Two years later.
A bright smile lured it's way to her face, the sun beaming down on her face feeling a sense of accomplishment. She's been waiting for this day since forever and now that it is finally here, she can't wait to get it over and done with. She's written what she wanted to say so many days ago and now, she feels like a teenager presenting again in front of the whole class not that someone like her has ever been intimidated by anyone. Two years is a long time to change someone, she has also changed too like every other person out there. She feels emotions now, so many of them.
"Are you ready?" The love of her life questioned, his arms looping around her waist as he place his head on her shoulder.
"More than ready. I just want to get this done and over with. Where is that troublemaker?" She inquires about their one year old son who could ruin the room without as much as losing a tinge of energy reserved for the day. She is sure she didn't cause that trouble when she was younger, hundred percent sure of that. Maybe as a teenager.
"Already inside the car with his luggage, he won't leave his lion backpack." He grinned at her in the mirror she has been staring at. His smile is still beautiful and never seize to make her heart stutter and her stomach to flutter endlessly.
"You are spoiling him with backpacks and he hasn't started schooling." She shook her head and took the hand luggage remaining on the bed in their room but he took it away from her and held her hand. Ah, he has always been a sweetheart.
They are going to airport departing to Lagos for some business that needs both their attention and she is ever ready for that. They were supposed to leave the day before but their son fell ill and got down with a fever. Today is the day they are going to launch new products and company and there is no way Suhayr will miss it for the world, not when she has been enjoying married life with her husband for so many months already. Life has been good to her and she could only thank Allah with countless Alhamdulillah, really.
After she gave birth to their son, Sa'dan, it was not an easy journey taking care of a baby and also the baby's fathers who claims to have ruined childhood and wants to experience it along with his son. She can't say it wasn't fun but she gets agitated with emotions sometimes and for person like Suhayr who despise being emotional, it took a toll on her before she got used to it. She sometimes lock herself up in her room for the whole day to keep her emotions in check, Sa'eed was really understanding to that, she appreciates his effort for their relationship.
They left the country too for the ruined honeymoon in Egypt but they went with their son to different countries like she's always wished. Even till date, Sa'eed is asking her for the list of places she's always wanted to go to and she gives him new list of more than ten countries each time he asks. They get to spend at least one week or five days in that country, she loves life like that. They've went to more than five countries already and are still counting for more. Having to relax without the burden of the world on your head, feeling relaxed without tense shoulders is out of the world. Especially when you get to spend it with the most important people in your life.
When she went to Zhengzhou Asia, it was magical experiencing everything new in foreign extraneous place. She's loved every moment spent there because so far, that place is her favorite and miraculously, Sa'eed didn't take her to Mauritius even though she writes it always on her top list, he never paid attention she don't know why. She once asked whether he is short of money even though the question is stupid, he laughed and said maybe. She never asked again, she is grateful for what she has and is in desperate need to become a better person. She is thankful for all that came her way.
"I am not, he loves them and I love giving them to him. I hope you've packed everything? Don't think about jumping off the plane this time because you forgot to bring a bikini." He guffawed, the sound deep and rich than ever before. If anything, his voice deepened and became more husky with time moving but she is not kvetching, not at all!
"Hey, I didn't say I was going to jump off the plane, I love my life, okay?" She giggled recalling what has happened just few months ago in the plane when they were flying to Bora Bora.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Let's make a move, the event is taking place in less than six hours and you getting ready will take three hours." He teased knowing she hates when people think she takes long to get dressed, she doesn't or so she thought.
It's like she has been changed from the Suhayr years ago to another woman entirely different. Normally, she takes less than five minutes to get dressed but now after enjoying her married life, she has changed her dress sense. Whenever she wears clothes, she makes sure to dress to impress for you might not know whom or how you meet someone, she likes keeping good impression when it comes to her dressing. The people watching her YouTube channel thinks she is a fashionista, she wants to keep the image running though she was anything but.
And yes, she has reached thirty thousand subscribers before that month ended and there is no way she could tell Najaah about it since she is in a village where network should not even be called but she felt proud. And now, she is almost hitting two million followers on her social network platform which happened immediately after her brothers and father posted her photo as the oldest princess of Egypt. Her sisters were also loving and made her feel special, they liked her and their mother also died a year and some months ago. They bonded stronger after her demise since they do that behind her back before she passed away.
