50~ And
When Suhayr finished narrating what has happened between her and Sa'ad to Sa'eed who is apparently her first lover's twin brother, she didn't know she was cocooned in his arms. He has her enclosed in him and she is also clinging onto him like a second skin, her hands fisted on his sweatshirt but she is not crying, just letting her heart bleed for the memory she never shared with anyone. She just did that with her first lover's twin brother, only he can feel what she felt when he died because they were inseparable. He is the only one allotted to grieve like her.
Her throat is choked, this is the moment she wants no one to espy but her biggest enemy is listening to her rant aimlessly. Her own husband is listening attentively to her as she ramble on and on about his dead twin brother whom she loved. The way she talks about his brother, she herself knew that everyone could see and detect the love she had for him. Though three days, to some it is just seventy two hours of nothing but seconds ticking by and then time pass by, that's all.
But to Suhayr, those three days were the best moments of her life which she got to live with the person she loves most. The memory she always willed her mind to bury except for when she had those nightmares reopened. The mere mention of someone with Sa'ad's name will make her heart thump, lull her head down the memory lane of their three days together. That guy is everything she wants and more, if only he was alive today, she would've been in the palace as his wife, not going through so much to get something to live off. If only the future was meant for them, she don't know what would've been of her then.
Would she have met Sa'eed in the circumstances she's talked to him first?
He did feel the pinch, the tiny jealousy he can't hide because this is his wife talking about his dead older twin brother with such passion and adoration. The wife he just learnt to start loving, the woman he wants to give a chance to has given herself to another man, his own deceased twin. She just confessed to being his brother's love, and they would have been married by now if he hadn't died two years ago planning on introducing them. He don't get how the future is playing it's card because it is messing with his head big time, he is ticked with how tricky his life suddenly turned out to be.
What would have happened if his brother was alive today, would he have been married to her now while he still is with Najaah? Would they have ever met the way they did or destiny will not have them together? So many questions filled in his head at that moment, he can't help wanting to find out both the important and unimportant information to take his mind off the time his wife has spent with his brother two years ago. He don't want to think that deep.
They already have a connected past unbeknownst to them and now, they are connected again in a marriage. Will this be called cheating too? Is he cheating on his dead twin brother with his Ghaydaa? Well, he didn't know she was the Ghaydaa his brother was talking about and it's not like he would be able to stop destiny from intertwining them when it did. Allah has planned his brother's future, so is his and Suhayr's and this is just the outcome of something predestined.
This is so damn frightening, just how much more are they connected?
And it struck to him that Suhayr is really eleven years younger than him, maybe that is why he feels like she don't deserve to be with him. He has been with Najaah who is just five years younger than him, having such drastic change really took a toll on him. She is just as young and delicate as his brother described and without a doubt, he saw that too the moment he's met her. There was connection he felt but he thought it was only because she is beautiful, nothing more. Now he feels too old to be with her, she deserves someone around her age. And to think the girl is never afraid of him, she never thought about his age.
"He was ready to marry you then. He called me, all happy and cheery talking about his Ghaydaa and I thought he was exaggerating. And the day I met you, I felt the connection, that something has happened but I didn't know you were my twin's lover..." His arms tighten around her figure as he continue to ramble about his brother to her. She is quite, noiselessly absorbing the memories of her husband and first lover greedily, wanting more.
She is still clinging onto his shirt, willing the tears not to cascade because she won't cry for the forth time. She has already done the third and last struck she promised to, she won't let this forth one cascade. The third tears were also when her foster mother died a year after Sa'ad left her life, she didn't know how to handle such great loss at the same time. She started detaching from people for they are all dying when she starts getting closer to them. They all leave her alone to tend to her needs in the bestial world. She can't open up only for them to leave, she'd lost herself in the journey.
Unknowingly, her hand slid to Sa'eed's armpit, rounding it to his back and he visibly tensed for a moment before he continue to talk. Her breath is now fanning his collarbone, he can't help but be aware of her soft feminine curves pressing against his. Her breasts that feels bare touching his hard chest, he is well cognizant and sensitive to her on him. He permit his hands to touching her hair mildly, trying to calm her down and let her get off the high of the past. He knew the feeling of what happens if you think back to your moments of your beloved who died, especially if it is someone he knows.
