Pac-Man VS Bomberman
Namco VS Konami. Two iconic 1980s mascots who are masters of mazes will now battle it out and only one will survive.
(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Mario: Pac-Man, Namco's Yellow rounded Ghost Gobbler.
Sonic: And White Bomberman, Konami's White Bombing protector.
Mario: In the 1980s these two were the masters of mazes taking down enemies with very unusual powers.
Sonic: And they are not to be underestimated as these guys had a big rivalry before the two of us were even thought of. He's Mario and I'm Sonic the Hedgehog.
Mario: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.
Mario: Hero, husband, father, pet owner.
Sonic: And the size of a pizza slice.
Mario: Pac-Man is all of these things and is generally a nice guy to all the Pac-People in Pac-Land.
Japanese name: Puck-Man
Height: 3'3 (99cm)
Weight: Varies
Age: 25
Species: Pac-Person
Homland: Pac-Land
Married to Ms. Pac-Man
Father of Jr. Pac-Man and Baby Pac-Man
Came before Mario
None quotes: Waka Waka Waka
Sonic: But like most peaceful towns peace didn't last long as we see tons of ghosts scaring them from Ghost Land. We don't know the full details all we know is that the Pac-People and Ghosts don't get along and so ghosts would terrorize them. Remember the Mushroom Kingdom's feud with the Koopa Kingdom? Yeah that's what's happening here.
Mario: But determined as he was Pac-Man sets out on a quest to stop them.
Sonic: How you may ask? by eating them.... Wait just a second that doesn't make any sense because if their ghosts that doesn't mean they can't die can they?
Mario: Well actually no when Pac-Man eats a ghost they don't exactly die... turns out he eats their bodies and spits out their eyeballs.
Sonic: Wait.... He spits out eyeballs...
Mario: Yep...
Mario and Sonic:
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Sonic: Bruh I think we just found the second weirdest game character next to Kirby.
Mario: (clears throat) But in order to eat ghost Pac-Man needs to eat Power Pallets which makes ghosts so scared of him they turn blue and run. Otherwise they can just kill him with one touch.
Sonic: You know the strangest thing is that when he eats these weird sounds
We hear the classic wakawaka sound
Mario: Yeah... Umm weirdness aside outside of the one that makes ghosts turn blue, Pac-Man has other kinds of Power Pallets that helps in the long run.
Abilities and arsenal
Magic Boots
Fire Ball
Wing Shoes
Space Board
Mokujin Robot
Armored Helmet
Magic Pen
Golden Fruits
Transforms into Golden Pac-Man
Power Pellet
Super Pellet
Transforms into Super Pac-Man
Red Pellet
Power Bounce Pellet
Chrome Power Pellet
Shrink Pellet
Red Ribbon Power Pellet
Super Stomp Pellet
Electro-Shock Power Pellet
Super-Pac boost Pellet
Sonic: Like with the Super Pallet which transforms him into Super Pac-Man with it he grows in sizes, gives him the ability of flight plus complete invincibility though it does last for a few seconds. The Red Ribbon Power Pellet not only increases his speed but let's him run circles around enemies and make them explode, Electro-Shock Power Pellet let's him shoot electricity out of his hands, and a few others shrinks him down to size, turns him to metal, create shockwaves after stomping, create vortexes, and create a few clones.
Mario: Even without his signature Power Pallets, Pac-Man's more than capable of bouncing and rolling into a ball, throw smaller Pallets, throw some mysterious items from other arcades, and has much verity of tools to help him combat against ghost and other enemies as well as... You know eat them.
Sonic: Like the wing boots that let him, fly, and several others.
Mario: While most of these are usually meant for fighting ghosts, Pac-Man has also used the equipment to fight other non-ghostly foes.
Flew across a galaxy in seconds
Saved his family from Toc-Man
Survived the destruction of "The Future"
Held his own against Spooky
Survived a full from the sky
Defeated the Ghost Gang, Golvis, Toc-Man, Spooky, Erwin
Sonic: Pac-Man has been through thick and thin, he's survived falls from skies before, dodged meteors, and even beams of light.
Mario: Speaking of his speed, Pac-Man was once able to fly a hoverboard straight across galaxies in seconds, while we don't know the exact details of this feat or the time it takes to reach across galaxies but if we use the size of a typical galaxy he must've traveled around 300,000 light years.
Sonic: He's battled and beaten several foes like the knockoff Toc-Man, the creepy Ghost King, Spooky, and the mad scientist Erwin.
Mario: Erwin was planning on using his powers to crash the Spectral Realm into Pac-Man's world, basically trying to collide them on a universal scale and his machines are capable of protecting him from this, given Pac-Man was able to defeat him he should scale around the same tier.
Thinks with his stomach: Can be baited with/distracted by food.
