Recommended Song(s) For This Imagine:
Grade 8 - Ed Sheeran
Getting off the plane, you craned your neck to look for Mark. You were a YouTuber and had been dating Mark since you'd met at IndyPopCon over a year ago, but you living across the country and both of your schedules had made spending time in person nearly impossible. But now you were going to stay in LA with him and his roommates for a week as part of your Month of Collabs thing you were doing. For an entire month you would be visiting YouTubers around the world to upload a collab everyday.
You had decided on a full week in LA because a bunch of YouTubers were there, a couple days in Ireland, several days in London, a few days in Australia, and even a couple in Japan. You were excited to meet all the other YouTubers, but the best part for you was finishing off your month of travelling with a week with your boyfriend.
In the airport, you grinned as you spotted Mark holding a sign up that said 'most beautiful girl I've ever seen', and you ran over to him. He dropped the sign as you flung yourself at him. He hugged you tightly.
"Y/N! I've missed you so much!"
"We Skyped on the plane ride a half hour ago." You poked fun at him.
"But I couldn't hold you then."
"You can now. For a full seven days."
You hadn't even noticed Matt and Ryan were there too until Matt spoke. "This is all you're going to do for the full seven days?"
"Oh no," Ryan answered his question, a suggestive tone. "I'm sure they'll do other things."
You rolled your eyes, letting go of Mark. "Great to see you guys."
"We were just teasing you two." He smiled, elbowing your boyfriend. "We're happy to have you back as well, Y/N."
"I'm glad to be back." You replied, then checked your watch. "Ah shit, we gotta get going, lots of collabs to record! I've gotta upload one a day!"
"Why do you do this to yourself, Y/N?" Mark jokingly shook his head, wheeling your suitcase through the airport.
You shrugged. "Same reason you upload two videos a day. For the fans."
At their house, you put your stuff in Mark's room, then immediately opened your computer while Mark stood in the doorway watching you.
"I've just gotta upload my second collab with Jack then we can film!" You explained, uploading the thumbnail. Before LA, you had been in Ireland with Sean and his girlfriend, filming a couple collabs for your channel and one for his.
When you were done, you followed Mark out to the living room where he had set up the camera to your specifications. Turning it on, you then stepped back to stand next to Mark. "Hey guys!" You said cheerily. "Today, I am in LA and thus am joined by my red-haired boyfriend, Mark!"
"Hello everybody!" He waved. "I honestly have no clue of what we're doing."
"Okay, so since my channel is a hodge podge of-"
"Hodge podge?" Mark laughed.
"Yeah! Like, a mish mash of stuff? I learned it from Dan and Phil, I swear!" You said defensively, then continued on. "Since my channel is a mish mash of beauty, gaming, vlogs, and whatever the fuck else I want to do; I figured I'll do something a lot of beauty channels do, a style swap!"
"So typically a style swap is where the two participants switch clothes for a certain amount of time, but I figured that wouldn't quite work for us." You giggled at the face he was making. "Instead, for this entire week, I'm going to be dressing Mark, and Mark will be choosing my outfits."
"Oooh." He rubbed his hands together. "Sounds fun."
"The rules are: we cannot tell our friends, family, fans, nobody, until this video is uploaded."
"When is this going to be uploaded?"
"Uhm, probably a week from tomorrow? Maybe even the day after?"
"Oh jeez." He chuckled, crossing his arms. "This is definitely going to be fun."
Day 1
You woke up in the morning, Mark's arms around you. Turning to face him, you saw he was already awake and had a small smile on his face.
"Morning." You kissed him.
"Morning." He had his morning voice as he spoke, then kissed you again.
"Ooh!" You leapt out of bed and began rifling through his drawers. "First day of style swap!"
"How much in the way of clothes did you even bring?" He asked, meandering over to your suitcase.
"Never doubt how much I can fit into one suitcase!"
After getting dressed in the chosen outfits, you stood in front of the camera. "Hello!" You waved. "Day one of 'style swap' and Mark has apparently the worst sense of patterns."
He had chosen a flower print top and some striped pants that you preferred to wear with solid color tops. "And meanwhile, I selected a fitting hoodie and some nice shorts since I have never seen him in something other than jeans or basketball shorts."
Mark then spoke. "And today we are filming a Whisper Challenge with Matt and Ryan for my channel,"
"And a little game challenge thing I made up on my channel!" You finished his sentence. "So let's get going then!"
Day 2
This time you woke up before Mark, and snuck out for some breakfast and to get a head start on outfit choosing. You were debating between his red flannel and his blue flannel when you saw it out of the corner of your eye. A T-shirt from your merch shop he had bought. You yourself had several of his shirts, liking to help support your boyfriend.
When you turned to see the outfit Mark got for you, you saw he had the same idea as you. In his hands were jeans and a King of the Squirrels shirt.
