"What do we do now?" Suhayr muttered underneath her breath to Sa'eed seeing as Najaah is really not leaving the chamber and the fake date they are going to is becoming more and more forceful. Why does she have to talk without filter? Is this how her jealous side will always be?
"Well, you are caught in the web of your lie so we go get dressed and hit the date like you said." He shrugged, a small tugging at the edges of his lips when her eyes narrowed at him but she paste a fake smile then move away from between his legs, instantly missing the heat their bodies were sharing. She hates Najaah another level higher at that moment.
"You have always been a nuisance but I know my husband here is generous enough to give you a lift. Stay here while we go get ready, hmm? Don't wander off to places you can't stomach seeing what is placed there. Be a little goof girl and sit tight." Suhayr gave a saccharine smile before drawing Sa'eed by his arms and dragging him to the room upstairs with her. She is stomping for she wanted to eat her cereal and hit the sack but no, that genie made lady won't allow it.
Najaah stared hard at their retreating figures going up the stairs before she push down an expensive vase, making it land on the floor into so many pieces but that the least of her concerns. That fucking little dimwitted woman is trying to take over everything in her life. First, it is her husband who is all over her and won't stop freaking smiling like a lunatic, second it is her place in the house because when she came, the guards had to put up quite a fight before they let her through. She had to mention Hajiya Zainab's name, they fucking dared to stop her because she don't live there anymore? She will make them all pay for it dearly and whoever it is that ask them to stop her.
"We are going on this date?" Sa'eed asked as soon as she closed the door behind her and they stood in the bedchamber thinking of what to do next though Sa'eed knows what to. There is no way he will let this chance fall straight from his hands, never.
Since she was the one who suggested this date stuff, she will just have to get ready so they can go. He is already hungry and staring at her repulsive and hideous eggs made him way more famished than he was when he came back. To make eggs is trouble, what if he made her cook? He can't begin to imagine what will happen if that ever takes place in his chamber. He won't ever ask her to cook for them, he'd rather go in there and boil the eggs so they can eat to quell down their hunger a notch. They can always order too.
"I don't want to go out! I just want to have my cereal and sleep the whole night but that stupid fucking booger won't just let someone rest in peace. One of these days, she will be found hanged from the roof with so many needles and be recorded dead due to excessive bleeding." She rants, her eyes flashing that light shade of brown that scare but astonish Sa'eed every time. Whenever she is mad, this happens and when she is aroused, it yawed darker.
"You have so many ways to murder people, I wonder how I survive this long." He grinned, her eyes flashing back to him with much more anger than the one it has when she was talking about Najaah. Ah, this is the fire he has been waiting to see back in the kitchen when he was kvetching about the egg.
"Don't think I won't murder you too, your time hasn't arrived yet. Get dressed and let's go have food, I'm famished anyway." She grumbled as she made her way to the closet to get dressed again. Something she hates doing but because of that vermin, she has to do it all over! Retard!
Taking off denim asymmetrical skirt that rise up a little at the front showing her ankles while the back descend to the ground a few inches on the floor. An Aegean shirt with Victorian neckline, bracelet sleeves and a small handwriting by her left breast that says 'No one like me' boldly. Looking at the mirror, she knew she don't need to add anything else except the matching denim wrap up coat she would like to add due to the chilly weather that could freeze the inferno outside. Even though she looks good, she can't help getting irritated at Najaah again.
She took a brand new crow Gucci quilted shoulder bag from the bag racks and admire it first before deciding on mixing the colours, perfect combination. A Brian Atwood's kitten heels is what she took next from the last row of her shoes, she really shouldn't wear heels so late but she wants to put that lady downstairs in her place. A drop earring is what adorn her small ears, she now looks ready to steal every woman's man out there and there is no way Najaah could stand in front of her without feeling self-conscious. Not only Najaah, she is hundred percent sure Ms. Universe doesn't stand a chance beside her.
Whoops, gotta kick some asses!
"I'm going to a freaking forced date with that douche because his ex-wife won't let us be!" She whispered into the phone as soon as she picked it after the first ring. She called Tasneem to tell her about the so called date of theirs as soon as she finished getting dressed.
"Are you for real?! Oh, my God, you need to vlog this and send to me to edit. We are already going up with the subscribers with only two videos, send this please, please!" Tasneem hyped from the other end of the phone, her grin growing miles away. If the girl thought their marriage won't work, she is dead wrong for this is a sign.
"I forgot to take the photo of my outfit but I can do that mirror stuff right?" Suhayr asked, biting onto the seam of her lips in worry. She is starting to like this little vlogs because it's kind of fun talking to the camera and doing crazy stuff. At least, Najaah did something good to her for once in her lifetime.
