Ep 3: Going Dark
A/N: Credits to mah boi Prussiaisgut/Crystal88181818373
Also, I don't own anything, please don't sue me.
*insert opening theme
Yokosuka Marine Girls' High School
Advisor #1 (IJ): Principal, you've got a message from the Maritime Safety Support Department.
Mayuki Munetani: Read it.
Advisor #1 (IJ): Yes, ma'am. "If this Harekaze incident can't be dealt with promptly within the school, it will be recognized as a large-scale insurrection. In that case, all of your school's ships will be seized. If that proves impossible, they will be sunk."
Advisor #2 (IJ): At this rate, it really will be deemed mutiny, and the Blue Mermaid's main fore may be dispatched on a public security operation.
Mayuki (IJ): We can't put our students in danger when we don't even know the truth yet!
Advisor #1 (IJ): Actually, we might have the full truth.
The advisor then hands Mayuki a report from the USS Chesty Puller, more specifically, US Indo Pacific Command.
Advisor #1 (IJ): The ship USS Chesty Puller was pulled into our world while investigating two lost Vietnamese Coast Guard ships from their world. They encountered the Harekaze and wrote a report to the US Indo Pacific Command, who gave us this letter....from their world.
Mayuki (IJ): Another ship from another world? Which branch of the military is the USS Chesty Puller in?
Advisor #1: United States Marine Corps.
Mayuki then pondered for a few seconds.
Mayuki (IJ): What did they say?
Advisor #1 (IJ): They state this, "The crew of the IJN Harekaze have been found not guilty of mutiny, by evidence in a report sent by the Captain of the USS Chesty Puller, Colonel Cường Duy Trường, who is also part of the People's Navy of Vietnam, and investigating an incident of two Vietnamese Coast Guard ships disappearing into this world. By order from the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Marine Corps, all student ships of the Yokosuka Marine Girls' High School are to be recalled and docked in port. There, the crew of the USS Chesty Puller will investigate the root cause of the problem. They will be supported by elements of the People's Navy of Vietnam and some of the US 7th Fleet. If the Blue Mermaid command tries to scuttle these ships, that will be considered an act of war, and all Blue Mermaid operations will be targeted by the United States Air Force."
Mayuki (IJ): That's reassuring, but right now, we have to be on our guard. First, call the Director of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation. Then call whoever is in charge of those US Departments from that world, and the People's Navy of Vietnam command.
Advisor #1 (IJ): Yes maam.
IJN Harekaze and USS Chesty Puller
Third Person POV:
Akeno (murmuring): An emergency distress call from the Musashi. What should I do?
Mashiro was behind commandeering the ship, with Cường standing next to her when Alexei then comes bursting in.
Alexei (panting): Cường.
Cường: What's wrong? Something happen on our ship?
Alexei: No. But USINDOPACOM sent out a reply to our report.
Alexei then shows Cường the report.
Cường (reading): "By order from the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, and the Department of the Marine Corps, all student ships of the Yokosuka Marine Girls' High School are to be recalled and docked in port."
Mashiro: What? Didn't the school accuse us of mutiny?
Cường: They probably assumed that you guys were not at fault, since I wrote everything to them. About meeting you guys and all.
Akeno (IJ): But won't the school capture us?
Cường (IJ): They have already been notified.
Akeno and Mashiro sigh in relief.
Mashiro (IJ): Thank you. You have been a great help to us.
Cường (IJ): No problem, just doing our jobs. (smiles)
Mashiro then blushes while Alexei laughs.
Alexei (IJ): Man Mashiro, you must really like the Colonel!
Mashiro (red) (IJ): URUSAI!
Cường (clamping her shoulders) (IJ): Em ơi, dùng. (Stop.)
Mashiro was then confused.
Mashiro (IJ): What did you sa-
Alexei (IJ): He said for you to calm down.
Mashiro blushed even redder now.
Cường: Jesus, come here.
Cường then allowed her to lean on his chest while he took the steering wheel.
Cường (IJ): Better?
Mashiro then nodded while Alexei sighed.
Alexei (mumbling): When will I ever get lucky like Cường?
Cường (turns on radio): Andrew, status report?!
Andrew (radio): Our ship suffered no damage, all systems operational and our ammo has been refilled.
Cường (radio): Already? Damn!
Andrew (radio): We're Marines. We make due, remember?
Cường (radio): Yeah, I know.
Andrew then just chuckles before hanging up.
Outside, near the guns
Machiko plays the trumpet to signal for an inspection of the damages.
Kouko (IJ): Ms. Takeda. How is the main battery?
Michiru Takeda (IJ): As you can see, we're inspecting it right now. It's automated for the most part, but inspecting it is tough. Well, Hikari?
Hikari Ogasawara (fixing a part) (IJ): This kid is still giving me grief.
Kouko (IJ): About how much longer will it take?
Hikari (IJ): I'll get it done by sunset somehow.
Kouko (IJ): I appreciate it.
Michiru and Hikari (IJ): Hai.
Another part of the ship
Mikan was serving up rice balls to Ritsuko Matsunga and Kayoko Himeji.
Mikan (IJ): -The ones with faces have pickled plums inside.
Ritsuko (IJ): Thanks!
Kayoko (IJ): It looks good!
Kouko (IJ): Ms. Matsuaga, Ms. Himeji, are there any problems here?
Ritsuko (IJ): No problems with the launching tubes.
Kayoko (IJ): Well, we don't even have a single torpedo.
Kouko (heads towards Mikan) (IJ): So you're having rice balls for lunch?
Mikan (IJ): Everyone's too busy with repairs to go the dining hall. Is it true we got an emergency distress call from the Musashi?
Ritsuko (IJ): That's what I heard, too.
Kayoko (IJ): I wonder what's going on with the other ships.
