Yibo called his driver to comedy pick up xiao zhan, but the time xiao zhan, darren went out of the house, the driver who was not far arrived, Wuxian refused to be carried by darren, and xiao zhan himself will not allow his best friend to carry Wuxian when he is already pregnant and having a visible bump, with the playful Wuxian, xiao zhan is worried that Wuxian will kick darren small bump. Wuxian luckily didn't really understand what was happening, and he didn't bother to ask, which was good enough.
Wuxian who was quite all this time, looked at xiao zhan and yawned, he placed his right hand on xiao zhan chest.
"Mommy i want to eat." Wuxian said, zhan looked at his son and looked outside the car, theirs no restaurant or stall nearby, they haven't eaten and it is almost midnight, most of the restaurants must be closed by now, the chaos that happened earlier, made him forget about eating.
"I am also hungry." Darren also spoke, xiao zhan himself was also hungry, not eating dinner until now, is really too much.
"Driver drive any restaurant that is still open, we need to eat." Zhan told the driver who accepted and searched any restaurants nearby that a still open, xiao zhan froze when he felt Wuxian hand under his shirt and his little fingers were pinching one of his nipples.
"Wuxian! What do you think your doing!" Zhan shouted.
"Mommy i want milk." Wuxian answered making xiao zhan lips twitch, milk? This brat is going too far with his claims of being hungry.
"Uncle is taking us to a hotel, i will buy milk for you, remove your hand now and be a good.....ahhh Wuxian you brat!" Zhan didn't finish speaking, but shouted when Wuxian lifted the t-shirt xiao zhan was wearing and he connected his mouth with one of xiao zhan nipple and tried to suckle, darren who was surprised started laughing.
"Wuxian seems he still wants to breastfeed, he thinks he is still a child." Darren said while laughing, zhan hissed in pain when Wuxian bite him, and he immediately pushed Wuxian away from him while frowning.
"You should know your place Wuxian! You're not a kid to be breastfed! And i don't have any milk! Y-you. .." Zhan pointed at Wuxian who felt very aggravated and he pouted, what did he do wrong? He is hungry and he wanted his mommy milk, is that so wrong?.
"Don't be so angry, he is still a child remember." Darren told xiao zhan who rolled his eyes.
"Child my foot! He bite me so hard and my nipple must be reddened by now! He is not a kid but he is acting like a vampire, Wuxian if you dare try that again, i will pull you're ears! And you don't look away when I am talking to you!" Zhan answered, feeling very offended, he didn't expect Wuxian will pull such a stance because he is hungry.
"Sirs we have arrived, you can go inside and eat, i will be here waiting for you." The driver said, xiao zhan and darren thanked the driver and went inside the restaurant with Wuxian, the three ordered what they wanted to eat, and minutes later food was brought over, xiao zhan ate his food while checking on Wuxian to see if he is eating properly, half an hour later, they were done and they ordered a dessert as a take out, going back to the car, Wuxian immediately fall asleep, zhan and darren ate what they ordered, zhan didn't vomit since he ordered ginger tea, twenty minutes later, zhan and darren arrived where xiao zhan and Wang yibo live, darren was amazed.
"You're husband really built your dream house, i envy you, you're husband is ready to spend billions for you, just to make sure he fulfilled you're every dream." Darren said and the two laughed, zhan bathed Wuxian and changed his clothes, luckily Wuxian didn't cry much, xiao zhan put Wuxian to sleep and he also took a shower, then darren, zhan gave darren one of his pajamas, the two decided to sleep together on the same bed.
"Darren do you think my curses made that woman die? She can't really die because i cursed her right?" Zhan asked.
"She looks like she fell down from the chair, but the way we saw her, it's impossible for her to die, she must be sick and didn't tell anyone, let's sleep, it's already past midnight." Darren answered and the two immediately slept off, Wuxian though he slept late, he woke up early, a nanny who was hired yesterday to take care of Wuxian, helped Wuxian to take a bath, brush his teeth and dressed, Wuxian asked the nanny several questions, and the nanny answered them all, Wuxian ate his breakfast and was surprised when he wasn't taken to school today, but he was happy since he is going to play, Wuxian got his toy's as much as he wants and scattered them all over the sitting room before he started playing.
Xiao zhan and darren woke up late, by the time they were awake, it was already late afternoon, the two took a bath together and got dressed, going downstairs, they ate their latest breakfast and Wuxian as usual ate again and dozed off again, zhan checked his phone abd saw several missed calls from Wang yibo, same as darren who saw several missed calls from Dylan.
"We should get going, i will let Wuxian stay here, the nanny will look after him." Zhan said and the two left immediately after eating, Wang yibo sent a text message to inform the two that they should go to the main house, arriving their, xiao zhan and darren saw their husbands waiting for them outside, zhan walked towards Wang yibo and saw the black lines around Wang yibo eyes.
"Have you been awake the whole night? You don't look so good." Zhan said and touched Wang yibo face worried.
"Its okay, people kept coming and i didn't have time to rest, i will rest after everything has ended, let's go inside." Yibo answered and kissed xiao zhan cheek.
"No you rest for few hours, i don't want anything to happen to you, also I am not begging you, this is an order, let's go." Zhan said and dragged Wang yibo inside, zhan saw a lot of people, most of them were his mother in laws family member's, and with the way they were looking at him and Wang yibo, it looks like they haven't done something so unforgivable, they didn't think that Wang yibo killed his mother because of him right?.
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