Her YouTube account is still running though, she makes videos and edit for herself. She is an expert now on photography and videography stuff already. Her subscribers are too many now, she don't have the pressure of dare on her head.
"I don't take that long but I'm not arguing with you about it. Let's go." She rolled her eyes and made her way to the door then out of the chamber to the cars waiting for them just outside.
As the days glided by, Sa'eed thought that it's better for them to get an escort because of so many life threatening kidnaps going on and it wasn't at all hard getting them. His grandfather and father have theirs so he just demanded for his and he was given three cars which were more than enough. There are many bouncers ready to risk their lives for them, he pays them a lot and also makes sure they are never threatened in any situation.
They landed safely in Lagos minutes later and a car was waiting to take them to a hotel, not any ordinary one but his own. The hotel he is about to launch in mere hours and her own part of business alongside, they are connecting the business together. She never thought they would make it with countless dream but there they are hauled in the sweetness of a bigger business for the two of them. She can't wait to see the designs she has created getting merged in her husband's bureau, she is proud of herself and knew her foster mother will be too.
Sa'eed has already clocked the billionaire name before Sa'dan was born, and he says she helped him get through it even though she knows she did nothing but support him. After that Boston deal she almost ruined, a lot of contracts and deals came to him rendering him busy but never too busy to not be with his family. Whenever he is together with them, he gets a call which he has to attend to and does his work from home. Most of his meetings were held at home throughout her pregnancy, she couldn't get him to leave for he thinks they need to spend more 'quality' time together before the baby is born, boy did they do that.
Staring at the S&S thirty two storey building in front of her glistening and illuminating soft Aegean light as the sun rays hit it from the horizon. Her eyes glistened to the name again feeling this sense of pride overwhelming her, enveloping her chest in warmth. Her husband and her made this, their hard earned work for more than six months. Ever since she gave birth to Sa'dan and catered to him for awhile, Sa'eed suggested the idea of them merging a business as she hasn't started her clothing brand yet. She almost thought about not joining business but Sa'eed wasn't having it so she gave in.
Her brand name is V&T though, the names of her deceased mothers, Varisha and Tanisha.
It's such a relief knowing she won't be sitting at home like those housewives, she has always despised that not that she had anything against housewives, her mother was one even with royalty on her head. Now she will work alongside her husband and if she wants, she can work with her brand somewhere else. For now, she wants to boost her husband's bureau with a touch of her own magic which she hasn't used in a long time. Comments flowed throughout her social media platforms when she posted them and gave them the flyer of what is going on in Lagos. She will be going live on Instagram too.
"Yes, we are already here. I shall call you when we are ready to go and don't forget to send the babysitter for Sa'dan... I told you she was going to be with us in the auditorium. Yes, get that planned as soon as possible." Sa'eed hung up the phone with a heavy sigh filled with anxiousness for the day ahead of them. It needs to be flawless and perfect like he is, nothing can go wrong.
"Calm down, my love. If you get too stressed, I will also get nervous and it'll be chaotic." Suhayr rolled her eyes at his tensed self, he has been since the day before. And to think the man is never wavering under her glares filled with scorching fire.
"I am calm! Let's go, Jonathan won't stop rambling about this event." He tugged her by her waist while she hold onto their sleeping baby in her other hand.
As soon as they settled in the presidential suite, she sighed and flop next to her son on the bed like a plank. She is tired of the evening that awaits them so she better get the whole rest she will need right before the exhaustion take over. She could feel and hear Sa'eed in the background answering countless of phonecalls, she's switched off her phone because of this. Whoever it is that wants to come knows about the address and where they should go to so she won't take any call from no one. She refuse to be stressed for no reason.
"Nay, you ain't going to sleep like that. Stand up and get dressed." He whined from behind her after getting off another phone call, his hand sauntering to take her off the king sized bed gently so as to not wake his sleeping son.
"Can we postpone it?" She groaned, standing up on her feet to take the luggage brought to them by a bellboy minutes ago. It sat by the door just a little far away from a huge shoe rack.
