Once upon a time, there lived a handsome prince in a far off kingdom. He was born to a mother that knew no love and a father who knew not how to support him, he was however granted the temporary blessing of a brother. This prince was known throughout the land, for he was named after the brightest star in the sky, his name was Sirius Black.
On the outskirts of the kingdom lived a cursed boy who only dreamed of the impossible, his parents both loving and caring could do nothing but watch as their son took form of a beast every full moon. As time progressed the boy withdrew into himself afraid he’d harm those around. Eleven turns of time occurred and both the prince and the boy found themselves on their way to Hogwarts. “Gryffindor!” Shouted the hat thrice as both the prince, the boy, and a star were sorted one after the other. So here came fate to play her game, she roomed the prince and the boy.
Like rose petals blooming on a bud the feeling the boy had for the prince grew with each turn of time. So came the day that the boy stood firm and demanding in front of the dashing prince. “I know that there is a mist above thy head, clear your mind and state thy thoughts for I will help you through the mist.” Said he, the prince stared at the boy, never had he seen him quite so bold.
“I confess to thee that I am plagued with feeling that will not be met.” Said the prince. “Would thou likest to confide in me to whom the feelings are from thee.” The prince hesitated looking at the boy, the answer lay in front of him. ” It is thee that has captured my fancy, I wish not to hurt thy friendship with thee.” And with a lone kiss the prince knew the cursed boy returned his love.
Hardships were faced and their love was tested. Yet, it lay written in the book of fate that they should overcome what lay ahead. The prince left his family in exchange for the boy and the boy gained a whole. So came the day they left Hogwarts hand in hand off to a happily ever after.
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