Thing For You
Ash's P.O.V
When I came to, my head was spinning and I felt like throwing up. It didn't feel like I was drunk, I just felt like someone had been beating me up while I was asleep.
"Oh, you're awake..." I looked over and saw Misty watching tv.
"Wow thanks for leaving me on the floor." I said, sarcastically.
"Welcome!" She chirped and went back to watching her show. It was some old kids cartoon. I smiled when I heard the theme song. It was Pokemon she was watching. I didn't know she was into that. For some reason, that made her a bit more attractive despite her weirdness...
"Ah...why is there a bump on my head?" I asked, gingerly touching the middle of my head. It hurt but I was fine.
"Well you fainted..." Misty said.
"Do I taste strawberry?" I asked, licking my lips.
"There's strawberry ice cream in the fridge." She said, not looking at me.
"Jeez...such a boy." I said and got up.
I could do with some ice cream and went over to the fridge. When I opened the door, all I saw was a tray of ice and chocolate Popsicles. Nothing else.
"Hey, you liar. There's no ice cream here." I said.
"Well I don't know! I'm not your maid! How should I know where you were tasting strawberries?!" She asked. There was a faint tint on her cheeks and I smirked.
I walked over to her and sat next to her.
"Hey..." I whispered.
She looked at me and her eyes widened. "W-What?"
"Did I ever tell you that you're beautiful?" I asked.
I felt a whacking pain hit my head and I fell back onto the floor.
"Are you kidding me?! Again?!" She screamed.
"I was just playing! What are you talking about?!" I exclaimed, holding up my hands in defense.
"I get back from going to a store that is literally five minutes away and I come back to see this?" Dawn asked as she entered the apartment.
"You're stupid cousin is trying to hit on me!" Misty exclaimed, threatening to beat me with...a mallet? What kind of crazy girl has a random mallet?!
"I was not hitting on you! Who'd want to flirt with a tomboy like you?!" I exclaimed.
That seemed to make her mad and Dawn had to pull her back before she could slaughter me.
"I'll kill you!" She shouted.
"Misty! Misty, calm down!" Dawn said, struggling to pull her back.
"Get your crazy friend away from me!" I said and ran into their room.
I slammed the door shut. I heard Dawn trying to calm Misty down while Misty was trying to whack at the air.
What did I get into?! Who is this crazy girl?!
I pushed my hair back and felt a small smile tug at my mouth.
Ok maybe she was crazy but she was...interesting. Yea that's a mild way to put it.
Maybe tomorrow I'll do something again. She's sorta cute when she's mad...
Dawn's P.O.V
I finally got Misty to calm down and she went to take a nap on the couch since my cousin locked himself in our room.
I saw my laptop flashing and I opened it. Someone was trying to skype me.
I clicked on the ID pic and accepted the Skype.
"Hey, sis. How you doing?" My step-brother's cheeky face appeared on the screen and I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, Tracey. You don't have to lie to me. I'm not stupid. You just want to see Misty." I said.
He smirked. He knew he'd been caught. "Ok ok. Yea. So where is she?" He asked, excitedly.
"She's taking a nap." I pointed my laptop in the direction of sleeping Misty and I saw his smirk melt into this goofy smile.
"My Misty is so cute." He sighed.
Cute? What's he talking about? Sure she's my best friend but Misty snores like a moose when she sleeps. She also sleeps in these really weird positions that make her look like she's dead. When I had my first sleepover with her, I cried because I thought I'd killed her in my sleep. Misty scares me.
"Tracey, she broke up with you when we left, remember?" I reminded and he scowled.
"She was just kidding." He said.
"I'm pretty sure she meant it." I said and he frowned.
"Hey, cuz. Who's that?" Ash asked, coming out of the room.
"Ash is living with you guys?" Tracey asked and I saw jealousy in his eyes.
"Well he's just visiting Mom." He went back to his cheeky smile.
"Oh hey Tracey." Ash said and went to grab a snack.
"Hey Dawn. Mind handing the computer to Ash? I need to talk to him." He said.
"Ok whatever." I shrugged. "Yo Ash. Tracey wants to talk with you."
"Bring it here." I walked over and put the laptop on the table.
"What's up." Ash asked.
I walked away before I could hear what they were saying. I wanted to eavesdrop but Misty was waking up and she got cranky.
"How long have I been asleep?" She asked.
"Only an hour."
"Is ash still here?" She asked and looked around, sleepily.
I looked at Ash and I saw him looking at her. They were staring at each other again. Oh my stupid cousin.
I heard Tracey yelling at him and Ash pouted. He said something that I couldn't hear and Tracey yelled again.
"But she's so cute..." Ash teased.
"She's mine!" Tracey yelled.
"Who're you talking to?" Misty asked, appearing next to Ash.
I hadn't even noticed she'd gotten up.
"Misty! Hey, babe!" Tracey exclaimed, waving excitedly.
"Tracey..." Misty sighed.
"You're dating?" Ash asked.
"I broke up with him." Misty explained.
"You meant that?" Tracey asked and he frowned.
"Yes, yes I did. Please stop telling people we're dating." She said, tired.
"Go to sleep. I'm trying to talk here." Ash said, pushing her away gently.
"Don't touch me." She snapped.
"Misty um come on." I said and took her into the room.
"Geez who does he think he is." She pouted and crossed her arms.
"My cousin is weird. That's how he shows affection. You were tired of talking to Trace right? He saw that and made up an excuse for you." I could see her eyes softening.
"Um Dawn...could I tell you something?" She asked and blushed.
"Uh yea"
"Um when you were at the store, Ash and I...kissed."
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped.
Ash and Misty...kissed?!
"You what?!" I exclaimed.
"Don't yell! It-it wasn't that big of a deal. He was sorta unconscious." She blushed.
"You kissed my cousin while he was asleep?!"
"No no! Well he was sorta awake and then sorta asleep..."
"Oi Tracey isn't going to like this..."
"Don't tell him! And...Ash, I don't think he remembers" She mumbled.
She was blushing furiously and she was twiddling her fingers.
"Ok fine." I sighed.
"Thanks!" She exclaimed, giving me a hug.
"Oi cuz, I didn't know you were into girls." Ash came into our room. Even though he was talking to me, he was sneaking glances at Misty.
"She's not, dummy! And neither am I! I can give her hugs if I want because we're friends." Misty said, glaring at him.
"Ok then." Ash rolled his eyes.
"What happened to Tracey?" I asked, trying to change the subject before a fight could break out.
"Oh he hung up. He was mad about something. I don't know." He said.
"That's nice. Now get out." Misty said, pushing him out of the room. "Don't you have your own apartment?"
"I do. But it's more fun here." He winked at her and her face turned red.
I was mentally slapping myself. Was this how they flirted? Ash doesn't even know he stole Misty's first kiss. That must be what was messing with her because I've never seen her act this way with Tracey.
So I was right. They have a thing for each other?
Woo! Update on New Years! Anyways, my style has changed a bit but I hope that's ok. Also Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! ~JasonHibiki
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