"Stop stating the impossible." He exasperated from behind her also taking his long time decided outfit from his Calvin Klein trolley. A suspire hush out his lips seeing as nothing has gone missing from there. His wife would never have forgiven him for that.
"Whatever." She took the evening gown from the suit bag brought to her from a very renowned tailor in Abuja. She gave her the designs and since she can't exactly get on the tailoring machine as she has forgotten most important pieces of it for mention about it and it turned out great, just as she had imagine.
She made her way to the ensuite knowing Sa'eed won't permit her to get dressed in front of him even though he wants them to get ready fast. It only took five minutes for her to get into the dress after making sure her body is good and shaved well. Her hair also smells nice with the sandalwood shampoo she got from a ridiculously expensive mall in Zhengzhou. The ones she had has finished and she don't want to go to Chad for the memories there are just intolerable, she light send someone there though.
She came out of the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror taking in her golden evening gown, taking up her figure beautifully but also moderately. The material was bought from a very well known designer back when she went to California, the renowned brand Versace. She knew instantly that the material is not meant for any regular event so she didn't bother bringing it out till now, because this gathering held her heart and soul. This is both her and her husband's achievement, she is proud of them.
The neckline of the gown is made in ruff so she won't bother wearing something to close her neck with for there is no single skin that shows from her neck. Down to her bosom which is almost twice it size before, she made sure it isn't too tight to not get anyone's attention that she is nursing a baby. Her stomach is tight too, she didn't allow that fat to take over her after she gave birth. Forty days later, she can't find that huge belly fat with the help of Urshia who also gave birth almost the same time as her to a bouncing baby boy named Kashim, he is so cute with chubby cheeks like Sa'dan, they almost look alike too.
She let the gown out from her lower ribs down to the floor fall in panel even though the behind is longer with the net used to make zigzags underneath. The sleeves are regular long sleeves that close up to her wrist where her F.P Journe wrist watch shone under the beaming lights of the bright center bowl chandelier illuminating the room in soft white and tangerine hues. Her eyes winged with eyeliner thinking about the offer made by Sa'eed about hiring her a stylist, she would've needed one at the moment. Her hands are shaking but she managed to wing it just fine then add her bold scarlet lipstick to match up her dress. She brushed her eyebrows with a brush then sigh, she looks beautiful.
Where on earth is Sa'eed though?
Brushing his thought off, she took the perfume she's been using since two years ago, Tom Ford Black Orchid, she loves that perfume a lot. Her eyes twinkle with happiness, the feeling that always surges through her bone at the thought of her darling devoting husband who is always looking forward to doting for her and her son, whose smile is enough to lighten her whole future. There is no moment of regret in her life, not even knowing she will tell their children that she blackmailed their father into marrying her. It thrills her, the mere thought of them finding out how adventurous their marriage had been.
It didn't stop after they fell in love, she kept playing her endless pranks on him. There was a time when she plastered a note behind his suit saying I am Crazy and he went to the office like that, everyone was laughing at him but he wasn't mad. He called her smiling goofily that she has made everyone's day in his office and for that, he is thanking her. He even bought lots of frozen yoghurt as a thank you that night.
"Hmm, I should probably get you back to bed." The subject of her thought moaned atop her head, his face right on top of her well curled hair. She grinned at him, yanking the pearl bracelet he gifted her on Sa'dan's one year birthday. He gave them both a gift saying without her, their son wouldn't have graced the world so they both deserve the gift.
"You always think naughtily, don't share it with my son." She rolled her eyes, adjusting the lipstick across her lips before slipping away from his grasp to take her buttermilk chiffon veil and made it in a turban she searched earlier on YouTube by a dear friend of hers.
And Suhayr has more friends than she would want now. Tasneem has been jealous but learnt to cope with her being busy with other people. Though there is no one like Tasneem, there are some genuine ones she's met in Egypt and some on social platforms. Everyone wants to please the long lost Egypt princess so imagine the way her doorbell rings each blessed day for gifts are sent to her almost thrice a week from people around. Some she gave to the less fortunate while she keep the ones she likes. It is overwhelming being in spotlight because of a dare but she won't want her life any other way.
