No words can describe the pain. It is my own pain, and yet, it doesn't come from any of my wounds. It's late, late at night, and we have been attacked. A camp of 12, attacked by 3. Our attackers were Humanish creatures. 1 doesn't have arms, instead, it has wings. A harpy. Another dove to attack Tony, the Hypocampus. It wasn't human either. One had successfully made a blow for Chrys' stomach, and i was laying, sprawled in pain, in front of a shifter. "Guys! Come here!" The shifter growled, calling a merperson out of the water, and the harpy stopped attacking Orchia. "See this human, it's in pain, it's sharing the pain of the bear i slashed! These animals are familiars." The shifter's point was made.
"Don't. Hurt. Chrys." I managed, through it probably sounded like 'don.. hur.. cwis...' because of my aching jaw. "Look! At it's neck! It's the Earth Gemstone! She's a Gem!" The Harpy exclaimed joyfully. "Others... Gems.." i said relatively clearly. They checked the others, and dragged the bodys next to mine. It was that point that i joined the rest, and passed out.
I grumbled awkwardly awake, my stomach in pain, as though it had been cut open. I knew I hadn't been unfortunate enough for that injury, because Chrys jumped in the way. That blow was aimed for my head, and my own familiar was suffering because of it. But unlike the night before, the pain faded. The pain faded quickly. "Oh! Your awake! I just had to temporarily close your connection with your familiar! I'm sorry, do you feel any pain? Can i get you something?" Asked a strange voice, a voice that felt familiar. "I'm fine, thank you." I replied, overwhelmed by their generosity. "I'm Aleya! I'm the Harpy from last night, I don't have a familiar, because creatures blessed with the form of another creature are their own familiar. Your Bear is in the emergency room, we have our best doctors on her, Cali is regretting her life decisions. The others are here, follow me!" She explained before joyfully skipping off into the rest of what might have been a tree house from the outside.
The others were huddled around a table, talking in whispers as i chose from 5 different scare choices. For the best scare, it narrowed down to 3. Kya and the late jump-scare, Ethan and the Aussie swear scream, and Alen, who would jump out of his seat. (Comment who you would choose) Alen seemed like the best choice, so i went to him, ducked down silently and suddenly popped up and yelled "BOO!" He jumped like a cat with a cucumber. Priceless. He got up, completely just picked me up, sat me down, cleared his head and yelled. "MAYBELL DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN! JUST CAUSE YOUR THE TALLEST, DOESN'T MEAN YOU DON'T GET OUR RESPECT! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" Quotation marks aren't strong enough to hold that level of volume. "You're our little baby, don't ever do that again." Evia coaxed. It's true, i'm the youngest. By 1 month. "You've been out for hours longer than we have, they temporarily closed our connections to our familiars, so they could fix their wounds without us feeling pain." Josa explained, being the most relaxed person ever. I was a bit confused, but then remembered the Gems, everyone still had their Gem, including me, but what about the space Gem? I rummaged through the bag until I found space. "So, you can't talk to your Familiars?" I asked more calm than before. Josa nodded, giving me all i need.
I stood up, needing to see something. "I am going to see Chrys." I told them.
Chrys was limp on a table, her wound's stitched and bandaged. She twitched her ear as I came closer to her head, then let out a little growl, showing she's content. "She's strong. If she heals quickly, she won't have a scar. She's trying to open the connection between you." Came the voice of Aleya "let her open it. She needs to know that i'm ok, She won't rest until she can feel me." She's probably just scared.though the months we've been together, i became her cub. 'The kind of cub who's just a pain in the ass and can't survive alone.' She had said. "You're quite the fighter, you'd struggle awake every time the bear would move. You tried to protect her." The harpy mentioned. "Chrys. Her name is Chrys."
I'm not awake, i'm just talking to you.
Well you scared the shit out of me.
That strike was meant for your head.
Chrys then fell asleep, feeling that i had no pain, i took half the pain she felt. She would heal better like that.
I dragged my slow body across the floor, trying to reach the campsite, putting more weight on my left leg. As i got into view of the others, 2 of the tall people came and helped me get to the rest. "We got the connection open. I took half her pain." I told them as i sat down. "Thanks, for helping me." The others looked at me, giving the 'No problem' face.
Late at night, we had a visitor. It was my turn to keep watch, and it just so happened that I got top bunk. Our visitor crept in, holding a long rope, what he planned on doing with said rope, i had no idea. He had the ears of a wolf, just longer, a tail sliding just behind him. Perhaps he was a Fennec fox shifter. He tied together the hands of Ethan, then tying Alenor, using the same rope. He moved swiftly from Minion to minion, until he had 4 minions in binds, and i jumped down from my perch silently, my small dagger in hand as i crept forward, aiming to grab him, pull his head back from his oversized ears and hold my knife to his throat. I succeeded, making him squirm. I pushed the blade closer on his neck. "Who are you, What are you doing and who sent you?" My harsh voice rose the nearby Alen from his slumber. "May? What the fuck did you do?" He asked slowly. "May, Huh? Interesting name. Who'd you be, the fire gem? It suits your temper." Our attacker might have laughed. "Shut up! I don't want to ask you again. Who the fuck are you?!" I snapped at him. "Alright! Fine! I'm Iven, a Fennec fox shifter! Earth element. I can't exactly kill you, so i was Planning on taking you to element sorted rooms, where you can't hurt us." Earth, eh? Can't i control him, or at least enter his mind
Iven is a nice name. Now... Who is 'us'?
"What the fuck did you do?" Iven squirmed again, drawing his own blood on my blade.
I'm the earth gem. Haven't you noticed? It was very rude to try and kidnap my friends.
"Lust won't get you anywhere!" He squirmed more smartly, then, bit my arm, drawing a drop or 2 of blood.
What's that to do for you?
Buy me some time.
This conversation has been that.
Alen had already silently undone Ethan's binds, woke them up, got them to undo his binds, then they both tucked away and did everyone else. Alen hadn't just woken up, i had shaken him with a small vine i had created, pushing the unspoken plan into motion. Alenor came to us, and bound the fox's hands behind his back. "So, why the Ears?" Alen asked his new prisoner. To this he hid his ears and snarled. "What do we do with you?" I growled menacingly. Turns out we only get to tie him up to my bunk, then give him a chair. No one had slept under me, so he'd be our prisoner, i guess. Hi again! I laughed as i spoke through his mind. Is there anything I can do to block you out?
He growled. I didn't care that he was being mean. Who cares if they insult me? "Hey! Light girl! Can you turn on the lights? Or get your little kitty to do it for you?" He taunted Evia. No one taunts my friends. I jumped down from my perch, intentionally ripping the sleeve of my shirt. I tied a gag for the prune in an instant. "No one insults my Friends." I snapped, the harshness of my voice startling Evia. "C-can't he enter your mind? What if he insults you?" The light witch stuttered.
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