Wang yibo left not really caring about xiao zhan who fainted and laying down on the floor motionless, yibo took a room downstairs, put everything in order and sat down on bed, he has decided to mend his broken relationship with his mother, he just didn't expect to marry someone like xiao zhan, someone who is already married and now having a dead husband, he really is stupid enough to be blinded by xiao zhan, not only did he not have a background check, he sided with the xiao family which pretends to be so good and never listens to his mother's words, from today he is going to be a filial son, be a good son and listen to his mother. Yibo didn't see or hear Wuxian voice, yibo guessed Wuxian must not be around, maybe his brother took him, which looks like a good thing for now, correct every mess in the house and do everything correctly.
Xiao zhan regained consciousness and his whole body was cold and trembling, he is not sure for how long he has been lying down on the floor without clothes, getting up with difficulty, xiao zhan quickly found warm clothes to put on, his cheek is red and swollen, Wang yibo has never slapped him or insulted him, calling him a bitch or a whore since they got married six years ago, but today he did the same thing today, getting violent with him, he didn't care if he was pregnant.
"I will not cry, i should not cry, everything that is happening now was meant to happen, i will accept it all." Zhan whispered and took a deep breath, he shouldn't have listened to his friends words, he could have just proceeded with the divorce process and just get divorced, he knows better, even if he tries to report to the authorities, nothing will happen, Wang yibo bought them all and they will only listen to him, he really is caught in a trap that he will never be able to escape before he is tortured enough, he is not sure if he will be able to hang on for that long.
Going to the kitchen, xiao zhan got an ice pack, wrapped it around a piece of cloth and compressed it around his cheek, the cold sensation made his cheek to feel numb and the pain he was feeling to stop, he is feeling mild pains on his stomach, but it's not bad enough for him to be concerned about, he knew it's because of his emotions earlier, the doctor warned him to be careful and always avoid any stressful events and being overly emotional which is not good for him, zhan sat down and closed his eyes and tried to calm down and put his emotions in check, he should not be selfish, he should think about his unborn baby, his baby deserves a chance to see this world and meet his father, sadly he will never see his mother, he will have another mother, as for Wuxian it will be hard for him to adopt to calling someone else mother, he wanted to leave Wuxian before, but he changed his mind when he saw the big picture, but now the same thing is going to happen, not only will Wuxian be taken away from him, his newborn baby will be taken away from him, xiao zhan who was trying to calm down before got so emotional that the mild pains on his lower abdomen got worse and intensified with each passing minute, the pain was too much for xiao zhan that the he shouted and groaned in pain, dropping the ice pack on the ground, zhan crouched down and hugged his stomach, zhan felt warm sensation that flowed down to his legs and he knew better what was happening, his face turned pale and he panicked even more, if he will not get to the hospital sooner, then he will surely lose his baby.
Wang yibo heard the noises coming from the kitchen and he knew the voice perfectly well, but he didn't bother to go check on xiao zhan, well why should he care what happens to him, someone who could fool him for six years, is capable enough to pretend to be hurt and he is not going to be fooled again by someone who is so disgusting.
Zhan tried to stand up, but he fall down and wasn't able to move or get up again, laying down on the floor, watching the blood on the floor that kept increasing minute without doing anything to help save his unborn baby, zhan could only bite his lower dry lips so that he will not make a sound or his cries be heard, xiao zhan watched the pool of blood on the floor and he knew it's already too late, his unborn baby is already gone, his baby is already dead, and it is his fault, he couldn't even bring himself to try and go to the hospital to save his unborn baby.
Wuxian on the other hand was happily playing when he suddenly stopped and bursted into tears, Dylan and darren were surprised, one second Wuxian was all happy and the next second he is crying so painfully like he was hurt. Dylan tried to coax Wuxian to keep quite, but failed, Wuxian continued to cry and calling his mommy.
"Xiao zhan is not picking up his calls, maybe he is asleep, i think it's best if we take Wuxian back, i don't know what happened to him to suddenly start crying for his mommy." Dylan said and put his phone away, then continued to coax the crying Wuxian.
"Kids are just so unpredictable, let me get the car keys, we will take him back, he is not showing any signs of stopping crying." Darren said and seconds later he came back with the keys, darren drove with Dylan still carrying the wailing Wuxian, ten minutes later, they arrived at Wang yibos place, they rang the doorbell and minutes later Wang yibo opened the door to see his brother and brother in law with the crying Wuxian.
"What happened to him? Baby come to daddy." Yibo asked and tried to take Wuxian from his brother, but Wuxian refused to be touched by Wang yibo, Wuxian struggled to get down, the moment Dylan put him down, Wuxian ran directly towards the kitchen and Wang yibo, Dylan and darren followed closely and what they saw in front of them made them to freeze, Wuxian ran towards xiao zhan and sat down while crying and didn't stop to call his mommy while touching his face, xiao zhan opened his eyes slowly and looked at his son, zhan with difficulty tried to move his trembling hand and with trembling fingers he touched his son's face.
"Baby don't cry." Zhan said with his hoarse voice and he closed his eyes and his hand slumped down, darren was the first one to run towards his best friend who was covered in a pool of blood, turning xiao zhan around who was not moving darren tensed.