Ritsuko (IJ): Oh and I forget! I also heard that US Command from Chesty Puller's world is going to intervene if something is not done about this!
Kouko (IJ): You're saying the whole world has turned against us?! We can't let the Musashi sink! Let's escape to the South Pole!
Kayoko (IJ): That's not a very funny idea.
Kouko (IJ): What?
Back on the bridge
Kouko (looking at her tablet) (IJ): -I've verified the damages.
Mashiro (IJ): What's the situation?
Kouko (IJ): At present, the engine is being repaired. Battery number three is out of commission. The tactical marine equipment and surface radar are damaged. As for communicatons, we can only receive messages.
Mashiro (IJ): How long will it take if we place priority repairing the necessities to be seaworthy?
Kouko (IJ): If it's only the engine, we need another eigth hours.
Mashiro (IJ): We'll start there.
Cường (IJ): Actually wait.
Mashiro (IJ): Hm?
Cường (IJ): Since I have almost 400 crew on my ship, I can send some of my engineers to help you guys.
Kouko (IJ): Really?
Cường (IJ): The only problem is, we could get exposed with less crew....so.
Mashiro (IJ): So?
Cường (IJ): That is why everyone on my ship will have a rifle armed and ready.
Kouko (IJ): Isn't that a bit unnecessary?
Cường (IJ): No. It is only for the safety of two ships which now I have command.
Mashiro (IJ): Wait, did Akeno make you commander of these two ships?
Akeno (IJ): I did....
Mashiro (sighs) (IJ): Okay, but just please get your act together. The only reason we weren't sunk was because of the USS Chesty Puller, so please, act like you mean it.
Akeno (IJ): Oh sorry, I was just...
Nighttime, Bridge
Cường had left to go command the USS Chesty Puller again, leaving Alexei and a certain Corpsman by the name of Phạm Giấy to keep on guard.
Kouko (IJ): Apparently Ms. Yagi intercepted an emergency message.
Akeno (IJ): From where?
Mashiro (IJ): From where?
Giấy (IJ): Say it out loud.
Kouko (IJ): It was an area-wide message from the Martime Safety Support Department.
Mashiro (IJ): Area-wide message? (looks at the tablet) Let's see, "Currently, a Yokosuka Girls' Marine High School ship has turned renegrade. No ships from that school shall be allowed to stop at a port. Also, if the following ship offers any resistance, it may be sunk without any repercussions: The Destroyer, Harekaze"?!
Shima: S-Sunk?
Alexei (IJ): Hey, remember, we have supplies on our ship.
Giáy: Ah Alexei.
Alexei: Yeah?
Giấy: Nghế là một số đơn vị không quân đã đến sân báy Kép rồi, với chuẩn bị giũp nếu cấn. (I heard that some Air Force units have already arrived at Kép air base, ready to support when needed)
Alexei: Thế lá tốt cho mình. (That's good for us)
Mashiro (IJ): What are you guys talking about?
Alexei (IJ): Giáy just mentioned that some US Air Force units have arrived at an airbase just close to Hải Phòng, and may be ready in the next 2 hours.
Akeno (IJ): Those jets?
Alexei (IJ): Yes. They will there to support us if needed. If they try to sink both of our ships, that will be considered an act of war, something that the Department of Defense will swiftly enact plans to bomb the Blue Mermaid HQ.
Mashiro (IJ): Are you serious?! They can't do that!
Alexei (IJ): If we get sunk, they will start a mass bombing campaign, called.....Operation Desert Shield, before the main amphibious and land campaign, known as Operation Desert Storm.
The girls were then shocked by what Alexei had said.
Mashiro (IJ): So that will mean....
Giáy (IJ): Civilians may die if we have to fight.
Akeno (IJ): So that report, does that mean we can't stop at any port?
Mashiro (IJ): It would seem like it.
Rin (IJ): W-We have totally become fugitives! (cries)
Akeno (IJ): The Musashi may be in the same situation. That's why the distress call...
Mashiro (IJ): Unlike us, that ship can't be sunk easily. Well, maybe except for the USS Chesty Puller, who can sink it.
Akeno (IJ): But they were asking for help. So-
Mashiro (IJ): We're the ones who need help! And how can we help anyone when we haven't even done any practical skill exercises? We shouldn't change our plan to return to school.
Cường (radio): Stop arguing, Mashiro.
Mashiro (IJ): E-EH?
Cường (radio): We'll find a way, even if it means that we sent A-10s their way.
Giấy (radio): Dạ báo cáo chỉ huy! (Commander, report!)
Cường (radio): Nói. (Speak.)
Giấy (radio): Mình vừa nhận đườc một thông tín tư Bộ Tư Lệnh ở Hà Nội. (I just received a notification from Hà Nội Capital City Command)
Cường (radio): Bộ Tư Lệnh nói gì? (What did they say?)
Giấy (radio): Nói: Nếu trong trường hớp là tấu USS Chesty Puller bị chím, thì Quân Đội sẽ phẩn ứng nhánh để đối phó với vấn đề này. (They say: In the case if the USS Chesty Puller is sunk, the Vietnamese Military will be mobilized quickly to respond to this threat.)
Cường (radio): Rồi. Có nũa không? (Okay. Any more?)
Giấy (radio): Không, báo cáo, hết. (No, report, end.)
Cường (radio): Rồi, tiếp túc với công việc đi. (Okay then, continue with your work.)
Giấy (radio): Rõ. (Understood.)
Alexei then sighed.
Alexei: An investigation that can turn into another world war....
Giấy: Yes, and we have to prevent that.
Mashiro (IJ): Let's port the Musashi to the school and let them handle it.
Akeno (IJ): I.....I understand. Just as Shiro says, let's return to school.
Shima (IJ): Aye.
Akeno (IJ): Okay, I'll be on the bridge, so the rest of you can get some sleep. Well execpt for the two Marines here.
