Lovers - 19
Poor Taemin.
You almost laugh as you walk out of the airport, your suitcase getting wheeled across the sidewalk. Jungkook's hand is in yours while his eyes trail over every single sight possible. Here you are: you're in Japan. The first day and everything already feels like sunshine and rainbows. Yes, you're describing something as sunshine and rainbows. Looks like life couldn't get any better, huh?
Poor Taemin didn't even get a notice, you simply said you'll be in the shadows but not checking in to spend quality time with your boyfriend. He, of course, agreed. Taemin may be your supervisor, but he's more interested in your love life than anything else, apparently. Not even his own job means as much as your boyfriend. Honestly, you agree with that: Jungkook's much more important than the demons you slaughter.
You've never been more grateful to be wrong in your life. You're not the last Hunter. You're not alone. And for the first time in your life, you mean that in more than one way.
"Taxi?" Jungkook asks.
"They have those here?"
"I have no idea, but do you want to find out?" he asks with raised brows.
"Why don't we race to the hotel? Didn't you get one close to the airport?" you ask back, returning his expression with your own mocking one.
He sticks his tongue out at you. "So what if I did. We're off the job, we shouldn't have to run anywhere this week."
"Well maybe I want to. Y'know, to get my cardio in."
He chuckles and comes closer. "Oh, so you want a workout, hm?"
You playfully smack his chest. "Goodbye, Mr. Jeon."
You march right past him without sparing him another glance. Even though you're not looking at him, you can feel his pout. Ha. Cute little bunny boy. If he wants something from you, he could just ask.
"I'll have you know our hotel has thick walls," Jungkook calls, rushing after you.
"Oh really?"
"It's also next to a whole garden full of cherry blossoms that's off-limits at night," he adds while slowing his pace to walk with you.
"Off-limits at night? Are you implying something, Mr. Jeon?"
He snickers and nudges your shoulder. "And what if I am?"
"Act on it then," you reply with a playful smirk.
He returns it and sighs, slipping his hand into yours. "Tonight, under the cherry blossoms... you and me? I'll show you exactly what I'm thinking of doing to you."
You laugh. "I don't know, Jeon, you seem a little on the sub side today."
"Me? Sub side?" he says with a playful scoff, "also, what's up with you calling me Mr. Jeon? Is that your new kink?"
He waggles his eyebrows at you, so you do the reasonable thing and whack his chest with your free hand.
"Ouch. I hope we don't run into any demons with you hitting like that," he teases.
"My sword is literally in my suitcase. Don't test me, I'll spar you right here right now."
"We're in public, dear, it's probably best not to do that," he replies with a gulp.
"Sounds like excuses to me."
He chuckles and pecks the top of your head. "I love you."
He goes still. You stop when he does, giving him a confused look.
"You okay, Koo?"
He turns to you and beams. "I love you!"
He laughs and grabs you, you and him dropping your suitcases.
"Ah!" you yelp in surprise.
Jungkook picks you up and spins you around, continuing his laughing fit. You eventually join in and laugh with him, accepting his eccentric mood.
Ugh, he's such a dork. Your dork, but a dork nonetheless.
When the dork finally stops spinning you, he holds you over his head, and you instinctively place your hands on his shoulders.
"I love you," he repeats. "I can finally say it. I can say it as many times as I want." He pauses, and his ears turn pink. "That is, if you want me to-"
You shut him up by leaning down and placing your lips on his. He gasps against you, then kisses back right away. You almost laugh. He's adorable. He really, truly is. Jungkook makes your heart flutter in a way you can't describe. Would it be cliché to call him perfect? It's only the truth—he's perfect to you.
When you pull back, you move one of your hands to his cheek. "I love you," you whisper, pecking his lips one last time, "and I want to hear you say it as often as possible. Whenever you want to."
"You do?" he whispers back, his eyes showing his vulnerability as he sets you down.
You can't help but wrap your arms around his neck. "I do. Bun, please know that every time you say it, I'll say it back without hesitation. It's only the truth: I love you. I'll choose you over and over and over again, as many times as you'll let me."
Jungkook sniffles and nods, going in for yet another kiss. You snicker before letting it happen, bringing him even closer than before. It's a short, simple, but sweet kiss that has your stomach doing flips. You, yes, you, Y/N L/N—your stomach is doing flips like a high schooler around their celebrity crush. This is what your life has become: getting butterflies, heartbeat skyrocketing, stomach flips, fireworks inside your chest... it's all there. And all because of him.
When you part, you meet his eyes and let out a small breath. "It's all because of you," you mumble. Although he seems confused, he smiles and nods. "It's your fault," you continue with a grin. "You're the cause of my euphoria."
Jungkook stares up at the Moon. It's beautiful tonight. He's not sure if it's the Moon that's beautiful or the company he has, but both are pretty beautiful to him.
