Chapter 3
People who read my starco will know that I love drawing so here is one of @aleese.cosplay and @crossjessing ( on Instagram ) they are cosplayers that I love so much ❤️
No ones PoV
"Hey marinette ,I'd advise you to put on something warm , unless you want to catch a cold , up to you."
It was chats turn to return the sass, but marinette knew he was joking
"Great thinking chat , I wasn't going to put on something warm no way , I would've just stayed in a t shirt ."
Her sarcasm wasn't the most obvious thing in the world , but the hero knew marinette to well.
Marinette grabbed a large pink sweater and pulled it over her shirt .
"So how far away is this safe house then ?"
"Uh it's about 40 minutes ." He didn't sound so sure but marinette was willing to take that risk
"So what's our transport then?" She waited for his answer because she knew it was going to be a bad idea regardless
"I'm your transport my purr-incess." (I bet you were wondering why he hasn't used a pun yet)
He didn't even let marinette answer so he quickly picked her up and leaped out her window , marinette was grasping onto her bag so she wouldn't drop it .
Chat leaped onto each building until he met the ground .
"Don't worry Mari it won't be a really long journey , but feel free to sleep if your tired ."
Chat nuzzled marinettes face which only made her even more tired .
He made his way into the woods and sprinted to make his way to his abandoned house , I know when you hear 'abandoned ' it sounds creepy and old , but that isn't the case , because Adriens father is loaded , the agreste family has had many houses , the only reason it was abandoned was because Adriens father needed to move closer to central Paris because of him working as a fashion designer . So the house was still in pretty good condition.
After a short period of time the reached one of Adriens houses .
"Mari , wake up , we're here. " he lightly shook her .
She groaned
"Oh okay *yawns*" chat wouldn't let her walk just yet, because she might be slightly weak due to her previously sleeping .
Chat remembered there was a key hidden in the plant pot so he opened the door to the massive house .
His hand explored around the wall looking for a light switch .
"Got it !" Marinette squinted a little because she wasn't immune to the bright light
"Woah this is a big house chat ." She rubbed her eyes in disbelief
"Yeah I know , I mean I used to live hear with my mother and father , but my mother disappeared , and I haven't .... Seen her since..." He started to tear up and marinette instantly noticed this so she wrapped her arms around him and tightly squeezed him and whispered
"I'm so sorry chat. "
"Mari I need to detransform, are you okay to stand on your own?" He gradually started to lower marinette to the ground
"One , I know what it the beeping means , and two ,yes I can don't worry , I will wait here for you because I might get lost in this mansion of yours ."
Chat rushed into the kitchen to detransform
As soon as his kwami exited his ring he started to scold him
"What's wrong with you kid? Do you really think taking her here is going to keep her safe?? "
"I think so plagg, for now it should , don't worry I have it covered ."
"Sure you do , anyway don't transform again I'm to tired." Plagg whined as usual
"I need to , actually no I could wear a mask I brought with me , like I said I have it covered , I brought it just incase you would act up like this ."
He walked back into the main room and saw marinette sleeping on the floor , thank god , otherwise she would've recognised Adriens clothes . He gently picked her up , trying his hardest not to wake her , and walked up the long set of stairs to finally reach the master bedroom for marinette to sleep in .
The bed covers were a light pink which was very fitting to her personality , he laid her down gently and covered her with the thick blanket .
He was about to walk off into his old room , but he was stopped by a soft hand holding his own .
"Please don't leave chat ." She said this very faintly
"Alright princess ." Adrien grabbed a white loose shirt and sweatpants and got changed in the ensuite of the room , after he was finished changing he climbed into the bed marinette was laying in . He faced her and gently kissed her on the forehead .
"Goodnight Mari."
"Goodnight kitty."
I know this was a really short chapter it's just its 1:00am right now in Britain , and I'm really tired , I will update tomorrow morning with 2-3 chapters , and I will make them longer , because the quantity is really bad right now 😒💘
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