Chapter 10: Let's party!
Jack POV:
I was recording videos until I heard my sister scream of excitement. I ran downstairs to see what she was screaming about. I saw her hugging a girl with black hair with red highlights and had a dark brown eye the other was covered with a eye patch. She looked very fimilare.
"Shira!" My sister shouted.
"Y/N!" Shira shouted.
Shira? That name sounds fimilare. I thought to myself. That's where it hit me. Shira is Mark's sister. We were friends when she and Mark came to live in Ireland. I remember that I had a crush on her when I was a kid. I still do. But I don't know if she feels the same way as me. Shira stopped hugging my sister. She walked up to me.
"Jack!" Shira said smiling.
"Shira!" I said smiled.
I hugged her. She hugged me back. I blushed. My sister smiled at me. I smiled back at her. My sister called Mark to came over. Mark came over.
"What's the surprise Y/N?" Mark asked.
"Well see for yourself." Y/N said.
Mark walked in. He looked at Shira. Shira smiled at him.
"Shira?" Mark said smiling.
"It's been a long time hasn't it brother." Shira said smiling.
Mark walked up to her and hugged her. Shira hugged him back. I saw Mark cry a little.
"It's good to see you again sister." Mark said.
"It's good to see you again too brother." Shira said smiling.
Y/N was just gushing at the sweet sight. I was happy for the both of them.
"Hey we should party!" I shouted.
Everyone nodded in agreement. Mark walked up to me.
"Jack can I talk to you in private for a minute?" Mark asked.
"Yeah sure." I said. We went into a different room to talk.
"Jack I can tell you like Shira alot." Mark said.
I blushed at the mention of her name. It's true I have feelings for Shira. I don't have the courage to tell her yet.
"Yeah I do Mark." I said.
"Jack there are things you don't know about her. I don't want to see her hurt. You understand yes?" Mark asked.
I nodded my head. All I really knew about Shira was that she is a sweet and caring girl and Mark's sister.
"Good. I don't want you near her." Mark said being overprotective of Shira.
"Why Mark? She's my friend." I said slightly ticked off.
"I know that. I also know that you like her more than just a friend Jack." Mark said.
Mark and Jack went to go talk for a bit. Shira was so happy to see her brother again.
"So Shira do you like Jack?" I asked teasing her.
Shira blushed 50 shades of red when I mentioned my brother.
"Yeah I do. I don't have the courage to tell him tho. Plus Mark is overprotective of me." Shira said blushing.
"That we can both agree on." I said smirking.
Shira giggled. "Yup." Shira agreed.
"Hey let's go dress shopping." I suggested.
Shira nodded. We went to Kateos first. They didn't have dresses there. We went to rainbow. They had cute dresses. I went to pick my dress and Shira went to pick hers. Shira picked a blue dress that opened in the front.
It was really pretty. I choose a navy blue dress with snowflakes on it.
(Your dress.)
We paid for our dresses and went home. We already have party supplies at my house and drinks. We arrived at my house. We walked in seeing that Jack and Mark were watching tv.
Shira walked in quietly. Then she got two cups of water. She pored the cups of water onto Mark and Jack. Both them jumped up and chased her well Jack did Mark just laughed. Shira ran away from Jack laughing her ass off.
"I'm gonna get ye!" Jack shouted.
"That's if you can catch me first Jackaboy!" Shira yelled.
(Play Tag you're it.)
I giggled. Mark chuckled on how childish Jack can be. Jack will never change. I know they both like each other I just wish they would tell each other already. Jack picked Shira up and spun her around.
"Put me down you crazy man." Shira said smiling.
Jack put her down. Then Jack put his hat over her head and eye. But before he did Mark stopped him.
"Oh you guys I have news." Shira said.
"What?" Jack and Mark said.
Shira took off her eye patch. She opened up her left eye. It looked a whole lot better. Jack stared into her dark brown eyes and blushed. Shira stared into Jack's icey blue eyes and blushed. We all smiled and cheered.
~Time skip to party~
Mark POV:
Jack and I ordered pizza and chicken wings for the food. We invited other youtubers. Shira didn't seem to mind. She's always been a people person. Just like me. Shira and Y/N wore dresses to the party.
Jack and I just wore casual clothes. Y/N looked sexy in her dress. I felt my face heat up. Jack was head over heels seeing Shira in her dress. Y/N walked up to me and kissed me. I kissed her back. Shira hugged Jack and Jack hugged her back.
"Let's play truth or dare! Just the four of us." Y/N suggested.
The three of us agreed to it. We went in the living room. Everyone else were in the family room having fun.
"Ok I'll go first. Mark truth or dare?" Y/N asked.
"Truth." I said. I save the dares for later.
"Do you love me?" Y/N asked.
"Yes." I said smiling. Y/N smiled back.
"Jack truth or dare?" I asked.
"Dare." Jack said.
"I dare you to scream outside I Fock potatoes." I said smirking devilishly.
Jack went outside and screamed I fock potatoes. When he came inside we all laughed he did too.
"Y/N Truth or Dare?" Jack asked.
"Dare." Y/N said.
"Hmm I dare you to kiss a random guy." Jack said smirking.
Y/N sighed and kissed a random guy. The random guy didn't seemed to care. I glared at Jack.
"Bro Truth or Dare?" Shira asked.
"Dare.'' I said smiling.
"I dare you to run outside screaming I'm king of FNAF." Shira said smirking devilishly.
I went outside screaming I'm king of FNAF. While running. I went inside out of breath.
"Shira Truth or Dare?" Y/N asked.
"Truth." Shira said.
"Do you like Jack?" Y/N asked.
"Y-Yes." Shira said stuttering and blushing. Jack blushed.
"Jack Truth or Dare?" I asked.
"Dare." Jack said.
"I dare you to...." I began but didn't finished.
"To kiss Shira for five minutes straight." Y/N said.
Jack blushed so did Shira. Jack went up to her and kissed Shira for five minutes. I could tell that Shira melted into the kiss. Shira blushed 50 shades of red.
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