29. the deaths of john b and sarah cameron
( ! the deaths of john b and sarah cameron ! )
MARLEY SAT IN the police truck as Shoupe opened the door for the teens. pope was the first out as shoupe began directing him, "follow plumb to that tent. wait for your friends."
kie was next to follow pope out, then marley, and finally jj. the group walked past paparazzi and people just watching them as the paparazzi yelled at the teens.
deputy plumb directed the kids into four chairs. they all sat down in the order they got out of the car without a word.
"sit down. don't move. we got a lot to talk about. keep an eye on these kids." states shoupe as he walks off.
"blockade is up at the marsh and masonboro and all other inlets from shem creek to breach inlet. i want eyes omg all coastal access points, people. let's get this guy"
marley looked at jj as he just intertwined their fingers and she rested her head on his shoulder. at the same time, pope grabbed kies hand and held it in his own.
the kids continued to sit in silence as lightning crashed.
marley looked around to see places in the distance getting their power back. there had been a short outage that was the perfect time for john b to leave and marley just hoped he got out of outer banks before the power began coming back.
"that's them! there they are!" a man yells and marley turns to her friends worried. the cops saw john b and by the description of them, marley could only assume sarah had gotten to him.
a bunch of sirens began going off in the water as police boats headed towards the duo. john b got to boat to turn on before he began speeding off away from all the cops.
and so the chase began. john b and sarah in the phantom with around three or four police boats chasing after them.
people on the mainland began to panic as the storm got closer.
it began raining and yet that didn't stop john b. he was headed straight towards four police boats before he quickly turned back around the way he was coming from, towards the storm.
john b and sarah began going south, john b not caring if he was headed into the storm. he only cared that he got away from the cops.
"suspect is attempting to escape to the south. our attempts to contact the vessel were unsuccessful. we're gettin' hammered here." informs one of the men from the police boats chasing after john b and sarah.
bratcher sighs, "hold your position, captain." "roger that." "i got one more card i think we can play." assumes bratcher.
ward cameron then walked into the room a bit later and sat in front of the walkie talkie. ward picked up the walkie talkie with a shaky hand, trying to really lay it on thick.
"john b? john b, i know you are there, son. i know you can hear me, and if you love my daughter like i think you love my daughter, then you will turn that boat around and come back. you are going into a storm that you cannot survive." ward takes a pause after that statement.
"john b, please, i will make it right. i promise you. come back." promises ward as he waits to see if john b will reply.
it's quiet for a moment before ward speaks again, "john b, i am begging you. think of her and turn around."
everything goes quiet as they wait to see if john b will reply. suddenly his voice comes through the ears of everyone, "ward cameron, do you hear me?"
ward quickly replies, "yes. yes, son, i'm right here. i'm right here. please bring her back, okay? we'll work it all out when you get home."
"you killed my father, and you framed me for a murder i didn't commit. you took everything from me! you took everything from me! but i'm still here. and i swear to god, ward, i will come back one day and take what's mine. so, you listen to me, all right? i'm comin' for you. i'm coming for you."
the radio goes static and ward looks terrified as his face twitches.
"we've lost their radio signal, sir." states one of the men as shoupe leans down towards the microphone, "those are kids out there. don't stop lookin'."
"understood." replies the main man from the police boat before shoupe leans towards ward, "you don't go anywhere. we're gonna need to talk to you."
ward just stares forward, knowing his fate as all the other adults leave the tent.
all the kids sat in silence for a bit as kie begins to cry in fear until shoupe and other officers come into their tent.
the four kids all stand up quickly and head towards shoupe. shoupe and the other deputies look at the kids sad as pope questions, "did you find them?"
shoupe shakes his head, "no." kie looks at the man, "so they got away?" kie looks at all her friends as shoupe looks down, unable to look at the teens, "we, uh... we lost them. i'm sorry."
marley looks at the man, "what- what do you mean? you lost them? like, they're gone?" her voice breaks as she questions the man and he sighs, "they took an open boat into a tropical depression, marley."
kie looks at the man very upset, "so, they're dead?" he just looks at the girl, "we don't know."
tears stream down both girls faces as jj let's out his anger, "you drove them straight through the storm, man! are you kidding me? come here!"
jj goes to fight shoupe as his three friends shout for him to stop. jj continues to flail around as a tall deputy with no neck grabs him and lifts him off the ground.
pope gets close to shoupe, "he didn't kill anyone, and you know it!" shoupe try's to stay calm with the boy, "we're still looking for him, all right?"
"pope. pope, just stop." cries kie as marley try's to calm jj down. "jj please..." he stops flailing at the girls cries before everyone turns to see kies parents, popes parents, and marleys parents and sister run in all together.
marleys mom reaches her arms out for her daughter as marley runs into her mom and sobs.
michael cameron rubs his daughters back as she crys into her mother's chest. "they didn't make it, mamma." crys out marley as her mom try's to comfort her, "i know sweet girl."
marley feels her dads touch and quickly moves to hug him. he is quick to hug back as his daughter cries.
marley feels her dad let go and then feels her little sister hugging her. she hugs berkley back automatically before she heads towards jj.
jj is being hugged by popes parents when they both let the boy go. he turns around and quickly pulls marley into a hug as she sobs.
tears stream down the boys face as he holds onto the girl he loves, never wanting to let go. there was too much pain that came with loss and the teens were getting a first hand experience.
as the young couple hugged, they felt others wrap their arms around them. marleys parents and sister had all come over to comfort both kids.
when her family let go, marley turned to kie to see the girl do the same as the two practically ran into each other's arms. jj and pope doing the same.
the girls had cried together before but never over such a loss and never with so much pain in their hearts.
two of their best friends were dead and they couldn't do anything about it, or so they thought.
WARD CAMERON WALKED into the dark room. he had been messaged to meet with someone there and was looking around for the one who sent the message.
when ward saw the outline of who he was looking for, he sighed, "i didn't tell them about you if that's what you're going to ask. i tried not to tell them much and i tried saying john b was crazy, but i doubt they believed me."
the man just stayed silent, causing ward even more stress, "what are we going to do? they know!"
the man in the shadows only laughed, "oh brother, they don't know half of it." michael cameron stepped out of the dark as he looked at his brother.
it was only the beginning.
wow that cliffhanger though-
i hope you enjoyed this season as i wrote it and i hope you liked my twist ending villain lol. i thought it made sense that wards brother would be helping in all the evil so i decided to go with it.
if next season goes way different then i expect then i'll probably have to rewrite or try to get that ending in it somehow.
okay, in the show i love jj and kiara as a ship i think it's cute but for the sake of this fanfiction, i hope pope and kie stay together. i also think the fandom didn't give their ship enough time to happen but idk man.
should i write another jj fanfiction? or like another characters fanfiction? i'm wondering.... leave your thoughts!
well, vote and comment! <3
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