"Yes, do that! My girl is catching feelings already!" Tasneem squealed again, jumping off her bed to hear from Suhayr something she could already see and feel.
"What feelings? Mtsw, you don't have sense this girl. Let me get going, I'm starving!" She called into the phone and immediately hung up, she don't want to talk about those unnecessary feelings. With Suhayr, there is nothing as feelings.
"Are you ready already?" Sa'eed called out from the bedchamber, he can't wait to see her all dressed up again. He has a feeling that she will dress up well and what better then to see her looking exquisite.
"Yes!" She called and took a deep breath, she feels like this is a real date and not just something they are forced to. Why does she feel like that though? It's so unsettling!
"You look so beautiful." The words sputtered out from Sa'eed's mouth as soon as he drink in the sight of her in front of him featuring all kinds of blue that flourished his heart with colours. He didn't even mull over what rushed out of his mouth, he just spurt them out.
"Oh, whoa! Did you just compliment me?" She widen her eyes with a smile filled with mischief, her eyes brimming with words she wants to tease him about. If it was few days ago, she would've laughed at his face.
"I did and you are not supposed to ruin the moment." He rolled his eyes and move closer, she try accessing what he is wearing during that such span of time and came up with it.
He is wearing an ebony bomber jacket, frost shirt can be seen underneath peeking a little but he didn't remove his office pants. He is wearing sable and cotton puma Cali fashion sneakers. His face looks fresher than it was minutes ago which means he's washed his face or took the quickest bath in record. The man loves taking bath all the time while on the other hand, she is like a cat who hates water.
"Oh, well! I'm not used to hearing compliments from my douche husband so it's surprising." She shrugged then remembered that she needs to start taking video for the next vlog, it won't be bad showing Najaah's face in the background with a scowl.
"And you are still insulting me, loving wife." He shook his head then made his way to the door with her following him in tow.
"Hey, I'm going to take a video right now so don't scowl or you will be featured looking so ugly." She took her phone and turn on the camera before she moved closer to him right before they reach the stairs and then she posed with a huge smile. He was actually staring at her instead of the camera.
"Hello there, subscribers! It's your favorite girl in the world again, hmm, me, Suhayr. So, I'm going on a date with my husband here and it's a last minute stuff so we just got dressed and are leaving right now. I don't know which restaurant it is he wants to take me to but I shall tell you about it as soon as I find out, stay tuned." And she turned off the camera then sighed, it could be hard work too sometimes but to get her challenge done, she'd do it time and time again.
"You are getting a hang of it pretty quick." He praised, taking her hand in his which took her by surprise but she kept quite and smiled at the compliment. The man has really changed from two days ago. She don't know if it is a good thing or bad, she has no idea.
"Thank you. I hope I say what you want to hear now, hmm?" She grinned when he chortled at her, she looks so innocent and carefree with her untainted eyes and smile. He wish she could be like that all the time but he likes that racketeer side of her more.
"You are still here?!" Suhayr widened her eyes with more exaggeration than she would want to but she can't help wanting to make the girl feel worthless. She knew she was there but she had to do that.
Najaah sat down on the white sofa looking so out of place there even with her designer clothes and when she saw them coming down laughing and grinning like that, she felt something stab her chest. This would've been her, had it been nothing happened between them a month and weeks ago. She would have wrapped her arms so tightly around him and keep poking his Angel cheeks but she can't even go a mile close to him now, that demoness will make sure she don't leave with her legs like she'd threatened when they first met. She can't put it past her to do just that, she looks evil close to her Angel face.
"I told you, m-my car broke down earlier." She feels uncomfortable there staring at her ex husband with his wife getting so cosy with each other, like her presence there is not as close to the dust on their shoes.
"Oh, right! Tater Tot, shall we?" She smiled up at him since she is standing on the frost rug at the last step while he is still on a few stairs high up watching them, no, watching her.
"Sure." He gave her the crook of his arm, she dramatically placed hers inside and then took her phone to take a quick selfie with a Snapchat filter right in front of Najaah.
Najaah gritted her teeth and made her way to the door with quick strides getting a snicker from Suhayr. She shouldn't have lied about her broken car, she don't even want to be miles close to them now seeing just how much in love they look. There is no doubt they have a special connection even with the evilness marring their eyes when they are together. She heard that they always fight but she has never seen anything as such, not even after her unexpected visit wanting to see if they have troubles like her ex mother in-law and aunt said but nah, she is proven wrong yet again!
