Ep 1: Prologue
A/N: Credits to my boi Prussiaisgut
Also, I don't own anything.
*insert custom opening*
Cát Hải, Hải Phòng, Việt Nam
Third Person POV:
It was a busy day for the USS Chesty Puller. They were called out to Hải Phòng by the Vietnamese Navy to investigate an anomaly that appeared just outside the port city. Here, Colonel Trường Duy Cường was working with his Vietnamese Navy counterparts about the mission, in a makeshift tent.
Vietnamese Navy Lieutenant: -Rồi, mình nghĩ là thế thôi, Đại Tá ạ. (I think that's it Colonel, sir.)
Cường was looking over a map of Hải Phòng, showing that the anomaly was out at least 40 miles from Hải Phòng.
Cường: Thì phải đi 64 kilomét để đến đúng không? (So it's 64 Km to get there right?)
Vietnamese Navy Lieutenant: Dạ vâng. (Yes sir.)
Alexei then comes into the tent.
Cường: Ah, Alexei, you got here in time. I was just preparing to get us to that-
Alexei: Anomaly, I know.
Cường then chuckled.
Cường: Of course.
Alexei then turns to the Vietnamese Lieutenant.
Alexei: Có báo nhiếu tàu bị hút vào sự bất thường này, Thiếu Úy. (How many ships were sucked in the anomaly?)
Vietnamese Navy Lieutenant: Dạ, khoảng 3 tàu bị hút vào bất thường này. (Sir, about 3 ships were sucked in as of now.)
Alexei: Vá sấu khí đấy nó bị tạch, đúng không? (And they got their radio communications ceased?)
Vietnamese Navy Lieutenant: Đúng rồi. (Yes sir.)
Cường (nodding): Thế được rồi. Mình đi thôi. (That's it for now. Let's go.)
Alexei: Dạ vâng. (Yes sir.)
Vietnamese Navy Lieutenant (saluting): Chúc các đồng chí may mấn về này. (Farewell and wish you luck, Comrades.)
Cường: Ừ. Cảm ơn.( Okay, thanks) (turns to Alexei) Đi. (Let's go.)
They then walked out of the tent.
Alexei: Some anomaly?
Cường: Yeah. Pretty annoying for the Vietnamese Navy to say the least.
Alexei: Though, how did two Vietnamese Coast Guard ships get lost in one day? And it was only yesterday. And also, why are they assigning us to do it?
Cường: Probably of the fact that most of us on the ship know Vietnamese, and to how the ships got lost in there, I don't know.
Alexei: Man, these days just got weirder and weirder.
Cường: At least its better than getting stuck in Yokosuka port. Plus, it feels like home here.
Alexei: I understand.
Andrew then showed up to greet them.
Andrew (saluting): Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel sir.
Cường (saluting): Drop the formalities. Anyways, what's the status of our ship.
Andrew: We should be ready in a few mikes Cường. Just getting some ammo and some final adjustments before we are ready.
Cường: Alright.
Andrew then squats down for a second and takes off his cover, since the the three of them were wearing their Service Uniforms.
Andrew: And it is hot.
Cường: It's Việt Nam, what do you expect? Some kind of cold place like Pittsburgh?
Alexei then laughed.
Alexei: Pittsburgh? I think you meant to say Moscow!
Cường: Oh right.
Andrew: Guess I got to get used to the heat.
Cường then patted him on the shoulder.
Cường: Don't worry, you'll get used to it. We're Marines after all. We didn't get here for nothing.
Andrew: Right.
Alexei: We should head back to our ship now.
Cường: Oh yeah, we should, and then investigate this anomaly, and hopefully go home.
Alexei: Yeah, "Sấm".
Cường (chuckling): Well that's nice of you say, Bodark.
The three of them laughed. When they met each other after Marine Officer Course, they became instant friends. Eventually, command decided to give these three young prodigies of the Marine Corps into their own unit. And what not to do it on the first Marine Ship, the USS Chesty Puller.
Cường: Who would imagine that three guys, Vietnamese, Russian, and American, would become officers on this ship?
Alexei: No clue.
Cường: Heh.
As they boarded their ship again, a artilleryman came out to greet them.
Marine Artyman: Sir?
Cường: Any problems?
Marine Artyman: No sir, all weapons are ready in case if we have to fend ourselves.
Cường: Is everyone in their combat gear?
Marine Artyman: Yes sir.
