Hopefully this will be a long chapter , but I'm really running out of ideas (already ) so feel free to comment any :3
Chat noirs /Adriens PoV
I woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water , when I was walking down the stairs I could feel an unsettling presence , as I proceeded to walk through the corridor I could hear a few bangs on the door...
"Plagg claws out !" To prevent from endangering marinette and I , I whispered instead of shouting , like I usually do .
Scoping the scene was my next bright idea , so I exited the house via the back door and tried to sense where the noise was coming from (using my cat like hearing ) .
There was no one to be seen
Then I figured out what was causing the noise ...
"Oh it's just some stupid pigeons " I laughed my suspicion off and walked back into the house , I felt a little more secure now .
I walked up the stairs and returned to marinettes bed , she looked so peaceful when she slept , am I falling for her ? No cmon Adrien you love ladybug ... Do I ?
I faced her and listened to her steady breathing , it soothed me , and made me feel sleepy .
No ones PoV
Marinette grabbed Adriens waist for comfort , he noticed this right away , he couldn't sleep at all , because of the past incident worried him , he wanted to protect her and stay up all night if he had to .
For his princess
It was finally morning and Adrien tried to remove himself from marinettes embrace but didn't succeed , man her grip was tight
"Princess , can you let go , so I can have my shower?" He started to blush , remembering ladybugs reaction to his 'fake showers' ,
looking at marinette only made him figure out more of their similarities.
She sat up immediately and started to stutter.
"Oh uh - yea sure , sorry chat , I d-didn't mean to hold you , I-I mean your very comfortable to sleep on-I mean." She was interrupted by Adrien putting his finger on her lips to silence her
"It's okay , don't worry about it , has anyone ever told you how adorable you are when you stutter ? " he leaned in closer to her burning face
Was marinette catching feelings for chat ?
"Uhhhh ,no??" She leaned back on the bed and started to squeak , there was no personal boundaries between them at this moment in time,
Chat pinned marinette on the bed so she couldn't move , he leaned in even closer and ...
"Well you are" he whispered and got off of marinette and walked into the bathroom.
Whilst chat/adrien was in the shower marinette was left to sort out her emotions , she was laying lifeless in the position Adrien left her in .
(If I put text underlined it represents marinettes thoughts , and if it's underlined and slanted they're Adriens thoughts )
Seriously chat stop messing with my emotions , WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT , first he sees me naked , then he pins me down , and to top it all off he nearly kisses me , I really don't know what to do when he comes out of the shower ....wait,
"Shower equals topless chat...." She whispered to herself , as she did
One steamy sin-nammon roll exited the oven (I'm so proud of that metaphor oml )
Marinette didn't retaliate to put her hands over her eyes but she couldn't promise herself not to make a gap between her fingers to take a look
It looks like all that super hero work really payed off
"Something wrong marinette ?" Chat said as he dried his hair off
"Uhhhh , no nothing's w-wrong at all ." She was practically drooling over him
"You know my eyes are up here , right?" He laughed at her admiration , which made her snap out of her trance
"I'm re-really sorry chat , I didn't mean to stare , but to be honest it's hard not to -I mean , I don't like your abs - who said I did , I know I didn't for-for sure." She laughed nervously and faced away from chat
"Like I said ,don't worry about it okay , I'm alright with it ." He gave her a faint smile , even know she couldn't tell she knew by the time of his voice that he was smiling .
He placed his hand on her shoulder which made her turn around
"So Mari , what did you want for breakfast ?"
"I'm not sure , maybe pancakes or something , I-i don't mind." She was still stuttering in front of him , she definitely had feelings for him , and she couldn't deny it
"Alright , sure you stay here and I will make them ." He smiled once more but this time it was accompanied by a pink blush that ran across his cheeks
"Are you sure ? I can help make them too ? i-i mean if you want me to help ?"
She stood up out of her position and was about to make her way out of the room , but she was stopped by chat
"Dont worry princess i wont be long , besides wouldnt you prefer breakfast in bed."
He lightly pushed marinette on the bed and pulled the covers over her , he stroked her cheek then made his way downstairs.
"Okay i cant deny that i have feelings for her." Adrien sighed and waited for a reponse from his Camembert loving kwami.
"Kid, you know i dont really care for all this lovey dovey stuff , so this is all your gonna get from me , do you not love ladybug anymore?"
Adrien didnt reply for a while because his thoughts took over him
Plaggs right, do i not love ladybug anymore? I know she doesnt return my love, but we were destined to be together... But it does seem that mari might like me ... Ugh why does love got to be so annoying .
"I know right." Plagg said as he scoffed his cheese in his mouth.
"Wait a second , can you read my mind?" Adrien gave plagg a death glare.
"Obviously , well they are mostly clouded with ladybug and other things i really need to talk to you about , but yes i can when i choose to ."
"So basically you can invade my personal thoughts, huh thats pretty uncanny ."
Plagg just nodded in response.
Adrien took off his mask because the string was starting to leave imprints, but he was making sure that marinette wasnt around just in case.
He searched each cupboard for the right ingredients , there were countless of them so it would definitely be a challenge
"Hey chat , need any help ?" Marinette stood behind him but obviously startled him.
Adrien tried to avoid facing her
"Ahh, marinette you scared me , right now isn't the best time because my mask isn't on , and I don't think your ready to see my civilian form just yet ." He laughed nervously
"Oh sorry chat , I didn't know , by the way the flour is in the fourth cupboard on the right , i found it whilst I was looking for a glass." She made her way back upstairs and waited for chat .
Marinettes PoV
I jumped onto the large bed and waited for chat. To keep me company my sweet kwami and I had a conversation
"Marinette so what's going on between you and chat noir?" She said this in a mocking tone
"It's nothing really tikki, it's just I've never really seen this side of chat, and I think I really like him." I hugged my knees in defeat , I felt a small hand touch my shoulder , tikki was trying to make me feel better
"I don't blame you , he's acting weirder then usual ,I think he might like you back ... Anyway what about Adrien then ?"
I sighed , because yet again I knew tikkis wisdom would get the best of me
"I'm not sure about him anymore , he was so interested in my alter ego that he barely noticed me , it's not like he would ever return my feelings ..."
I'm really sorry for not updating like all day , I said I would update in the morning but right now it's 00:20 pm 😂 I might write another chapter it depends , anyway this fanfic is getting a lot of reads considering it's fairly new
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