Thank you for commenting @markishotasdfghjk !! I hope you enjoy!
Y/B/F = Your best friend
The busy streets crowded your mind as you were zoning out to the world around you. You snap out of your own world when suddenly got a vibration from your pocket. You grabbed your phone and checked it. You got a text message from one of your best friends, Mark. You've known him for about 3 years. You've been with him through thick and thin.
"Hey" Mark texted.
"Ayee what's up?" You responded.
"I just finished practicing.... did you eat yet?" Mark replied.
"Noooo.. but, I'm gonna see (y/b/f) today for lunch. We're gonna go to that Tofu place." You texted.
"Oh ok." Mark said.
"Maybe next time, ok? My treat :D" You replied.
"Noo u paid for last time." Mark wrote.
"Yeah but you have a busy schedule and deserve to be taken out." You responded.
"Fine. Anyways, they're calling me again. I'll talk to u to later." Mark texted.
"Okkkk bye. remember to hydrate yourself so u dont die." You joked.
"Ok mother." Mark wrote.
"Lol Bye!" You ended.
You got up from the couch in your apartment and went to go change into something for the lunch.
A few minutes later~
Your phone buzzed again. It was (y/b/f).
"Heyyyyy are you ready? Cuz im right outside ur place"
"Yeah, Im coming rn." You replied.
Finished your meal~
"Oh my god. I'm so full." You exclaimed.
"UGH! I HAVE A FOOD BABY!" (Y/b/f) yelled.
"Shhh! We're at a restaurant!" You laughed.
"Hahaha... Anyways, how's Mark?" (Y/b/f) asked.
"He's good.. why?" You responded.
"I don't know.. Don't you like him?" (Y/b/f) questioned.
"W-What!? Where did you get that from?" You choked.
"You've been friends with him for so long and you guys would make a good couple." (Y/b/f) said.
"Wha... No we wouldn't." You blushed.
"Aw see you're blushinggg!" (Y/b/f) smiled.
"No I'm not.. It's just hot in here." You exclaimed as you looked away.
"Mhmm... thinkin' about Mark?" (Y/b/f) smirked.
"Noo." You pleaded.
"Whatever you say _______." (Y/b/f) smiled widely.
The waiter came around to your table and brought your check.
"I'll take the bill." You said reaching out for the paper.
"No no no. I'll pay." (Y/b/f) insisted.
"Noo, Mark is probably gonna pay for my next meal... so let me do YOU a favor." You replied and snatched the paper.
"Oh." (Y/b/f) smirked. *Cue eyebrow wiggle*
"Shut up. Stop thinking weird things" You smiled.
"So you guys are going on a date, huh?" (Y/b/f) smiled widely again.
"No. It's not like that... He just asked me today if I wanted to go with him to eat lunch, but I already had plans with you.. so.." You explained.
"UGH! _______! If you told me you were gonna go on a date with Mark then you could've went. Duh." (Y/b/f) said.
"Nooo. It's not a date." You insisted.
"Whatever you say _______." (Y/b/f) said while standing up and stretching her legs.
You placed the money on top of the bill and stood up.
"Want to go back to my place?" You asked, trying to change the topic.
"Yeah sure." (Y/b/f) agreed.
You both walked out of the restaurant and drove back to your place.
A few minutes later~
You plopped down on your couch and checked your phone. It was 4:51 PM.
"So do you want to watch a movie or somethin'?" (Y/b/f) asked.
"Sure." You smiled.
(Y/b/f) shuffled through the channels. All of a sudden you hear a knock at the door. Your head cocked to the side.
"Who's that?" (Y/b/f) asked.
"I don't know.. I'll go check, you keep looking." You said as you stood up and walked to the door.
You looked through the peep hole. It was Mark. A faint blush came over your face.
What is he doing here? You thought
You hesitantly opened the door.
"Hey? What are you doing here?" You shyly said.
"I want to talk to you about something.." Mark whispered.
"Well.. uhh..." You began, looking back at (Y/b/f).
"I can't right now.. (Y/b/f) is over.. So maybe later okay?" You replied quietly.
Mark clenched his jaw tightly and nodded.
"Okay, I understand. Bye." Mark said as he walked away.
You closed the door and exhaled loudly.
"WHO WAS IT?" (Y/b/f) yelled.
"It was Mark." You exclaimed as you walked back to the couch.
"OOOOO!? Why did Mark come to your apartment." (Y/b/f) said curiously and turned her head to face you.
"I don't know.. he wanted to tell me something." You explained.
"Hmm... A confession??" (Y/b/f) smirked.
"N-Noo! Probably he wanted to tell me about his work or something..." You persisted.
"Mhmm.. Well anyways, I found a movie." (Y/b/f) said as she turned her head back to the TV.
After the movie~
"Yahh! That was a good movie." (Y/b/f) said was she stretched her arms.
"Yeah that was pretty good." You agreed.
"What time is it?" (Y/b/f) asked as she grabbed her phone.
"'s.." You started as you pulled out your phone.
"Oh it's 7:34." (Y/b/f) exclaimed.
"Oh okay." You responded.
"I think I should head back. I have to pick up some stuff from the store." (Y/b/f) as she stood up.
"Aww okay. Be safe." You stood too.
"You want to catch some coffee tomorrow though?" (Y/b/f) asked as she headed towards the door.
"Oh sure. When?" You asked and followed her.
"Hmm.. Probably at 8? I have work tomorrow." (Y/b/f) said as she put her shoes on.
"Oh so early?" You sighed.
"You have work too. What do you mean?" (Y/b/f) giggled.
"Yeah.. True." You replied.
"So.. coffee tomorrow at 8?" (Y/b/f) asked.
"Sure." You smiled.
"Okay see you then!" (Y/b/f) grinned and walked out of your apartment.
Next day at 7:30 AM~
You grabbed your phone and you keys. You rushed to you door and put on your shoes. You quickly glanced at the mirror and fixed your hair. You swung your apartment door open to see Mark right there, hand in air about to knock on the door. Your eyes grew bigger. There was a silence for a few seconds.
"W-What are you doing here Mark?" You stuttered.
"Uh.. I needed to tell you something.." Mark whispered again, lowering his hand.
"Uh.. I'm actually running a bit late for coffee with (y/b/f)..." You responded quietly.
Mark did the same expression he did yesterday night. He clenched his jaw tightly, looking at the floor.
It was silent again.
"______" Mark interrupted and sighed deeply.
"_______... I-I've like you.." Mark blurted out.
You stood in shock. Looking at Mark. You didn't know what to say. Mark looked up from the floor and stared into your eyes.
"I liked you for a long time... and recently I wanted to tell you..." Mark began. His voice still quiet.
"I know this is really out of know where... but I really wanted to let you know... You don't have to tell me right away what your feelings are.. because I know this is pretty sudden.." Mark finished, he waited for your response.
Happiness filled your heart as you came to your senses at what was happening. You smiled and quickly wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I like you too." You breath muffled into his neck.
You felt strong arms around your back. He held you close to him, closing a gap between you two.
"I'm so glad.." Mark muttered.
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