"I don't want this car, can we get another?" Suhayr kvetch with a pout, staring at the snow white jeep parked outside waiting for them with a few guards beside it.
"Sure." He narrowed his eyes at her knowing fully well that she is trying to prove something to Najaah but he will grant her her wish, she will dance to his tunes too very soon like he is doing to hers.
A guard went inside somewhere that looks to be the car pack she never dared to step in but will definitely do that soon and brought a cotton Toyota Avalon TRD out. Suhayr beamed at the sight of the beautiful expensive looking monster that roared and howled into the darkened obsidian sky. She removed her phone and start to take the video of the car, Sa'eed getting inside and motioning for her to come in. She laughed heartily and move to the passenger's seat watching as Najaah stood there waiting for them to talk to her but none of them did.
"We should go if she doesn't want the lift anymore." She said to Sa'eed wickedly while pocketing her phone in the quilted shoulder bag. She would want to see Najaah's face after they leave her there stranded, a sight to behold. She is definitely going to record her face, she has targeted it already.
Sa'eed roared the car back to life and start to move when she came running down to the backseat in those killer heels. Suhayr laughed while Sa'eed only try hiding his chortle, they knew she was going to come but want to see what she would do and with the car lights blaring at her face, they saw the look of flummox and bemusement mixed with utter rage and wrath that mar it.
"Oh, I thought you had another option." Suhayr taunted at the woman behind who only scowled and growled like an angry dog but didn't say anything.
"We are almost at the restaurant, where shall we drop you?" Sa'eed ask Najaah so formally, she almost cried. The Sa'eed she knew few months ago wouldn't want to get rid of her so coldly but this one can't wait for her to dematerialize. He won't care whether she fell off the car at that moment, he'd continue driving.
"Anywhere from here." She whispered in a croaked voice and he yanked the car into a halt immediately which means she should get down from his car.
She swallowed a lump that formed between her throat and took her bag, "Thanks." She whispered in a small voice that is filled with heart torment and depression and then she is out of the car crying by the sidewalk.
She is going back to the castle to sleep with Juwairiyah like always, why the heck did she even follow them there?! Just to make sure they aren't lying about going on date? She can't stomach anymore than this, she needs to take good action and get her husband back under her wings. How can she feel asphyxiated in the presence of her own Angel face? She will set things right, she is done being lenient to that ungrateful beautiful woman. If she thinks she is a racketeer, she will show her just how she works with people like her.
"That was harsh, man!" Suhayr laughed lowly because she heard the somber and forlorn in her voice as she talks and Suhayr Imraan Khalid isn't that heartless. She sympathise a little with the bitch.
"I don't like being in her presence, I feel suffocated." He shrugged, she took in the sight of him driving the monster so effortlessly gorgeous. The man should really not look handsome while doing something as simple as driving.
"Can you all see my hot husband driving? I know, I know, it's a sight for sour eyes and believe me, I can't take my eyes off of him." She is talking to her camera while angling the flash to his face, he smiled and shake his head in amusement.
They arrive at 'Feast In The East' few moments later and she turned off the camera and got down then turn it on again to take a short video of the front of the restaurant, "Beautiful and exquisite, isn't it?" She whispered to the camera not wanting to get the attention of the people nearby.
A waiter came to assist them immediately as if recognizing Sa'eed when he came in or maybe the manager who clasped his hands behind his back waiting for them to reach where he is. Suhayr look around the dim littered room discretely while holding onto Sa'eed's hand unconsciously so as to not miss him in the labyrinth place filled with different types of chairs and tables. The place looks quite pricey and place where only opulence could go.
"Welcome, Sir." The manager greeted with a tremendous smile engraved on his aging face.
"Thank you." Sa'eed's voice was aloof and businesslike and Suhayr can't help raising her brow at, so he can be serious like this again?
"The place is so nice and really romantically decorated." She complimented to Sa'eed then removed her phone to take a quick short video of the place and keep it back then Sa'eed opened his mouth to reply.
"Yeah, I brought you here intentionally." He shrugged then move his hand on the table to hold onto hers and she glared at him.
"And you think I want to do anything romantic with you, why?" She huffed but didn't remove her hand from his grasp and instead let her thumb wander off to his slightly hairy knuckle. His hand swallowed her small ones and as cliché as it sounds, it fitted like a missing puzzle.
"You can't resist this hot husband, I know that." He shrugged yet again, moving his face closer to hers just before the waiter cliche-ly interfered.
"Oh, I can! Lets eat and leave, I am so famished and can take down an elephant." She removed her hands away from his soft mild ones not wanting to feel those zap of anything electric going straight to her core.
"We shall see."
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