((oh wow mel writes another multi-part royal au who would've thought))
Recommended Song(s) For This Imagine:
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
Nervously, you sat in your carriage across from your parents with your kid brother beside you. Today were going to the neighboring kingdom to spend some time with their royal family, the Fischbachs. Your brother, James, was only nine, but by tradition, he was to take the crown when your father died and you were to be married off to a prince. And your parents had chosen Tom Fischbach for you. You hadn't seen him nor the rest of the Fischbach family since you were a very young girl, and had never really talked to Tom, he was several years older than you. Whenever you had seen the Fischbachs as a kid, you played with the younger son, Mark, who was actually your age.
"So, Y/N." Your mother spoke up, reaching across the carriage to adjust your hair, and you swatted her hand away. "Are you excited to see Tom?"
"Mother, I've never spoken more than ten words to him. If anything, I'm excited to see Mark." You said defiantly, messing up the strand of hair she had fixed.
"Honey, you must really consider Tom, he's next in line for the crown. You'd be very powerful."
You sighed, looking out the window at the passing trees. He would be powerful, you thought. Not me. I'd be there just to look pretty.
You then felt your brother poking your sides, and turned to him with a smile. It wasn't his fault you couldn't rule your own kingdom. "Yes, James?"
"I don't want you to leave, Y/N!"
"Oh don't worry, I'm not going to leave for a while." You pointedly looked at your parents, hugging your brother tightly.
At the Fischbachs' palace, servants helped you out of the carriage, and the royal family was waiting for your family on the steps. The kings greeted each other like the old friends they were, the queens began quietly whispering, probably gossiping about your "blooming" marriage to Tom. You rolled your eyes, holding your brother's hand tighter as you prepared yourself to greet the Fischbach sons.
"Princess Y/N." Tom bowed cordially, kissing your free hand.
You smiled politely, then Mark greeted you the same way. When he looked up at you, your eyes connected for a moment, and your fake smile morphed into a real one. "It's great to have you in our kingdom again, Princess Y/N."
"Thank you, Prince Mark. Prince Tom."
Then your brother leaped into the conversation. "Hi! I'm James!"
"Ah! Prince James!" Mark bowed to him goofily. "I haven't seen you since before you could walk!"
"Yes," Tom agreed. "It has been far too long since the Y/L/N's have visited us. Come, it's teatime."
Although he offered you his elbow, you elected instead to hold your brother's hand and point out the different things in the castle with the other. Mark joined in, telling elaborate stories about the random stuff you brought James' notice to. At the outdoor tea room, you saw your mother's expectant eyes, and begrudgingly sat next to Tom.
You helped your brother to remember the proper etiquette he was taught, and participated in the small talk. "James! It's a spoon, not a sword!" You laughed as he tried to engage you in a utensil battle.
"How would you like to learn how to use a real sword?" Mark poked his side, and a look of awe was on James' face.
"If the kings and queens allowed it, I could give you a lesson. With wooden swords, of course."
"I could help too!" Tom offered, eyes going back and forth between you and the parents.
"Well, I suppose its never too early for my boy to learn." Your father laughed, and King Fischbach also gave his approval.
James ran head, Tom following close behind. "Are you coming, Princess Y/N?" Mark mocked the way Tom gave you his elbow, and you smirked.
"Of course." You then began sprinting towards the sword house. "Race you there!"
"Cheater!" Mark called after you, and you laughed, thankful for wearing flats today.
Your friend was close behind you, judging by the sound of his footsteps. Pressing on another burst of speed, you just managed to hit the sword house as Mark grabbed your waist. "Ah, got you!"
"I still won!" You argued, squirming out of his grasp, quite aware of your parents' eyes on you. "You're just as much of a sore loser as I remember!"
"And you're just as much of a cheater as I remember!" He shot back playfully, grins still on both of your faces.
You looked on as Mark tried to give James a lesson, but Tom kept butting in with tips even you knew were incorrect. Sighing, you knew you had to sacrifice yourself for your brother's own good. "Tom?" You called out, and he immediately rushed over. "Do you all still have that wonderful flower garden?"
"Yes! Let me show it to you!"
Mark gave you a look of 'thank you' and 'I'm so sorry' as you walked past him towards the flower garden. "Great job, James!" You could hear his words of encouragement as you moved further and further away. "You're doing awesome, buddy!"
After your quite uncomfortable tour of the flower gardens with Tom, you were eager to get back to the rest of the group. Soon enough, a servant came around to inform everyone that dinner was ready to be served.
Inside the dining room, you again sat by your brother, but this time next to your mother, with the Fischbachs on the opposite side of the table.
"So how did your swordfighting lesson go, James?" You asked him as the first course was brought out.
As he rambled on excitedly, you mouthed a thank you to Mark, who smiled back. Soon enough, dinner was over, and you were prepared to say your goodbyes.
"Actually, Y/N, the Fischbachs have offered you a room in their castle for a month." Your mother smiled at you as you were about to say goodbye to King Fischbach. "Which I think to be quite enough time for proper courting."
You grimaced. "Really? How... kind."
"Y/N!" James whined, wrapping himself around your leg. "You said you were going to leave!"
"I'll be back, James." You assured him, ruffling his hair. "We're the dynamic duo, remember? Keep up with your studies, okay?"
You kissed your mother and father goodbye, then stepped back to watch the carriage roll away.
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