Can get hurt and die in one hit
Power Pellets are limited
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures
Sonic: But even with all those impressive feats Pac-Man, is more than just a hero, he's a father and a husband and always makes sure his family is safe.
Mario: While he may have his downsides and kinda food obsessed like a certain pink ball we all know, Pac-Man has the best interests at heart not just for his family but all of Pac-Land and his people.
Sonic: All the Pac-People can rest easy knowing that whenever there's a ghost or another threat out there Pac-Man will be there to send them Pac-ing.
Pac-Man: Did someone say cake? Mmm... Cherry meringue sugar-stuffed power pellet a'lorange, you shouldn't have!
White Bomberman
Mario: Somewhere out there on a strange planet called Planet Bomber lived a race of alien robotic life-forms.
Sonic: I mean they have a weird appearance like they have a head shaped like a computer and large long eyes.
Mario: But one Bomber would go on to be a hero not just for his home but more planets in the galaxy his name is White Bomberman.
Japanese name: Shiro Bom
Height: 204cm
Weight: 47kg
Age: 10
Species: Bomber
Homeland: Planet Bomber
Leader of the Bomberman Bros
Love Interest to Pink Bomberman
Came before Sonic
Known quote: I did it
Sonic: Bomberman huh? I guess but his methods of saving the planets are just blowing them up so I wouldn't call that saving.
Mario: Yeah I'm just as confused as you are how is blowing most of the environment "saving" the planet with bombs? Like it seems strange to me how someone who's only solution to solving problems is using bombs to blow stuff up.
Sonic: And Bomberman has like a ton of bombs literally almost his entire arsenal consist of bombs.
Arsenal, and abilities
Bomb Up
Bomb Kick
Speed Up
Full Fire
Power Glove
Super Power Glove
Boxing Glove
Bomb Pass
Soft Block Pass
Bomb Change
Guardian Armor
Fire Bomb
Navarm Bomb
Pierce Bomb
Thunder Bomb
Water Bomb
Ice Bomb
Remote Bomb
Wind Bomb
Mine Bomb
Light Bomb
Line Bomb
Bait Bomb
Salt Bomb
Bead Bomb
Rubber Bomb
Skull Bomb
Power Bomb
Homing Bomb
Gravity Bomb
Red Bomb
Dangerous Bomb
Green can run incredibly fast
Yellow can move soft blocks by kicking them
Blue can kick bombs over blocks
Pink can jump over blocks, as well as dance
Brown can summon rows of bombs
Purple emits ultrasonic waves
Blue kicks objects and bombs
Green runs down a line
Yellow stops opponents by roaring
Pink can jump on soft and hard blocks
Mario: When using these bombe, Bomberman places them down on a spot and it takes around 2 or 3 seconds to detonate.
Sonic: Not to mention he can kick and throw bombs and place extra bombs he can even charge a bomb nearly 10 times his size for maximum destruction.
Mario: However if Bomberman is not careful he can easily get caught in his own explosion and end up dying.
Sonic: But that's okay he's got armor to protect himself and plus he has actually surprising bombs that would give Mega Man a run for his money.
Mario: Bomberman has kinds of different bomb types that can some of which can control fire, water, wind, ice, and thunder.
Sonic: They can create a cloud of salt, home in on enemies, control gravity, temporally freeze time, and boy once he uses Dangerous Bomb you know he means business I'm talking complete nuke business.
Mario: Bomberman can also upgrade these bombs with Full Fire, use Power Gloves to pick up bombs easily, use a shield to protect himself from incoming explosions, use a clock to stop time, and use rocket which allows him to fly in the air.
Sonic: Plus along the way he can also hatch and ride wild Louies Kangaroo-like Animals that give him an advantage in battle each has a different ability. Green can move incredibly fast, Yellow can move blocks, Pink can jump really high and step over bombs, Brown can summon rows of bombs, and all of them can sacrifice themselves if Bomberman if necessary kinda like Yoshi.
Mario: Yeah as if I'd do that to Yoshi. Anyways Bomberman also ride similar creatures like Tirras Rhino-like dinosaurs who can do almost the same thing Louies can but with different abilities. With all these twos Bomberman has traveled from planet to planet and galaxy to galaxy protecting foes who would do them harm.
Blew up planet and black hole
Lifted a bomb the size of a volcano
Escaped a pull of a black hole
Dodged lasers from The Angel of Light and Shadow
Survived the destruction and recreation of the universe
Defeated the Bomberman Gang, Five Dastardly Bombers, Sirius, Angel of Light and Shadow, Emperor Buggler
Sonic: Bomberman's bombs are insane, they're strong enough to blow up a mountain, a planet, and even a black hole.
Mario: He also even escaped the pull of a black hole too.
