Chapter Seven: Love Me To Divorce Me
Jack started to move to follow Mark, when the classroom door swung open and hit him in the shoulder. Chad stepped out into the hallway, letting the door swing shut behind him. Catching sight of Jack, Chad puffed himself up and asked darkly. "What are you doing out here, Dweeb?" Lifting his chin up defiantly, Jack shot back just as darkly. "Walking. Or I was until you got in the way." Scoffing, Chad's shoulder clipped him in passing. Turning, Jack started to raise his hand to flick him off but stopped himself at the last second. He was afraid of it looking weak and silly. Since Mark had insulted him before about his verbal assault. Deciding to leave Mark alone for a bit, he went to lunch. As promised Kyanna bought him lunch and they sat down to eat together. For a few minutes, they chatted about random events and shared a few laughs. As Stacie spotted Chad in the lunch line though, she drew everyone's attention. Getting to her feet, she squealed and rushed over to him.
Practically leaping into his arms, she bellowed out for all to hear. "We're the number one couple on campus!" Kyanna scrolled on her phone to show Jack that the school had set up an app to showcase where all the couples scores on campus were. It was no shock to anyone that Chad and Stacie were number one. Dropping his tray, Chad hefted Stacie up off the ground. Squeezing her ass and pushing her against the wall as he excitedly told her. "You know it, baby! And there is where we'll stay!" While Chad grinded against her and kissed her throat hungrily, Jack told Kyanna bitterly. "After what I just saw the arsehole doing... I don't see how. He's such a prick." Kyanna chewed a fry, mumbling around it. "Ya. Couple of whores if you ask me." Jack nodded, then winced as Kyanna asked him suddenly. "So, I take it your hatred of them comes from your tortured partner?" Looking back at her, she showed him that he was at the bottom of the list with only two points to their name.
Giving him a sympathetic smile, she told him gently. "There are very few gay couples in this school. His face is hard not to notice now." She tapped the pictures beside their names, adding softly. "I'm sure it hasn't helped your score either. Hard to be in a loving mood... when you wanna just feel crushed." Nodding, Jack mumbled out. "Ya... especially when the guy he's paired with isn't bisexual." Kyanna choked on her fry, blurting out after. "You're straight? How the hell did you get paired with him? Did you break a mirror?" Rolling his eyes, Jack truthfully said. "I don't know. We were hoping to get high enough and switch with someone... but so far... we're drowning." Kyanna sipped her coke through a straw, before saying. "I'll bet. But it's going to get worse. These exams dig deep into past relationship issues. They try to improve you. Turn you into the perfect couples. If your feel nothing for him... you've got a high chance of failing. I'm sorry, man. You're doomed to fail."
Jack shrugged, trying not to think about that. When Stacie's voice cut aloud. "HA! I knew Mark would be at the bottom!" Beside her, one of her friends teased out. "Have you seen his show? We should go and record that shit! I hear he's practically whoring himself to older men!" Jack turned to look in their direction, his every muscle tense. Chad snatched the poster from the friend to look it over, while Stacie chuckled out. "Why bother? I hear you can watch him fuck himself on his OnlyFans. He like... tests toys or some shit now. It's pretty sad." Chad looked at Stacie with a quizzical look before pulling out his phone discreetly. It made Jack crack his knuckles to think of Chad searching for Mark on there. When Kyanna touched his arm, he jumped. Giving him a brief smile, she asked him grimly as it faded. "Where is Mark? Is he ok?" Jack opened his mouth but closed it. Feeling guilty, he finished off his food before saying softly. "I don't know. I was trying to give him some space."
Taking another sip of her soda, she told him softly. "I guess, that's thoughtful. Just don't leave him alone too long." Pushing his tray aside, he asked curiously. "Why not?" Giving him a sad look, she answered coolly. "No one should be left alone with their thoughts for too long when they are sad. These types of bitches are like predators. They smell how injured he is... they'll just keep coming around to finish him off. He needs to heal fast or develop a thick hide to withstand their blows." Sighing heavily, he mumbled under his breath. "That's not comforting... I don't know how to help him." Shrugging, she added gently. "Just listen to him. Don't let him feel like he's fighting alone. Predators separate their prey from the herd to kill them easier. The only way to deal with a bully... is to be willing to fight back or get enough people together to outnumber the problem." Glancing at Chad and Stacie, Kyanna exhaled out. "With them... they are too well liked here to outnumber. But we have dirt on Chad... That could isolate him from his pack of yes-men."
