Leave Miley
Maha P.O.V
*2 months later*
Today my brother and his loving wife came back from their honeymoon with the bun in the oven. Yeah Pari is pregnant. I was so happy for them finally I will get someone to play with. I love kids.
I am sitting with them as they were unpacking the gifts they brought for us.
They brought some dresses and chocolates for me. Dresses were too short like the old Maha used to wear.
You must be thinking why I am still doing what David liked. Actually I had started to feel more comfortable in indian dresses. David never contacted me. He call my mum once in a while but he never did to me.
"These dresses are too short. I am gonna give it to LeyLey she will love it.!" LeyLey is obsessed with clothes. She can never get bored from shopping for clothes.
"What.? You are in contact with her.?" Pari asked me with disgusted look on her face. I didn't liked it.
"Yes so whats wrong with it.?" I asked her annoyed.
Moin had gone into kitchen to drink some water while my mum was checking her stuff which they brought for her.
"You can't give her the dresses we brought for you." Pari said sternly like she is my mother.
"Excuse me. Last time I checked you are not my mother." I was furious the way she was behaving was unbelievable.
"Maha watch your tongue.!" that was my mother.
"Why should I..? She is insulting my bestfriend.!" I raised my voice a bit .
"Whats going on here.?" Moin asked confused at all the chaos.
"Love she wants to give her dresses which we brought to that Miley." her voice is annoying me.
"You are still in contact with her.?" Moin asked surprised.
"Yes unlike you I care for my friendship." I gave him a tight smile.
"And she is not two faced." I said directing my words toward Pari.
"Enough Maha. You won't hangout with Miley anymore and thats final.!" Moin said angrily.
"You are not my father to decide whom I can meet or not. My parents are still alive to take decisions of my life." I snapped at him.
"Maha stop it and Moin she is a nice girl. Just because you and Pari have a bad blood with her that doesn't mean Maha should stop hanging out with her. She have the whole right to decide whom she wants to be friend with." Wow I was amazed at my mother. She chose me over them that's first.
"Whatever." Moin said and stomped out of the house. Pari also gathered her stuff and walk back into her room with a scowl printed on her face.
"Mum I am going at LeyLey place. I can't wait to see her face when I give her those dresses she will be so happy." my mother smiled at me and nodded.
I gathered the bags of dresses and walked out smiling. I asked uncle Mavia to drop me at my bestfriend place.
Soon I was sitting in her room while she was trying on every single dress. Their were 7 dress in total and she was putting on each one of them for me to see.
When I told her that Moin and Pari brought those dresses for me she was not ready to take them she even suggested me to throw them in the trash can but as she said I quote 'I can't just let those poor dresses stay on the street'
Her obsession for cloths dont have any limit.
"What's your plan for tomorrow..?" LeyLey asked me once she was done with those dresses.
"I don't have any." I simply answered.
"Lets go out on double date what's say.?" she suggested.
"LeyLey I am not dating Tahir for God sake stop using that word for our meets we are just friends." I tried to put some sense in her.
"Yes ofcourse you both are friends but who knows what will happen in the future." she furrowed her eyebrows suggestively.
"Shut it." I rolled my eyes at her. She keeps on persuading me to date Tahir. But we are just good friends. I don't know about future but for now he is my good friend.
Actually he is not as bad as I thought. He helped me when I was sulking for David. He kept me occupied but truth to be told I still miss David.
I can't bring myself to love Tahir and hate David. This is the most complicated thing in my life at the moment.
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