Jealous Part 1
Summary: Jackson Wang is your best friend, or one of the closest members you know in GOT7 besides your boyfriend Mark. You just return to Korea from America to visit your favorite boys and Mark. Mark keeps stumbling across wrong moments with you and Jackson.
You were on your way to the JYP studio to meet your boyfriend, Mark. You carried a bag of snacks for the whole GOT7 to have as well. You walked into the studio and went straight for GOT7's room. You looked around the room to try to find Mark, but you couldn't see him anywhere.
"_______!!" Bambam yelled your name as he ran towards you.
"Hi!" You flash a smile as Bambam hugged you.
"Oh anyohaseyo!" The other members said as they looked up at you.
"_______! What are you doing here?" Jackson yelled as he ran up to give you a hug too.
"I'm here to see you guys!" You said as Jackson still hugged you.
"Awwww ______!" Jackson yelled out in excitement.
You pat his back and extend your hand towards Jaebum. You held the bag of snacks and gave it to him.
"Oh kamsahamnida." Jaebum said as he took it from your hand.
"OOO! She brought snacks!" Youngjae and Bambam yelled out as they looked in the bag.
"Hey! What do you say guys?" Jaebum yelled.
"Thank you Noona!" They both yelled back.
You smiled and Jackson finally let go.
"I still can't believe you're here! Why didn't you tell us you were coming?!" Jackson grabbed your shoulders and shook them slightly.
"Because I wanted it to be a surprise! Duh!" You let out a laugh.
"Aigoo! I didn't prepare anything for you! I was going to do so many things when you came back, like-" Jackson got cut off by the sound of the door shutting.
You looked back and saw your Mark. Your eyes met. His eyes grew big in shock. You released from Jackson's grasp.
"_________!" Mark screamed.
"Mark!" You exclaimed.
Mark ran to you and wrapped his arms around your neck. He hugged you tightly and didn't let you go. All the members started to do a quiet "ooo" sound. Jackson turned around to look through the bags with Bambam and Youngjae.
"I missed you so much. How come you didn't tell me you were coming?" Mark said as we shifted his head in the nape of your neck.
"I wanted it to be a surprise." You smiled as you lied your head onto his shoulder.
"Oh.." Mark began as he started to slowly pull away and look you into your eyes.
"Well, I'm glad you're here." Mark whispered so the other member's couldn't hear.
"I'm glad to be back." You smiled as you looked into Mark's eyes.
"Umm... Noona? Are we allowed to eat these yet?" Bambam asked as he held the bag of snacks.
"Oh yeah sure!" You pulled out of Mark's grasp and walked over to Bambam.
"See I got all your favorite snacks." You exclaimed as you pulled out the different snacks one by one.
"Thank you Noona!" Bambam and Youngjae yelled in excitement.
"Thank you ______." Jackson, Junior, Yugyeom, and Jaebum said sincerely.
"My treat. I don't get to see you guys often." You smile.
They all start rummaging through the bag and getting out the snacks.
Mark pulled you in by the waist. You gasped quietly at the sudden movements.
"Thank you Jagi." Mark whispered, it was so silent you could only read his lips.
Mark didn't want any of the other members to hear him say that. You smiled at the thought.
Next Day~
You arrived again at the JYP studio with seven water bottles. You walk straight into GOT7's studio. You gently loudly knocked on the door. No response. You heard the loud music playing from within the studio. You opened the door and peered in. You saw all the members dancing to their new song FLY. Mark's eyes lit up as he still danced the second verse. He smiled at you and put his best effort in his dancing. You smiled and sat down on the couch. The other member's noticed you, but still kept going with the dance. Jackson tried his best throughout the dance. He made silly and funny remarks that made you laugh. Youngjae started laughing at Jackson while still trying to sing. Bambam was dabing everywhere and trying to get your attention away from Jackson. You sat, quietly laughing to yourself at the foolery. Once the song finished you handed out the water bottles to the members, as Mark was about to say something, Jackson quickly interrupted (by accident).
"Thanks ______." Jackson breathed out heavily as he tousled your hair and downed the water.
You let out a chuckle. You notice Mark trying to ignore it. You blow your hair out of your face.
"Here, I'll help y-" Jackson got cut off.
"I'll do it for you." Mark said sharply as he gently brushed his hand across your face.
You blushed at the sudden movement. Bambam and Youngjae were "ooo"ing again as usual. Jackson felt a bit awkward and went to throw out the empty water bottle.
"T-Thanks.." You stutter.
Mark nods and he drinks his water. The members fall silent as they drink their water.
"Noona! Did you like our dance?" Bambam asked excitedly, breaking the silence.
"Mhmm. You guys did really good." You smiled.
"Should we go one more time?" Jaebum exhaled out.
"Okay." The members sighed.
The all gathered together as they started the dance over again. They were all dripping with sweat as they continued.
As they finished they let out a loud groan and huffed out air.
"You did good guys!" You smiled and applauded them.
"Thanks." Jaebum and Junior breathed out.
"I'm so tireddd now." Bambam whined.
"I'm hungry." Jackson groaned.
"Oh here!" You hand Jackson a multi grain bar that you had picked up from before.
"Where did you get this?" Jackson replied as he picked up the bar from your hand.
"I got it on the way here." You responded scratching your head.
"I want a some food too Noona!" Bambam whined again.
"Aigoo. Don't worry I picked it up for all of you guys." You said as you pulled out a bag more.
"AH! Thank you Noona!" Youngjae, Bambam, and Yugyeom yelled.
"No problem guys." You smile as you handed it out.
"Thank you." Jaebum, Junior, and Jackson said individually.
"Thank you Jagi." Mark smiled as you handed him a bar.
"You're welcome." You smiled back.
"OOOO! Love birds!" Jackson teased.
"Shut up." Mark blushed and playfully hit Jackson's shoulder.
You blushed slightly and checked the time. It was 8:38 PM.
"Okay guys, I have to go now. Thank you guys for letting me watch you guys practice." You smiled.
"I better see you tomorrow" Jackson smirked.
"Hah you wish." You teased.
"Bye Noona! Thank you for the water and food!" Bambam and Youngjae said while they waved.
"Bye _______. Thank you." Junior and Jaebum said.
"Bye Noona!" Yugyeom said as he wiped off his sweat.
"Bye guys!" You exclaimed as you waved your hand.
You turn for the door to leave. Then suddenly you feel a slight tug at your arm. You turned around to see Mark gently clutching your hand.
"I'll... see you tomorrow. Okay?" Mark whispered.
"Of course I will." You said as you kissed the top of his forehead.
All the members went into chaos after that. You let out a giggle and from the chaotic room. When you left the room you heard Bambam and Jackson start teasing Mark. You chuckled as you left the studio.
Thank you guys for reading this Part 1! Part 2 will come out soon! Also, please comment down below what you want to see in the net imagine! Thank you guys!
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