Requested by LizShizz420 !!
Your P.O.V
"GET BACK HERE YOU ASS!" You yelled as you were chasing your best friend Mark around your apartment.
He had grabbed your phone from you and you were trying to retrieve it from him.
You turned the corner, but Mark was no where to be found.
"Marrrrrrk where are you? Give me my phone back!" You said spinning in a circle trying to find him. Then all the sudden you heard him doing Freddy's laugh which totally freaked you out.
"Mark stop it this isn't funny!"
All the sudden you felt strong arms grab you from behind. You let out a loud high pitched scream.
"Haha I scared you!" Mark said still holding you. You were still in his grasp but you turned around to face him.
"That wasn't funny." You said pouting.
"Yes it was."
"Nuh uh."
"Okay I'm sorry." He said hugging you. Your head was in his chest considering how short you were.
"Can I have my phone back?"
"Fffiiiiiineeee." He said handing it to you.
"Thank you." You said taking it and walking into the kitchen. You heard Mark snickering as he followed you.
"Mark Fischbach, what did you do?" You asked.
You turned on your phone to see a selfie of Marks as your lock screen. And you also noticed a bar across the top of the screen that said locked out for 30 minutes.
"MARK!" You yelled laughing.
"You douche!" You said kicking him not very hard though. He was laughing at you. And you stood there with your arms crossed pouting.
"You're so mean." You said while he was still laughing at you.
"Yeah I know. But you still love me right?"
"Eh kinda."
"What'd you mean kinda?!" He said picking you up off of your chair.
"I mean you're annoying but I kinda love you....." You said poking his nose.
"Well you're annoying too you know."
"Nuh uh!"
"I know I could never get tired of you."
Then he carried you over and dropped you on the couch. You guys watched tv and you had your feet in his lap.
You felt Mark kiss your forehead.
"Bye (Y/n)." he said softly.
Your eyes fluttered open waking up and realizing it was pretty late.
"Wait Mark, where are you going?" You asked sleepily.
"I need to get home and record some."
"It's like midnight." You said looking at the clock. He shrugged.
"I'll be fine."
"Okay Mark just please make sure you get a little sleep."
"Okay I will. Bye (Y/n)."
"Bye Mark I love you."
"Love you too." He said and then he was out the door.
It was weird you heard him say he loved you it made your heart flutter.
But you guys were just friends.
I mean yeah you were really close friends and you always said you loved each other. It was weird......
Ze next day
You woke up still on the couch. And you noticed your phone buzz on the coffee table. It was from Mark it read
Mark: Come over c:
You replied saying you'd be over soon.
You got dressed and fixed your hair and went over.
You got there and just walked through the door knowing you didn't have to knock.
"Mark?" You yelled for him. You shrugged your shoulders. You immediately walked over to the fridge to get some food. That was the first thing you did every single time you came over. You opened the fridge and saw a note from Mark. You laughed to yourself he knew you so well. The note read
Recording and editing be out soon.
"Course he is...." You mumbled to yourself.
You flopped down on the couch and checked some social media apps.
It had been about an hour since you got there and Mark finally came out of his recording room.
"Okay everything is done." He said
"It's about time!" You said throwing your water bottle at him.
"I've been over here for like an hour." You said annoyed.
"I'm sorry." He said sitting down on the couch with you.
You guys sat there both on your phones. You were on instagram, you followed of few fan accounts and you burst out laughing after you watched a video. It was a video (I bet if you guys follow lots of fan accounts on ig you've probably seen this video lol) at the top it said imagine Mark climaxing. It was a video of him playing happy wheels and he was moaning and shit. You were laughing really hard.
"Wait was that me?" Mark asked confused because he only heard it.
You nodded while still laughing.
"What was it? Show me!" He said reaching for your phone.
"No! No!" You said laughing and holding your phone out of his reach. But you then fell off the couch and dropped your phone. Mark grabbed it and played the video. His face turned red as he watched. He dropped your phone and stared blankly at the wall.
"What the hell." He said
"So Mark.... Is it true? Is that really what you sound like?" You asked jokingly raising your eyebrows. He turned to you and smirked.
"Well I don't know (Y/n) , are you implying you want to find out." He asked seductively. You immediately blushed and put your face in your hands.
"No!" You said into your hands.
"Awww you're blushingggg!" Mark remarked poking your sides knowing you were ticklish there.
"Mark stoooop." You whined.
"If you weren't blushing then why were your cheeks red? Hmmmm?"
"B-because I uh you um.... I don't know!"
"You cutie." Mark said tapping your nose.
You were hanging upside down off the couch now. Mark sat there it look like he was thinking.
"Mark? What are you doing?" You asked sitting up.
"Oh I was just thinking about something...."
"What were you thinking about?"
"N-nothing it's stupid..." He said looking away from you.
"Hey you can tell me."
"Okay well it's a question. Its for you..."
"Okay what is your question."
His brown eyes stared deep into yours causing your heart to melt.
"So you know I was wondering if you would like to maybe um be my girliplier....?" He asked nervously. Your eyes grew wide you felt fireworks go off inside your body.
"Of course Mark." You said excitedly hugging him.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to ask you that question..." Mark chuckled.
"How long?"
"Long enough."
You giggled at his comment. And he planted a soft kiss on your lips.
You could so get used to this.
Hello!! Thanks so much for reading! My imagines have gotten 8k that is awesome! So before I finish up on the requests I might do a couple christmas imagines here and there...... So I really hope you liked this imagine I liked writing it and make sure to vote comment and request! <3
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