Alexei (IJ): Yeah, we barely get any sleep anyways.
Kouko (IJ): Rin and I are on duty tonight.
Mashiro (IJ): You need to sleep too in order to command properly.
Akeno (IJ): I'll be fine.
Mashiro (IJ): Just get some sleep please!
Akeno (raising hands up): O-Okay. Understood, Shiro.
Cường (radio): Giáy!
Giấy (radio): Dạ! (Sir!)
Cường (radio): Mình đi sang đấy. (I'll be coming.)
Giấy (radio): Để gác hả? (To guard?)
Cường (radio): Ừ. Andrew và một số người nũa đã gác ở bên đấy rồi. (Yes. Andrew and a few others are already guarding our ship already.)
Giấy (radio): Dạ vâng, rõ. (Yes sir, understood.)
Alexei: So our commander's coming?
Giấy: Yep.
Mashiro (IJ): How do you guys even function?
Alexei (IJ): We're Marines Mashiro. We can sleep any time.
Cường then comes in.
Cường: So how is it going Alexei?
Alexei: Good I guess.
Cường: Everyone else go to sleep. We'll guard from here.
Akeno's room
Akeno was sitting on her bed, thinking about the events that just unfolded.
A/N: Flashback plays here
Akeno (IJ): Moeka-chan. I want to go help you. But right now...
She then looks at a picture of her and Moeka before laying on her bed.
Akeno (IJ): I have to start acting like a captain.
Back on the bridge
Cường's POV:
So here I was, minding my own business with Alexei, Giáy, Kouko, and Rin. Of course, me, Alexei, and Giáy were talking about our past dáy.
Me: -You fell on the snow in Moscow, Giáy!
Giấy: Shut up! (laughing)
Me (doing a Chesty Puller impression): For falling on the snow in Moscow a few months ago, give me 20! (I laugh)
Alexei laughs along with Giáy gets down and does 20 push ups. The two other girls then laugh along until...
Andrew (radio): Colonel, we have reported a submarine underwater 3,000 meters from us!
Cường (radio): Got it, get everyone to their stations. (I turn to Kouko) Kouko, get everyone on this ship to their stations, now!
Kouko: Yes sir! (switches to Japanese) Captain, captain! Captain. The USS Chesty Puller detected a submarine underwater just now!
Akeno (radio): All hands to your stations!
Cường (radio): Marines on board on the Harekaze! Get your weapons ready!
Marine Engineers (radio): Yes sir!
Alexei pulls out his M249 while Giấy and I pull out our M27s.
Cường: Operational status, ready.
Akeno then comes up the stairs.
Akeno (IJ): Coco, status report!
Kouko (IJ): Um, there is a submarine 3,000 m away. Currently conducting a sound analysis to check.
Mei and Shima arrive.
Mei (IJ): What's up at a time like this?
Me (IJ): Submarines.
Mashiro then comes in holding a stuff shark, to which I smile.
Akeno (IJ): Shiro, what's that?
Kouko (IJ): What are you doing?
Me (IJ): Hey Mashiro, glad to see you here.
Mashiro then gets shocked.
Mashiro (IJ): This is, um...don't look!
Me (IJ): Calm down. It's just a stuffed shark, no need to panic.
Mashiro then blushes. Tsundere.
Marine Engineer #1: Main battery, ready!
Maron (IJ): We're still fixing the engine. We can't go any faster than crusing speed!
Machiko (IJ): All clear from the watch! As far as I can see.
Mashiro (IJ): A-All hands are at their stations.
Kaede Marikouji (IJ): Sound analysis completed. It's I-201, a ship from Toumai High School.
Akeno (IJ): Thank you, Ms. Marikougi.
Kaede (IJ): You're welcome.
Me (radio): Andrew, prepare the ASROC missiles. We are going sub hunting!
Andrew and other Marines (radio): Hell yeah!
Me (radio): Also put your NVGs on.
Andrew (radio): Yes sir.
Me (radio): All other Marines on the Harekaze. Go dark.
Marine Engineers (radio): Yes sir!
Mei (IJ): Toumai High?
Kouko (IJ): That's a boys' high school.
Mimi: Huh, a boys' school.
Mayumi Uchida (IJ): Submarines are always from the boys' schools. But they're so cramped and hot and stinky.
Alexei (IJ): Huh, so that's what the boys do in this world.
Giấy (IJ): Well you all have never been to boot camp.
Alexei (IJ): Yeah I agree.
Rin (IJ): I-I can't deal with that!
Mei (IJ): They're obviously pursuing us. Let's fire at them!
Me (IJ): Wait, don't. We cannot be hasty in our decisions. This is the fate of two worlds here.
Akeno (IJ): Coco, can we get in contact with I-201?
Kouko (IJ): Seawater will damp normal radio waves, so we wouldn't reach them.
Akeno (IJ): So how do they normally contact each other?
Mashiro (IJ): Just because it's a submarine, doesn't mean they're always underwater.
Me (IJ): Mashiro, don't berate her like that. She's your Captain and needs to learn.
Rin (IJ): Yeah, it would be scary if they didn't check the surface once in a while.
Akeno (IJ): Shiro, when underwater, they're also using sonar to see, what's on the topside, right?
Mashiro (IJ): Of course.
Akeno (IJ): Then why don't we use our active sonar for Morse code?
Kaede (IJ): I believe that would work.
Mashiro (IJ): If we do that, they'll think we attacked them!
Mei (IJ): Let's fore sonar or whatever at them!
They all went silent at Alexei's outburst.
Alexei (IJ): Man, you are all cattle not knowing where to go! How are you supposed to get out of a situation like this, when you all can't even cooperate with each other!
Me (IJ): Alexei's right. You all need to cooperate. That's the only way we're going to get out of this. Alive.