After Y/N and him got to the hotel, they unpacked and ordered room service. By room service he means they got dessert at 10 o'clock in the morning. They ate at a local restaurant for dinner, now here they are after hours at the cherry blossom garden. There are more trees than he can count at this point.
Y/N brushes her hand through the pink buds blossoming off of the branches, a soft smile on her lips. Jungkook leans against the trunk of the nearest tree and watches. If there's one thing he can say about Y/N, it's that she's curious. She may not admit to it, but she loves learning new things and learning about people. Jungkook remembers when she was this cold, ruthless, badass girl who wouldn't let anyone get close to her. Now they're about to have sex. Well, she doesn't know that yet, but Jungkook does.
"Babe?" he asks. She hums, still paying attention to the trees. "Can you come here?"
She takes a moment before nodding, turning away from the pretty sights and approaching. She fiddles with her fingers. "Can I ask you something?"
He wraps an arm around her as the blossoms gently blow through the wind. "Anything."
"Is it weird I'm still nervous around you even though we've been dating for a bit?" she asks.
He chuckles. "Well, 'a bit' isn't really that long. It just feels longer because of all we've been through. I mean, really, we can count how many dates we've been on and how much sex we've had."
She snuggles closer to him. "So what you're saying is... when we lose track of how many dates we've been on and how much sex we've had... that's when we become a serious relationship?"
She peeks up at him, and him down at her. "It helps, but that's not what defines a relationship," he mumbles.
"Since when are you a relationship expert?" she teases.
"Since I had nothing better to do with my life, so I read relationship magazines all day hoping that one day I'd actually fall in love. I mean, how could I? It was a stupid dream that I'd ever fall in love. My options were either girls that were already taken or humans. I don't even want to think about dating a human..." She flinches, him raising a brow. "Everything okay?"
She buries her head against his chest and hums. "Never better."
That's an obvious lie.
Jungkook purses his lips, then lights up and laughs. "Baby, I'm not dating you because you're my only option. I'm saying that when I was a teen, I didn't think I had any chance. I thought reading those magazines would be the closest I got to a real relationship. Looks like I was proven wrong. And really, why me? Out of all the hot men in that bunker, and you chose me. Why?"
She pecks his covered chest, then pecks his lips, then his jaw, leaving kisses all over his face until he almost bursts out laughing.
"Wait, I think I got it: I'm the hottest one?" he asks with a smirk.
She stops her barrage of kissing to instead give him a huff. "You ruined the moment."
"I can easily make the moment something else, if you'd like," he whispers. "I can show you how much you mean to me. Will that work, princess?"
She trembles at the feeling of his fingers ghosting down her sides, the pads of his fingers barely touching her. "Show me," she mumbles.
He does.
Within the blink of an eye, they're on the ground, kissing and clawing at each other's clothes like there's no tomorrow. The breeze and blossoms falling all around them only sets the mood more as Jungkook takes off her shirt.
Their aggressiveness and need for each other translates into the kiss, Jungkook nearly ripping off her pants. The only time their lips part are for when they need to take their articles of clothing off. Within a minute, they're both fully stripped, their clothes thrown all over the place. They won't be needing them any time soon, after all.
"I love you," he whispers, holding her body close. The stars shine down on their glistening skin. The breeze dries their sweat, but it quickly comes back as Jungkook continues to explore her figure.
"I love you too," she replies in a hushed tone, keeping her hands on the back of his head so he stays close. His lips are mere inches away from hers.
"You're so beautiful," he murmurs, deciding to instead kiss every inch of her skin. He brushes his lips across her cheek, then her nose, then her upper lip. Jungkook makes sure to plant his lips over every spot available to him. She softly moans into his ear, gripping on his locks and pulling.
And that's how the rest of the night goes. The two of them make love and stay close the entire time. Jungkook is gentle and passionate, and Y/N encourages him with raspy whispers as she pulls on his hair. By the time they finish, they're exhausted to say the least.
She hyperventilates beneath him, and he collapses next to her. She scoots up on his chest and buries her head against his skin.
"I love you, Jeon," she mumbles, kissing his chin.
He laughs and holds her close. "I love you too, L/N."
They go quiet for several minutes, simply relishing over what just happened. Jungkook peers at the sky with love in his expression, and that's when he makes the realization that this is truly one of the best nights of his life.
"Hey Jungkook?" she suddenly asks.
He pecks the top of her head. "Yes, my love?"
She peeps up at him with those cute eyes of hers. "What defines a relationship?"
He furrows his brows. "Hm?"
"You never said what defined a relationship, so... what does?"
Jungkook almost laughs, kissing her forehead for a few moments before answering.
"Love, Y/N. Love defines relationships."
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