First sickness
"There we go I think you are going to go to sleep" he says as he sees her yawn a little bit and he knew sleep was coming for her and he was hoping that she will get some sleep right now cause her little cold that she had and teething was going to be a great mix as well so hopefully her cold starts to go away as well but he knew it was going to take time for her first cold to go away and she starts to feel better once again and goes back to her normal self as well and is a very happy baby full of life and always is smiling at everyone that she meets and she loves dancing and grooving to the music when she is feeling better so the band knew she had the music in her and she was so well behaved as well too which was a good thing when they were out with friends on campus as well and she sometimes sleeps through the night, but she has not mastered that yet but she is slowly working on that and maybe when she turns a year old she will sleep through the night
Callie falls asleep a few minutes later and she was in her favorite sleep position of all on her back spread out like a snow angel in the snow
(Days later)
Callie was back to normal but then she started to get sick once again
"Callie you have been healthy up till now" Chris says as he was walking with her outside aide she was all congested and she was coughing a little bit so it had to be a cold coming on cause she was sick when she was teething and since the teething stage was over for now she was bound to get sick cause of her immune system was not strong enough to fight off the viruses that were around for the moment
Chris took her temperature and she did have a little bit of a fever with what she had do she was getting her first sickness ever right now and she was not going to be one happy camper for a few days at least
"Looks like there is going to be a lot of cuddles in your future" he says as he was looking at her as she laid her head on him for the moment cause she did not like Cristina anymore and Cristina hated being around her so someone else in her section was going to help take care of the poor thing and Callie loved her a lot and since she was the squad leader it felt like it was her responsibility to help take care of Callie and her boyfriend approved of Callie and the two of them loved being parents to her and her nickname was bee cause her first name was a little weird to say
Chris kept her covered and continued to walk with her to keep her calm and hopefully she will go to sleep on her own again cause she was up a little bit through the night do sleep was welcome in his eyes for her and for him also
"It's almost time for band I think you are going to stay on me" he says as he was going to grab his saxophone and head to rehearsal for a concert that they had coming up in a few days and if she was not better by then it was not going to be a good concert at all either cause she will be crying the whole time and will want to be held as well and rocked to sleep
Callie was in her little sling and Chris covered her up so she was really warm as they went outside in the cold air cause it was cold for the month of February so he was glad that March is right around the corner and the nice weather will come back once and and he hopes it was going to stay nice and a little warm so they can take her outside to get some air and let her play on her blanket that has the alphabet on it but it has musical related with notes, instruments and of course how loud and how soft the piece will be and she loved it cause it went with her as she traveled around the campus and when the weather was really bad she will be staying inside the building and whoever was supposed to be with her next was going to call me and stay with her as the one who she was staying with went to class or the library cause one time she went to the library for the first time and it did not end well the librarian did not like there was a baby in her library and that the baby was upset so she kicked Callie out of her library and she made sure Callie was not allowed at any of the campus libraries, so whoever was in charge of her care studied in one of the empty classrooms or outside or at another library that has a children's section so she could get a book or two so she was going to be a happy girl once again and she could lay out on her blanket and play with her toys of course and be a happy little girl, and when she was outside it was a different ballgame of course cause she had the sunlight on her and she loves the sunshine a lot so she was an outdoor girl through and through except when it was really cold then she was kept inside to keep her warm and safe from all of the viruses that are lurking around the campus cause anyone could have anything at any given moment as well so everyone kept her really safe as much and often as they can too cause with everyone getting sick from the crazy weather she was bound to get sick sooner or later and they were glad she was going to get sick now cause they can keep her fully inside the dorms and make sure nobody else touches or comes in contact with her while she is sick as well cause she could get even sicker from being around someone that was already sick
(Mathematical building)
Chris takes her blanket off or her so she could breathe a little bit and he was going to put her in the stroller for the time being cause he was going to push her back and forth if she got really fussy and if she couldn't stop crying he was going to leave class with her to see if holding her would get her to stop crying cause right now she was being super good and that could all change once he gets into his class cause he was going to sit at the back with her so if she starts crying he was going to try to walk with her to calm her cries a little bit better hopefully and she will settle back down cause he noticed when she was teething that she was a cuddle bug and he loved that with her cause when she could not sleep at night he would put her in the same bed with him and she would cuddle next to him and that was highly popular with the other band kids she loved to cuddle and or snuggle cause she barely had a pacifier to help her sleep she has her special lovey that was given to her that she sleeps with every single night and that is all she needs
Spring break chapter is next maybe Thursday depending on the views
Spring break chapter is next hold tight okay
Spring break is up so check it out
First actual day of day care and Halloween is up as well
First birthday will come when there isn't any ties or a three way tie at all like there still is sadly still maybe I might get it up tonight definitely
First birthday preparation chapter is up as well as the first actual thanksgiving chapter
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