Cường: Alright. (turns to Alexei and Andrew) Should we gentlemen?
Alexei and Andrew: Yes.
They then went to their shared room to change into their Marine gear.
Room, with Cường, Alexei, and Andrew
Alexei: Time to use my SAW again.
Cường: Don't get too trigger happy.
Alexei: I know.
Andrew then readies his M320 launcher.
Andrew: I get to go demoman again.
Cường (chuckles then laughs): Jesus!
The three of them start to laugh.
Cường: Goddamn. (slings M27 to the side) Should we get going to the bridge. Bet the men are itching for a fight.
Alexei: We always are.
Cường: There you are right, Товарищ. (Comrade.)
Alexei: да. (Yes)
Cường: Alright enough chatter for now, we gonna move. Ooorah?
Alexei and Andrew: Ooorah.
Cường: Now, let's give them business.
The three of them then headed towards the bridge.
Bridge, USS Chesty Puller
Cường: Alright, let's pull up the anchor!
Marines: Yes sir.
The anchor was then lifted off.
Cường: Start the engines!
Marine Operations Soldier: Engines ready!
Cường: Driver?! You ready?
Marine Driver: Always.
Cường: Let's move then.
Marines: OOORAH!
The mighty USS Chesty Puller then started to move away from Hải Phòng part to the Tonkin sea. All the Marines on the ship were ready to face the unknown, ready for anything. Even ready, for war, as they were fighting for their nation, answered their nation's call, and will win, at any cost. That is what makes a Marine.
Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnamese Waters
Once the USS Chesty Puller was close enough, Cường started to make a call towards shore.
Cường (radio): -Báo cáo, báo cáo, mình gần đến bất thướng rồi. (Status Report: We're bear the anomaly.)
Vietnamese Navy Officer (radio): Được rồi các đồng chí. Bây giớ là cái khó. (Okay comrades, now comes the hard part)
Cường (radio): Là gì? (Which is?)
Vietnamese Navy Officer (radio): Vào bất thướng đấy và điều tra xem những con tàu bị mắt đang ở đâu. (Going into that anomaly and investigating where those missing ships are.)
Cường then gritted his teeth.
Cường (radio): Sớ có gì đi ra cái đấy không đồng chi? (Aren't you afraid that something might happen?)
Vietnamese Navy Officer (radio): Thì bây giớ mình phải làm thế. Mình cũng không muôn các đồng chí phải những viếc, nhưng tại vì hải quân của mình là nhớ qua để điều tra, là cấn đớ của các đồng chí trong Thúy Quân Lức Chiến. (We can't do anything now. As of now, the Vietnamese Navy is small, which is why we needed your assistance, from the United States Marines.)
Cường (radio): Okay, thế được rồi, mình sẽ đi vào bất thướng đấy và nói lại. Báo cáo hết. (Okay, that is all, we'll go investigate that anomaly. Report: End.)
Vietnamese Navy Officer (radio): Dạ vâng, Đại Tá. (Yes sir, Colonel.)
Cường then closed the transmissions to the Vietnamese mainland. Alexei then pointed out that the anomaly was a portal.
Alexei: It looks like a portal.
Cường: To another world?
Alexei: Probably.
Cường: Andrew?
Andrew: I agree with the Lieutenant Colonel.
Cường: Yeah. Also, Vietnamese command said for us to go into that portal to investigate.
Alexei: US Indo-Pacific Command told us to do that too.
Cường: Well, we have orders. (gets on the ship radio) Marines, get ready to enter another world.
Marines (radio): Yes sir!
The ship then entered the portal in few short minutes, entering the ship into another world.
*Timeskip brought to you by Marines raiding the Musashi*
Near Yokosuka, HaiFuri world
The USS Chesty Puller then exited the portal in a 15 minutes after.
Cường: Well, at least it's an ocean.
Alexei: Yeah.
Cường: But I would would be weary.
Cường then got on the radio again for the crew to have their weapons ready.
Cường (thinking): Even though it isn't a fantasy world with dragons, we still have to be on our guard. For something much worse......
Little did they know that in this world, the HaiFuri world, that they would soon stumble upon the IJN Harekaze, a ship falsely accused of mutiny.
For the Marines, it will be a whole new adventure.
To another world! Onwards!
*insert custom ending*
A/N: I hoped you enjoyed! Remember to review and vote!
Have a nice day!
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