Suhayr sighed as she heard the door opening and whoever that person is just ruined her moment with a beauty sleep on the couch in the living room. She sat up slowly, removed a tissue paper from the golden well intricate tissue box and clean the drool from her face then took one to clean the white sofa before it stained. She yawned, a loud one that could startle anyone beside her thinking she is hungry and could take down a camel but she is just tired and bored after her trip down to her Aunt's place. She's talked a lot the whole afternoon, she manage to fetch some senses into those girls so it took energy.
She even forgot about the wedding they are to plan.
"Lazing around, are we?" She heard Sa'eed's voice cutting through the silent air in the room. She yawned again, using the back of her hand to close her mouth then with slothful eyes filled with sleep, she surveyed him. Her eyes are dropping, really wanting to close and continue sleeping but she can't.
"When did you get here?" She asked even though she knows he just walked in with his briefcase dropped by the table beside the door by a guard. He closed the door quietly like he don't want to be seen there.
"Just now and found out the maids have a day off." He shrugged, folding his long figure on the couch adjacent to hers, his arms flexing behind the back of his head. He is definitely doing that intentionally for the shirt clung onto his biceps in a vice grip.
"Really? No wonder none of them woke me up nor bring me food to eat and I'm so hungry." Her eyes are now dilated with the hunger she feels like they just violated a rule she never told them which is to never let her be hungry even if she is asleep. Sleeping is important to Suhayr but so was food.
The chamber has been really quite since morning when they served them breakfast and she left the house to go to her Aunt's. When she came back, she hit the hay on the couch so she didn't know about the day off they suddenly have. And no one cared to tell her about it, the day has already yawed into a grey colour which means it should be close to Maghrib and she slept the whole afternoon off. Oh well, now is time to fill up her stomach then she can pray or she'd keep thinking about food while praying. Oh, she doesn't even pray, yay, not!
"You can cook, can't you?" He questioned, his Gucci clad feet getting placed on the mirror surfaced table that she feared it would dirty it but not even a tinge of dust fell of his incredulously neat grease office shoes. Ha, she consciously stared at hers just beside the first carpet, it is dirty!
"Of course!" Suhayr can't cook to save her life in any lifetime she gets reincarnated. She has never boiled an egg her whole life so this is her declaring a war for her. She won't let him have something against her.
Back in her home, there is always takeaway for her waiting at home or if she wants, she'd eat in the office and then when she goes home, she will make cereal and sleep. Cooking, that is her worst enemy, why did she even lie about it so instantly that she would've gotten a whiplash? She don't know but she just felt the need to protect herself and her dignity in front of the douche. Just because he is nice to her doesn't mean she's going to let her guard down, he might backstab just when she gets comfortable with him so no! He don't need to know, it is none of his concerns.
Her foster mother was a chef, a great one at that! She used to cook for the whole company every Friday, waking up around six to get everything ready but Suhayr never paid attention neither does she want to. She loves food but she can't cook, that is where she went wrong all along. Her mother would always scold her about her habits of not doing anything ladylike but she said the best chef in the world is not a woman so why would she kill herself. Besides, she could hardly eat the cereal she made herself so what if she makes the food?
That'd be utter peril!
"Great, please cook for us. I am also famished, starved and peckish you name it?" He made a puppy dog eyes, she widened her eyes at him while shifting uncomfortably on the sofa. He can't be possibly waiting for her to cook something for him, he'd die of food poisoning or worse, slip into coma or have eating disorder.
"Right now? I don't cook after waking up from sleep and not when I'm so hungry too." She gave the excuse, scratching the back of her neck while taking off the veil she has wrapped around her. How did she even sleep with a veil wrapped around her head? That has never happened before.
"No problem, you can start that now. As soon as you get into the kitchen, everything will brighten up. I shall assist you with anything, let's go." He insist already standing up to go 'assist' her while she cooks. Hehe, Suhayr Imraan Khalid in a kitchen cooking, obscene and lewd. Her foster mother should come and see this, Suhayr could picture the horrified and appalled look that will merge her face.
He saw the hesitation in her eyes and how she defensively answered his question earlier, he saw it all. He wants to push her to the wall so that she will drop her weapons again and just say she can't cook but the woman has so much pride that he can't even think of. When he thinks it's only royalties that are so prideful, arrogant and haughty but this woman surely grinded anyone he's met. She doesn't give up easily neither does she like accepting vanquish or defeat no matter how little it is. She is so ahead of herself, he wants to see where this will go.
