Chapter 2
Yes I am volpina just saying 😂
Marinettes PoV
I wiped my tears away as chat handed me a towel to cover myself, I hope he didn't look , I took a bath to rid me from embarrassment but it actually added more embarrassment for me.
I had to break the awkward silence. So I finally spoke up.
"So, uh what are you doing here chat ?" I announced and I gradually stood up out of the bath, trying not to slip because of the lack of sticky ducks (I had these as a kid)
"Like I said I'm hear to talk to you ." He sighed , but it didn't seem so certain , it was like one of those sighs that say " something bad is gonna happen but I will say everything I can to make you not worry about it.even though it's really bad "
"What was it that you wanted to talk about exactly ?" I started to collect my clothes off the floor, and started to walk to my bedroom.
"Well..." He gradually started to walk with me but I stopped him when we were beside my chaise .
"Woah woah woah, sit on my chaise and face the wall, I don't want you looking when I change ." My sassy tone obviously made him feel a little threatened
"Oh yea , sorry mari, so I wanted to say that , your in danger..." The word danger seemed to trail off a little
When he said this I turned around and faced him , well his back
"What do you mean I'm in danger?" He seemed to find it hard to face a wall for a certain period of time , so he turned around to face me .
"Well I mean ... Uhh Mari are you wearing anything under that oversized t shirt .. Wait never mind. What I mean is there are people after you, because a certain group has a ridiculous suspicion that you are ladybug." I heard him laugh a bit , hey why is he laughing , does he think I'm not worthy enough to be the super heroine of Paris , what a dick.
"Why did you laugh for , and for you information I'm not , it's my house I can do what I want." He seemed to back away a little , I was fuming .
"I was laughing because no way you are ladybug , cmon your nothing like her , she's a bad ass , and your adorable,and shy , your the complete opposite , hey I was meaning to ask you , what's with the pictures of adri-umm that guy on your wall?" He started to blush for some weird reason .
"Hey none of your business , stop changing the subject , so yeah I'm not ladybug , we know , so what are they going to do with me if they find me ?" I felt my stomach drop as I waited for his reply
"Princess , I really don't know , but knowing the people who are after you , it could be serious , because they absolutely hate ladybug for what she did to one of their members , so they will track you down , that's why I'm hear , to take you to a um - safe house ." Chat sounded even more scared then I was how did they figure out I was ladybug ?
No ones PoV
"Mari, do you mind if I take you to the safe house tonight also, how long are your parents gone?" Chat assumed they were gone because he usually senses their presence everytime he visits marinette.
"Um , yeah sure , I should pack some clothes right, also they're gone for two weeks, why ?" She dragged a large pink bag out from underneath her chaise , and rummaged through her drawers and cupboard for some clothes .
Meanwhile chat was staring at her whilst she was making a mess.
"No reason and,You don't have to pack all your clothes , just have enough for a week." He glanced at her in confusion
"Alright then , how about you ? Don't you need clothes ?" She stopped in her tracks to give chat a oblivious glare.
"Already have them there ." Chat spreader himself out on marinettes chaise and checked his phone/baton
Marinette gave off a 'mmhmm' to show she understood .
"Are you finished packing Mari?" He said impatiently , he started to scratch the corners of her chaise to rid him from the boredom he was experiencing .
"Nearly done, just need to get my toothbrush." As she walked off into the bathroom, chat wondered around her room, analysing her admiration of the teen model , he was thinking to himself why she had so many posters ,
he was about to look at her laptop screen but he was interrupted by a peeved marinette standing behind him.
"What on earth do you think your doing snooping in my room like that?" She crossed her arms .
Chat was completely lost for words .
"I - uh - was um , just looking for a clock to see what time it was ." He felt proud of his improvised lie . But it didn't work out how he planned ,
"Don't you have a baton , that also works as a phone , I know the miraculous logic dummy , I'm not a noob when it comes to you ."
He stared at her in awe , completely confused as to how she knew about the super heroes' gadgets.
"Yea , but It needed to be charged." He then came up with a cover up lie
"Again I'm not dumb , it runs on Magic idiot ." She stepped closer towards chat and flicked his nose to show she won their little petty argument
"You win ." Chat couldn't help but notice her confidence reminded him of a certain someone .
"Alright you ready now princess?" Chat was pacing up and down her room as marinette was selecting what makeup to bring .
She wasn't really paying attention to him so she answered with a "Huh, oh um yes I am going to choose the black eyeliner , no the blue , hmm , which one should I have chat ?" He slapped his face , his patients was slowly fading .
"What even is eyeliner ?"
"Yea the black one okay. Thanks chat." She was slowly picking out which foundation she wanted , chat couldn't take it anymore .
Marinette froze and blushed a deep red, she was startled by his sudden outburst .
"I'm sorry chat , let's go then ." He instantly felt bad that he shouted at her , but at least it did the job, right?
Don't worry I won't leave it hear , I will be updating chapter 3 tonight as well , and maybe even chapter 4 , it depends , and yes that is me in the picture , I'm ugly I know 😂 sorry about the weird smutty Imputs but I can be excused it's marichat :)
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