I know it's annoying when you read a fanfic isn't finished - been there , so I will update the chapters more frequently
Chats PoV
I started to walk up the stairs carrying the plates stacked with pancakes , as I reached the room I could hear faint sobs , was marinette crying?
I could also hear a faint squeaky voice ... Talking to her ??
What was it ?
In the meantime I stayed by the door for a bit so I could listen into her conversation , maybe she was just on the phone , making that assumption was the right thing to do
Then she spotted me spying on her , okay I wouldn't call it spying it was more like , listening to her conversation but unintentionally , I put on the mask before I was about to enter.
"Uh chat , how long were you there??" She laughed nervously , I could see a red, small figure hide behind her
"Not long , here I have your pancakes , do you like Nutella ?" I tried to change the subject , hopefully she wouldn't bring up my snooping again
She wiped her tears away
"Yes I do ." Smiling would only help her in this situation , but it didn't hide the fact she was crying .
I sat down next to her and hugged her .
"What's wrong princess, don't say nothing because somethings wrong , remember I'm here for you no matter what ." When she heard my words of comfort she started to cry even more , it really made me break down inside when I felt each one of her tears roll down my back.
"Ssh it's okay , calm down a bit, and then talk to me when your ready okay." I stroked her hair softly , she started to cry softer now .
I broke the hug slowly and held both her shoulders lightly .
Her eyes were red and puffy , I wiped away the warm tears off her flushed cheeks
"Okay now , tell me what happened." I said in a soft tone , this way it would be easier to communicate with her
"Well, chat I'm confused , and my brain hurts , I know it sounds stupid b-but ... I'm stuck between two people i like , I'm crying because my crush is completely ignoring me ... And well you , I feel like your just playing with me."
She has a crush on me ?
I could hear plagg whisper "well done , like it's not obvious."
She thinks I'm playing with her?
"Mari , i am most definitely not playing with you , I would never purposely mess with your emotions , I hate seeing you cry like this ." All she could do was stare at me
"Chat , could I maybe have some time alone please?" She faced away from me.
"Sure ." Was all I could say , I had so many things I wanted to say to her there and then but 'sure' was the only thing that came out of my mouth , I'm such an idiot .
Marinettes PoV
As chat exited the room all I could do was cry
Tikki came out from her hiding position and came to comfort me
"Oh marinette , you shouldn't make guys make you feel this way."
" i know tikki , but I really don't know what to do anymore , it does seem like chat likes me back , and he's really open with me , but knowing chat he's just a massive flirt ."
I sighed
"To be honest marinette , I think chat likes you , he's not really like Adrien , he likes this side of you and treats it equally with your alter ego , I feel like he prefers marinette to ladybug anyway." She was so full of wisdom .
"I guess your right , but I'm not sure where so take it from here , do I tell him or just stall for a couple of days ?." Tikki didn't hesitate to answer
"It's up to you , but I think you should wait , because the whole situation would be going to quickly other wise , just so you can get to know chat more and then make your final decision ."
"Thankyou for always being here for me tikki." I kissed her tiny forehead and before I knew it I heard a couple of knocks on the door .
Chats PoV
I waited outside for marinette to finish her conversation , again with the ease dropping I know , but I could see a red floating thing talking to Mari ,
Wait , is that a .... Kwami
No ... It can't be wait ..
It's red and has black spots , it looked like a ladybug
This means Marinettes ladybug..
I literally wanted to explode , I know ladybug was always so uptight about us revealing our identities so I won't tell her I know just yet .
"It's about time you knew kid." Plagg announced
"Wait you knew ?"
"Duh , i could feel her kwamis presence when you went to school , obviously she was in marinettes bag all the time ." I matched up all their similarities in my head and felt stupid because they looked exactly the same
"Wow I was really oblivious when it came to ladybug , I guess love is blind isn't it ."
Plagg didn't reply , I don't think he cares about my love life
I could hear her conversation come to a stop , so I knocked on the door a couple of times , not like it mattered anyway , it's not like I didn't know everything already , but I guess i need to act oblivious about her alter ego for now
"Hey Mari , can I come in now ?" She nodded in response , that was my queue to sit down next to her
I could tell she had been crying even more
"Do you need to talk about anything ?" She shook her head , it looks like she was giving me the silent treatment
"Alright, are you going to talk to me?" Then she nodded
"Sorry chat I was just thinking , I just needed a little bit of time to clear my head m that's all."
"Marinette listen , I don't want to hurt you like this anymore , I'm not just meaninglessly flirting with you , I'm doing it for a reason." I didn't let her respond , because what I did next was what I've been waiting a while to do
Our lips were centimetres apart , then I leaned in , her lips were so soft , I could feel a spark between us , I never knew that I was going to fall for marinette this hard
. I perched my hand on the back of her head and then the kiss intensified , I wish it could've lasted forever but we had to pull away for air
I love her this girl
When we pulled away her cheeks were burning
I needed to break the silence, but I didn't know how
"Do you feel better now purrinces ." Why did I say that , really I just ruined a perfectly good moment
But she responded with a giggle
"Yes I do kitty ." She winked at me and walked off into the ensuite
What was that about , was she flirting with me ? Just the thought of that made me blush
Ive come up with two ideas for the next chapter and which ever one had the most comments I will be choosing that idea :3
1.more fluff but marinette gets found and kidnapped
2. An argument and they both return back but marinette isn't in danger anymore
They're both simple ideas , but I can write so much out of each one .
Also I really love reading and replying to comments so like I said I would love to hear some ideas ❤️
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