Chapter 5: You and me ♡
Jack POV:
I talked well more like yelled at Mark for accusing my sister of her dark form. She didn't know anything about it. She couldn't of known even if she did she would of told him. The only people who did know about it were me and Anti and we're one person.
Then I saw them both enter the apartment/house. I ran up to Y/N and hugged her tightly like she was gone forever. She hugged me back not as tight tho.
"So ye two good?" I asked.
"Yeah we're good." Y/N said smirking.
"Mark stay away from my sister." I said glaring at him.
"Who made you king of anything?" Y/N gritting her teeth pissed off.
Then she glared at me. She sung a song called King of Anything. Why do I feel like that song was directed at me? I thought to myself.
"Damn sis that was awesome." I said hoping up and down.
"Yeah you sung really good." Mark said blushing.
"Ye bet ye little ass brother I was awesome." Y/N said smirking.
I went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I got on my phone called the pizza place. I ordered cheese and F/P (favorite pizza). I also ordered F/D (favorite dessert). I knew it was my sister's favorite dessert.
She'll be super happy. I love seeing her happy. I trust Mark just not with my sister. She may act and look tough but deep down she's a big old softie like me. I thought to myself.
Mark POV:
Jack went into the kitchen for some reason. I was talking to Y/N alone. She was really cute and cool. Who knew someone who looked and sound like Jack would be so cute. I'm not gonna tell her that yet.
"Hey kitten you wanna go to the park with me tomorrow?" I asked.
"Sure let me ask Jack if he wants to go." Kitten said making my heart melt a little.
"No I want it to be just me and you." I said sweetly while blushing.
"Oh sure I would love to." She said blushing.
I could tell I melted her heart. It's cute how much she cares about her brother maybe she'll do the same with me. I decided to have dinner with them that night. We all laughed,talked, and ate pizza. I also sat next to kitten. She blushed I did too.
Jack just ignored the scene that happened between me and kitten. I smiled at kitten. She knows how to make people smile. It's cute to me. My heart melts whenever she smiles at me.
"Ok you guys I better get home." I said.
"Ok take care Mark." Jack said waving goodbye to me.
"See ya!" Kitten said hugging me.
"Thanks for dinner and dessert!" I said hugging kitten back.
They waved goodbye to me. I waved back. I got into my car and drove home smiling. I got home. Chica came up to me and gave me dog kisses. I petted her. I went upstairs and took a shower. I got into my PJ's and went to bed thinking of kitten.
After Mark left I washed the dishes. Sean wet to record let's play videos. He was playing Happy Wheels. I heard that it was a good game but bloody.
After I was done washing the dishes. I did some of my laundry and folded them neatly of course. Then I recored some videos and took a shower. I got into my PJ's and went to bed thinking of Mark.
Before I did I heard Sean say "I believe in you Steve!"
I walked into his recording room.
"DAMN it Sean pipe down will ye." I yelled.
"Sorry sis I didn't mean to wake ye." Sean said.
I forgave him and went to my room. I got into my room and got into my bed. I tucked myself in and went to sleep thinking of Mark. I didn't know why but whenever I think of him I get warm inside. I also get butterflies in my stomach. He makes my heart ache but in a good way. I blush every time I look at him. I blush every time he looks at me.
He makes me happy. Every time I look at him he blushes. It feels like time itself stopped. Also it feels like the whole world froze forever. And in order to restart it again if we kiss or something. How can I think of Mark that way? Can it be that i love him? Is it a sin? How would Sean my twin brother feel about this? What would he say? Probably Stay away from boys or go for it. I don't know what he would do if he found out. I know what Anti would do use my fears against me and Mark. Dark and Madness would probably trap me in some sick game of theirs while Anti tortures Mark into things he doesn't want to do.
~Dream Land~
I can imagine it now. Mark getting kidnapped. I ran to look for him. Anti takes over Jack's body. Jack tries to fight back but fails. Madness and Dark find away to escape our body's. I continue to run until I come up to this room. It's dark with blood all over the walls. Chains hanging off of the ceiling. Sharp objects all around. Then a maze filled with dark creatures that only haunt in the darkest part of your mind.
I saw a sign saying "Play the game sweet thing". I already knew that madness set this sign up. I can tell because she's the only one who calls me sweet thing. I entered the dark maze. Luckily I had a flashlight with me and a dagger. The first creature to pop up was a creepy posses doll. Her name was Annabelle. Shit this doll creeps me the hell out every since I watched the movie with my friends. Gosh that was stupid of me on my part.
I stabbed her in the heart. She poofed and black smoke appeared. I waved it away. My hands started to glow suddenly then eventually my whole body. It was a bright yellow light surrounded me. I had a spaghetti strapped shirt and a skirt cut to my leg to my hip. It was kind of cute. It was light blue and reviling of my skin. I didn't care tho.
(Sorry for the picture being small )
I look really sexy in this outfit. The smoke was gone. I coughed a little. Then a vampire showed up. I killed him. I glowed again this time I got angel wings but they were black. One had brown on it. It was cool. They curled at the bottom.
(That's what they looked like.)
I killed more dark creatures. I made it out of the maze. I had night vision , swords,invisibility, fangs,and able to summon claws and dark creatures. I came across another sign. It said "Play in the dark Y/N." Dark must of wrote it. It was written in blood not surprising considering Dark. I was in a room this time filled with puzzles and traps. Blood was coming out of the walls. It was dark. But I have night vision. The first puzzle was based on my four worst fears. (Your four worst fears.) They came out and tried to kill me. But I killed them first. I was covered in more blood. The second puzzle was based on my childhood nightmares that haunt me. They came at me like pests. I killed them. Blood was all over my body. The last puzzle was based on things that freaked me out every since my childhood. They approached me like flies attracted to honey. I killed them with on strike. I was a bad ass. That's where I saw a light. The light was really bright. Brighter than the one that surrounded me.
Cliffhanger mwhaha.
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