"It feels like this has already been planned. It makes me wonder how much Allah has in store for us, it's scary." She tightened her hold around him after saying those words, she can't help voicing out her thoughts. She's never been this open after her mother's death, she feels diaphanous and translucent.
"I hope all good stuff." He smiled gently atop her head, he can't hide away his happiness, the feel of her in his arms.
Just holding her in his arms tickled an emotion within him and there is no doubt, he has feelings for his wife. Love is a long process to him because it took more than a lifetime to have him fall in love with Najaah. Even though his brother said he fell in love with Suhayr who is apparently his Ghaydaa in just three days, he doubted that. But after what Suhayr had said, he believed that they fell in love in just those three days or maybe he had too? Who knows, for their life is more unpredictable than they had thought.
He's got to hear a new side of Suhayr he never thought there is in her story. There is this young spirit in her when she was talking about her love for his brother. She was young and naïve who fell hopelessly in love with a stranger who bumped into her and broke her bike. Spending and bunking school for him, playing her famous pranks and sharing her macciato with him, she said she never shares her food but she shared it with him anyway. Isn't that the real love?
Why is he suddenly questioning himself about what he feels for Suhayr now? After listening to her love story, he felt the connection again and it is about how they felt with each other two years ago. He is suddenly getting all those things she's explained, the love, the melting, the pounding of hearts and all other. God, did he just catch feelings for his wife who is never going to reciprocate those feelings? Because he is dead sure she won't ever fall in love, to him no less. He also feels weighed down knowing she has donated her heart away, it won't belong to him.
And then they fell in love in each other's arms while grieving their loss. They both are close to him and only know how much they have lost two years ago. When Sa'eed got the call about his brothers death, the earth shattered for the lost, he couldn't move nor speak to the person that called him. After few more minutes, his secretary came to bid him goodbye only to find him on the verge of panic attack and asked what happened then informed it to his Majesty. He couldn't handle it, it has messed with his head big time.
Early in the morning, he awoke first after hearing the soundless alarm from beside his bed. He sighed and started turning around only to feel someone else's weight on him and he thought the night before was just a good dream but no, Suhayr is lying on him now. The mounds on her chest pressed tightly on his hard chest, flushing his skin hot, sweltering hot actually. This woman atop him is foxy, he had to admit that to himself even though he had denied it when he met her for he can't afford to let her in his blood, she would ruin the business.
He was just so deranged then and whatever comes to his mouth, he spurt it out without second thought. He is regretting whatever it is he is saying, the way his heart is beating right then is something he would need a doctor to check out for him. His hands are wrapped around her, he is hugging her even in his sleep. How did they get to that position in their sleep now? No wonder he felt warm against the chilly November weather. Same reason why people want to marry during winter, to keep the cold away with their partner's heat. What it is they call it? Aha, weather for two!
He stared at her for a moment, taking in her beauty that everyone seem to never stop talking about, not even his youngest sister whom she's met the day before. Nafisa couldn't stop rambling about Suhayr the whole time they were on call while he was away in his office. Another thing he is surprised with is learning that Suhayr could play piano and Nafisa said more than him and as far as he knows, there is no one out there as good as him, his twin brother had said that. But did his brother get to listen to Suhayr playing it too?
He will have to ask that in future!
Her eyes are closed, her prolonged eye lashes are casting down her high cheekbones, fringed just prettily. His thin pert nose is button in the middle of her cute face letting a narrow way downwards for her hot pink heart shaped lips that he tasted and is addicted to. If not that he would be taking advantage of her, he would've kissed her for the strong urge taking over his mental focus is powerful and unyielding, she will definitely give him another slap as soon as she awakes. And what made her more hot at that moment, her lips are slightly parted as she breaths.
Hearing the loud sound of the adhaan outside his chamber from the mosque in the castle, he tensed back to reality. He can't believe he is thinking about Suhayr like that when just day before yesterday, he wanted to strangle her and punish her for taking him to jail. He can't believe how he is suddenly changing his view of her. He has already started catching feeling when that was the last thing he wished was to fall for this nuisance but look at him, all obsessed and possessive over that same being.
He wanted to feel disgusted about the fact but instead, his heart kept fluttering in his chest like a darn frail person.