Sonic: He's fast enough to dodge light speed lasers and rockets that can travel across the entire universe.
Mario: He's battled and defeated other Bombermen, and even the Angel of Light and Shadow the creator os the universe itself.
Sonic: And not only can Bomberman take hits from him but he survived the universe collapsing all around him and even after the universe turns back to normal. Wow I know his methods are strange but at least he's saving the universe.
Can get hurt and killed by his own bombs
Can be pretty naive for being young
Sometimes inexprienced
Is not designed for close combat
Bomberman Act: Zero
Mario: He does have his downsides though, outside of not being immune to his own weapons, he's fairly naïve and sometimes inexperienced.
Sonic: Yeah but at the end of the day when push comes to show, Bomberman has proven to take on the best of the best foes.
Mario: And along with his fellow Bombers, Bomberman continues protecting everyone to this day regardless if their monsters or literal gods.
Sonic: The entire universe can rest easy knowing that it's protected by Bomberman the White Bomber.
Bomberman: Alright let's head back to Planet Bomber.
(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates-again*)
Mario: Alright the combatants are set and we've run the data on all possibilities.
Sonic: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Retro Mazes
(*Cues Retro Rivals*)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
In Pac-Land we see Pac-Man taking a walk in an open field before sitting down to take a nap. However as he takes a nap however we see a ship fall from the sky and crash lands to a nearby area, which startles Pac-Man waking him up in the process. Meanwhile emerging from the ship is Bomberman the White Bomberman as he groans and recovers and walks out of the crash site, groaning.
Bomberman: Well that was some landing. I'll have to call the other Bombers to pick me up later.
Bomberman notices Pac-Man who came to investigate and is furious with Bomberman.
Pac-Man: Hey what's the big idea blowing up Pac-Land property??
Bomberman: Huh?! What are you talking about? I just crash landed here!
Pac-Man shakes his head not believing him and them proceeds to throw a pallet at Bomberman much to his confusion.
Bomberman: Hey what the-
He is then thrown at with tons of pallets causing the White Bomber to retaliate and punch the Ghost Gobbler in the face knocking him back.
Bomberman: Alright that's it. You asked for it yellow orb.
Bomberman pulls out his bomb and throws it at Pac-Man who manages to get out of the way in time before it explodes. As he starts bitting White.
Pac-Man: Nice try.
He the rolls like a ball and knocks Bomberman back all the way to the tree two feet from his crashed ship. The alien robot looks and notices a green Louie egg in the ship but quickly looks back and sees Pac-Man charging at him at full speed rolling. Bomberman quickly jumps to his ship and grabs the egg.
Bomberman: Alright let's go!
He hatches the egg and rides on the Louie's back. The Louie charges at Pac-Man and blitz him stopping him in his tracks. After the last hit, Pac-Man sees 4 bombs behind him.
Pac-Man: Oh crap.
The 4 explosions sends him flying straight to a nearby maze. Once he lands Pac-Man starts to get dizzy.
Pac-Man: Man where did that come from?
Just then he notices some Power Pallets nearby much to the yellow eater's joy. Meanwhile Bomberman still riding on his Louie runs through the maze searching for Pac-Man as the Louie stops.
Bomberman: Alright where did he go?
Suddenly what came out of nowhere was a surprised attack from behind that knocked Bomberman off his Louie. When Bomberman looks he looks at the dead body of his Louie completely fried by electricity. Just then Pac-Man who did this thanks to his Electro-Shock Power Pellet appears.
Pac-Man: We have you now!
Bomberman: "We"?
As the Bomber is confused Pac-Man eats the Champion Pellet and several other Pac-Men appears and they all charge at him.
Bomberman: Oh good grief.
Bomberman tiredly falls to his knees while multiple Pac-Man clones are jumping towards him. They start tackling him and biting him as the alien robot life form. Having had enough throws a red bomb in the air which lands on top of them and then the bomb explodes killing all the Pac-Man clones and knocking the real one back. Bomberman gets up having had enough of Pac-Man.
Bomberman: Alright that's it! I've had enough!
He uses Homing Bombs at Pac-Man who attempts to run for it as Bomberman follows with a rocket, Pac-Man then gets hit by at least one bomb that knocks him back. Pac-Man recovers only for Bomberman to charge at him at full speed Pac-Man grabs his head and puts on his Wing Shoes.
Pac-Man: Time to fly.
Ae cut to a shot out of the maze and we see the mascots exchanging blows. Pac-Man and Bomberman continue to clash fists and kicks and fly until they reach above the clouds. The Yellow Bane of Ghosts and the Bomb-Throwing Galactic Defender pull out an item to clash Fire ball and Fire bomb respectively and clash with each other which makes a brief explosion once the dust clears the wings on Pac-Man's shoes and Bomberman's rocket is blown up much to their shock.