"Okayyy, let's go." She drawled the okay and stood up while muttering so many prayers she can't remember reading albeit praying but right then, they kept floating around her brain like clouds in the sky.
She stared at the colossal kitchen in awe, she hasn't been there ever since she arrived because nothing takes her there. Everything she wants is served to her either in her room or anywhere she wants so there was never need for her to go there. Now that she is looking at it, she regrets not coming there just to stare at it and have a joyous day. This will definitely look like a chef's kitchen, the one who gets through many national competitions across the globe not someone like her who has never boiled an egg in her entire life. She gulped, a chef needs to live here and enjoy their profession.
"Wow!" She breathed, her body moving around the place as she stare in enthrallment and admiration.
The theme of the room is crow and charcoal along with tiny bits of tortilla. There is a charcoal island in the middle of the kitchen, six crow kitchen chairs surrounding the sides of it, their legs are white. It looks like a mini dining table meant for few people if you don't want it to look so formal. There are so many bowl pendant chandeliers down casting on the island, illuminating it with dim lights which Sa'eed changed to white lights, brightening the whole kitchen with just that. Another orb chandelier stood right in the middle of the kitchen in butterscotch, it's so beautiful giving the room another glow.
The kitchen itself made her feel motivated to do something so she started searching for eggs. She will fry egg and that is it, they can eat it with bread.
"What are you making?" Sa'eed hopped on one of the kitchen chairs, drumming his fingers on the burnishing island. All in the name of assisting her in the kitchen, traitor!
"Egg with bread, just a toast." She shrugged her shoulder, trying to act indifferent when she don't even know how to break the eggs, she stared at it in her hand. The snow egg looks foreign to her eyes for she never cared how it looks.
"Oh, that's cool." He nodded, lying his head on the island to stare at her with his keen eyes. He is making her uncomfortable but that is what he wants to do.
She took the eggs in her hands and started hitting it on a bowl she took from the cabinet above her head. He showed her where everything is which surprised her, she wanted to ask why won't he cook if he knows how and where everything is? She kept her words down, she don't want to back out without a fight. If this is a war, she will have to be all bloody before she leaves the battlefield and now, there is no blow yet.
After breaking the egg, there are so many shells inside but she didn't bother removing it thinking that is not a problem. Sa'eed could only hide away his chortle as he stare her looking so confused and cute at the same time. Her eyes are fixated with her undivided attention into the bowl, her hair making a curtain on the other side of her head. Something Najaah don't have much but still have them, not as much as the mane on Suhayr's head. He always gets awestruck while staring at her hair, she makes it look effortless to have that long hair. Times like that, he wished he was much more understanding to the adorable looking woman right there.
The eggs are now broken and most of the shells are still inside so she removed a frying pan while throwing a discrete look behind her at him, he gave her a smile of encouragement and it boost her confidence to move further for some peculiar reasons. Knowing she can't fry it without any taste and all the eggs she's tasted, there is this taste of seasoning so she added little salt and seasoning. She wanted to taste it but refrained, she can't possibly push raw egg inside her mouth to taste so with a heavy sigh, she moved the pan around the stove not knowing what to do. It clicked, she needs to turn on the stove first.
Turning on the stove which she knows how to, she move closer to it and poured the eggs inside without beating it or adding vegetable oil into the nonstick stainless steel pan. Her eyes widen in wonder as the thing started changing after few more minutes and smoke started circulating the whole kitchen, she took the slotted turner she's seen her mother use to fry eggs once or twice then started pushing and pulling on the pan with it. Few minutes later, she can't see any water from the eggs so she took another bowl and poured the brown looking thingy inside. She doesn't know whether to call it fried eggs or not, it don't look like one.
She beamed thinking this is the outcome everyone gets but there is this nagging feeling inside her that said this is not how she sees her eggs but she can't help the pride that surge through her veins so she took the bowl gently and placed it in front of Sa'eed. She turn back around to shut down the stove, she won't eat it, she is not hungry again. That should be only Sa'eed's since he is the one that insisted on eating, she can eat cereal and just sleep the night away with the hunger. She don't mind for she values her life.
"What is this?" He pushed the egg around the bowl with his fork while trying to name what it looks like, he can't even come up with a single thing edible he can compare that thing to. Not even in those many long lists of Asian foods that don't make sense.
"Fried eggs!" She rolled her eyes, her hands up in the cabinet trying to take another bowl from it to make her cereal but she turned around to give Sa'eed a harsh glare for taunting her after she made such amazing eggs for him. This is her first time standing atop a stove, he should consider himself one heck of a lucky bastard.
