Clearly raped
*Aliyah's POV*
I was chillin on the couch in the living room watching tv and rubbing brownie( Brownie in the picture ). He was sleeping on my lap like a cute little baby. My phone started ringing. It was mike.
~ Phone convo ~
Aliyah - Hello?
Mike - Hey aliyah
Aliyah - Wassup
Mike - Micheals here
Aliyah - Whos micheal?
Mike - My son
Mike - Yea
Aliyah - But I thought she was due december 7th?
Mike - Yea but she had him early
Aliyah - awwww how she feeling
Mike - She good you wanna talk to her
Aliyah - sure
Megan - Hello
Aliyah - CONGRATZ BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Megan - Thank you!
Aliyah - Tell me about micheal
Megan - Hes 22 inches long and weight is 7 pounds
Aliyah - awwwwww send me a pic!
Megan - Ok
Aliyah - when are you going home
Megan - Uhhh friday I think
Aliyah - Oh ok well tell me when you get home and ill come see you and micheal
Megan - Alright bye hun
Aliyah - BYEEEEE
~ End of convo ~
I hung up and contiue to rub brownie and watch tv. My phone got a text and I opened it and it showed the cutest baby ever and it was from megan. awwwwwww micheal so tiny and cute!!!. I send the pic to alexia and told her that it was micheal. I got up from the couch and went in the kitchen with brownie. I looked at the clock and saw it was just 4 o clock so I thought to take a jog and get my mind off of stuff and move alittle cause I just been layin in the house. I went to my room and changed into jogging shorts and a sports bra. I grabbed my phone and earbuds and headed downstairs.
Mom: OK
I slipped on my nikes, put my earbuds in my ears, turned my music on and went off running. I dont excercise alot as I use to cause we moved so I run more then I workout at home. I was running listening to Deja Vu by beyonce and then I pass by jason house. I saw a light on and I knew he moved back. I dont get what he wants from me so bad. Everywhere I go hes there and always here to start drama or trouble. I kept running and listening to my music all the way back home. When I got home I saw my mom in the kitchen cooking some good food. My mom is the cheif in this house she cooks the best food EVER homemade too. She cooks the best on holidays though. I took my shoes off and head upstairs to shower and change. I went to my room and put on some shorts and a tank top and head back downstairs to eat. The food wasnt all ready so I just went in the living room and played with brownie. He so small its kinda hard to play with him and not step on him but I didnt. Few minutes later dinner was ready and I fed brownie before I sat down to eat. Everyone was already sitting at the table and prayed before I could even sit down so i just prayed on my on and ate.
Ciara: So..you guys...whats going on
Aliyah: Mom megan had her baby
Mom: Oh nice what is it
Aliyah: Its a cute boy
Mom: Well tell her congratulation and good luck
Aliyah: Ok so ciara how is you and joshua doing
She put her head down and blushed. My mom dont believe shes really dating him that their just friends but I think she is dating him and she gets her girlfriend moves from me haha.
Ciara: Ummmm nothing big is really happening
James: What whos joshua
Aliyah: Her boyfriend
My dad chuckled when I said boyfriend
Dad: Ciara has a boyfriend
Ciara: Well hes super nice to me and I know he likes me
Mom: Sweetie that could just mean you'er friends
Aliyah: RIGHT I saw them holding hands walking outside before
Mom: Me and your father use to hold hands when we were in high school
Aliyah: And isnt that when you guys started crushing on eachother
My mom looked at my dad and he looked back at her and smiled. Awww cute couple memories
Mom: Yes but we were not dating
Aliyah: mmhm
Ciara: So how is you and dominique James?
Dominique is james girlfriend. Me and ciara dont talk to her alot cause we think she stuck up and she isnt really that pretty to me but my brother and her been together for a while so I just let them be and do whatever and mind my business
James: Good, normal
Ciara: Whats that pose to mean
James: Were in a stable relashionship
Mom: Thats good cause I like her mother shes very nice but dominique need to lose her mood swings she be pulling on you
James: I know she has some issues and thats why im there for her
That reminds me and megan and mike.
Aliyah: Well seems like everyone is happy so thats good right
I said smiling at everyone but they didnt smile back at me of course
James: How can you be so happy with a fag living down the street from you
Mom: James!
Aliyah: - sigh - Its ok hes right
James: I dont mean to make you mad or anything but I know I wouldnt be happy to see any of my ex's living down the street from me, exspecially saphier ( Her name pronounce as sa - fear - ree - a )
I chuckled alittle. Saphier was james worse ex ever. She got into a argument with my mom and try to steal our money. Swear she was a crazy bitch....like fiona......
Aliyah: Well I just dont think about the bad things when im with family
My mom looked at me amd smiled and my dad.
Dad: Thats my girl
I smiled hard. We finished eating and talked alittle more and got interupted by brownie and snowball and snowflake but it was cute. I cleaned my plate and helped my mom with the dished and headed upstairs. I looked at my phone and had a text from alexia telling me how cute micheal was. I changed into my pajamas and layed donw in bed and went threw my phone. I havent talked to jaden all day and i was kinda worried. I sent him a text making sure he was ok and he called me. We talked and talked till 12 at night and finally got off the phone and headed to sleep. I started drifting off to sleep till I heard noise in my room by my window. It was dark so I couldnt see that good. I thought it was just my mom coming in my mom but then I thought that my mom is never awake this late and neither is anyone else in this house. I leaned up from my bed and before I knew it someone forces me back down on my bed holding one arm tight and had there other hand on my mouth. I tried getting up and get away but this person already had me tied up to my bed and something rapped around my mouth. I felt the person got of me and then they turn on my light and I saw jason. He and a grin on his face and walked back over to me and got on the bed. Oh no.
Jason: Man aliyah, you dont know how i've been waiting for this
He ribbed my shirt off and my pants and I was left in my bra and panties. I started screaming harder but it was no use. He started rubbing my private part and I tensed up trying to move away from him then he got on top of me and started kissing my stumic and making his way up to my neck kissing it and sucking it. I started tearing wishing for help to come but I felt like I could do nothing. He unsnapped my bra and threw it on the floor and starred at my cheast. He licked his lips and grabbed on hard making me tears more and he sucked the other one. He stopped and got back up
Jason: This is what happens when I dont get what I want
He took my panties off and he took his pants and boxers off and he went right inside of me hard. He pounded in me so hard I never felt so hurt inside. I cried and cried and I looked up at the ceiling. He was moaning and having fun with me when all I felt was pain and weakness and clearly raped.
Just gotta hate that bastard >:l
Sorry I took long to update....
Im going to working more on my other book " Good girls love bad boys" and finish this up soon :) So GO READ MY OTHER BOOK PLEASE!!! ( Good girls love bad boys its a justin bieber love story:) )
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Thank you so much for 12k readers! :D
This book is my first book and it been a big succes and im really happy and proud of myself :)
Thank you again for reading!
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