This is The End
Maha P.O.V
Getting out of the house without getting caught was really something. I must say my dad is a hard headed man when it comes to guards.
I reached the cafe where Smith was waiting for me not so patiently.
"Hey Sim.!" I greeted him and sat on the chair across him.
"Finally.! I thought you changed your mind Maha." I rolled my eyes at him and ordered our coffee. I needed one to clear the fog in my mind after the sleepless night.
"Are you sure you want to do this.?" he asked me hesitantly.
"Please Smith." I pleaded him not to repeat that question again. It was hard for me to leave my children back home. I don't even know if I will be able to make it out alive.
"Maha, you have no idea what George will do to me if something happened to you."
"Don't worry, I had destroyed my mobile and we used to talk in professional way for a reason Smith. No one will ever know. And you are just helping me."
"But I feel like I am digging your grave by doing this." he dug his face into his hands.
"Smith, if something happen to me than please don't blame yourself. I had chose this path for myself and honestly I am pretty much excited to get reunited with my husband." he glared at me.
Our coffee was arrived we sat there silently lost in our own thoughts.
"Give me the weapons you stole from the mansion."
"That's in the car. Let's go I will teach you how to use it." after paying the bill we left the cafe.
I went towards the car. Smith opened the back door and pulled out a school bag and a waist belt.
"I am not going to school Smith."
He rolled his eyes at me. "Richard is not stupid. He will get you checked before letting you in. I can't just hand you some guns and stuff."
He opened the bag which was filled with loads of thick books. He pulled out one book and opened it.
"Here, in this book the bomb is fitted. It looks like some normal book but it is far from that." he kept the bag back into the car and showed me the belt.
"This belt here, can you see this small stud in golden colour. This one is actually a button for the bomb. Once you click on it everything will blast. But you have to jump out of the mansion before you decide to blast the house." he warned me.
I was getting nervous. All of it felt so real now.
"Its time now. I guess I should leave." Smith nodded his head and pulled me into a hug.
"Please just take care. I will never be able to forgive myself if something happen..."
"Please Smith don't let me die with that guilt. I know I will die and I am ready for it trust me. Just make sure that my kids are safe."
"Always. I promise I will protect them with my life." he patted my cheeks and handed me the car keys.
"All the best Maha."
"Thanks Smith for everything." with that I hit the road.
"Tell your boss Maha Khan is here." I was losing my patience when his stupid guards kept on pestering me with their unwanted questions.
Finally one guy went into the mansion.
"Show me your bag young lady." I handed my bag carelessly to the huge bulky guy infront of me.
One guy came towards me to check me for any weapon. "Dare to touch me and you will lose your family pride." I greeted.
"Feisty." one guy commented smirking. I wanted to puke at their disgusting face.
"Let her in." the guy who took my bag tossed it back to me with an annoyed look on his face.
I followed the guy into the mansion. It was huge, enormous and bigger than FBI mansion.
"Wait over here. Boss will see you in a minute." with that he left me alone in the vacant living area. The whole place screamed money.
Beautiful red couch were spread around the huge home theater. White spotless walls and floor reflected my face. The golden art work was giving out the sense of luxury.
I sat my bag on the couch and walked towards the paintings framed on the side.
Admiring the beautiful piece of art. I had lost the track of time.
"Do you like it.?" my teeth clenched together at his voice. After all those years I still can't get that horrible night out of my memory lane.
I turned towards him forcing a smile on my face. "I loved it."
He raised his eyebrow at me challenging me to put up a fight.
"I know what is going on in your mind. But I just need answers and than I will leave." I said as calmly as possible.
"Do you think I will let you go.?" he came closer to me and snaked his arms around my waist. His lips dangerously close to mine.
I was disgusted by his touch. I turned my face to left, away from his filthy face. I tried to push him away.
"Whats going on over here.?" he was a feet away from me when he heard the voice.
Standing infront of me was once my bestfriend and sister in law. Pari.
She was wearing a short dress which barely covered her butt and her breast were literally peeking out. Her hairs were curled and she looked like some road side prostitute.
"Oh my my. Who we have here." she eyed me with a nasty look on her face.
She went towards Richard and pecked him on his lips. His hands went towards her butt making me look away.
"We are so sorry. You can face us now we are decent."
"Yeah so decent that my eyes are ready to worship."
"Still sarcastic. I like it." I was done with this random talk. So I went straight to the point.
"I just want you to stop being a threat to me and my kids. Its being a long time. Move on Richard." they burst out laughing like I had said some kind of joke.
"Get over you.? Girl I am already married all I ever wanted is to get laid with you. Your body is so tempting that I can't resist having a piece of me inside.."
"Shut the hell up.!" I marched towards him and grabbed his collar. Daring him to say one more word.
"Both husband and wife can't hear about my wild dreams. I see."
"What do you mean.?" my hand loosened when he mentioned David.
"I had said something similar to this to your husband and indeed that charged him. But unfortunately his own friend shot him dead. Man, I so wanted to kill him by my own bare hands." he tsked.
He said those disgusting things to my husband. Is this man crazy.?
"Why are you here again.?" Stacey threw herself back on Richard. They moved towards the couch and sat beside the bag I had placed on the couch. If I click that button now they will be dead this instant but I have no escape from here.
"Back to earth Maha." Stacey called me again. Richard was busy in sucking her neck while she was sitting on his lap roaming her hands around his back.
"Will you please just stop with this nasty act of yours. I am honestly disgusted." I voiced my thoughts. Seriously who is interested in watching their biggest enemy doing the deed.?
In a blink of an eye Stacey was infront of me pointing a gun on my forehead. My eyes widened in realization.
"Shut that little mouth of yours.! No one asked how you feel." she thrusted her gun more into my forehead.
"Stacey darling calm down, put that gun down." Richard looked alarmed and some what worried.
Wait. Why the hell he is worried about me.? My eyes locked with him. Something in his eyes made me froze.
He was in love with me.
His eyes were full of concern, worry and love. But his love was not pure. I looked away from him back to Stacey who didn't moved a bit.
"I said put your gun down Stacey.!" He raised his voice. Her jaw clenched but she lowered her gun rather slowly. She was glaring at me all the while.
My eyes widened when I felt the gun poke in my stomach. She smirked at me.
"Its time to say goodbye."
"Richard she....aaaaahhhhhh." My chest tightened making hard for me to breath.
"MAHAAAA...!" he lunged towards me but it was too late I was slumped down on the floor. The blood pouring out of the bullet hole.
"What the hell is wrong with you Stacey.? I told you not to shoot her.!" Richard screamed at her taking threatening steps toward her. She stepped back in horror until she fell on the couch.
" love would have left me for her." she tried to reason. Richard pulled her up with her hairs. I tried my best to stay still and not groan in pain.
I can't die. Not without killing them. It was becoming hard for me to keep my eyes open and they were in the perfect place. I had no way out and I knew I will die anyway now.
So I did the only thing I was here for. My hand went towards my waist belt. Gracing my finger around it finally I found the button I was searching for.
La illaha ilallah
With that I clicked the golden button. The last thing I heard was a blast and scream.
I let the darkness consume me to start a new journey with my husband who was waiting for me.
This story is over.
This was the best journey I had so far with my book.
And the response is just a blessing.
Thank you everyone for your support and love.
I love you all...
I will be working on a werewolf fiction so if you are interested you can join me there.
Flying kisses for everyone out there...have a blast day/night.
Love you all...xoxo
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