Scarlet: who's making food today
Cinder: i think its Thorne's turn
Thorne: UUUUUUGGGHHH! Why do i have to do it?
Cinder: we have a strict schedule, plus, you owe me for eating the last bowl of oatmeal
Thorne: how about we order some pizza?
Wolf: whats pizza?
Thorne: WHAT!?! Please tell me you didn't just say that! Please tell me you guys have had pizza before
Cress: i haven't. I had to eat precooked survival foods my whole life
Winter: I'm royalty. I've never had that luxury before
Kai: Same here winter
Scarlet: I've grown with organic food my whole life, pizza didn't exactly make the cut
Thorne: you guys are joking, right? What about you cinder!?!
Cinder: *laughs* like adri would ever let me have some!
Iko: . . . . . . I don't have taste buds
Jacin: i prefer foods that aren't covered in grease so i never had some
Wolf: seriously guys, what's pizza?
Thorne: OK, THIS ENDS NOW! *picks up his port* hello, pizza hut? I'd like to order one of everything. We have a code d.t.p
Pizza hut worker: we're on our way
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