"This don't look like eggs or do you use another magic of yours to make it?" He raise a brow at her in question, he is not doing it to jeer her but he can't help it when she looks so proud of what she made. He didn't want to crush her pride aside, he can't help wanting to rile her up.
"Then what is it? I made the best egg out there for you now you are taunting me, huh?" She placed her hands akimbo around her waist while giving him stinky eyes. She definitely would've wring his neck if they were close, literally.
"I can see that and I can also see that you don't have sense in basic hygiene and preservation." He laughed, still playing around with his fork in the bowl, he can't help it. It feels good riling her up like this for no reason, the peace doesn't make sense around them.
"What the hell?! That is the most amazing eggs you'd ever taste in your whole life and don't worry, I won't ever fry them for you." She huffed in wrath, her eyes narrowing in slits sending fire across the room to where he is. Again, the man didn't as much as shift.
"Hello!" Before Sa'eed could jeer her further, they heard the feminine voice coming from the doorway. Her perfume filling the whole kitchen taking up the little smell of fried eggs, whoa!
"Oh, the toerag decided to visit." Suhayr taunted with a scornful glare sent to Najaah who is dressed again perfectly to come seduce her husband but this time, Suhayr felt this fury at the thought of them together unlike the first time she was there, she felt nothing then. Why the change again?! She is already mad about the eggs she can't fry and Sa'eed's jeer and now this? She can't fucking take it!
She is wearing a jam pegged skirt that filled on the empty space of her hips. A bubblegum deep v-neckline and leg of mutton sleeves is what she use to close her upper body. Her cleavage is wide open and Suhayr knew she did it intentionally because she has a jacket in her other hand which she may have used before she walked in if she wanted to but she didn't. A matinee necklace drop down to between her breasts, another form of seduction, Louis Vuitton barrel bag is what she is holding and a Gucci slingback heels.
Stupid imbecile trying to seduce an ex-husband, classless!
"I'm not here to fight you, dear. I'm here because my Aunt sent me to give something to Sa'eed." Sa'eed knew this was his mother's plan but he can't help but let his mind drill down the lane that she don't know how to say his name like Suhayr does. Whenever Suhayr says Sa'eed, he feels conscious of how he has been saying his own name. The 'ee' in his name gets to dance to the tune of her Arabic/French.
"What is it?" He asked, his voice stating the impatience he feels and she took out few useless papers from her bag which he knew he won't do anything with. He might as well throw them in the bin as soon as she turned away.
"Thanks, you can go!" Suhayr gave her a sheepish sarcastic smile, showing her just how unwelcomed she is there but she didn't give her any attention and looked at what was in the plate curiously.
"Were you trying to die of food poisoning or are you studying the growth of bacteria?" She asked, her eyes staring at the bowl of eggs with utter condescension and contempt, instantly making her blood boil with fury. The husband and ex wife are just condemning her!
"Thank God you remembered what your science teacher taught you back in school, now pack your bollocks and cabbage and disappear from here, you are not welcome ever again!" Suhayr glared at her, moving from the cabinet she wanted to take a bowl and make cereal with to where Sa'eed is to state her claim. The woman don't know the meaning of 'not interested.'
"I wanted to grab dinner here but it looks like you guys also didn't hav-" Suhayr stopped her midway with a hail of her hand, she move between the two and sit close to Sa'eed, almost between his legs. He opened his legs wider in invitation but she didn't move back.
"You can't grab dinner here since it is not your home neither does it look like a restaurant! We are also going out on a date when you walked in. Right, Tater Tot?" She gave him an instant nickname then look up at him with those cute eyes but they are threatening him to agree with her or she kills him later. Even castrate him.
"Right, let's get dressed." He huskily whispered back, his breath fanning her face but they are definitely going on this date she mentioned herself. She just asked him out, who is he to turn down the offer?
"You heard that, now leave and go home to daddy." Suhayr mocked, turning her head back around with a smile that says I have already won and I have succeeded in getting your man away from you bitch!
"Can you drop me off on your way? My car just broke down and it's already so late." Najaah insisted even though her blood is boiling to no return, she can't think of anything other than being with them again. She wants to find out if they are really going to this fake date she don't want to believe. She has never been on a date with Sa'eed, he hates the publicity that comes with going out with a YouTube celebrity so he keeps it down all the time.
And now he wants to go on a date with this lowlife who doesn't even know how to accept challenges in words?!
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