"Who do you think he is crushing on?" Elec rested her cheekbone on her palm, propping herself with her elbow.
"I thought he liked Verena." I sighed.
"We all thought he liked Verena." Irsia giggled. "But it's not her. I am pretty sure it's not Fiona." I sort of wanted to believe that. "I'm positive he just went there to throw punches on Kyle's face." She was zoning out. Irsia was obviously blabbering things as she was sleepy.
"The guy always bugs me. See, he is suspicious. We can't come to a conclusion about whom he likes. The guy is a natural actor. God! All boys are." Elec groaned.
Her phone blinked. I asked, "who is it?"
"Miles. He has texted me a photo of some dog."
"At this hour?" Irsia blurted out.
"I thought you slept," Elec and I.
"I feel like you guys are still an item." I felt sorry for her. Every time his name popped up on the screen, I could see that she was hurting.
Her wry laughter had heartache. "That makes two of us. I'm considering getting new digits."
"Elec, you don't have to. I know you still love him."
"Not for long. I have to let him go, Margo. I am not the one for him. Maybe I am not the one for anybody."
"Shut up, Elec." It was Irsia back from sleep again. Irsia turned, lying on her left, facing me.
"I know you have trust issues. You did open up to Miles once. Maybe he will find someone when he leaves for college but you will too. Just not now," I tried soft pedaling on her heartache to placate her but it came out wrong. "You know, I thought I'd never have any feelings for anyone after Kyle." Oh! No! What did I just say?
"What do you mean?" Irsia asked in her sleepy voice, trying to open her eyes while Elec just looked straight at me. Maybe a little through me. Her head still rested upon her palm; her elbow digging into the bed; tensed; with narrowed eyes.
She knew what was going on. She didn't address it out loud.
"My point is... we'll be fine or we can be like Irsia... No boys... No problems..." I back pedaled.
"Wiseeeeee" Irsia again.
Silence came upon us at about 1AM and we slept. I prayed Elec or Irsia wouldn't take anymore pictures of me sleeping. Well, I had pictures of Elec sleeping with her head hanging down the bed and Irsia sleeping with her mouth open. After all, those were the pictures we used for posting each other's birthday wishes.
We got up around 8AM. Elec said she'll drop Irsia and I left home. Sunday bored me to death. I had nothing to do but watch some old movies on my laptop. The weather forecast for the week was good. There was only a very little chance of rain. Monday and Tuesday, it didn't rain. Not even the slightest bit. Since the weather was nice on Wednesday, Elec and I decided to walk to school. Irsia and Aiden said they would join us. Irsia parked her car at Elec's and we started walking. The road was empty until we reached Brightmaple. I carried the raincoat just in case.
"What's with the raincoat?" Aiden prompted with his luscious brow arched in a sarcastic way.
"Uhhh... just in case." I shrugged. For a brief moment his fingers met mine accidentally and I swiftly moved my hand away.
I was terribly certain that not only did Aiden notice it, but Elec and Irsia did too. Elec gave me a weird look. I brushed it off and walked faster.
"Walker," she called out. "You know what your middle name should be Walker."
I slowed down my pace, not knowing Aiden was right behind me, and he bumped into me and as I was about to trip and fall on my face, he caught me by my bag and pulled me so fast that I swiveled and bumped my head on his collar bone. When I whirled around, feeling massively chagrined, my balance was adrift. He again had to hold my wrist from keeping me from falling. My cheeks were afire. So not cool. Clumsy Margo Fawn. I cursed myself.
"You okay?" he asked, still holding my wrist with that complex look of his, and I was still looking at him, all stupefied.
"Yeah, she is." Elec interrupted; almost wedging herself between us with a peeved look, and he let go of my hand.
Irsia was freshly aphonic. She knew exactly what was going on. Aiden's pace increased. I was still red with my cheeks flushing so badly. I kept touching my cheeks to cool it off, but nothing worked.
I didn't dare turn to look at Aiden, who usually sat to the left side of me. I convinced myself that maybe he wasn't interested in me anymore. At lunch, Aiden and Irsia sat opposite to Elec and I at the table. I still didn't look at him. I gobbled as if I had been starving until Fiona came up.
"Did you know that your former boyfriend got punched in the face by Aiden?"
I wished I was that witty to answer her with a slap-face answer like Elec would, but I just said, "go away, Fiona." And I kept eating.
"I think you girls have a habit of hanging around in the places you shouldn't." There it was... the proof that she saw us at Auroville Villa.
"I think you have a desire to even follow us even to the bathroom stalls." That was the best snide remark I could come up with.
Aiden choked over his laughter.
"Have you made it your life's goal to irritate us every other day?" Irsia chirped like an adamant parakeet.
"Why is your alpha so silent today?"
"I am not going to dignify your questions and statements with my valuable responses." Elec slapped her virtually; with the answer.
Fiona brushed it off. "Hey, Aiden," she said in that sordid frisky tone. "You didn't call me after the party." She twirled a strand of her hair, totally inane.
He cleared his throat. "I was busy." There it was. That goofy smile and he was so blushing at her.
"I guess I'll see you around." She shrugged, which I think was supposed to be some sort of dallying technique. Either that or she had a convulsion. She walked away with abundant movement to her hips.
My emotions turned itself into words and flew out of my mouth. "What are you doing?" He didn't know I was talking to him. He was busy chewing; scrolling through his phone. "Aiden," I called out.
"What?" he asked, puzzled. Not raising his head, but just his eyes to me.
"What was that with Fiona?"
I saw Elec and Irsia exchanging glances.
"What do you think?" he asked, looking straight at me, unscrewing his water bottle in an uncongealed movement.
"I mean, I saw the pictures of you and her. You were very cozy in it. She was leaning in on you for something..." I trailed off.
"Yes... she leaned in. She leaned in for a very drunk kiss. She was wasted." He took a sip of water. My heart pounded. I wanted to slap him. I wanted to slap myself for thinking he liked me. I was so angry with Verena for telling me those stupid stories. "That doesn't mean I like her," he finished.
"What?" I was enraged with the confusion building. "I thought you like her. If not, then why did you go to the party she invited you for?"
"I told you..." He stared at me. "I went to punch Kyle straight in his face." He paused in an intriguing frustration. "Wait... who else do you think I like? First Verena, now Fiona."
Irsia and Elec had stopped eating and they were looking at Aiden and I. But the difference was Irsia was looking at Aiden and me with wide eyes that I thought her blue contact lens would pop out and Elec with narrowed eyes, full of accusation and scrutiny.
"Aiden, you blush every time Fiona flirts with you," I had to clear it out. It was too gross for me to watch.
"I blush? Really?" He leaned in with his voice subduing something that I assumed to be frustration. "She makes me uncomfortable," he said with his intense stare holding me.
But I didn't budge. "So, you don't like her?"
"You know what, Margo. You are so dumb. You just can't see what's right in front of you, can you?" He lashed out, picking up his bag in such a dynamism which got me so flustered. He didn't have to leave like that. I finished eating, not saying a word to Elec and Irsia. They both didn't either, except they kept taking cursory glances at each other.
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