Chapter Nine: Feeling Blue
Jack's breath hitched when Mark's hands moved up his arms and over his shoulders. His touch was soothing and almost protective of him. Yet, there was hesitation also. His touch wasn't as confident as it had been before. Lifting his head away from Mark's shoulder, Jack tried to get himself under control. While Mark's fingers carefully stroked up the back of his neck, before turning his hand to stroke his knuckles down Jack's cheek. Forcing himself to his eyes, Jack's whole body began to tense up as he realized what was happening. Without any smug judgement, Mark whispered to him empathetically. "Jack...? Do you want to?" Jack held his breath as Mark started to lean up toward him. Their lips mere inches from touching, when Jack's body finally responded. Jerking back from his advancing lips, Jack staggered off of him as he scrambled away. It was hard to make a quick escape when his cock was straining against his pants, but he limped and fumbled his way around the couch.
Grabbing his cock and squeezing it hard enough to be painful, Jack choked out as he tried to rush for his room. "Do I wanna what?! I'm not... I was just... I've got to go." In the time it took him to struggle toward his room, Mark swiftly rolled off the couch and dashed to the bedroom door. Slamming a hand against it to shut it as Jack just got it open. Keeping a firm hand on the door, Mark told him in a low serious tone of voice. "Don't run from this. Talk to me." Shaking his head, Jack kept his eyes to the floor as he blurted out. "There is nothing to say. Move. Please." Mark shoved his shoulder against the door as Jack tugged on it, curtly informing him. "I've been where you are, Jack. You're scared. I understand that better than anyone. You can talk to me about it. Trying to hide from it... doesn't work. Trust me." Pressing himself against the wall in a weak attempt to hide from him, Jack mumbled out. "I'm not what you think... I just... you touched me and..."
Easing away from the door, Mark's voice was simply beautiful when he told him. "Maybe you are. Maybe you're not. All I'm saying, Jack... Is if you want to talk about it. I will hear you out. I can help you understand what you're feeling. You don't have to run from me." Stepping away from the door, Mark casually walked around him without touching him. Jack instinctively yanked his bedroom door open, but didn't move inside. Instead, he turned to see Mark tidying up the room. Giving a little shrug, Jack asked in a shaky voice. "I'm not... It's just because you..." When he couldn't find the words, he slumped his back to the wall with a tormented expression that threatened to bring tears to his eyes. Without looking his way, Mark told him calmly as he continued to clean. "I'm not going to tell you otherwise, Jack. You know what you are. I just know from my own experience... that I would have liked to of known that I wasn't alone. That I could have talked to someone about it without... feeling like something was wrong with me."
Taking the trash over to the bin, Mark added with a heartwarming smile. "Maybe you're just curious. Nothing wrong with wanting to try something different. When it's done with the right people." Swallowing hard, Jack quickly slipped off into his room without another word to him. He just didn't know what to say. He wasn't even sure what he was feeling anymore. It was all just a blur that he wanted to clear itself up. The next morning, Jack stood in the bathroom brushing his teeth, when Mark stepped inside. Spitting into his sink, Jack nervously told him. "You should knock." Rolling his eyes, Mark popped open his medicine cabinet, retorting openly. "You've got nothing I don't have already, Virgin. How did you sleep?" Groaning, Jack muttered under his breath. "Like hell... You seem rather cheerful this morning." Quickly swallowing a vitamin, Mark replied with a shrug. "I got paid today. Plus, I've got a show tonight. So, don't wait up for me."
A sudden sting struck his heart, when he told Mark gruffly. "You think that is a good idea? With Stacie and Chad out to hurt you? What if the school found out that you were... doing that?" Huffing confidently, Mark retorted. "So what? The school can't do shit about it. I'm not whoring myself out to students for money. I'm working at the theater. The only one who can be upset about it... is my partner." Flashing him a wicked grin, Mark playfully slapped his ass before heading out as he stated over his shoulder. "I'll track you down at lunch before I head off for work. I plan to bring home dinner. So, write down what you want and give it to me then. Along with that list I asked for yesterday, Virgin. I won't wait forever." Jack listened to the apartment door close, before meekly scuffing his shoe on the floor and uttering under his breath. "Doesn't bother me." Rubbing his ass where Mark had slapped him, he blushed and shot off to get his stuff.
They had separate classes today and Jack was a little happy about that. He needed some air from Mark after last night. Focusing hard on taking a lot of notes in his classes, he got a text right before lunch that read. 'Hey friend, Kyanna here. Would you mind letting me borrow your notes? I'm in the nurses' office and missed class. I'd really owe you one.' Texting that he'd be over, he made his way to her after class. Slipping into the large nurses' office, he followed her voice to a blue curtain that was pulled around one of the beds. Inside, Kyanna told the nurse. "It wasn't my fault. She did it on purpose... the bitch." The nurse nearly walked into him as she exited the enclosed space, replying. "You still should have been more careful. Oh! Sorry, young man! Excuse me." Spotting him, Kyanna waved him in with a bandaged arm as she excited told him. "Just the man I wanted to see! Did you bring the notes?" Nodding, he tossed down a copy of them and asked nervously. "What happened? Are you ok?"
