down. I am fine. I am good. I dont need them.
I made my way towards them. I said my salaam to my father he just nodded in acknowledgement and went to the conversation with Pari. I had lost the apptite to even drink that juice so I just handed it to Moin.
"Oh and Maha." I looked up when my father called my name.
"You should too go with them tomorrow for shopping."
My mother continued "Yes Maha you wont believe their is this store where when you buy a dress you will get the matching jewellary and sandals in that shop only. You dont have to go around in search for the accessories." I just nodded.
They had always gave me whatever I wanted. Branded sandals, cloths, jewellery and what not.
But they didnt gave me onething. Love.
"Get changed and join us for dinner." I heard my mother say. I went into my room closing the door behind me. A lone tear escaped my eyes I wiped it away.
I am strong I dont need them. I chanted those words again and again.
The room was same as I left it.
I went into the bathroom and discarded my cloths as I filled the bathtub with cold water. I shuderred as I put my feet into the water.
It was cold. Like I always wanted.
I let my body sink into the icy cold water. This is what I always did whenever I was stressed I used to take a bath with cold water. The weather was cold but it never stopped me.
I felt my whole body getting numb with the coldness. I heard my mother calling for me. I sighed as I step out from the cold water I didnt felt anything. My body was numb.
I changed into my night dress as I made my way out of the room. My skin was wrinkled because of the cold water.
Everyone was already sitted and they all were chatting smiling like always. I sat beside Pari who had also changed into her night dress.
Pari smiled at me but the rest just continued their chatting.
"Moin will be staying at aunt Sadiya place till the wedding day. As it is a ritual that bride and groom cant see eachother before wedding." Moin tried to protest but one look from father made him shut it.
"When he is leaving then..??" Pari asked.
"Day after tomorrow as you all have to go for shopping tomorrow. And when he will be staying at Sadiya place your cosins will be staying with us except Usmaan." Aunt Sadiya was the only relative we have.
She is from my mother side and the only sister of her. My dad dont have a family. Aunt Sadiya is pretty nice she have 6 kids 5 boys and 1 girl.
Usmaan, Uzair, Unain, Umar, Ubaid and their daughter Umaima. She had named them all similarly. Usmaan and Uzair are twins they are same age as Moin.
Unain Umar Ubaid were triplets they are 26 years old. And Umaima is same age as us. Being the only girl she is been treated like a princess by her brothers and parents.
"Lets eat now." When my mother opened the lid. I busted.
"What the ..!! You know it too well that I dont like Lamb meat than too you made it..!!" I slammed my hand on the table. I had enough of their ignorance today.
"Mind your tongue young lady. Sit down and eat." My father order.
"I dont like Lamb meat so why should I eat.?" I repeated myself.
"Pari love lamb meat thats why I made it. You should not create the scene Maha. Grow up." Oh so now I get it.
"Aunty if you knew that Maha dont like Lamb meat than you should have made something of chicken or mutton." Pari said.
"Why..?? Why should you adjust everytime. She should learn to atleast behave. If you dont want to eat you can order something for you." Thats it.
"Its not like I had never slept without food before." I stromed out of the dinning room. And slammed my bedroom door as I laid down on my bed crying.
I knew it. I knew it that this all will happen with me again. I cant believe even after 3 years of me gone they had not changed abit.
They always wanted me to work as they want. They never wanted me to talk to boys. One day when my mother saw me talking to my classmate she called my brother. They both beat me up.
I was begging them. I was begging him to understand that the guy was only my friend but they didnt stop. After that I started to hangout more with boys. My brother called me slut.
My father he used to hit me with his belt. I used to be all purple and blue. They never knew that I got bullied in my school by the girls. Thats the reason I used to hangout with boys because they were only friends I had.
But they never listened. He punched me contineously on the same spot specially on my upper arm. The bruised disappeared just to be replaced by new one.
My cell started to vibrate. I grabbed my phone and looked at the caller ID with my blurry eyes. I saw Liam pic flashing on my screen.
I need to change their name in my contact list before they see.
I made sure that my room was locked.
"Liam..." I closed my eyes as the tears fall down.
"Maha. What happened are you okay..??" He asked concerned.
"Ye..yes" I chocked on my own saliva.
"Quit lying. Tell me what it is I am worried."
"I am fine. Just talk to me please." I chocked again. I dont want to breakdown.
"Ok now please stop crying. We want to see you just login to your skype." I hung up.
I washed my face and brought my laptop on the bed as I logged in to my skype. Liam call lit up the screen of my lappy.
I acepted the call as they all came into the view. It was the daytime their I guess 1 or 2 PM.
"Hi guys" I said smiling abit. The all gave me a poker face. I think Liam told them about it.
"Come on guys I need you all to talk to me please." I begged. They then started to talk to me. They made me laugh. I felt better. The rest of the night went by us skyping.
I miss them
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