"Having you by my side makes me naughty. And you looking like that, I hope to make it tonight unscathed." He draw her to his arms again from behind, his hands around her belly while his head is pushed to her neck. He gave a small nip to the skin he manage to find, making a small hickey before stepping back proud of his work.
Mine, he thought darkly.
"I don't know if I should be worried with that comment." She shook her head, sitting on the cabriole sofa to strap her new pair of buttermilk louboutin ankle strap high heels. She is used to them now, it makes her work elegantly with more grace.
"You should be, for when we come back, you won't be the one to get out of that gown and pray tell, I hope I won't rip it apart." He gave her another once over as she stood on the Persian cut pile carpet.
Her eyes skimmed over him too, disregarding his comment of quelling her gown for if that happens, he won't have her for three days and she is not joking. He is wearing crisp white dress shirt underneath a flaxen Ermenegildo Zegna single breast one button shawl lapel suit with matching tie and slacks. His buzz cut growing hair is combed to perfection so was the well trimmed beard furnishing his cheeks. His feet are ensnared in Gucci cap toe onyx men shoes. To say she is amazed is an understatement, they matched and rocked!
"Well, I was thinking when he was going to wake up." She sauntered to Sa'dan whose sudden cries haul her away from her daydream. They are going together with him since he is also an S, they are naming their children with letter S so none will feel left out.
He also got dressed in a well tailored suit his father has made for him, he looks too cute in them. His baby legs are also clasped in similar shoes to his father's only that that is cotton to help him move his feet. Her heart soared at the sight of him looking just like his father, the daddy's boy.
They made their way inside the auditorium arm in arm while a nanny hired for Sa'dan for the evening is right behind them with him in her arms. A wide grin is seasoned on their lips as they approached the huge room meant for such events in the hotel. There are so many people inside just for them and her eyes are brimming with that daring glare that makes everyone squirm but even with the smile, the people watching them know not to cross her. Even on her social platforms, she never said she is nice neither is she rude, she is just really outspoken and a lot of people respect her for that, even the ones she's never met.
The room was marvelous with high ceilings way too many feet's above orchestrated with multitude of empire chandeliers while a colossal intricate crystal one is in the middle. The polished floor dotted out in front of her seasoned with men and women in expensive designer gowns, powdered faces and highest known branded suits and fancy coats. The windows are sheathed with golden tapestries and a few more doors littered around to a garden.
They are staring at them in awe and she knew the contrast between them is indubitably striking. She's heard a lot how people say they are the perfect match meant from heaven and she couldn't agree more. He is tall and handsome with slightly darker skin than her ivory coloured one. His nose is chiseled and aristocratic while hers is pert and always raise in defiant. His looks are serious and professional, always ready to slip into his businessman mood when away from his family while her face reflect nothing but the fire that always burns within her eyes standing like a doting wife when she is far from that.
Long trestles tables lined each side of the hall by the far end where people are not mingling with their glasses of champagne. Each table is assorted and well orchestrated with diverse of dishes from an array of sweetmeat to selection of so many cake appetizers from bapka, genoise, keev and so on. The chickens are grilled, roasted, boiled and fried for you to take whichever one you prefer. She stared longingly for she would want nothing than to feed her stomach and gulp some of those good looking can soft drinks.
She has never seen real life band in her whole twenty one years of living so seeing a foreign brand perched to the end of the room with their display theatrics, she stopped to admire them and when their eyes collided, she gave them a thumb's up! Whoever this event manager is really knows their job and she would want to meet them very soon, she shall sought their help soon.
"And I thought you were not going to make your debut." They heard a gentleman's voice from behind, they instantly turned at the familiar voice to stare at Sulaiman holding close his wife Juwairiyah.
Long story short, they finally decided to keep their differences aside and become friends and just when Juwairiyah is almost out of love, he fell hopelessly in love with her and there they are. She is also friends with Juwairiyah now whom she found out is an absolute amazing baker who never cease to spoil her kid with the varieties of her sugary stuff. She's also talked to her about she modeling business for her outfit, just a part time thing to boost their company and she agreed. She don't want to hire professional models, you'd get tired of seeing their faces and might end up getting discouraged before checking it out. They are going to work on their project very soon.
"He was having cold feet." Suhayr jabbed, moving to give Juwairiyah a small hug watching as her husband and his cousin did their men rough hugs.