Slowly, he took off her hands from his body and placed her mildly on the bed so he can stand up and go to the mosque, he did just that. He performed ablution and almost left the room but decided to act nicely and do what is expected from all husbands out there. He made his way to the bed where Suhayr is lying and use his hand to wake her up but she kept trying to take his arm and snuggle into him, he almost fell back on the bed to sleep with her but he fought with the Shaytan with great difficulty. It was cumbersome though, it felt like he was using his physical strength.
"Wake up and pray!" He whispered lowly in her ears, he saw her perking up then she sat down slowly as if in trance.
"You normally don't wake me up, why today?" She yawned, trying to keep away the bitchy side early in the morning but she is still surprised by the charitable behaviour.
Normally, her alarm wakes her up ten minutes after the time of Fajr, she prays before he comes back since he adds more than thirty minutes in the mosque before coming back. So him waking her up from one of the most pleasurable sleep she's had in a while didn't sit well with her. She don't even know how she slept the night before, only that she was so warm and cozy the night before. Never slept so happily in a long while, since before she met Sa'ad for after his death, she has had nightmares that could destroy person's life.
"Well, I thought of doing something charitable." Was his rude reply before he slipped on his black Calvin Klein flip-flops and left the room.
"Always stuck up." She shook her head while grumbling then made her way to the bathroom to perform ablution and prayed, begging Allah to sort her life out in the best way possible, to upgrade her.
"Ya Allah, Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, grant me a heart filled with peace and tranquility. Forgive my transgression of Your commands and grant me victory over my shortcomings. Reform and upgrade me in the best way possible, a way you know is best for me..." She kept praying silently only to tense when she felt something from her feminine part which she is very well used to.
She shrieked just when Sa'eed walked in, she startled him with the sound but that is the least of her thoughts. She just finished praying and she felt her period, mother nature gracing her with her presence! She's totally forgot about menstruation and she is not sure if she even has sanitary pad with her, she didn't know it was going to take her by surprise and come three days before the exact time. Her heart is palpitating, how is she going to start looking for a sanitary pad in a foreign place like Nigeria when their market is more than twenty minutes away, she'd be flowing by then.
"What's wrong?" Came Sa'eed's concerned voice which she would have asked why he was worries about her if she were any normal but she isn't and dammit, she needs his help yet again.
"My fucking damn menstruation just decided to pay me a visit and I'm not sure if I have any sanitary pad with me." She wailed, her eyes welling with a little tears thinking about the pain she is going to endure in few hours, the cramps.
Sa'eed was taken aback by how loud she is talking about her period when Najaah can't even look at him in the eye when she is doing it. Well, he should not even be surprised since this is Suhayr he is talking about, the fiery woman he got married to him or in other words, who proposed to him. He stared at her, waiting to see the tears rolling down her cheeks but none, it stopped there but if she blinks, it will fall. He knows they also go through cramps but Najaah never told him about it, she was really secretive about that part of her life which he doesn't understand.
"Now what?" He questioned, not moving closer to her and sat down on the chaise that is closer to her.
"Stop acting like you are disgusted! This is something natural, I didn't murder anyone to get it to flow. Get me a sanitary pad and act like a real husband." She yelled, yes, hers also comes with mood swings and this is just the start of it for he will have to endure more.
"You can't yell at me when I am the one who is going to help you. Can't you add a simple magic word as please when you need help?" He narrowed his eyes, his voice light but his eyes are stern alongside his face.
"You are my husband, which males this your responsibility, I don't need to beg you to do this. Or do you want me to ask one of the guards to get it for me?" She gave a saccharine smile though all she wants to do is throw something at his handsome face and keep his groggy morning voice from getting to her.
"Fuck you." She always makes him mad even though his thoughts about her is changing, or has changed earlier in the morning but not now.
"You can do that now and I will have your baby immediately." She laughed when he scowled at her, but can't help letting a smile break over his face and she also looked surprise at the smile.
"We shall think about that when you are pure." He teased back, moving to the bedside drawer to take his wallet and credit card.
"Oh, please! You said nothing can turn you on about me, don't come here changing your words. Well, I even told you about it, you will change your mind soon." She cleaned invisible dirt away from her shoulder then stood up with the praying mat, folding it then removed her hijab.
"It is not you who turned me on, but the mother nature." At this, they laughed together.
None of them are willing to back out, it is fun laughing together for the first time.
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