Your P.O.V
You have a vlogging channel and you were making a video, featuring your youtuber boyfriend Markiplier.
"Hey everybody! (Y/n) here, and it's question time! But today we have a special guest with us. Markiplier! Yay! So I convinced my lovely boyfriend to do a question video with me. So I asked you guys to tweet me questions about me and Mark and like about our relationship and stuff!"you said
"Okay let's do it!" Mark said excitedly.
You began reading tweets from your phone.
"Oh I like this one! It says 'who said I love you first?' Aw." You said
"Awwwww. So actually I said it first. It was when I met her family for the first time. They hated me." He said squinting his eyes.
"Aw they don't hate you now though. They just thought you weren't good enough for me, but it's like the other way around-"
"Wait are you implying that you're not good enough for me? Don't say that! (Y/n) please don't ever say or think that you are amazing and I love you."
"Aww thank you baby. I love you too." you said blushing and leaning your head on his shoulder. He gave a cheeky smile to the camera.
"She's cute isn't she? Anyway so her parents were saying that they didn't want (y/n) to date me. And I was in a different room but I could still hear them."
"And he comes in there and did like the riskiest thing you could ever do. He came in there and was like ' I don't care if you don't like me. Hell I don't care if you say I can't date your daughter! I am gonna do it anyways because I love her!' I was like in shock. I was like 'You love me?' And he pulled me closer to him and was like ' (y/n) of course I love you. You are the most amazing girl and I love you more than anything.' And he kissed me and my parents were so pissed they made us leave."
"That was some night." Mark said
"My parents are like the nicest people ever." I said sarcastically.
"Next question!" Mark exclaimed
"Okay your turn!" You said
"Oh here's one. Where was your first date and what did you do?"
"So our first date was just really simple. I just went over to his apartment to chill out and we were in our pjs and we just ate junk food all day and watched movies. Cause we had been friends for a long time before that so we didn't feel the need to do that much."
"We fucked." Mark said with a smirk on his face.
"Really Mark?! We did not!" You said laughing.
"I know I'm kidding."
You went to get some popcorn real quick and came back.
"Okay next question!" You said stuffing your face. "Oh god I have a feeling I'm gonna hate the answer to this question... What was the most embarrassing moment that happened between you too BEFORE you were dating? " you said nervously
"Hmm. I don't really know. I walked in on you changing a couple times." He said thinking
"Yeah that was probably on purpose though. You perv."You said jokingly throwing popcorn at him.
"Hey I only did it on purpose once and that was a dare!"
"Ew." you said slowly moving away from him pretending to be really grossed out.
"Oh here's a nice question! When was the last time you guys fucked?!" He said causing you to roll your eyes.
"Ha ha you're real funny I'm not answering that question."
"It was like literally two minutes ago. It was on camera but she's just gonna edit it out." He said winking
"Mark's a liar." you said laughing and shaking your head.
"Okay so here's a kind of weird and personal question that I'm interested in knowing the answerbWhat do each of you do that turns the other one on without even trying? Mark you wanna go first?"
"Okay sure so mostly when you bite your lip. What do I do that turns you on (y/n)? Hhhmmmmm?" He asked raising his eyebrows
"Uhm I think your little smirk you do." You said blushing.
"...God you're so adorable. Here's a question! I really like this one it says Will you guys kiss on screen? What do you say?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
He leaned in and kissed you passionately. The kiss was getting pretty heated but then you remembered the camera was still recording!
"Mark!" You said abruptly
"It's still recording!" You said laughing.
"Whoops!" He said laughing
"I'll have to edit that part out..."
"Yeah that'd be a good idea..."
You kinda decided to just goof off and stuff. You began throwing popcorn in the air and trying to catch it in your mouth.
"Here try to throw one in my mouth!"
Mark said. You tried but failed miserably. Then you tried to catch some on your own. You guys kinda did that for a while when you decided you were gonna wrap up the video.
"okay guys thank for watch-" you were interrupted my Mark throwing popcorn at you. You turned to him and said "Do you mind?"
"What I'm not doing anything." he said while throwing it at you.
"Mark stop!" You said giggling.
"Why?! What are you gonna do about it?!" He said. You began throwing popcorn at him and then he rolled on top of you pinning you down. He began to tickle you causing you to giggle.
"Mark! Stop..... I need to..... End the video! Your gonna make me pee!! Mark... Stop!" You were both laughing and you knew he wasn't going to.
"Okay guys.....thanks for watching! Make sure to like....subscribe....and comment! Mark I'm literally going to pee on you!!"
*A while of editing later*
"I just posted it." You said flopping down on the couch next to Mark.
"Good I had fun making it with you." He said lightly kissing you.
"Aw I had fun too."
"I love you baby."
"I love you too." You whispered kissing him again.
Hello!! Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you are liking the imagines! I really liked this one:) anyway! Thanks for reading be sure to vote and comment!<3
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