"Call an ambulance right now!" Darren shouted, Dylan took out his phone from his pockets and made a call, minutes later an ambulance arrived with paramedics and they took xiao zhan to the hospital, Dylan looked at his brother who seems to be transfixed where he was, he was not moving or said a word.
"You did this to your wife right? You wanted to kill him? If we couldn't have arrived earlier, then you could have left your wife to bleed to death!" Dylan who was so disappointed shouted and walked away, he followed the ambulance closely and went to the hospital, darren wanted to go, but he couldn't since Wuxian was alone and crying, Wuxian cried himself to sleep, darren though he is not sure what happened, but he is sure something might have happened when they left and Wang yibo must be at fault.
Yibo who was left all alone in his house still standing on the same spot fell on his knees, he heard the commotion coming from the kitchen half an hour ago, but he never bothered to go and check, well why should he bother to go check in the first place? Why should he care if xiao zhan is hurt or not? Zhao Hongfei will care for him! Zhao Hongfei will be concerned and go check if his partner is okay.
Xiao zhan was out of danger, he was fine and needed to rest, zhan lost his baby, the big clots and lumps that were seen on the floor clearly indicated that xiao zhan lost his baby, Dylan didn't leave xiao zhan side the whole night, till the second day, Wang yibo didn't go visit zhan at the hospital since he was taken until the second day.
"Dylan you don't have to be worried about me, I am fine really, you should go now." Zhan who forced a smile told Dylan, he knows Dylan is being nice to him because he doesn't know what kind of a person he was, if he knew that he is a shameless person, then he will continue being so nice to him like this.
"Eat something first, you haven't eaten anything, it's not good for your health, i will go and have a rest once you eat something." Dylan answered, zhan really didn't have the appetite, he is not in the moods to eat anything, but with Dylan persistence, zhan had no choice but to eat, zhan was left alone, Dylan promised to come visit xiao zhan later, since darren is on his way to come see him with Wuxian, zhan nodded his head in understanding, when the door was closed, zhan touched his flat stomach and cried.
"Pretending to be sad, wasn't this what you wanted, to teach me a lesson and get back at me is by killing my unborn baby! Xiao zhan for you living in a lie for year's with me, that not being enough you decided to kill my baby! Are you happy now? Just because i killed your dearest husband, you decided to kill my baby to avenge for your husbands death!" Yibo who came inside shouted looking at xiao zhan with his eyes red in anger, zhan shook his head and tried to sit down, but he couldn't, he was still weak.
"I didn't, he was also my child, how could i be so cruel to kill my own child, i really didn't kill my child!" Zhan tried to defend himself, yibo laughed and clapped his hands.
"So good for you, you think by pretending to be not at fault rather acting to be a victim, i will feel sorry for you? You already knew what the gynaecologist said before, but you pretended to be so sad, knowing well the baby will be affected, but you never cared! Xiao zhan you intentionally chose to kill my baby! You're so cruel! Are you satisfied? Are you happy now? Your husband Zhao Hongfei must be rejoicing by now for finally killing my child you bastard!" Yibo shouted and approached xiao zhan with the aim of beating him up, but the door was immediately opened and darren chen entered with Wuxian who immediately ran towards xiao zhan, getting up on the bed, Wuxian hugged xiao zhan.
"Mommy Wuxian misses you so much, promise me mommy you will never leave Wuxian alone again." Wuxian said in tears, zhan hugged his son and patted his son's back gently.
"Yibo can i have a word with you?" Darren told Wang yibo who was looking at xiao zhan with pure hate, yibo looked at darren up and down and smirked.
"I don't have time to talk with a whore and a killer friend, excuse me." Yibo said and left surprising darren even more, did he just call xiao zhan a whore? This isn't the wang yibo he knows, he will never say such a word or be a kind of a person who is behaving so badly, Wang yibo has always been understanding.
"Zhan what's going on? Did something happen after we left yesterday?" Darren asked xiao zhan who only shook his head and looked away.
"I need to be alone with my son now, please leave darren." Zhan answered and didn't look at darren who remained standing for few seconds not knowing what to say, before he also left.
"Baby look at mommy, don't cry, my son is a big boy and big boy's should not cry, here mommy made this for you earlier." Zhan said and took out the handmade necklace, taking off his wedding ring which right at that moment has no meaning to him, he carefully placed it at the middle of the necklace, zhan helped Wuxian wear the necklace and he carefully hid it under Wuxian shirt that he was wearing.
"Mommy why did you take off your ring and give it to me?" Wuxian asked confused, zhan smiled and kissed his son's forehead.
"Because mommy wants to give Wuxian a good gift, promise mommy you will never take it off." Zhan said, Wuxian nodded his head and rested his head on xiao zhan chest.
"That's my good boy." Zhan added and touched his son's soft hair, he will be leaving soon, Wang yibo hates him and he even accused him of killing their unborn baby, darren saw xiao zhan condition, the way he was behaving and talking, it's so unlike him, darren had no choice but to call xiao zhan mother to come at the hospital.
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