Chapter 2: Moving
"Where are ye going sis?" My older brother Sean asked.
"I'm going to L.A." I answered.
"Why?" Sean asked raising an eyebrow.
"Because I want to be some where new and make new friends." I said.
"Please do not leave me here sis." Sean pleaded.
"Come with me then bro!" I shouted smiling.
"Fine I'll come with ye." Sean said smiling.
I started to pack my belongings so did my brother. So emotional when it comes to moving just like dad. That son of a bitch! Leaving us for a focking whore! Did she fuok you well enough to leave us!?😬 I thought to myself gritting my teeth.
"Are ye ok?" Sean asked me with concern in his voice.
"Yes I'm fine just focussed on the task at hand." I said smiling.
Then he hugged me and said "Let me know what's bugging ye ok?"
"I will!" I said smiling.
Then he kissed my head to show me that he cared for me.
He's a famous Youtuber now well known as Jackcepiceye. I on the other hand am known as (YouTube name). A lot of people like us. Sometimes we get weird comments but I ignore them they bug me to no end.
Then they're are comments like your accent is fake or why do you hate me? Its like bloody hell grow a focking pare of balls and grow up. Now I know what you're thinking why are ye cursing? To tell you the truth its because of my brother. Every night I go to bed hearing him curse about something. I honesty don't mind at all except when he's loud then I throw a pissy fit.
I finished packing so I took my stuff to the car.
"Are ye almost done bro?" I asked.
He came down stairs with all of his stuff ready to go.
"Bye ma love ye!" I shouted.
She waved us goodbye. We went off to the airport.
"Do ye have the tickets?" Sean asked smiling.
"Aye!" I said.
We got out of the car and got our stuff. We got on the airplane to go to L.A.
"Are ye excited?" Sean asked me.
"Aye are ye?" I asked smiling.
"Yup!" Sean yelled.
I watched a movie on my laptop its call (Favorite Movie). Its really good and funny. My brother was watching Markiplier. I have to admit Mark is hot. Gah! I mean a great friend of Sean's. Haha that's it. I know I just denied that I said Mark was hot but can ye blame me? I guess you could.
We landed at L.A finally. It's so beautiful and less green than Ireland. I know I don't get out much unless ye taking your dog out counts. Ah fresh air sunshine what's not to like! Then a blonde girl pushed me out of no where.
"Hey watch where ye going bitch!" I shouted.
She turned around and flipped me off. I didn't care tho. I looked over to Sean seeing him pissed off.
"Whats wrong?" I asked.
"Focking rude people!" Sean yelled.
I nodded my head in agreement. We started to walk to a hotel to stay for a little until we get our own place. The hotel was pretty clean considering other places we've been in.
I took a shower while Sean was watching tv . After my shower I ordered pizza for dinner. I got this feeling that I was going to meet someone famous. I don't know why tho. I got my PJs on. I was wearing Jackcepiceye bottoms and a Markiplier T-shirt. Sean was wearing a white T-shirt and black bottoms. I went to bed still having this odd feeling.
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