Blushing, Kyanna told him a bit defeatedly. "I was in the salon class. Working with a heat curler. Stacie brought up my big breasts and... I called her a flat chested holiday inn from leg to leg. We got into a fight, and she burned me. It's... It's nothing." Jack's shocked expression caused her to rush out quickly. "She didn't burn me on purpose. It was an accident. I slapped her and she tripped on the cord when she tried to grab my hair. I made the mistake of trying to catch her... Ugh... I'm too nice." Picking up the ice pack and taking her arm carefully, he placed it on her bandage, telling her. "You should keep it iced, or it will swell and hurt more." Glancing around, Jack asked curiously. "Where is your partner? Doesn't he know you're here?" Instantly, her face fell before she grimly told him. "He knows. He just... Doesn't care. We've been fighting. I don't feel like a good match for him. He... He's mad that I'm not comfortable with him touching me. All his friends are making out and he... wants to. But I don't like feeling like an object for him to brag about to his friends."
Shaking his head, Jack honestly told her. "I wouldn't want that either. Have you told the teachers?" Nodding, she sighed out. "Ya... they are dealing with him now. They say that I might be able to get a new roommate. I feel my dad's influence behind that..." Smirking a little, Jack restrained himself from asking who her dad was. He didn't want to feel jealous over it. Placing a hand on his hand, she asked him suddenly sweet and a bit emotional. "Jack? You know... if you reach top marks this week... maybe you could... switch with me? I wouldn't mind being your wife. You're nice. They could put my new roommate with Mark." Blushing, Jack told her honestly. "I would like that but... you might not like me beyond what you know of me." Leaning in closer, she asked hopefully. "Then... let's try something simple. Just to see if there are sparks. Please? I'll regret not trying with someone as nice as you..." Jack shrugged, staying very still as Kyanna eased closer to him.
As her lips drew near, Jack inhaled her perfume before their lips met in a very light kiss. Her lips were so soft and glossy. He could taste her cherry lip-gloss and it made him want to taste a little more. Deepening their kiss slowly. Her good hand cupped his cheek as she moaned into the kiss. Sending a surge of lust and goosebumps through him. He was just starting to lean her back, when she pulled her lips off his and whispered a little embarrassed. "We should stop. You're still... married to Mark. It wouldn't be right to go further... but... consider my offer. Please? I... I do like you and want to get to know you better." Jack nodded, then flinched as the nurse called out to someone. "Can I help you, young man?" There was a rushed set of footsteps and by the time Jack stepped out, the only person there was the confused-looking nurse. When the bell rang, Jack cursed. He'd missed lunch by coming here. Pulling out his phone, he tried to text Mark but got no reply. So, he tried to call him, but he didn't pick up. Had he already left for work?
Heading back to his apartment late after spending most of the day in the library to study and research things for his career homework. He dropped his bags with a groan. Mark still wasn't back from work, and he was starving. Going to the fridge, he tried to find a snack to hold him over. Mark couldn't be too much longer now. Finding a jar of pickles, he pulled it out and fished out one with a fork. After just one bite, Jack shivered and licked his lips. The pickles weren't what he expected. They were sweet but had a strange sharp aftertaste. After another bit or two, he was hooked and carried them over to the couch to watch TV. Finishing the pickles off made him feel completely relaxed. So, he sipped the juice from the jar until he passed out across the couch. His head was a little fuzzy, but he felt fantastic.
Stumbling in just after midnight, Mark groaned and kicked off his shoes. He was sore all over and wanted a shower. Flicking on the kitchen lights, he set the food for their dinner down. He didn't want to buy Jack dinner after what he'd heard in the nurses' offices, but he had. Glancing up to see the someone on the couch, he froze. What was he doing sleeping on the couch and not in his room? Had he been waiting up for him? His heart almost fluttered at the thought. No one had ever waited up for him before. Walking over though, his hopes were dashed. Picking up his jar of pickles, he snorted to himself. The virgin had gotten into his moonshine pickles that he'd gotten as a gift from work. Just one was enough to knock someone on their ass. Yet, the virgin had eaten the whole jar and drank half the shined-up juice. Smirking to himself, he brought it to his lips and took a long swig. It went down smoothly and cleared up his dry mouth. It helped to numb his aching joints.
After setting the jar backdown, Mark folded down the couch to help Jack sleep more comfortably. Dropping a blanket over him, before setting to work to put the food away. He wasn't in the mood to eat. Jack's words were still flooding his brain and making him feel lonely. Heading into his room, he stripped himself down to nothing before slipping on a loose T-shirt. As he was heading for the shower, he found himself lingering by the couch. It bothered him that seeing Jack kiss that girl made him a little jealous. Jack was growing on him. His fun accent and fair features were nice, but it was his strong work ethic and determination that really drew him in. It reminded him of himself before Chad had crushed his dreams and the world had torn his innocence away. Dropping his towel, he climbed onto the couch and positioned himself beside Jack. If he was anyone else that he knew... they'd take advantage of him. All he wanted to do right now... was pretend that he had someone who would fight for him. As he pulled the blanket up to tuck Jack beneath it better, he closed his eyes as the score panel jumped to fifty-six. To Be Continued...
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