Your P.O.V
You and Mark weren't married but your relationship was definitely heading to the next level. You had been dating for two years and about two months ago you found out you were pregnant! It was totally unexpected, and you guys had never really thought about having kids. But once you started realizing what was happening you both became really excited and happy to be parents.
But then things went down hill.
"Babe this is so stupid! You know that Youtube is my job!" Mark said as you two began to fight,
"Yes Mark, I am quite aware that YouTube is your job! But you have two start realizing that we have a baby on the way! It just seems like you're always working." You said as you sat down.
"I have to give this my all, you know that."
"MARK YOU ARE GOING TO BE A FATHER. I think you have bigger things to focus on than YouTube!"
"You just don't get it do you?! Millions of people rely on me! They need me."
"Mark." You said your voice cracking, "I need you."
"I'm sorry babe. It's just hard. All of this is just happening so fast..."
His sentence caused you to worry. He wasn't going to leave you, was he? You looked up at him with fear in your eyes.
"I know but to make things work we need to have each other." You said standing and grabbing his hands.
"I know. I'm so sorry." He said wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm gonna be better. From now on it's all about you and the baby." he said placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
Yeah that lasted for about a week...
"Okay Mark we need to go and pick out a crib today." You said
"Oh.. actually babe is it okay if you just go...? I am really behind on recording..." He said scratching the back of his neck.
"Seriously Mark?"
"I'm sorry babe. Please?" He asked placing his hand on your arm. You yanked it away and stormed over to the door.
"No it's totally fine! You just stay here and play your video games. I'll go get the crib, paint the nursery, and do EVERYTHING else! How bout if I just raise the damn baby on my own?!" After that you left and slammed the door.
You didn't return for about a week or so....
You had been staying with your good friend.
"You need to talk to him (y/n)." She told you.
"Because you and I both know that you can not raise this baby on your own."
You didn't answer her, because she was right.
So that evening you headed back to your apartment.
It was a dump.
"Mark?" You called,
He walked out of your bedroom in a t shirt and boxers.
"(Y/n)?" He asked sleepily
"Yeah. We need to talk." you said sitting down.
After that you both had a long talk and both apologized for everything. You were going to raise this baby together.
*two weeks later.*
You and Mark had been painting the nursery. It was getting kinda late so you both decided to snuggle up on the couch.
"I love you (y/n)." he whispered into you're hair
"I love you too Mark." You replied softly.
*the next morning*
Mark had gone out to run some errands. you woke up and noticed he wasn't there. But you read the note he had left you and understood where he was. But you soon began to feel weird. It was a bad weird.
There was pain too.
Mark's P.O.V
"Babe I'm home!" I yelled as I walked through the door. I didn't hear her answer so I figured she was in the nursery.
"Oh there you are." I said as I walked in to see her facing away from me, looking out the window.
"You won't believe the cutest clothes I found for the baby today at the store-" I said but she turned around and I noticed her cheeks stained with tears.
"Uh we won't be needing that.... We won't be needing any of this."
"W-what are you talking about? Babe what's wrong?" I asked worried, she took a deep breath trying not to cry.
"Well I felt weird this morning so I went to the doctor... and I-I lost it. I lost the baby." She began crying again.
I immediately was at her side wrapping my arms around her. I soon found myself crying too.
"This is all my fault." she said between sobs.
"Sssshh. None of this is your fault. Okay?" I said rocking her back in forth in my arms.
"Maybe this is a sign that we weren't ready?" I asked.
"Maybe." She said sniffling "I-I just once I found out I was pregnant I just felt so ready. I was so excited. But it's all gone now. It's not fair!" She said barring her face in my chest.
"I know babe. Everything happens for a reason.... It's gonna be okay. I love you, and we have each other."
"You're right. I love you."
"I love you too. Everything will be okay." I said rubbing her back
"I promise."
What? No I didn't cry while I wrote this.....
Anyway sorry for not updating lately!! But thank you so much for reading! I love love love reading all your comments!! Thank you for being amazing.
Make sure to vote and comment!! <3
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