Akeno (IJ): Ms. Marikouji, tell them our school, ship name, and we have no intention of fighting.
Kaede (IJ): Received, and understood.
A few minutes later
Kaede (IJ): Target has changed its depth. It's suddenly diving deeper.
Mashiro (IJ): What did I tell you?!
Me (IJ): Mashiro!
She then looked at me.
Mashiro (IJ): And you. You have been interfering with us for too long. Leave.
To say the least, I was pissed.
Me (in a gritted voice) (IJ): No.
Mashiro (IJ): Why?
Me (IJ): Mashiro, you need to learn on how to be a decent human being! If Akeno makes a mistake, you shouldn't just yell at her!
I need to let her know that she shouldn't just mess around with a Marine.
Me (IJ): I have seen men, die, because of incompetence! Incompetence! That made a whole f*cking squad die under a hail of Taliban fire in f*cking AFGHANISTAN! WHAT YOU ARE DOING, IS INCOMPETENCE!
I then pointed at her.
Mashiro was then shocked at my outbursts.
By the time I was done, I was running out of breath and my patience to go on further.
Me (IJ): I'm done there. Leave it at that. Now, have you learned you lesson, Mashiro?
I think I may have been a bit too harsh on her, because once I said that, she ran up to me and cried on my chest.
Me (thinking): Here we go again.
I then wrapped my arms around her while she got settled while the other girls giggled a bit and Alexei and Giáy chuckled, before Mei ruined it all.
Mei (IJ): See, they're pursuing us.
Rin (IJ): L-Let's just get out of here!
Akeno stops to think.
Akeno (IJ): Rin, slow ahead, at a speed that doesn't interfere with the sonar.
Rin (IJ): S-Slow ahead!
Me (radio): Andrew?
Andrew (radio): I know.
Akeno then pulls out her binos.
Akeno (IJ): I wonder what kind of ship the I-201 is.
Kouko then strolls through her tablet.
Kouko (IJ): Let's see. (goes to the page) Ah, here it is. Standard water displacement, 1,070 tons. It's a fast ship that can move at 20 knots underwater.
Me (IJ): But the Chesty Puller can still outrun it.
Kouko (IJ): Correct, but that is underwater.
Mashiro then pulls out of my chest.
Mashiro (IJ): Most submarines can only move about six knots.
Me (IJ): That's if they aren't US or modern submarines.
Kouko (IJ): Eh?
Me (IJ): Most US Navy subs can go 20 knots, though the Virginia-class can go in excess of 25 knots, while the Russian Kilo-class can go at max 20 knots as well.
Mashiro (IJ): That's fast.
Me (IJ): It is. That's why we have ASROC missiles.
Kouko (IJ): ASROC?
Me (IJ): Anti-submarine missiles.
Shima (IJ): Twenty and six.
Akeno (IJ): Wow, so it's about three times as fast. And their arms?
Kouko (IJ): Four 53 cm torpedo tubes, two 25 mm single-mounted machine guns.
Me (IJ): Though your machine gun technology is a bit outdated. Not being mean though.
Kouko (IJ): I have to admit, yes.
Kouko (IJ): They also have 10 torpedoes!
Kaede (IJ): Two torpedoes heading our way!
Akeno (IJ): Maron! Battle speed, as much as you can give us!
Maron (while working) (IJ): Some of the Marines and I have got our hands full right now. Kuro, you do it.
Akeno (IJ): Ms. Marikouji? Where is the firing sound coming from?
Kaede (IJ): Both are coming from 27 degrees. They're getting closer.
Machiko (IJ): Hurry, those two torpedoes are 20 degrees off the port bow.
Me (radio): Andrew, launch the ASROCs! 1 o'clock!
Andrew (radio): Already have that on our radars! Firing!
USS Chesty Puller
Third Person POV:
Andrew: Fire the ASROCs!
Marine Missileer: Yes sir! Firing 2!
The alarm then went off on the ship again as two ASROC missiles launched from the VLS System and was sent straight ahead to the torpedoes.
IJN Harekaze
Cường's POV:
Kaede (IJ): ASROC Missiles have a confirmed hit on those torpedoes.
Me: Phew.
Andrew (radio): More torpedoes spotted! And they're headed towards us now!
Me (radio): Fire some more ASROCs! Weapons free!
Andrew (radio): Yes sir! (turns to our crew) Fire the ASROCs!
I then see my ship launch 5 more ASROCs into the air from the VLS, before coming straight down onto the torpedoes, destroying them.
Kaede (IJ): Torpedoes coming towards the Chesty Puller have been destroyed by ASROC missiles.
Meanwhile Rin was commandeering the ship to avoid the subs and missiles while I directed my crew to fire the ASROCs at the torpedoes.
Me (IJ): We can't keep this up forever!
Rin (IJ): I'm trying!
Me (radio): Andrew! You following?!
Andrew (radio): We're right behind you Colonel!
Me (radio): Good, just keeping doing what you're doing.
Andrew (radio): Yes sir.
One hour later
Keade (IJ): I don't see anything in the area.
Mashiro (IJ): It's been an hour. With the speed difference, I hope we've put enough distance between us. They can't staty underwater at their max speed forever.
Akeno (IJ): Then maybe we managed to escape.
Giấy (IJ): Don't jump to conclusions just yet.
Alexei (IJ): Giáy's right, we shouldn't do that.
Rin (IJ): If it's escaping, leave it to me.
Kouko (IJ): Is that something to brag about?
Rin (IJ): C-Coco!
They both laugh, which at least lightens the mood at least. I then gave Mashiro's shark from the chair back to her.
Me (giving it back to her) (IJ): Here.
Mashiro then happily grabbed it and cuddled with it, making me smile.
Me (thinking): Even after years of war, I guess I can find some sort of comfort after all.
A few hours later
Akeno (IJ): Ms. Marikouji, can you hear anything?
