Chapter 7: Patton
I grasped it in my hands and bit my lips. I finally had it, after all the difficulty I went through. I raised it to my mouth and screeched as it was slapped from my hands. " Patton, no!" I groaned and turned to face the spoiler of good times.
" I just want a little punch, Logan! I swear I can handle it!" The other teenager had arrived shortly after Roman had dragged Virgil off somewhere. " You're just being dramatic."
" I'm not being dramatic, that it spiked!" Logan growled in frustration. I was sure he was getting bored of taking care of me. I didn't want him to leave me all alone! I waved my hand dismissively at him.
" Silly, Logan! You can't spike punch! We aren't even playing volleyball! It would make no sense," I giggled as he growled. It was a badly made joke on my end, but I'd be ruining the joke to outwardly admit it.
I was surprised to see Roman run up to us and pull Logan away. They discussed something between themselves. Roman seemed frantic, and it bothered me. I didn't see Virgil anywhere. If he were with Roman, he was probably fine. . . But I naturally worried.
I seized my chance to head towards the punch while Logan was occupied. I'd had punch at my cousin's 5th birthday party and I think I liked it! So why not have some now? I stole a glance over my shoulder and saw Roman running back upstairs. I locked eyes with Logan and he gave me a look saying, ' Don't you do it!'
So, naturally, I turned and sprinted towards the punch. I thought I heard him curse and start following me. I picked up the pace and scooped up a cup of punch. Logan's body was looming over me as I touched the cup to my lip and downed the whole drink before he could reach the it. The empty cup was thrown from my hand with a casual, " Yeet."
" Hah! I got it! And you said it was bad–!" I was hit with the burning aftertaste of alcohol. I stumbled with a bit of dizziness and my vision blurred despite my glasses. I wobbled around to face about three to seven Logan's and attempted to lean my head on one of his chests.
He stopped my spinning world by putting a hand on my head. I couldn't feel the effect of the alcohol anymore. I looked up at him over my glasses. I could see him clearly. Though he seemed unaffected, I was baffled at my sudden soberness. Was soberness a word? I don't even know.
I reached up and put my hand on his hand, which was still resting on top of my head. I had no idea what was happening, but it messed with every thought in my head. " Logan. . ." I stared at him, taking in every detail of his face.
" You. . ." I reached out and put my hand on his cheek. I was surprised when he didn't jerk away from my touch. ". . . have something in your teeth."
He sighed and pushed my hand away. He seemed a bit disappointed by my words. " I don't have time for your games, Patton."
I pouted and leaned my head on his chest. " You're no fun sometimes. It was just a joke." I plucked the glasses off of his face and put them on over top of my own glasses. " Wow, we have the same prescription! What're the chances!" I giggled.
He huffed and snatched his eyewear back. " You're loopy, Patton. Let's go sit down and rest." He held my hand and led me through the thick crowd of people, but I was focused only on him. I didn't understand this. Why was he the only thing on my mind? Was that even possible?
Have I been brainwashed by aliens to only think about one thing or person at a time?!
I concluded that was what must have happened. I pouted as Logan flung me on a couch and stood in front of me with his arms crossed. " I still can't believe you did that."
" I can't believe it's possible for someone to have such beautiful eyes. . ." I slapped a hand over my mouth when I realized what I had said. What was wrong with me? I didn't mean to say that! Or. . . I didn't mean to say it out loud, at least.
Logan stared at me, taken aback by my comment. He stood there, frozen with no response. I jumped to my feet and laughed awkwardly. " Sorry about that, I don't know what came over me. . ."
" It's. . . fine, I suppose. I need some air." I watched him walk to the door and followed him shortly after. What harm could it do to check on a buddy?
" Logan?" I called out softly. I noticed him standing in the corner of the yard. He was muttering and pacing. I quietly approached him. " Boo," I shouted as I jumped on his back. He was extremely surprised and struggled under the sudden weight on his back. " Why'd you run off, silly?"
I got a glimpse of his face; bright red. I got off his back and walked around to face him directly. His face was a crimson color and he wouldn't meet my eyes. " Is something the matter?"
" I don't understand. Why are you on my mind?" He finally looked at me. I mean he really looked at me. " I suppose it's because you are the only one I've conversed with this evening, but it's different."
I nodded, as if I knew what he were saying. He growled in annoyance. " And the only thing I want to do, is inform you of how absolutely adorable you look this evening!" His face became a new, darker shade of red, if that was even possible at that point.
" Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you," I whispered. I slowly inched closer to him, until I had him in a hug. " I don't get it either, but we'll get through this."
He nodded, gingerly wrapping his arms around me as well. Behind us, the house thumped from the loud music of the party. Where were Roman and Mr. Gloomy Pants? I hadn't seen them in awhile. " Hey, Logan? Where are Roman and Virgil?" I spoke softly, like I might frighten the stoic.
He sighed and pulled away from the hug just enough to look me in the eyes. " Roman took Virgil to the hospital. I don't know all the details, but I believe he passed out," Logan sighed. My eyes grew wide at the news.
" What?! The hospital?!" I practically screamed. Logan's grip on me tightened and I tried to calm down. " I hope he's okay."
" I know, I know," Logan whispered. He turned back to face the house, one arm staying around my shoulders. His nose crinkled up in disgust. " This would be a horrible thing for Virgil to return to. Why don't we scare all these hormonal messes away and clean up a bit?"
" Boo, party pooper!" I complained. " I don't wanna clean!" I leaned against him and he stumbled at my sudden weight.
