Imagine 3
Off to Disney!
You were so excited. You, Mark, Felix, Marzia and Jack were going to Disney. You've never been and Mark thought it would be fun while the little Irish potato and youtube lovebirds were here.
You gripped Marks hand as all five of you walked towards the front gates.
"Y/N" Mark laughed. "I need blood in my hand!"
You noticed how tight you were holding his hand and you let go.
"Oops" you shrugged.
You handed the tickets to the front gate and let your bags go through security.
"I didn't think Disney would have this airport type- must looking through your bag- security" Jack says as Mark and Felix looked at the map.
"Yeah I didn't think either" Marzia agreed.
"Okay where to first?" Mark asked.
"Teacups!" You and Marzia cheered.
You both got glares from the boys which made you two laugh.
"How about space mountain" Mark suggested.
You all agreed even though Jack has a small fear of roller coasters. He went with y'all.
After the ride, the boys went to teacups. Then to the haunted mansion. You guys tried to ride as much rides as possible but it was hard. Not only were the boys and Marzia getting noticed but the walking. Everyone wanted to ride a certain ride so getting from across the park was a bit of a challenge.
Mark and the other three got stopped. And one kid turned to five then ten then somehow 30.
You waited for the crowd to clam down but it was only getting bigger. You were slowly getting separated from the group.
"Mark!" You called over the crowd.
You didn't get a response. So you decided to walk away. You didn't go far but just far enough to where you weren't getting trampled. You didn't mind them getting noticed. You liked how much YouTube made them all happy. You didn't do YouTube. No, it wasn't you type of style.
Marzia walked over and sat beside you.
"How'd you get out?" You laughed as she took a heavy breath.
"Slipped out, Felix and the boys were getting to most attention" she shrugged.
You smiled. "I'm glad, the fans are so supportive"
Marzia grinned and shook her head. "Yeah but doesn't it bother you, y/n, I mean com' on everywhere you go Mark gets stopped at least a few times"
You nodded. "Yes it gets annoying every so often but if Mark is happy then I'm happy besides it's not as bad as Felix"
You nudged her shoulder. She scoffed playfully. "Yeah tell me about it"
The crowd died down after security got involved. The boys looked around trying to find you and Marzia. Felix was the first to point you two out.
Mark picked you up and hugged you.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled and set you down. You only smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Let's get some shaved ice!" You said to the group and pulled them over to a stand. You each got one. Each a different flavor.
"It's just ice with sugar food coloring" Jack laughed as he ate his.
"Yeah but it's good" Felix replied.
You giggled as Mark tried to sneak some of Jacks. Jack smacked his hand so hard you could hear it.
"Oooh" the group said but soon broke out into laughter.
"Hey picture!" Marzia called and had Felix hold up her phone. You posed like you were trying to steal some of Marks ice while it looked like Mark was trying to steal some of Jacks while Jack was smiling his cute grin.
All together, it was a great photo. Marzia sent it out to everyone. You set it as your back screen. You kept your lock screen the picture of you and Mark when you both first met. You met Mark when he first got his hair dyed pink. You two meeting is a whole different story for a whole different time.
Right now, you were holding onto Mark as you went into the Haunted Mansion. Let's just say, you didn't let go for most of it.
It was now really late and after a trip into the Disney Shop. You were all heading home or to hotels. You...okay..well.. Mark bought you a stuff Simba from the Lion King. Marzia got a Minnie Mouse and The boys bought a few silly items. Nothing too big.
You hugged Felix and Marzia sense they were taking a Über to their Hotel.
Jack fell asleep in the backseat while Mark drove home. You held Marks hand, slow dozing off.
You woke up to Mark picking you up.
"Shh baby go back to sleep" Mark whispered and carried you inside.
You don't remember anything after that because of course you slept..hard.
You did cuddle up to Mark, apparently according to him, you mumbled a 'thank you' and that he was 'extremely hot'
You were kinda sure that he made up that last one..but hey you'll never know.
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