Kaede (IJ): Oh, I beg your pardon. I'm up now.
Akeno (IJ): Sorry to make you work this late. Please hang in there a little longer.
Kaede (IJ): Certainly.
Meanwhile, Giáy had taken one of the chairs and was already asleep since 0300. Shima was yawning at this time.
Shima (IJ): So sleepy.
Mei (yawns and stretches her arms) (IJ): No good. I'm so sleepy.
Homare Kinesaki (IJ): I made special Kinesaki-style red beans buns for everyone.
While everyone digged in, Alexei and I were providing overwatch just outside the bridge with our binos.
Me: Spot anything Alexei?
Alexei: No, Cường.
Me: Well, I would be on our guard. (I whisper) Giáy chắc mét qua. (Looks like Giáy was too tired.)
Alexei: Vâng, như thế rồi. (Yeah, it looks like that.)
Until that was, we spotted two torpedoes.
Me (radio): Andrew! We've spotted torpedoes!
Andrew (radio): Already on it! Firing!
The ASROCs then went off again and sent flying straight to the torpedoes.
Machiko (IJ): Two torpedoes-
Me (IJ): Already destroyed.
Machiko then sighs in relief. After that, Wihelmina, the girl we rescued about a day eariler, then rushed into the bridge.
Wihelmina (IJ): Who's doing a lousy job of steering this ship? Who's the captain?
Alexei (IJ): And how did you burst into here yelling?
Wihelmina (IJ): Are you the Captain?
Alexei (IJ): No. But she is. (points at Akeno)
Wihelmina (IJ): Is this ship a collection of amateurs?!
Alexei (IJ): Hey don't call us that! You are messing with a Marine here....Fritz!
Wihelmina (IJ): Who are you calling Fritz you amateur soldier?
Alexei then starts to get pissed and goes full on Russian.
Me: Oh sh*t.
Giấy: F*ck.
Alexei: Послушай, Фриц, во-первых, не называй меня солдатом, потому что я морпех! Во-вторых, не называйте меня любителем, потому что остальные из нас, морпехи, могут надрать вам задницу! Трое, никогда, и я имею в виду, никогда, связываться с морским пехотинцем, не говоря уже о русском! (Listen here Fritz, first, don't call me a soldier, because I'm a Marine! Second, don't call me an amateur, because the rest of us Marines can kick your a*s! Three, never, and I mean, never, mess with a Marine, let alone, a Russian!)
Wilhemina (IJ): Like I'll ever listen to you you Russki!
Alexei: Что ж, тебе лучше, потому что я твой худший кошмар. А теперь поднимите руки вверх, пока я, бля, не выстрелил вам в голову так сильно, что у вас даже не будет, хаха! (Well you better, because I'm your worst nightmare. Now put your hands up before I f*cking shoot you in the head so hard, you won't even have one haha!)
Me (IJ): You better stop before he goes full on Russian.
Wilhemina (IJ): And what does that exactly mean?
Alexei then got out his M249 SAW on one hand, and his M45A1 pistol on the other.
Alexei: ЭТОТ! (THIS!)
He then shoots a full burst into the air and his pistol, now actually scaring Wilhemina.
Wilhemina (scared) (IJ): Okay, okay, Russki, you can stop it now! Now what were you all doing!
Kouko (IJ): We're in the middle of battling a submarine.
Wilhemina (IJ): I KNOW THAT! And it's night warfare, so why are your lights on?
Me (radio) (IJ): Harekaze crew, kill off the light.
The lights then start to dim.
Me (radio): All Marines, going dark.
Alexei, Giáy (who was burst awake because of Alexei's Russian rage) and I put on our ENVG-Bs.
Me: IR lasers, on.
I then turn on my IR Laser on my PEQ-16, along with Alexei and Giáy doing the same on their guns.
Rin (IJ): I can't see anything!
Wilhelmina: That's because you're not used to the dark! Turn off the navigation light, too. Imbeciles!
Alexei: -_-
Alexei: дебил. (Idiot.)
The navigation lights were then turned off.
Rin (IJ): But we might collide with the Chesty Puller or another ship.
Andrew (radio) (IJ): Don't worry guys! We'll dodge you if need be!
Wilhemina (IJ): What kind of idiot shows themselves in battle?!
Alexei (IJ): And what kind of idiot just jumps in here and scares everyone?!
Wilhemina (IJ): Hard left rudder!
Rin (IJ): H-Hard left rudder! Left rudder, 20 degrees.
Wilhemina (IJ): Keep your ears wide open.
Keade (IJ): Understood.
Me (using my COMTAC radio): Radio check. Sấm online.
Alexei (radio): Bodark online.
Giấy (radio): Ace online.
Andrew (radio): Bear online.
Marine Engineer #1 (radio): Eagle 0-1 online.
Marine Engineer #2 (radio): Eagle 0-2 online.
Marine Engineer #3 (radio): Saber 1-1 online.
This continued until every Marine on the Harekaze was online.
Me (radio): Everyone's online.
Alexei (radio): Good.
Me (radio): All Marine Enginner and Rifle units aboard the Harekaze, suppressors on.
I then got out my suppressor and placed it on my M27.
Me (radio): Now! 360 degree security!
All the Marines rushed outside and aimed at the sea in a 360 degree angle.
Me (radio): Wait for my mark.
Mashiro (to Wilhemina) (IJ): Who are you?
Wilhemina (standing up) (IJ): I am Wil-
Akeno (IJ): The girl from the German ship! You're awake!
Wilhemina (IJ): The battle is more important right now. Prepare to counterattack immediately. When a submarine is involved, leave it to me! Since Germany is home of the the submarines!
Akeno (IJ): Leave it to the Germans.
Girls (IJ): The Germans.
Girls (IJ): The Yourmans?
Wilhemina: We'll start with a basic depth charge!
