Baby Baby
Requested by WelcomeToExistence99 !!
(Y/bf) your best friend
"Go Mark I'll be fine I promise. There's still two weeks till my due date." You told your husband
"You never know she could come early." He replied
"Mark, I want you to go have fun with Bob and Wade. Your fans would be so disappointed if you didn't go."
"Do you know how disappointed I would be if I missed the birth of my first child?"
"Mark, baby I'll be fine I promise." you assured him and kissed his cheek.
3 days later
He was heading to San Antonio for Pax South.
•Shut up I know it already happened•
He was worried that you would have the baby while he was gone. To be honest you kind of were too but you knew how excited he was for everything so you had to convince him.
Which you did because he was on a plane there right now. You weren't able to go because it was so close to your due date. It was Thursday night and you were sitting on the couch feeling the baby kick in your belly.
You hoped the weekend went by fast so you could stop worrying so much.
You decided you should go to bed. So you called Mark. It rang twice before he picked up.
"Hey babe!" He said
"Hi. How was your flight?"
"It was fine I just got to the hotel and I'm probably gonna go to bed soon. How are you?"
"Fine. Tired, I just thought I'd call you before I went to bed."
"Well you need your rest beautiful, so go to bed."
"Okay thank you Mark. I love you."
"I love you too, send my love to the baby as well."
You giggled
"Okay I will. Bye"
"Bye Babe."
You hung up the phone and soon fell asleep.
The next morning
You woke up and laid in bed for a while then got up and decided to eat lunch.
The rest of the day drifted by, consisting of eating and lounging. It was about 4:30 when you decided to go downstairs and do some laundry. You were loading clothes in the washer when you felt something. Your eyes grew wide in shock. You whipped out your phone and called Molly knowing Mark probably would be busy and not be able to answer. It rang a while until she finally picked up,
"Hey (y/n)."
"Molly. Either my water just broke or I just peed my pants."
"Oh my god. Mark!" She yelled.
Molly's P.O.V (Molly is queen)
"Mark!" I yelled motioning him to come over from the signing table.
"Yeah?" He asked running over here.
"(Y/n)'s water just broke." He stood there in shock.
"Oh my god. Oh my god! I gotta go!"
Your P.O.V
You were still on the phone with Molly.
"Molly? Molly what's going on?!" You breathed
"Uh he just told everyone what's going on and now he's leaving."
"Okay. Tell him to call me." You breathed. " I gotta go."
"Okay I hope everything goes well! Bye."
When you hung up your phone began vibrating from a call from Mark.
"Babe?" He asked
"Yeah hi." You say
" I want you to call (y/bf) have her take you to the hospital."
"Okay. Mark are you coming home?"
"Yes baby I will make it I promise. Everything is gonna be okay. Now put me on hold and call (y/bf)."
You did as he said and called (y/bf). She said she'd be there in like 10 minutes. You got back on the phone with Mark.
"Mark are you there?"
"Yeah babe I'm hear are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine she's gonna be here in like 10 minutes."
"Okay good. Everything's gonna be okay, just breathe."
"Mark? Are you gonna make it home?"
"Yes I promise I'm almost to the airport."
Then the other line was silent for a while.
"Mark? Are you there?"
"What? Yeah."
"Awh you're crying!"
"Yeah I'm crying, we're gonna have our baby soon."
"I know. I love you."
"I love you too. Hey I have to go I'm at the airport."
"Okay I love you Mark please be safe on the plane."
"I love you too I'll be home as fast as I can. Everything's gonna be okay."
"Thank you, bye Mark."
Soon after that (Y/bf) came in and helped you out to car. You guys rushed to the hospital. You got there and she wheeled you in on a wheel chair.
Once you got everything situated and you were in your room and everything, the doctor came in.
"Well you've only dilated 3 cm and you need to get to 10 so you still have a while." She said
"Oh yay!" You said in relief hoping that Mark would make it.
It had been about 2 hours and Mark still wasn't here.
"You're at 7 cm so you're gonna have this baby soon."
You sighed
"(Y/bf) will you try calling him again please?"
She did as you said you watched her.
"Mark?! Where are you?! She's dilated 7 cm meters.... Hurry up, where are you ?" She took the phone away from her ear
"He said he's on his was here maybe like 10 more minutes."
"Tell him I said to get his ass in here and drive faster."
"She says to drive faster and get your ass in here."
She took the phone away from her ear,
"He says he loves you."
"Awh tell him I love him too."
*10 minutes later*
Mark came running into your room.
"Mark!" You exclaimed with excitement and relief
"I made it babe." He said coming over and hugging you.
For a while he was there with you while you had your contractions and everything. Until finally the doctor came in and said you were gonna have the baby.
The wheeled you into the delivery room.... and blah blah blah birth giving stuffff
"I can't do it I can't push anymore." You cried as your tears mixed with sweat.
"Come on (y/n) the baby is almost there. Just give one more big push." The doctor said
You did as she said and the pain was unbearable, but Mark was right at your side.
"That's really good almost there."
Then the sound of a baby crying filled the room.
"Oh my god she's so precious." You said through your tears.
"Wait where are they taking her?" You asked Mark
"They're just gonna wrap her up that's all."
"Oh okay."
The doctor handed you your baby.
"That's our baby." You said softly to Mark.
"Do we have a name picked out?" Asked the doctor,
"Yeah (Baby's first and middle name)." You said
"That's beautiful name." said the doctor
•Later that day•
You laid in your hospital bed with Mark next to you while you held your daughter.
"Oh that's so cool!" Mark said as he looked up from his phone.
"What is it?" You asked. He held his phone in front of you there was a video of a whole bunch of fans standing in a big crowd and Wade, Bob, and Molly stood in front of it.
"CONGRATULATIONS MARK AND (Y/N)!" They all shouted in unison.
"Awh that's so sweet!" You said.
"I'm sorry you had to leave early." You apologized
"Don't apologize. It's so worth it and it doesn't even matter. What matters is that we are here together and we are a family."
"I love you." You said
"I love you more." He said and before you could argue, he planted a sweet kiss on your lips.
Hey guys thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked this I think it's adorable.
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