First tooth
The director got Callie in her cute band uniform for the game and he made sure she was in her stroller since she could not be in her car seat at all for a while due to her incision that she had so her car seat was out of the picture as well so she just laid in the stroller looking up at the sky as they were heading to the stadium to perform at half time and perform during the game as well
"Let's get your little blanket on you do you aren't cold sweetheart cause it is a little chilly out here after all its fall time and the temperature is changing in the other direction as well so we need to keep you really warm as well cause you are really little" the director tells her as he got her little blanket out for her so she was kept really warm right now
Callie moved but did not wake up at all and the director puts her little headphones on her tiny head so she does not go deaf from the noise in the stadium and the band as well cause she was going to be far off to the side so they could hear her a little bit if she wakes up from her slumber as well and she slept through the whole thing and she loved the walk to the stadium as well that kept her asleep too for a little bit until she heard noise and she woke right up again
"You look very happy but come on let's take you to our seats and get you situated so the band doesn't scare you at all as they play and you can be close to the section that's supposed to care for you and according to the schedule it's the drum line that's supposed to take care of you this trip so I'll let them know once we get situated for the game" the director tells her as he was looking at her right now cause she looked adorable sleeping soundly in her stroller with the blanket on her to keep her warm as the hand was going to be happening as well
Callie was fast asleep so she did not know what was going on around her she was able to hear a little bit of the noise that was going on around her and she slept right through it but she woke up when she heard the loud noises as well and the director gave her a pacifier to suck on to help her get back to sleep once again and she was able to sleep through it cause she was super contented for the moment and hopefully she sleeps through almost the whole game and it was looking promising for the moment
(Two months later)
Cristina started to pass Calliope onto other members of the band cause her schedule was getting too busy and she did not have time to care for little calliope either so Chris was going to take care of her cause his schedule wasn't as busy as Cristina's was and Calliope loved daddy Chris a lot as well as her other band parents that cared for her on a daily basis as well too and pappy hock was her cuddle buddy when she napped in the band room as well as during performances as well
During rehearsal one day Calliope started to feel sick and the band figured she was getting her first cold from the weather cause the weather has been crazy lately like cold and warm weather and then back to cold and there was some snow thrown into the mix as well too and that was not good cause she was still little yet and she could get really sick as well from the weather and being around people who are sick or are really sick as well
"Oh Callie what's wrong bug?" Derek asks cause it was his section turn to take care of her and it was his day to be with her and he had to take a Covid test to make sure he did not have Covid or the flu or even a cold for that matter as well
He feels her forehead and she was warm to the touch so she was not feeling the best right now so she was starting to get sick
"Your nose is starting to run" he says as he was going to wipe the snot that was coming from her nose so it did not go into her mouth at all and she was going to get sicker off of that
Callie was very clingy and she did not want to be put back down at all so he was going to hold her for the time being and hopefully she will go to sleep
"Oh Callie we are not going to abandon you when you are sick or under the weather cause that is not right" Derek says as he was going to check her temperature and see if she had a fever at all
The director saw that Callie was not a happy girl so he was going to get a teething toy from the band freezer to see if that helps her
"Here maybe this could help her and I'll get some baby medicine" the director says to him as he went to where the bandages and the first aid supplies were in the band room cause they kept the baby first aid kit there too cause hers had everything that she needed if she got hurt or if she got sick as well and they needed to get her to feel better as well
The director measured out the medicine and gave it and he was going to put her in her little pack and play that was in the band room cause if she was sick he wanted to be able to hear her a little bit and they were going to put camera in all of the practice rooms so when she isn't sick or injured she could go in there and she could sleep a little better and one room was going to have a rocker for her so when she was really fussy and the noise was keeping her awake whoever had her could rock her and stay with her in that room and once she was fully asleep the person in question could rejoin the band once again with their classmates as well but if she wakes up she was going have to be rocked back to sleep once again cause the incoming tooth was really going to be bugging her a lot and she would want to be held or holding something to make the pain go away
"Here we go Callie pappy Ollie will take good care of you and get you feeling better once again cause it is no fun being sick either so once this medication is in you should start to feel better once again" Oliver says as he was giving her the medication in question cause he only trusted himself with it nobody else cause they might overdose her and give her too much medication and they might take it themselves as well and overdose on it too
Callie takes it and he makes sure she takes it little by little so if she brings it back up he could try it again later with a little bit and then try to up it when it was time for her to take her medication once again
"There we go I think you are going to go to sleep" he says as he sees her yawn a little bit and he knew sleep was coming for her and he was hoping that she will get some sleep right now cause her little cold that she had and teething was going to be a great mix as well so hopefully her cold starts to go away as well but he knew it was going to take time for her first cold to go away and she starts to feel better once again and goes back to her normal self as well and is a very happy baby full of life and always is smiling at everyone that she meets and she loves dancing and grooving to the music when she is feeling better so the band knew she had the music in her and she was so well behaved as well too which was a good thing when they were out with friends on campus as well and she sometimes sleeps through the night, but she has not mastered that yet but she is slowly working on that and maybe when she turns a year old she will sleep through the night
Callie falls asleep a few minutes later and she was in her favorite sleep position of all on her back spread out like a snow angel in the snow
First sickness is next when I feel much better I got either a sinus cold or a head cold sadly
First sickness is up and first trip as well as well as other chapters like a summer chapter and the new term chapter and of course Halloween and now the first birthday preparation chapter is up as well. The new school year and Halloween chapter are longer the first birthday preparation right now cause the first birthday is a work in progress and will be a multi chapter work I plan on doing before the first birthday hopefully sometime
Second Christmas is up as well
Going to update twice a month
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