Maha P.O.V
As promised all my friends reached airport on time.
"We will miss you Maha and Pari." They all engulfed us into a group hug.
Their was still half hour for us to go inside.
"So Liam when you gonna propose her.?" He chocked on his drink.
"What..!!" His eyes widened.
"Oh so you are hiding something from us." Jesy folded her hands. Everyone was looking at him skeptically.
"Come on...just get over with it Liam..!!"
Stella was looking so nervous. Liam looked at her as he made his way toward her.
Everyone was shocked when Liam got in one knee infront of Stella. She was also looking at him with eyes widened.
"Stella.." he started
"I dont know how to say this things but I just want to tell you that you are the most beautiful girl I had ever seen to be honest I had never had a closer look at you until..." he looked at me.
"Until Maha told me that you like me. She made me see the things that I never noticed. Your smile the way you act shy around me. Specially the daggers you used to throw at Maha when I was close to her." He chuckled.
Everyone was looking at them intently. Jesy was recording the whole thing in her cell. That girl is crazy.
"I want to ask you something. I thought about it whole night yesterday. I just.."
"Get done with it already man..!!" Sebs yelled.
"Stella...Will you..will you be my girlfriend..??" He finally said it.
Stella was crying tears were all over her face.
"Say something my knees are hurting.." Liam joked.
"YESSS..!!" She nodded. We all cheered for them. Liam pulled her into his arms then he kissed her.
"Ewwwwwww" we all said as we turned our backs to them. I was really very happy for them.
"We are done now." Liam chuckled. Stella was tomato red we all rushed towards her as we hugged her.
"Thank you" she said to me. I just smiled happy for her.
Soon we had to leave I cried a little. I dont know if I will ever get to see them again. We said our goodbye as we went inside leaving behind my friends my dreams. Pari rubbed my arm in soothing manner. I gave her a small smile but inside I was dying.
The flight duration was 10 hours from LA to London. (A/N : I love Zayn so you got it :p)
Pari was fast asleep while on otherhand I was deep in my thoughts. I dont know what will happen once I will go back. My family is not huge fan of mine.
For them Moin was the always first choice and Pari was their favourite person. I was just a useless daughter to them who was good for nothing.
I dont know what I have to face over their. I am thankful that they dont know about Uwais otherwise they would have killed me. Soon the sleep took over me.
"Wakeup Maha we are about to land." I groaned as my neck hurt. I sat properly fastening my seatbelt. Pari was smiling she was looking so happy. I felt bad for not being happy with the situation. After all because of her only I am going back to that hell hole.
We went out of the airport as we collected our luggage. I saw Moin leaning on his car with his goggles on. I turned towards Pari but she was not their I looked around but she was already in my brother arms. I sighed and put my luggage into the car and sat in the back seat.
Once they were done hugging which lasted for the ten minutes to be exact.
"Hey their my favourite sister."
He got into the car and ruffled my hairs. "Stop it." I hated it when he does that. I heard Pari giggle from the passenger seat.
They started talking to eachother. I just put my earphone in listening to the random radio channel. Atleast it was better then them. I dont know when I dozed off.
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