In front of the camera, you commented on the outfits. "Clearly, great minds think alike." You laughed, gesturing to the shirts.
"And the best part is, we're going to Matthias' house to film some videos and he has sent me so many links to matching couple's things, he going to think I gave in." Mark laughed, and you over dramatically gasped.
"You didn't want cutesy matching couple's things? How dare you!"
He pecked your head. "We'll get some eventually."
Day 3
"Okay guys, so today is my birthday!" You said excitedly, standing next to Mark with the camera recording. "Which means that like the gentleman he is, Mark has offered to take me out to a fancy dinner."
"Which also means that I get to put her in a dress!"
"And I get to put him in a suit!" You stared off into space dreamily. "I love guys in suits."
Mark had more suits than you thought, and you hummed as you rifled through them. Finally, you settled on a black three piece suit with a red handkerchief that perfectly matched his hair. On the other hand, Mark didn't have many fancy dresses to choose from, you really only had one with you. It was a gorgeous deep scarlet that trailed down to your feet and honestly made you feel like a million bucks.
Back in front of the camera with your heels on, and hair and makeup done, Mark linked his arm with yours. "I think we look smoking." You stated, looking into the viewfinder.
"I kinda feel like we should do like those awkward prom photos." He admitted, and you laughed.
After your impromptu awkward photoshoot, you then turned the camera off and headed out to dinner.
Day 4
"So today we are going to a nearby water park!" You were nearly bouncing with joy. "And I can't wait to push seven year olds off the waterslides!"
Mark chuckled, going along with your joke. "I actually find that nine year olds are even better to push out of your way."
"Anywho," you grinned. "The waterpark means we will be selecting each other's swimsuits and coverup clothes! And just like yesterday, Mark does not have a wide range to choose from. I only have two swimsuits packed."
Back in front of the camera, you were actually excited about the outfit. "I really love what you put me in, Mark! My favorite snapback, tank top, shorts, swimsuit! You even managed to choose my comfy flip-flops!"
"I like to think I know my own girlfriend." He teased you, putting an arm around your shoulder.
"And I think I know my boyfriend, based on the weird geometric patterned swim shorts and his raptor tank top."
"We look like we could be in a freaking LA beach teen movie or something."
"Like Spring Breakers but just over college age and we don't want to let go of the glory days."
Day 5
"Today is just a normal day of recording for me and Mark, and I'm going to have some fun with his outfit!" You told the camera as he chose your outfit. "Because the videos he records today will be uploaded before this video, so he won't be able to tell his fans about his crazy outfit."
He put you in clashing patterns again, so you didn't feel too bad about choosing basketball shorts, no shirt, and a minion hat he had lying around, for him.
"Oh my god." He groaned as he stood in front of the camera. "This is ridiculous!"
"I think its cute!" You giggled as he rolled his eyes at you."
"You're gonna pay."
Day 6
Today was your last full day in LA, tomorrow you'd be flying back to your home state, and were going out to dinner with a bunch of YouTubers in LA. And Mark still got to choose your outfit.
To your delight, he pulled out jeans, flip-flops, and one of his flannels. Specifically his blue flannel. "Aw yes!" You squealed, taking it in your hands. "I love love love oversized sweaters!"
For him, you chose the matching red flannel. "We are going to be disgustingly cute." He smiled.
"Oh yeah!"
Day 7
You were so reluctant to leave your boyfriend. Sure, you would be coming back in a month for VidCon, but it felt so far away. Dragging your feet all the way out to the camera to film the last style swap felt like hell.
"Hey guys." You were a bit sullen. "Today I am heading back home, and thus am dressing Mark for more recordings, and he's dressing me to be received by my roommates."
"Its going to be incredible!" Mark smirked. "Your outfit, not you leaving. I don't want you to go!"
"I don't wanna go either, Markimoo." You sighed, letting him pull you into a tight hug.
For his recordings today, you decided that he would wear a hoodie backwards, and his glasses upside down. You cackled as the camera recorded his reaction. "This is so great!" You laughed, and Mark couldn't help but stupidly laugh as well.
"I look so stupid!"
"Well so do I!" You pointed out. He had you put your hair in high pigtails, wear your most oversized sweatpants with an inside out button up. "This is ridiculous."
"Alls fair in love n war."
You mockingly pretended to draw out a sword and begin sparring with him. Until he made lightsaber sounds. "Mark! I was going for like, knights, or gladiators."
"Oh I was thinking Star Wars."
You then snickered. "Look at us in the viewfinder."
"I think we're the best dressed couple around."
"Oh absolutely." You grinned, linking your fingers with his. "So thank all of you guys for joining us two stupids on our stupid weeklong journey of dressing each other as stupidly as possible. Don't forget to check out Mark's channel, and until next time,"
You both waved with your free hands and said "Bye!"
((this was stupidly long wtf me))
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