Sitting up straighter, Jack slipped him her phone and said sweetly. "Here. Put your number in. I wanna keep in touch. If you want to?" Smiling, she put her number in, informing him excitedly. "Certainly. You're fun to talk to. And I always root for the underdogs." Getting to his feet, he told her with a warm smile as he got back his phone. "Thank you for lunch. I've enjoyed this. I wanna do it again... but I should go find him." Kyanna nodded, replying sweetly. "I'll let you know if they do anything else. Give you a heads up." Nodding, Jack finally slipped away. The people he passed by were all sharing the video of Mark and it made him feel sick. Walking into his apartment, he called out Mark's name but got no answer. After checking the living room and balcony, he bravely went to his bedroom door and knocked. From inside, he heard Mark's deep defeated voice groan aloud. "Door is unlocked. What do you want?" Opening the door, Jack lingered in the doorway. Mark's room was a bit messy but done in the same style as his own room.
It was almost a normal boys' room... except for all the sex toys lined up over his dresser. Along with the camcorder on a tripod beside the bed. Laying on his back without a shirt on, Mark was scrolling through his phone with a heartbroken expression. Leaning against the doorframe nervously, he asked him. "Are you alright? I heard... I saw..." Mark stopped scrolling, his eyes finally meeting his. Gulping, Jack pleaded with him. "Mark, can we please just talk? Our score is tanking and... I'm worried about you." Mark snorted, his eyes going back to his phone when he sighed out. "Don't be. I'm fine." Tapping his heel against the doorframe, Jack tried to be gentle and understanding when he admitted. "I heard about what happened between you and... the other guy." Dropping his phone by his side, Mark folded an arm under the back of his head, his expression guarded when he uttered out neutrally. "Ya. I'm sure you and half the school have seen the video. You don't need to concern yourself with me. I lived through this once already."
Shifting uncomfortably, Jack avoided his eyes when he said cautiously. "I know the guy in the video was Chad... and I saw... I saw you with him." The bed creaked as Mark sat up, his voice stony when he asked. "What exactly did you hear?" Scuffing his shoe on the rug, he told him all that he heard before adding casually. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you last night. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I just... you don't deserve to be used like that and... Mark, it's not my place... but as an outsider... I feel like he's playing with you." Snorting, Mark bitterly shot back. "How would you know, Virgin? You don't know the first thing about being in a serious relationship." Finally meeting his eyes again, Jack quickly snapped back. "I know enough that it bothers me that he referred to you like you belong to him! He made the video. No one forced him to send it. Yet, he blames YOU!" Jack's anger faded when he saw the tears welling up in Mark's already reddened eyes.
His voice graveling and pained when he retorted firmly. "You don't know him. Chad was jealous. He... He made a mistake. I don't have to like it. I don't want to forgive him. Frankly... I just don't care anyone. So, the last thing I need... is some posh virgin telling me how I keep screwing up MY life. If that's all you want to say. Get out." Feeling stung by his words, Jack meekly uttered aloud. "The one who made a mistake was you. He didn't deserve to be your first anything. Neither did Stacie. I could be mean about this whole thing... but I actually care what happens to you, Mark. Whether I like it or not... you're married to me. I need you to make this work for both our sakes. Unless you want them to remain the top couple on campus. And listen to them laugh about how the man who has sex on stage and plays with sex toys... can't keep our score above ten for more than a few hours at a time?" While closing the door, Jack chuckled out. "But that's just one posh virgin's opinion. I'll be sure to put lack of sex on our divorce papers."
Shutting the door, Jack exhaled all his tension and mumbled to himself. "Great... I'm gonna be put back a year..." Making himself some coffee, Jack dropped onto the couch and began doing his homework. He took his time and gave the best answers that he could, his eyes occasionally peeking up at the score panel. It had ticked down to one. They'd be in the negative soon and it bothered him. Was he doing all this work for nothing? Mark's bedroom door opened, and he heard Mark lazily drawl out. "I hate to say it... but you have a point. My reputation is being questioned." Rolling his eyes, Jack continued to work on his homework as he huffed out a bit distracted. "Glad you got that figured out." Mark moved into the kitchen and Jack heard the fridge open but ignored him. He was almost done with his homework and was eager to finish. Just as he was on the last few problems, Jack froze as Mark's bare legs stepped into his view. Picking up the remote off the coffee table, Mark turned on the TV as he whispered to him. "Oh, I've figured out our problem all right."
