School starts
Pretty soon it was time for school to start back up and that meant Callie was going to be going to daycare that the campus had for the little ones who could not go to school quite yet and Callie was in that group so she was going to be going to the day care center during the day since most of the bs f kids had classes and could not watch her at all but she was going to be apart of rehearsal and she got her very own band shirt to wear, and to top it all off the band was planning a very special first birthday got her on Saturday cause she was going to be coming with them to one of the skull sessions of course and everyone was going to sing happy birthday to the band baby that they have grown to love over the course of these many months
"Callie I can't believe you start day care tomorrow" bee says as she was getting everything ready for Callie to start day care the next day
The director decided it was best that Callie was moved into one of the band fraternity houses where she was safer and she was not being moved around a lot and so far it has been a great adjustment for her cause the one house is close to the playground so she could burn off some energy as well cause she barely takes a nap anymore she goes to bed really early then she is up later and the house where she is now put in a swing gif her so she loves to swing before bed and she ends up going right to sleep in the swing cause it is very relaxing for her and it calms her down and they turn on her noise machine as well so she sleeps through the night no problem there at all either and that has the kids get their homework done as well when she sleeps cause she falls asleep right on them do they sleep with her and they don't mind at all either cause she is just one little cuddle bug as well when she sleeps and they had to make sure they had their baths and they were ready for bed as well cause if she falls asleep on them they are not going to be moving for a while at least till the morning cause she hated being moved to her crib cause she knew when she was going to be put in her crib and if she fell asleep on the couch she didn't know that she was being moved from the couch to her crib to sleep for the night and since the weather was getting colder she has her warmer pajamas on her to keep her nice and warm as she slept of course and she has her blanket with her of course to keep her extra warm on those nights as well cause the nights it was cooler so she definitely needed that blanket and she had one going to day care with her that way she had it as a comfort object when she needed it and when she wanted to sleep with it cause she was going to want to sleep with one of her blankets that she lays down with at the house and she had a lot of blankets that she slept with that way she was nice and warm on her got cause she doesn't sketch in a crib in day care cause those are for the ones that are still baby's so she was going to be moving up on the first day of class
"Okay your bag is packed and ready for tomorrow so it's bedtime little lady cause you have a very big day tomorrow and you need your sleep" bee says as she was going to be putting her to bed that night cause she went back on a early bedtime two weeks ago so she was ready for when school started right back up again
Callie went right to sleep cause she had a very busy day and she took a nap as well cause she was toddling all over the field at this point in the game so it made a lot of sense that all that running wore her out for the count and she took an hour nap
(Next day)
Callie was a sleepyhead that morning she did not want to wake up at up either and once she was up she was not going to be a happy camper until she was fully awake and ready to go to day care as well and they knew she was not a morning person at all either which was fun for everyone involved so she tried to go back to bed as soon as she could and it worked and she was able to sleep a little bit longer as well and done up at a much later time which she liked and she never took a afternoon nap much at all either and she went to bed at a decent hour on school nights so everyone was able to get their homework done while she was sleeping and she was able to sleep through the night so everyone got a good night rest with her but she hated being woken up on school days for day care but she knew nobody could watch her properly at all but she was glad that she was able to make friends at the day care center and play with them too cause she was a baby that everyone got along with except for some babies they did not like her at all so Dr. Koch was called almost once a week to get Callie cause someone bit her do she bit back and the sand went for hitting, kicking and of course punching as well and she went in timeout a lot
First birthday is going to be the next chapter maybe Thursday hopefully
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