Pac-Man: Oh crap...
Bomberman: You've got to be kidding me...
Then they started to fall as the two maze mascots starts screaming. As they are falling, Pac-Man decides to dive towards Bomberman with a fury of smash bros style kicks only for Bomberman to knock him back with a swing of a punch causing the Ghost Gobbler to have a slight nose bleed. The Namco mascot continues his assault at the Konami mascot by using using Super Pallet to turn into Super Pac-Man and bites in at Bomberman, however the White Bomber thanks to his quick reaction speed catches his foe before he could bite him and keeps his mouth wide open. As the struggle continues Bomberman pulls out his last bomb, Dangerous Bomb and charges it up to 10 times.
Bomberman: So long-a, yellow ball!
Bomberman slams the Dangerous Bomb into his foe's mouth in a style of a seismic toss, spiking a screaming Pac-Man as he falls back down into the maze with bomb in his mouth, while Bomberman lands on the ground completely outside of the maze, as the Dangerous Bomb detonates after touching the ground creating a huge explosion destroying the entire maze in the process. Once the dust clears Bomberman looks into the aftermath of the explosion and sees the arms and legs of the now incinerated Pac-Man in the center of the crater.
Bomberman: Yes I did it!
Bomberman does his signature victory dance but just then he realizes something.
Bomberman: Oh right I have to contact the other Bombers of my location so they can take me back home. At least I have enough power to make a call.
Bomberman then runs back to his crashed ship to call hie fellow Bombermen.
(*Cues Retro Rivals again*)
Sonic: Wow seeing the way he died gave me flashbacks from the time I died on Death Battle. That being said though it's no surprise that Pac-Man got stomped.
Mario: Actually this fight is actually much closer than people give it credit for. In terms of raw power and strength Pac-Man is actually stronger than Bomberman. Sure both could have a power output of a universe but you have to remember Erwin was making the Spectral Realm crash into the real world which is Pac-Man's world this means that Pac-Man can theoretically scale to have the power output of two universes which id actually much more impressive than what Bomberman survived a power by Angel of Light and Shadow which is the creation and destruction of the universe based on what we've seen it only has enough power to destroy one single universe.
Sonic: So with that big difference in power technology Pac-Man has a really good advantage but with that in mind how did he lose if all be needs is to land one good hit in and the fight is done?
Mario: Because Pac-Man would have to hit Bomberman first. While Pac-Man has been shown to travel across galaxies in seconds, Bomberman has consistently outpaced and dodged rockets and robots that can cross the universe. If we use the typical size of a galaxy, Pac-Man has the reaction speed of 300,000 light years but if we apply the same logic with Bomberman taking the universe size into account means he could move around 93,000,000,000 light years with this in mind this means Bomberman is about 310,000 times faster than Pac-Man
Sonic: Damn. So in other words even with Pac-Man's strength advantage he'd have to hit Bomberman first but with that big of a speed difference that's easier said than done.
Mario: Pac-Man did have a lot of surprises that can keep Bomberman at bay.
Sonic: But unfortunately Pac-Man sure he has an arsenal that could counter Bomberman's, but he couldn't defend against gravity bombs, bombs that can stop time, or just tine bombs that turn invisible so nobody could see.
Mario: Pac-Man's Power Pellets simply do not stack up Bomberman's Bombs, especially since Bomberman has a MUCH larger arsenal.
Sonic: Plus while Pac-Man is more of a melee fighter, Bomberman has battled and outsmarted similar foes melee ranged fighters before.
Mario: To add more insult to injury despite his impressive and weird eating habits, Pac-Man's stomach isn't infinite and can and has gotten full in the past before so he won't be able to eat all of Bomberman's attacks even if he could Bomberman has a much more range of destructive capabilities with his bombs.
Sonic: Pac-Man may be one of the OG's of gaming but in comparison to Bomberman he's not even close to being completely ridiculous, I'm just saying. He may be much stronger but strength alone is not enough to give you the win.
Mario: Pac-Man put up a good fight but he was ultimately no match for Bomberman's superior speed, arsenal of bombs, and more ranged destructive capabilities.
Sonic: Bomberman was able to Pac an explosive victory.
Mario: The winner is Bomberman.
Advantages and disadvantages
-Much slower
-Smaller arsenal
-is not ranged
+Larger arsenal
+Ranged destructive capabilities
Mario: Thank you guys so much for reading make sure you let us know what your thoughts are in the comments below.
Sonic: Until next time. Peace.
Next time
"You don't ever have to forgive me. And whatever you do from here on out know this. No matter what, I will always love you."
"And my name is Madoka Orimura, I must take your life."
Itachi Uchiha VS Madoka Orimura
(Naruto VS Infinite Stratos)
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