Mashiro (IJ): We just have one.
Wilhemina (IJ): Then we'll go with a standard anti-submarine mortar!
Mashiro (IJ): We don't have stuff like that.
Wilhemina (IJ): A Mark 32 anti-sub torpedo.
Mashiro (IJ): What year is that from? I don't even know it!
Wilhemina (IJ): Then what do you have?!
Alexei then just goes up to Wilhemina and gives her a radio.
Wilhemina (IJ): What's this? This isn't a-
Alexei (IJ): My ship over there (points to our ship) has anti-submarine ASROC missiles, so give them a call to Major Henderson, and he'll get the job done.
Wilhemina slightly blushes.
Wilhemina (IJ): Er...thanks.
It was the radio popped up again.
Eagle 0-1 (radio): Eagle 0-1 to Sấm.
Me (radio): I'm listening.
Eagle 0-1 (radio): We got Somali Pirates.
I then stopped in shock.
Me (radio): Where?
Eagle 0-1 (radio): East side of the ship, 3 o'clock from your position. 4 boats.
Me (radio): From our world?
Eagle 0-1 (radio): Yes, since they have AKs and RPKs.
Me (radio): Alright (I then change the frequency) All Marines, report to the East Side of the Harekaze, we've got Somali pirates.
Marines (radio): Yes sir!
I then turn off the radio.
Alexei: Pirates?
Me: From our world. They have AKs, and are going in a convoy.
Giáy: Damn.
Me: Men, let's move.
Mashiro then tugs onto me.
Mashiro (IJ): Where are you going? We have a battle with a submarine.
I then put my hands on both of her shoulders.
Me (IJ): As much as I want to see you guys do this, I can't. There are pirates, from my world, who are intending to raid this ship, Mashiro. We as Marines have a duty, not only to protect our nation, but civilians as well. This is our fight now, so please understand.
She then sliently nodded before hugging me.
Mashiro (IJ): Good luck....Cường.
I then smile back.
Me (IJ): I will. (I switch back to English) Alexei, Giáy, on me!
Alexei and Giáy: Yes sir!
We then sprint out of the bridge and move to the east side, where a formation of Marines was at.
East Side, IJN Harekaze
Alexei (through his binos): -They're only a few hundred yards from us.
Me (with my binos): Wait, don't fire yet.
The other Marines were pointing their rifles at the boats approaching us.
Me (radio): Wait for them to come closer.
The boats then approach on the ship and then the pirates start to put out their ladders and climb, not suspected.
Me (radio): All Marines, weapons free.
Marines (radio): Yes sir.
All of us fire our weapons at the pirates. The SAW gunners were providing suppressive fire while Marines with M27s and M4s were precision shooting. The pirates responded with a hail of AK bullets, making some of us duck.
Me (ducking): Changing mags!
Alexei (firing his M249): Covering!
Since we were firing with our suppressors, there was not much noise before I gave the order to throw or shoot grenades at the boats.
Me: Men! Get out your frags!
I then put a grenade inside my grenade launcher.
Me: Fire!
I then fired my grenade launcher, destroying a portion of the lead Somali boat, with the rest being blown up by other grenades either thrown or shot out of grenade launchers.
Eagle 0-1: All boats confirmed destroyed sir. All Somali pirates, EKIA.
Me (radio): That's go-
Saber 1-1 (radio): Saber 1-1 to Sấm! Somali pirates are trying to raid the bridge on the west side!
Me (radio): Sh*t! They're going after the students! Marines! Let's go!
All of us sprinted back to the bridge again to comfront these pirates.
Minutes eariler, Bridge
Third Person POV:
Wilhemina (IJ): Don't you have anything that moves underwater? Anything!
Akeno (IJ): Uhm...we have a paravane!
She then calls out to the others.
Akeno (IJ): Ready the paravane!
Mimi (IJ): Hocchan, Acchan, help me out here!
Homare and Akane Kinesaki (IJ): Got it!
After some time, they both say on how heavy the paravane was.
Homare (IJ): It's heavy!
Akane (IJ): My arms!
Homare (IJ): We can do it!
Machiko (overwatch) (IJ): One torpedo, 150 degrees off the port bow, 2,000 meters. Approaching!
Wilhemina (IJ): Major Henderson! Fire that ASROC!
Andrew (radio) (IJ): Roger. (tells the crew) Firing!
Another ASROC is sent straight towards the torpedo, destroying it.
Akeno (IJ): Rin, hard right rudder! Hard right rudder, 20 degrees!
The ship then moves to the right.
Akeno (with binos) (IJ): Five left. Keep turning us right, 180 degrees, so we're facing them directly!
Akeno then picks up the phone.
Akeno (IJ): How's the paravane?
Mimi then screams in the background due to the paravane swinging wildly in circles.
Homame (IJ): We have to stop it somehow.
Akane (IJ): But the ship is swaying.
Mimi (IJ): Release the paravane!
The paravane then swings into the water while the others sigh in relief.
Mimi (IJ): That was close.
Akeno and Mashiro continued to look at their binos.
Mashiro (IJ): Will that actualy do anything?
Akeno (IJ): Maybe. (talks through the pipeline) Engine room, can give us just one moment of top speed?
Maron (IJ): That's what she's requesting. Alright, just ten seconds! Any more than that and I'm not responsible! Is what she said. Not since those Marines had to deal with those pirates!
Akeno (IJ): Please!
Maron (IJ): Alright.
The paravane then hit its mark.
Wilhemina (IJ): That was definitely them.
Mashiro (IJ): You're sure?
Andrew (radio) (IJ): Confirmed hit girls, good job.
Akeno (IJ): Alright, Rin, red 15.
Rin (IJ): Red 15. Steady as she goes!
Akeno (IJ): Tama, prepare for artillery battle!
Shima (IJ): Aye.