"I knew it was him, my sister won't have cool feet." She beamed at the sound of her brother's voice, he told her he won't be able to make it!
"And you pulled my leg yet again." She pouted while searching around for the petite lady she is sure is lurking around her fiancée. Her soon to be sister in-law who is none other than her sister in-law Nafisa.
"I'm here, Sis! Stop making it obvious you missed me a lot." And there came her voice from behind her older brother Aqeeb whose face softened at the sight of his fiancée. Suhayr refrained from touching her chest at the sight, love is beautiful and she is the one to write a book about it.
Nafisa couldn't handle Tahir's badboy ways for he was not ready to change but she was secretly crushing on Aqeeb even before Suhayr knew about him. She stalked his social media platforms just for the fun of crushing on someone you are sure to never meet but then got introduced to him when they accompanied Suhayr back to her home in Nigeria. Nafisa fainted and thought she was dreaming when she woke up, she never heard the end of it after that from Suhayr. One thing led to another and they are officially engaged as from last week.
Sa'eed always makes sure to taunt Aqeeb for what he did to him though, pun intended ones!
"At least, I didn't faint staring at my crush." Suhayr teased, eliciting a blush from the younger girl, she always blushes!
"This is not time for reunion when you've been together in the palace. Go and give your speech, man." Adam came behind them and hit Sa'eed's back in a greeting. His eyes are looking searchingly for his nephew but he couldn't see the little bundle of life.
"You're right, I'll be right back." He gave Suhayr a kiss on the cheek, she squeezed his hand in you can do it with a nod of assurance.
Adam never got married to his girlfriend but is suffering to get accepted by Tasneem after she asked him out and he turned her down because he was 'dating' and doesn't want to 'cheat' on his girlfriend whom he doesn't love. Suhayr said she won't poke her nose in their matter and she is trying real hard not to do so.
"...And if there is anyone I could thank for this accomplishment, then it should be my wife, Suhayr Muhammad Aaliy..." Her heart knocked of her chest listening to her husband praising her so publicly with the media surrounding them. She gave him a full blown smile and shook her head when he mltiomed that she joins him on the stage.
"Go..." Juwairiyah and Tasneem who just arrived pushed her to the stage and she reluctantly joined him.
"S&S is the best hotel so far and I am not doubting my husbands skills nor my advises. I mean, have you checked the bungalows below? The manmade beach by the other end of it? No right? Maybe that is why your eyes are questioning my undebatable words but after you check those places out, you can come let's have a debate. And let me tell you, I never back down without having the last word." She chuckled with other people then move closer to the speaker to add few more words.
"And for the honeymooners!" The crowd howled at that, some guffawing, "Oh, yes! I know there are going to be lots of honeymooners coming here so I'll advice them to check out our mall. Even the designers you are wearing right now won't compare nor stand a chance, trust me.."
"I'm so proud of you." Sa'eed gave her a tight hug once they are safely inside their room and Sa'dan is sleeping noiselessly in his crib.
"Tickets to Mauritius?!" She beamed at the sight of the tickets knowing he has planned something great for them. She has been wanting to go there since forever and now, she shall waste naught time.
"Yes, we are going to make more babies." She giggled hitting his arm which held right to her bosom and she can't help sinking into his embrace.
"Sa'dan just turned one, don't make me throw up at the mere thought of having another baby now. Not happening." She straddled him on the bed, her red lingerie hiking up to her waist while the spaghetti strap fell down revealing her creamy breasts filled with milk for their baby.
"I love you pregnant, too hot." He bit her chest, right underneath the hollow of her neck.
"You are just a Prevert." She giggled again, her hands rustling his hair ruining the gel clasped places.
"And you love this pervert, inferno."
"I love you."
I just lost a close friend, please include her in your prayers, please. Allah yajikan Aisha Jumare.
All done!!!!! We are now only waiting for epilogue which will be five days from now insha Allah😭 I'm in tears people! Just like that, Suhayr and Sa'eed's love story has come to an end.
Drop a review so I can be motivated to publish the epilogue. Nice review and criticism please🙃 you can do that much for me right? I've updated like a sweetheart...
~Aisha Nasir/Aishatu.Xx
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