Swallowing, Jack lowered his eyes back to the book, trying to sound disinterested when he distantly mumbled out. "Ya...? What's our problem?" Mark grabbed his book, flipping it closed and tossing it loudly onto the coffee table before straightening up to tell him confidently. "You are. Who's been earning us those points? Why do we keep losing them... Virgin?" Guiltily looking up, Jack's face burned as he blushed. Mark was only wearing just a pair of loose black boxers. Bringing a vanilla popsicle to his mouth, Mark slid it between his lips and pulled it back out slowly, before telling him matter-of-factly. "If anyone is caught in a sexless marriage. It's ME. I put myself out there. YOU, Virgin, keep bringing us down. You need to pull your weight. Or you've got to let me run this show." Sitting back, Jack shrugged out shyly. "How would you go about that? I've been nothing but supportive. I haven't done anything to-" Mark pressed a finger to his lips, then moved his hand to grab the back of the couch over Jack's shoulder.
Leaning down until their faces were inches apart, Mark whispered over his lips a little playfully. "You're scared of me. Of what I am. We are failing because you feel nothing for me. You can't even bring yourself to pretend. Being a virgin... you have no idea how good intimacy gets. You don't understand it. You're afraid to give up your firsts to the likes of me. We are failing... because of you. If we get a divorce, it will be because you can't get your act together." Jack shifted uncomfortably as Mark slipped his lips back over the popsicle in a way that had Jack subconsciously crossing his legs. Sucking the tip lightly, Mark licked his licks, then told him with a smile. "You wanna make this work and raise our points? Then you've got to be prepared to deal with who you married, straight boy. I can get us to the top... you've got to be willing to be the bottom." Jack's jaw dropped open and he was about to protest, but Mark put a hand over his mouth and suddenly straddled him.
Pinning him to the couch with dark eyes, when he added bluntly. "Don't say it. I don't want to hear it. You are a VIRGIN. I've got more experience being in a relationship than you do. That makes ME top dog. You've got a problem with that... fine." Dropping his hand and sitting back on Jack's thighs, Mark snarkily purred out. "You wanna be top? Prove to me that you can. Put your hands on me." Panicking, Jack spread his legs, causing Mark to fall ass first to the floor with a yelp. Then scrambling quickly up and over the back of the couch, Jack panted out to him in a shaky voice. "Fine. We'll do it your way... but only because I don't want to fail." Smiling, Mark rested his raised legs on the seat of the couch, his back leaning on the coffee table, when he said almost giddily. "I'm gonna make you work for that divorce, Virgin. Write up some boundaries, cause I'm not losing to them." Jack nodded, quickly slipping into his room before Mark got up. Pressing his back to his door, Jack grabbed his half-hard cock with a strangled whine.
Something was wrong with him. How had Mark gotten to him? He felt weird all over. He'd never gotten hard around a guy before. It didn't matter how they'd teased him. Only girls had gotten under his skin... until now. What was happening to him? Locking his door to make sure that the keypad didn't let Mark in. Jack stripped down and rushed to his bed. Laying on his back, he tried to jerk himself off. He pictured the hottest girls and nothing. He pictured them doing things or having things done to them and nothing. Frustrated, he rolled onto all fours and tried jerking off that way. When it wasn't working to end his lust, he pulled his phone closer and tried to scroll to something. When Mark's video with Chad popped up. Biting his lip hard enough to draw blood, he slipped in his earbuds and pressed play. For the first time, he heard the audio play. Pulling Chad into the locker room, Mark's voice was nervous but a little excited when he spoke. "We'll have to be quick before gym class is over. Are you sure this is ok? I just... I wanna try it... and I'd rather do it with you than someone else."
Chad pulled Mark into a passionate kiss, before whispering to him. "I'm good with this. You won't regret it. I'll take care of you." Staring only at Mark's beautiful features, he let the video play out but imagined himself in Chad's position. He felt dirty for doing this... but Mark's moans were working to heat his blood up. Seconds before Mark came in the video, Jack spilled his seed into his hand. Dropping his forehead down on his arm, Jack panted heavily for a moment. Then stopped breathing as Mark's voice said through the earbuds and into his core. "I think I love you." To Be Continued...
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