Kaede (IJ): Sonar is picking up four torpedoes. Four of them. Right behind us.
Wilhemina (IJ): Major?!
Andrew (IJ): Already on it! (to the crew) Firing!
Four ASROC missiles fire again from the VLS, speeding into the water on its mark, destroying the four torpedoes. A periscope was then spotted.
Machiko (IJ): Periscope sighted! Starboard 10 degrees, two of them!
Mei (IJ): We're finally firing! Throw down a depth charge!
Momame (IJ): Throwing the depth charge!
Akeno (IJ): Right rudder!
Rin (controlling the steering wheel): Steady as she goes!
The depth charge then hits the submarine.
Andrew (radio) (IJ): Confirmed hit.
Machiko (IJ): Air bubbles off the starboard bow confirmed! It's surfacing!
The I-201 then surfaces from the water.
Mashiro (IJ): Now! Let's escape, Captain!
Kouko (IJ): The shortest course is already set!
Akeno (IJ): Cut the wire! High speed ahead!
Kayoko Himeji (IJ): I-201's international distress call and response confirmed. An instructor ship from Toumai High is on its way at 30 knots.
Rin (IJ): Hard left rudder! 30 degrees, steady as she goes!
The girls thought they were done, but then the sound of AKM fire was heard.
Mashiro (IJ): What was that?!
Akeno (scared) (IJ): I don't know!
Wilhemina (IJ): Keep your heads down!
As the pirates neared closer to the bridge, the Marines arrived and fired their guns.
*PWSH-PWSH-PWSH-PWSH-PWSH!* (suppressed M27 and M4 fire)
*PWSHPWSHPWSHPWSHPWSHPWSH!!* (suppressed M249 fire)
Cường's POV:
Me: Everyone down now!
The girls then ducked their heads. I first rushed to Mashiro while Alexei got Wilhemina and the others covered our positions.
Me (IJ): You alright Mashiro?
Mashiro then nods her head at me.
Me (IJ): Alright.
Eagle 0-1: Sir! Saber 1-1 said at least 40 more guys are headed our way!
Me: Very well. Đối 1, đi theo mình. Đối 2, đi theo Thượng Tá. (1st squad, on me. 2nd squad, with the Lieutenant Colonel.)
Marines: RÕ! (Understood!)
Me: ĐI! (Let's go!)
Some of the Marines stayed behind as security on the bridge, while I lead the 1st squad of some Marines, while Alexei and Giấy, with the other Marines, were in the rear, covering us. As we walked silently, we approached a group of Somali pirates trying to find their way.
Eagle 0-1: Chắc phải khoảng...10 thắng. (Got to be around...10 guys.)
Me: Rồi, chuẩn bị ném lựu đận. (Got it. Prepare to throw grenades.)
We then got our frag grenades.
Me: Chuẩn bị....ba, hai, một. NÉM! (Ready...3, 2, 1. THROW!)
My squad then threw our grenades consecutively at the pirates, causing a chain reaction of explosions, killing them.
Me: Chết rồi. Tiếp theo. (They're dead. Move forward.)
Marines: Rõ. (Understood.)
We then continued to move forward to see the remaining pirates gathered in one space, trying to find hostages.
Me (radio): Alexei?
Alexei (radio): Đang đàng sau.
Me (radio): Ừ.
Alexei knew where I was going so he followed us from behind. Once the two squads met, we hid ourselves in some pile of boxes. I then count to three with my fingers.
Me (with fingers): Ba, hai, một. (Three, two, one.)
I then gave the order to fire.
Me: Bắn! (Fire!)
We then stood up and shot at the pirates, provoking them to fire back at us with their AKs and RPKs. One of them even had an RPG, but I took care of him easily, since he was a priority.
Me: RPG gunner EKIA!
At this time, it was a full on firefight between us Marines and the pirates, with each side taking cover.
It didn't really take long for us to use some of our underbarrel grenade launchers to finish off the rest of them. After about 10 minutes, all the pirates were dead.
Me: All pirates, EKIA.....
Eagle 0-1: Sir, we'll take care of the mess here. You can go back to the bridge.
Me: Alright Eagle 0-1, take care of these.....dead bodies.
Eagle 0-1: We will sir.
Me: Alright then.
I then waved for Alexei and Giấy to go the bridge.
The girls were still ducked under cover and Marines were still outside guarding the perimeter.
Me: You can all go now. Good job.
Marine #1 (saluting): Yes sir.
Me: Dismissed!
All the Marines scatter, either back to repair any damages, or to rest.
Me ((IJ): You can all stand up now.
Slowly, the girls stood up one by one.
Akeno (IJ): What was all of that?
Me (IJ): We just had a 15 minute long firefight with some Somali pirates.
Mashiro (IJ): There were more of them?!
Me (IJ): The west side was merely a distraction. The east side was where they were going to come in from really. If it wasn't for the 360 degree security...
Alexei (IJ): We would've have been f*cked.
The girls had their mouths agape before slowly nodding their heads.
Wilhemina (IJ): We understand.
All the three of us put our guns down (we already put out weapons on safety) before sitting or laying down on the floor, in exhaustion.
Me (putting my hand over my forehand): What a long night....
Alexei: Yeah, probably one of the longest nights I had since Kandahar.
Giấy: Yeah....
Mashiro saw me lay on the floor and went to sit with me, while Wilhemina went to Alexei. Giấy on the other hand then stood up again and went with Akeno to check on Minami.
Downstairs. Medical Bay, Harekaze
Third Person POV:
Akeno (opening the door) (IJ): Ms. Minami, are you awake?
Minami (IJ): In spring, one sleeps like a log. The sound of gunfire overnight. One enjoys a cup of tea. (she then hands Akeno a cup of tea)
Akeno (IJ): Thank you! (drinks it) It's saltly!
Giấy on the other hand grabbed a chair and sat next to Minami.