" Fine! We won't clean," he grumbled. " Just help me get rid of all of them." He grabbed my hand and began leading me into the house. I smiled as I pondered different and exciting ways to clear the house out quickly. Once we were inside, Logan spoke again, " So how do we get them all out?"
Before he could say much else, I had already jumped up on a table and smashed glass on the ground. That got everyone's attention. I mustered up as much energy as I could and screamed, " The police are coming! Scatter!"
There was a moment of pure silence as the reality of the situation set in on everyone. Suddenly and all at once, everyone in their drunken state began to sprint for the exits. I pulled Logan away from the door before he could get run over. He pinched the bridge of his nose and released an exasperated sigh.
We sat on the table and watched as every last person ran for their lives. " I can't believe that worked," Logan breathed out, once the last person had left. I grinned triumphantly and earned a pat on the head from Logan.
We gazed out into the sea of red empty cups and spilled drinks and Logan seemed to be annoyed at something. I glanced over at him curiously. " What's up?" I asked. His eye twitched.
" I have the overwhelming urge. . . To clean," he huffed. I snorted and he stared at me. " What? What's so funny?"
" You are, silly! This whole night seems like it's worn you out," I quieted down and my grin relaxed into a small smile. " This was a fun party, more so than usual."
" Was it? I don't have any experiences in which to compare it," Logan said. I looked at him in shock.
" Really?! You've never gone to a party?" I jumped off of the table and landed on the shattered glass from earlier. A string of curses tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them. A piece of glass had pierced my foot through my shoe.
" What's the matter?!" Logan stood up as well, though he was careful to avoid the glass. " Come, let's sit down." He led me over to the nearest chair and helped me sit down. He knelt down in front of me and examined my shoe.
" Ah, I see what's happened here. This glass has hurt you," He observed. Without warning, he yanked the shard from my foot. " There. All better."
" Hate to tell you this, babe, but it really isn't," I said through clenched teeth. Logan carefully took my shoe off and studied my wound. He asked me to stay seated while he ran off to get something.
Logan returned a moment later with a wet wash cloth and bandages. He tenderly cleaned the cut and placed a bandage over it for good measure. " Now you're all better," he announced.
" Can you kiss it?"
" Can I what?!" He stared at me in shock. I blushed and looked away. It was a stupid of me to say. I should've kept my mouth shut. " Are you aware of how many germs the human foot possesses? I am. It's a lot."
I looked at my lap and shook my head. " Sorry, that was weird. I don't expect you to do something like that," I mumbled. I was surprised by the feeling of warm lips being pressed against the top of my head. I gaped at Logan as he stepped away from me.
" Will that suffice?" He questioned, his face becoming a bit red. I nodded, still surprised. " Close your mouth. As the expression goes, you'll catch flies."
I laughed a bit and (with some assistance from Logan) stood up and put my shoe back on. Logan's eyes locked on something outside. I turned to face the window. I gasped at the sight of Roman's car pulling into the driveway. " He's back!" I rejoiced. It wasn't long before Virgil climbed out of the car. I noticed that Roman seemed to exit the car as though he was dizzy.
" Hey, Pat. I'm back," A deep voice sounded from the front door. My breath caught in my throat as I saw Virgil's face. His entire face. No mask. I hopped over to him as quickly as I could. He didn't ask about my foot, but he did spare me a concerned glance. I took in every detail of my friend. I'd never seen his whole face before. I was surprised at his features. He wasn't bad looking.
" I'm so glad you're okay!" I pulled him into the tightest hug I could possible manage and he gave a small laugh. He appeared to be in a good mood, for someone who'd just gotten back from the hospital. Logan pried me off of him after a few minutes.
Virgil and Logan shared a silent nod. It was like a conversation of its own. I looked out into the yard and spotted Roman still next to his car, gazing at his phone worriedly. I walked outside and over to the new student. I could hear the other two follow me.
" What are you doing?" I asked. Roman helped as if I'd surprised him, though I suppose I had. I noticed that his eyes were wide and his face was a deep scarlet hue. His hair was messed up and his shirt was wrinkled. " Hey, bud. You look a mess, did something happen?"
" I'm perfectly brilliant!" He said, his voice shaking. I could tell he was lying, but I wouldn't push it. I noticed his gaze frequently paused on Virgil. Something must've happened while Virgil and Roman were at the hospital. I would have to text him about it later.
Logan offered to drive me home, since one of my friends had brought me and abandoned me. We bid farewell to Virgil and Roman and started driving. The drive was spent mostly in a comfortable silence. It wasn't until we came to a red light and Logan shrieked that we started conversing.
" What?! What's wrong?! What happened?!" My voice dropped. " Did you see a spider?"
Logan shook his head and held out his palm. When I didn't see the problem he let out a sigh. " My mark is gone," He said. My mouth fell open and I struggled to find a reply.
" Well, who do you think you touched?" As soon as I said it, I could see the gears turning in Logan's mind. He finally stopped and faced me again.
" I believe the only person I touched with my entire palm would be you."
My world caved in and my face exploded in a blush. " W-What?! Really?!" I began to spit out a bunch of incoherent sentences. A squeeze on my hand brought me out of my daze. I noticed that Logan was holding my hand now. I felt tingly where he touched me. " Does this mean that. . ." I stared in disbelief at him.
" Yes. I believe it does." I sucked in a breath as Logan smiled at me. Such a perfect smile.
" We're soulmates."
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