Minami (IJ): Are you alright?
Giấy (IJ): I'm alright. Just the fact that we had a firefight just now with Somali pirates.
Minami (IJ): I see.
Giấy then laid back in his chair.
Giấy: "Mãi chìm đắm trong lầm lỡ. Trái tim vẫn không ngừng nhớ..." (Forever immersed in mistakes. The heart still doesn't stop remembering...)
He then stared at the ceiling.
Giấy: Hay là....như thế nào? (Or....what is it?)
Akeno then noticed that Wilhemina was not there.
Akeno (IJ): Oh, where's the girl from the Spee?
Wilhemina (opens the door with Alexei behind her) (IJ): What? You have business with me?
Akeno (IJ): Thank you for before. Your guidance saved us.
Wilhemina (IJ): Well, I was jostled awake from my sleep.
Alexei (IJ): I would have figured that.
Wilhemina then sat on her medical bed.
Akeno (IJ): Uh, can I ask you a question? What happened on your ship?
Wilhemina (IJ): Our ship, the Admiral Spee?
Akeno (IJ): Yes. But if you don't want to talk about it...
Wilhemina then goes a bit down (in emotions).
Wilhemina (IJ): I don't know all the details, but I would like you to know. Did you know our ship planned to participate in the training exercises with your school?
Akeno (IJ): No, this is the first I've heard.
Wilhemina (IJ): We were heading for the rendezvous point, but our electronics suddenly stopped working, so when I went to investigate, everyone stopped obeying orders. I don't know. The captain ordered me to tell other ships, so I escaped.
Alexei (IJ): Hm.
Alexei then started to think.
Alexei (IJ): So, it was a blackout when everything went to chaos?
Wilhemina (IJ): Correct.
Alexei (IJ): If everyone stopped obeying orders....and acted aggressively against us by firing...then...
Giáy (IJ): It must be some sort of virus.
The girls were then taken aback, execpt for Minami.
Wilhemina (IJ): A virus?
Giáy (IJ): Possibly. Sounds like a description of something similar in our world.
Akeno (IJ): What is it?
Alexei (IJ): The Russian sleep experiment...
Alexei then handed out some phots of the Russian sleep experiment to each of the girls, who were understandly horrifed, including Minami.
Wilhemina (IJ): W-W-Who would do such a thing?
Alexei (sighing) (IJ): This was during the time when the Soviet Union existed. When Iosef Stalin was in power and the Gulags were still a thing.
Wilhemina (IJ): Gulags?
Alexei (IJ): You....don't want to know.
Alexei then put his hand down and took off his helmet.
Alexei (IJ): It was one of the darkest moments in Russian history. Out of the 19 million sent there, 1.5 - 1.7 million people died as a result...of the labor practices that were enforced by the Soviet secret police at the time....the NKVD.
The girls were left in pure shock at the history of the other world which they had no idea about.
Wilhemina (turning the subject away) (IJ): Alexei, I appreciate you picking up the cap too. The captain entrusted me with it, so it's very important. I must go back to the Spee and return it to the captain. I swear.
Alexei (IJ): I would allow you, but due to circumstances, you can't.
Akeno (IJ): Got it, I'll help you.
Wilhemnia (IJ): Huh?
Minami (IJ): "One boat will be the savior." When two strangers find themselves in the same boat, they become unlikely allies.
Giấy (IJ): Simply put, there is a quote in my world that perfectly describes this.
Minami (IJ): What is it?
Giấy (IJ): "The enemy of my enemy, is my ally."
Alexei (IJ): True.
Kouko then spoke through the transmission.
Kouko (IJ): Captain! The principal has ordered all ships to return to port!
Alexei (IJ): Well well, I guess we begin our investigation into this mysterious "virus" either right now, or after we dock.
Giấy: Leave it to me and Minami.
Alexei: Right. "Medic"
Giấy: Thanks, "Bodark".
Back on the Bridge
Kouko (IJ): Um, "I will not abandon any of our students. For you protection too, all ships return to school as soon as possible."
Akeno (IJ): -The school has ordered all ships to return to port. The school will assume responsibilty and protect the Harekaze too, so they told us to come back.
Cường (IJ): I should note as well, that once all ships are docked, the investigation will go to us, as the envoy from the US Department of Defense.
Kinesaki Twins (IJ): Thank goodness!
Mashiro (IJ): However, there's still an alert out for the Harekaze in the area. We can't stop at any port.
Akeno (IJ): Also, I'd like to introduce you to a new friend. She's from Germany's Winner Brown Sugar...Ingenmar...
Wilhemina was seething in anger while Alexei was just chuckling in the background before putting one hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
Alexei (IJ): It takes time you know. Try saying Alexei Nikolaevich Kuznetsov for the first time.
Wilhemina: Scheisse! (switches to Japanese) I'm from Wilhelmshaven High School. I was the deputy captain for the Admiral Spee.
Akeno (IJ): As for your room. Which room is open, Coco?
Kouko (through her tablet) (IJ): Only the deputy captain's room has a spare bed.
Mashiro (IJ): My room....
Mashiro's room
Mashiro then escorted Wilhemina to her room, with Cường and Alexei behind her. The others then followed behind.
Mei (IJ): Wow, amazing.
Kouko (IJ): I never imagined Ms. Munetani's room would be like this.
Cường and Alexei were just chuckling, before Cường went up and patted her on the shoulder.
Cường (IJ): It's going to be okay, Mashiro.
Wilhemnia (IJ): It's a nice room. I look forward to becoming your roommate.
A/N: Crystal88181818373 XD
Alexei (joking) (IJ): Fun!
Wilhemnia giggles at Alexei's remarks.
*insert ending theme
A/N: Welp....that was the longest chapter in a while, 7,300 words that is. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to review and vote!
Have a nice day!
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